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Days: 152.9
Mean Score:
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- Completed615
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- Dropped66
- Plan to Watch103
- Total Entries795
- Rewatched27
- Episodes9,283
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Days: 43.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries251
- Reread3
- Chapters7,177
- Volumes457
All Comments (13) Comments
I think the closest equivalent of his time would have been household idols, which perhaps were venerated with private rites, such as sacrifices. Given that religion was a social reality in his time, I doubt Aristotle would have appreciated the insularity that goes with the so-called “waifu” phenomenon. There is nothing I can find from his writings that would give a more definitive answer, except perhaps that his account of happiness (see Ethics, bk. 10) involves a contemplation of what is eternal, rather than the product of art. Though representation can communicate what is universal (“for poetry tends to express the universal, history the particular,” Ethics, ch. 9), a single character is unlikely to suffice as an object of contemplation.
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it feels like it was just yesterday
time flies
im sad