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Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka☆Magica Gaiden Final Season - Asaki Yume no Akatsuki
Dec 14, 2021 8:22 AM
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I've been reading a lot of manhwa lately, i also played a bit of valorant last march haha
Also watched Spy x Family , i'm pretty sure you're familiar with it as it's really famous now especially on social media
I was hooked up with single's inferno, it's a kr dating show in netflix also, was really good
for anime, i just watched new season of KNY, AOT lately haha. Komi-san can't communicate is good also
oh so you've watched american dramas in amazon
so in J/Kdramas ? mostly here in my place we just watch from pirated sites haha
what are you selling in facebook?
Can't afford any amazon prime membership though hahaha
Well here in my place, there are a lot of hardheaded people unfortunately, though the government is doing there very best.
I think my place Philippines is the only country that still uses face shield [face mask is still there ofc}
Seriously you haven't heard of true beauty? i bet you're not active in social media to not know as it was very popular way back january.
You should totally try to watch the drama! it's really wholesome :)
Pretty much good. Unfortunately covid cases here in my place is gradually increasing.
I'm watching a bit of anime and im currently watching That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
I've been addicted on genshin impact for a month now so i haven't opened my animelist HAHAHA
what webtoon are you reading? mine is who made me a princess, Your throne, and another one that i forgot the title HAHAHA
i'm just watching Anime and reading manhwa lately :)
Ok i'll add you in discord~
Edit: yourdiscord ID cant be found XD
I think the amount of anime I've been watching this season is still a lot, but not as much as the number of anime I used to watch years ago.
Ah, that's cool! Do those games have English ports?
I've been busier now with gaming. I got your friend code so thanks for accepting my friend request for the Nintendo Switch!
It's demaged again? Dang. But It's still playable Didn't it? Still sucks tho.
Just "Some Bad" Nukige just playing them out of boredom lol
Aww, that's quite unfortunate but at least they refund you back ^^
Considering the VNs player/readers increased lately, i think there will be many remake will comes, Hope you wont be disappointed for what its…
I maybe gonna add Gekidol on Ptw in future…
So, basically you're very lucky? is your package demage very severe or still usable?
I honestly don't know what's the point Remaking VN or Eroge except for milking it…
Unless the add new content or Stories and don't changing cononical on original works…
as for me personally, i've been doing quite okay. Currently i focus on study Jp, GO and other stuff. How about you?
Welp, it does happened a lot of times for VNs, so i got you
Glad to heard you've been refunded ^^ i'll be angry as well if my package endup broken because delivery-man at faults and they won't take any responsibility for it
I only play some average eroge and watch few anime this couple weeks, nothing much that caught my attention, i Hope there is something good come this year. I won't touch Gacha-based game anymore my wallet is already empty enough lol