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Is there gonna be an anime adaptation of K-on College and K-on High School???? thanks :)

Jul 22, 2013 11:15 AM

Jun 2013
Is there gonna be an anime adaptation of K-on College and K-on High School???? thanks :)
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Jul 22, 2013 11:28 AM

May 2013
There's still no news about it. K-ON is quite popular, though. So, maybe there's a chance.
Jul 22, 2013 11:29 AM

Aug 2012
Knowing KyoAni, i bet they will. They're gonna milk the shit outta K-On and i will love it.
Jul 22, 2013 11:31 AM

Apr 2012
I hear the manga's gone to shit since the mains graduated, so it may not be the most likely of things.

With that said, I think that GodAni KyoAni is done with the K-On! anime series at this point (the anime, not merchandise). I'd definitely like to see another though.

Unfortunately, it'll probably join the ranks of Full Metal Panic and the like.

(You should probably ask a mod to move this thread to the K-On! section before the moe-haters start their anti-moe/KyoAni hate)
AndyRayyJul 22, 2013 11:40 AM

Jul 22, 2013 11:41 AM

Sep 2012
DYRE said:
Also, it wouldn't be very good anyway. The continuation of the manga was pretty bad, and it ended very abruptly, so making an anime adaptation would be kind of a bad idea if KyoAni wants to make actually good anime (but then again...).

But then again, people say the anime> the manga.
So KyoAni can make a decent anime adapt even with a crappy manga sequel as their source.
Jul 22, 2013 12:17 PM

Jun 2013
ohhh thanks for answering :)
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Jul 22, 2013 2:59 PM
Jul 2012
I highly doubt it. Even though Kyoani loves milking things, they don't nearly milk things as dry as Shaft does to theirs. Kyoani realizes that they ended K-On!! on a very good note. The ending was solid, and adapting the horrendously incomplete university chapters would be a mistake. Unless Kyoani takes extreme creative liberties and constructs a nearly entirely original university series, then I can't see it happening.
Jul 22, 2013 3:45 PM

Oct 2012
I'm more interested in a K-On Midlife Crisis.
My subjective reviews:
Jul 22, 2013 4:05 PM

Jan 2013
Slatrix said:
katsucats said:
I'm more interested in a K-On Midlife Crisis.
Jul 22, 2013 8:40 PM

Jun 2008
Hopefully there will be.

Since K-ON! turned out to be such a cash cow for Kyoani, I believe they might do it.
Jul 22, 2013 8:41 PM

Mar 2012
I hope so, k-on is the best

Jul 22, 2013 8:44 PM

Jun 2012
I hope not.
Jul 22, 2013 10:45 PM

Aug 2008
No, they have to continue with Haruhi...
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RWBY Club. RWBY is anime. Deal with it.

Jul 22, 2013 10:49 PM

Jul 2013
Probably not. It ended at the appropriate time, don't see a need for more.
Jul 22, 2013 10:54 PM

Apr 2012
CamoBullo said:
Probably not. It ended at the appropriate time, don't see a need for more.

It doesn't change the fact that K-ON makes buckets of money in Japan though.
To answer the question, probably yes but I don't see it in the immediate future.
"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Jul 22, 2013 11:12 PM

May 2013
I hope so. I'd be waiting for the dub, though. And that might not even happen.
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Rie Kugimiya Fanclub
Jul 22, 2013 11:34 PM

Mar 2012
Probably not happening. It's been almost 3 years since the movie came out and nothing has been announced. They've got their hands full with Free, Chuu2 and Kyoukai no Kanata which will keep them busy for at least another year.

More to the point, the new manga is terrible and the anime ended perfectly. Why the hell would you want to risk breaking what doesn't need fixing? Sure the anime has always been vastly superior, but the manga was still okay up until graduation. No amount of effort could make the new manga anywhere near as good as it used to be. A polished turd is still a turd.
Jul 22, 2013 11:40 PM

May 2013
SaberRitsu said:
Probably not happening. It's been almost 3 years since the movie came out and nothing has been announced. They've got their hands full with Free, Chuu2 and Kyoukai no Kanata which will keep them busy for at least another year.

More to the point, the new manga is terrible and the anime ended perfectly. Why the hell would you want to risk breaking what doesn't need fixing? Sure the anime has always been vastly superior, but the manga was still okay up until graduation. No amount of effort could make the new manga anywhere near as good as it used to be. A polished turd is still a turd.
But it's polished.
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Rie Kugimiya Fanclub
Jul 22, 2013 11:44 PM

Jun 2007
DYRE said:
Probably not since we haven't heard anything about it.

Also, it wouldn't be very good anyway. The continuation of the manga was pretty bad, and it ended very abruptly, so making an anime adaptation would be kind of a bad idea if KyoAni wants to make actually good anime (but then again...).

Something you're missing is that the manga was already pretty bad to begin with. Almost everyone I've seen who has read it, and myself after reading it, has ended up agreeing the manga was always pretty shitty. This was the pretty much one and only time KyoAni actually made an adaptation that far surpassed the original source material, usually they take out main characters, main parts of the story, and so on - but K-ON was one time where they took a shit manga and made it something much better.

The college stuff wasn't any worse, it's just that more people paid attention to it because of the animated show making people curious and skipping to that part - thus thinking "wow the manga got bad (compared to the anime of the prior stuff)". Rather than comparing the new bits of the manga with the prior stuff. Anyone who read it all claiming otherwise is just looking at it with the bias of the show hanging in their heads over it, making it seem somewhat better.

The one positive thing to say about it is that it did have it's moments - and the college part never has had any, but even in the original stuff that was pretty rare and not exactly the norm.
Jul 22, 2013 11:46 PM

Nov 2011
I'm still waiting for the lesbic version.
I luv u
Dec 16, 2013 12:41 AM

Apr 2012
Diran-kun said:
I hope so. I'd be waiting for the dub, though. And that might not even happen.

You best be joking...
Dec 19, 2013 8:22 AM

May 2012
trusting Kyo ANI, they can pull this off, and i need more K-ON huhuhu, they need to perform at budokan!!
“They stood together in a false intimacy, a nervous contact. And he was in love with her.”
― D.H. Lawrence, Women in Love

May 19, 2014 6:26 PM

Jan 2014
yes please
Dec 13, 2014 11:07 AM

Sep 2009
I personally think K-On! Highschool (second generation Music Club) is a better manga than the original. And it would be a good anime source.
Dec 12, 2015 8:03 AM

Dec 2015
Unless Kyo Ani hates making money, of course there gonna make it.

Jan 11, 2016 5:12 AM
Jun 2015
Personally, I'm a bit skeptical K-on on the college continuation from manga to anime for various reasons.

1) Main characters expansion, Dual situation-storyline

- In the college manga version there are tons of new main characters brought in from both Azusa and Yui sides. Keeping track of these characters making them interesting would be a challenge. And what's worse telling two an almost totally separate plotlines and compile it into a single anime series is a mess. Big mess. Either KyoAni pick one or none.

2) Manga ending sucks

-Personal opinion here. Though many peoples agreed on how anime K-on is X1000 better than manga, and how the manga is a shit ( I mean duh, in manga you can't hear the songs and anime visual is better anyway) and they would be right but I have to say I enjoy the manga. I only read the college continuation and it's still as funny and entertaining as I remember it in anime. But the ending is just blunt IMO. There's no resolution nor cliffhanger but it just...plain. So again, either they drag it more than the manga did or just dont and let it end with the S2. It's a perfect ending just the way it is.

3) Seiyuu

This is more of a question (upon my skepticism) rather than a point of argument but where are they anyway? Are they still seiyuu or retired? Can seiyuu be replaced and still be as good as the previous ones or will give different vibe?

4) Japanese

Japanese have a perfection complex. It's their way of doing things with a proper standard, no more no less kinda crap. Passion. They dont care about milking and whatnot. Unlike American in which will dry that milk cow (both have pro and con imo) and why shouldnt they? they gotta a whole world contributing and in US alone is enough to profit them. Not the case on Japan though, idk why but they always seems to be doing things on their own. Maybe it just me. IMO It is almost impossible for any K-on continuation can be made unless some outsider, POWERFUL outsider, start to change things there.
Jan 11, 2016 5:17 AM

Feb 2013
If kyoani would ever feel the need to make another K-On anime it will be because they'll be dessesperate for money which I dont think the will be anytime soon

Jun 20, 2017 10:32 AM
Nov 2016
I hope they will release it
May 6, 2018 1:29 AM
Feb 2018
no hope, this manga wont be adapt
May 10, 2018 9:42 AM
May 2018
I just read College and High School storylines, I loved it even though I watched the anime before that.
Their main problems only come from the format : paper manga = no color, no music, no animation, less time... It just sucks xD!
An anime adaptation wouldn't have all those problems. It would have new music, upgraded graphics and animation, and it is definitely possible to gather the previous staff.

So, it is definitely possible to make a decent anime adaptation of these stories. It is undeniable that the end is way too adrupt though, so they better change it.

My guess is it will come back for an important anniversary. By default, I would say it may be announced in 2019 (10 years anniversary of the anime). Wait and see... Personnally, I will lose hope if no anime is announced before 2021 (10 years anniversary for the movie).
Everything changes. Even the happy and funny things eventually disappear. How can I still enjoy this place then?
- Furukawa Nagisa (Clannad)

You have to make a choice. Either you give up on your soul for the sake of science, or you give up on science to save your soul. In my case, the soul was already in pieces.
- Lloyd Asplund (Code Geass)

Do you understand the meaning behind Nunnaly's smile? She can't see or walk. So there are things in this world that she knows she can't do alone. Her smile... is her only way to show gratitude.
- Lelouch Vi Britannia (Code Geass)

Death is part of Life.
- ... Me.
Dec 28, 2019 3:26 PM
Mar 2018
I honestly believe that there is chance, I mean the girls didn't get to the Budokan by the end of the show, they didn't get to Natsufest (s2ep12), and it could go much further than that. The Highschool and College manga could easily be adopted into a 3rd season. There is also the new K-On! Shuffle manga, even though it doesn't do much with the original story and it has completely different characters, I think the fact that Kakifly is working on a new K-On! manga is great news. Eventually, I think that Kyoani will return to classics like Haruhi and K-On! Because they still have huge fanbases, and everyone wants more.
I know that Kyoani has sustained a lot of damage and lost lots and lots of talented people, but I think they would find a way to do it, especially because both of these shows would bring lot of money I'm guessing.
Mar 9, 2021 5:44 AM
Jul 2020
Dante012 said:
I just read College and High School storylines, I loved it even though I watched the anime before that.
Their main problems only come from the format : paper manga = no color, no music, no animation, less time... It just sucks xD!
An anime adaptation wouldn't have all those problems. It would have new music, upgraded graphics and animation, and it is definitely possible to gather the previous staff.

So, it is definitely possible to make a decent anime adaptation of these stories. It is undeniable that the end is way too adrupt though, so they better change it.

My guess is it will come back for an important anniversary. By default, I would say it may be announced in 2019 (10 years anniversary of the anime). Wait and see... Personnally, I will lose hope if no anime is announced before 2021 (10 years anniversary for the movie).

Hi i am from 2021 march, and there's no announcement so far
Mar 12, 2021 1:54 AM
May 2018
All hope is lost T_T. What a waste of an opportunity. We can only imagine what KyoAni would have done with the College/High-School manga.

If you're looking for a similar show, I recently watched Love is War, I honestly think this one has the potential to be as good, or even better, than K-On. Season 2 was excellent imo.
Everything changes. Even the happy and funny things eventually disappear. How can I still enjoy this place then?
- Furukawa Nagisa (Clannad)

You have to make a choice. Either you give up on your soul for the sake of science, or you give up on science to save your soul. In my case, the soul was already in pieces.
- Lloyd Asplund (Code Geass)

Do you understand the meaning behind Nunnaly's smile? She can't see or walk. So there are things in this world that she knows she can't do alone. Her smile... is her only way to show gratitude.
- Lelouch Vi Britannia (Code Geass)

Death is part of Life.
- ... Me.
Mar 12, 2021 1:59 AM

Oct 2008
It's 2021 and K-On! have officially became an owakon.

But hey at least we still got Hibike! Euphonium.
Jul 12, 2022 1:21 PM

Jul 2021
I hope someone adapts college manga. The chances are extremely slim though. Can just hope and wish though, can't do anything else.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Dec 26, 2022 4:41 PM

Sep 2008
Well, maybe a special episode might work out, one or two episodes for each.
Dec 26, 2022 4:50 PM

Aug 2018
I hope not. Let them stay high schoolers for eternity.

that being said, I would totally watch a spin-off series about Sawako-sensei's youth.
Oct 13, 2023 3:53 PM
Dec 2022
Year 2023 and I am here 10 years later. I want to watch their college days too.
Oct 13, 2023 6:29 PM

Apr 2012
I'm afraid not. Although KyoAni still supports the brand, it seems that their 00s shows are still mostly a guilty pleasure for them.
Oct 15, 2024 9:01 PM

Jan 2020
Reply to MrAwesome2018
Knowing KyoAni, i bet they will. They're gonna milk the shit outta K-On and i will love it.
@MrAwesome2018 Fast-forward to 2025, and not even a hint. You lost the bet.
“𝖨𝖿 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 𝗐𝖾𝗋𝖾 𝗉𝗋𝖾𝖽𝗂𝖼𝗍𝖺𝖻𝗅𝖾, 𝗂𝗍 π—π—ˆπ—Žπ—…π–½ π–Όπ–Ύπ–Ίπ—Œπ–Ύ π—π—ˆ 𝖻𝖾 𝗅𝗂𝖿𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖻𝖾 π—π—‚π—π—π—ˆπ—Žπ— π–Ώπ—…π–Ίπ—π—ˆπ—‹.” – π–€π—…π–Ύπ–Ίπ—‡π—ˆπ—‹ π–±π—ˆπ—ˆπ—Œπ–Ύπ—π–Ύπ—…π—

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