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May 2, 2011 2:55 PM

Jun 2008
OK, I'm a HUGE Moka Fan, I've always loved her, and I've wanted a Moka ending ever since I started to read R+V.

However, after reading the last chapter, and the fact that I also love Mizore, I don't know anymore.

I don't like manga that ends with the Guy not picking any of the girls, but this could be the first ever manga where a Harem ending could be good.

What do you guys think???
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May 2, 2011 3:01 PM

Sep 2008
I have a feeling that Tsukune will lean towards Moka but then it'll end with Mizore saying she'll be fine as his mistress and Kurumu never giving much as I like the manga, I really do see a cliche ending happening
May 2, 2011 3:43 PM

Sep 2007
As much i hate harem ending ...
Rosario can be one of the few i want that ... :(
May 4, 2011 1:52 AM

Oct 2007
I can only see a Moka ending working with this manga. We already know that Tsukune loves Moka a lot more than the rest of his fanclub and that even Inner Moka is beginning to fall for Tsukune. So Moka ending it is.

As for the rest of the girls... sometimes you just gotta break some hearts.
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May 6, 2011 12:37 PM
Feb 2011
If there will be group sex shown or at least implied that there is going something like this, then yes, it can be a harem end for all I care.

But it definitely gonna be a Moka ending.

Well Kurumu now had her kiss, if Mizune also gets her, then any ending will be fine for me.

But still, Mizore <3 - the best looking girl from all of the candidates for him.
Jun 11, 2011 4:45 PM

Jun 2008
ShiroiRyu said:
As much i hate harem ending ...
Rosario can be one of the few i want that ... :(

Harem endings have been SO BAD for so many other series.....

The more I think about it the more I believe it's NOT a good idea.

We have to remember that this story has ALWAYS been about Moka and Tsukune.

A Harem ending would negate that story and would give an UNFAIR ending just to appease fans of Kurumu and Mizore.

Remember guys the Series is called Rosario + VAMPIRE.......not Rosario + Succubus or Snow Fairy or any thing else.
Jun 14, 2011 4:15 PM
Apr 2010
it said in one of Ikedas interviews that he was a big monster fan from a young age so he wanted to write a story with monsters. in addition he is also a big harem fan so i would like to think he wrote a harem manga for that reason to. at first i had almost given up on the idea that it would have a harem ending but recently both Mizore and Kurumu both said they would stay by his side even if they had to fight against the world, or moka too. i think he will need the power of the wong family and its not like he can just up and leave after he gets training from Fuhai. what is he going to say, "thanks for the training and risking your life a few times, as well as turning me into a vampire, with the modification technique. good luck man and sorry i got your children and grand children get the shit kicked out of them on my account." Tsukune isnt written like that...

its just a few steps closer to setting up a harem ending although i dont know how Ikeda is going to go about setting it up as a harem ending but there definitively will be one...

its kind of irrelevant what its called really...

you seem to really not like harem ends...if all the girls are alright with it, it should be fine... it kind of confuses me because polygamy is acceptable within all the major religions in the world...

girlsdeadmonsterJun 14, 2011 8:29 PM
Mar 1, 2012 10:17 AM
Apr 2009
The best ending would be with all the girls pregnant of Tsukune, maybe a few years in the future when Yukari is already in legal age haha...
Mar 1, 2012 2:04 PM

Feb 2012
I am hoping for Moka. I think it would be the best ending.
Mar 6, 2012 6:35 AM

Jan 2011
I'm quietly hoping for a harem ending due to liking all of the female protagonists in this series but I know (and it has been pretty dominant in the story so far) that Moka will eventually be the main heroine choice due to all of the screen time she and Tsukune have had together.

Mizore is full of win, so I don't mind if she's free afterwards.
May 10, 2012 4:06 PM

Mar 2008
Hoping for mizore!
May 11, 2012 10:19 AM

Apr 2012
It's made clear that Tsukune only has expressed true feelings of love for Moka. If there is any doubt it is if he will choose Inner Moka or Outer whom he chose first (or if they eventually merge which I think is the direction the manga will take).

A harem ending would just be lazy writing.
May 23, 2012 1:56 PM

Jan 2008
I never liked Moka much. originally I wanted a Mizore ending during the first season, however with seeing Inner Moka more I now want an Inner Moka ending... I wish Outer Moka would just dissapear D:!
Jun 6, 2012 7:53 PM

Nov 2007
I would rather Inner Moka if it's Moka. Ugh at Outer Moka ending.

But really I would prefer harem. Mizore + Kurumu = best. It would be sad for him to crush their feelings. Rubi is okay too.
Jun 6, 2012 8:44 PM

Apr 2010
Jun 9, 2012 3:45 PM

Apr 2012
JustALEX said:
ShiroiRyu said:
As much i hate harem ending ...
Rosario can be one of the few i want that ... :(

Harem endings have been SO BAD for so many other series.....

The more I think about it the more I believe it's NOT a good idea.

We have to remember that this story has ALWAYS been about Moka and Tsukune.

A Harem ending would negate that story and would give an UNFAIR ending just to appease fans of Kurumu and Mizore.

Remember guys the Series is called Rosario + VAMPIRE.......not Rosario + Succubus or Snow Fairy or any thing else.

Aha! The title doesnt include Tsukune's name, so it obviously will be a Moka X Moka endig :3.
kiltroutgore said:
"I am meme, hear me roar."
Jun 9, 2012 6:18 PM

Jun 2008
girlsdeadmonster said:

That site is a bunch of hooey.
What if the Hokey Pokey is what it is all about?

Jun 9, 2012 6:20 PM

Jun 2012
Moka FTW *fist pump*
Jun 10, 2012 5:21 AM

Jan 2012
I want a Moka ending, a harem ending would be disappointing for me
Jun 19, 2012 2:24 PM

May 2012
I'm really shocked at the lack of votes for Kurumu. Even though I am also a giant Mizore fan, she's already all but given up on being Tsukune's choice in the end (forgot the chapter where this happens) and she basically says, "Hey I know I probably won't end up being his choice, but I'll stand by him no matter what."

I voted for Kurumu because I don't honestly think that Moka will survive. In chapter 41, Kurumu has her requital and it was beautiful and heart breaking. She really loves him and says as much. I'm fairly sure she's the first and only one to even admit as much. In that same moment they even share something that the group comments on where Rubi puts it - "what a couple looks like after their first night of sex." That's pretty significant in my opinion.

Still though, Mizore 4 Life!
"Guests are reminded that platform 1 forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion."
Jun 27, 2012 10:05 AM
Apr 2011
Volkova said:
I never liked Moka much. originally I wanted a Mizore ending during the first season, however with seeing Inner Moka more I now want an Inner Moka ending... I wish Outer Moka would just dissapear D:!

I have to agree i would love to see a inner moka ending... now personally i would love to see each of them end up with Tskune but he holds no feelings beyond being friends for the other girls and Kurumu aswell as the others probably know this... Mizore pritty much admitted she had given up and she would be happy whatever his choice is. Kurumu is probably the wild card imo i still can't say i don't expect a Kurmu ending because shes still not given up and they had the close moment after she helps stop Tskunes rampage.
But after the most recent chapter i can see a ending with Tskune and Moka when both inner and outter mokas become one... i don't know how Tskune will do this without crushing the feelings of the other girls because its not in his nature to do so.

O.o what if Tskune dies in the end.... the ending doesn't have to be happy nor does he have to end up with one of the girls he might express his love and then die... but i really don't like this ending nor can i really see it because it would feel like a cop out.
reallybigshrimpJun 27, 2012 10:17 AM
Jun 30, 2012 1:05 AM
Apr 2010
if its a harem ending everyone can be happy...

i am really interested in what Ikeda will write. all of us hoping for something different. i cant wait to see how all of the peaces will fall together...
Jul 15, 2012 7:04 PM

Jun 2011
It's really hard telling with this one. As someone had previously mentioned, it could be a Moka end with Kurumu not giving up and Mizore being a mistress. That ending would completely ruin the whole story.

I think out of all of them, I'd go for a Kurumu ending. I like Moka and Mizore, but Kurumu has earned my favorite. I wouldn't really mind a harem end, at least everyone wins, but I'm not sure how that could be possible. Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Jul 26, 2012 10:16 PM

Mar 2009
A Moka ending. For obvious reasons.
Jul 29, 2012 7:41 AM

Oct 2010
I voted for Kurumu, because
Sep 11, 2012 3:02 PM
Aug 2012
Yukari is a little girl.
Kurumu is annoying, even those boobs of hers can't save her.
Moka is as uninteresting and unoriginal a character as can be.

Mizore is the best female character I've ever seen in any manga or anime ever. The choice is clear. I want a fucking Mizore ending even though it'll never happen, so I'll settle with rereading the fanfic My Snow Girl. It's the only good one out there.
Oct 10, 2012 6:31 AM

Oct 2010
This poll needs more options. I would have voted for Ruby ending.
Oct 17, 2012 12:29 PM

Aug 2010
I need a Inner Moka end or the harem end.
Harem end as in, ALL the girls are fine with everyone being his lover, not fight over him like harem nowadays.
But still.... INNER MOKA FTW!
Oct 24, 2012 7:28 PM

Jul 2010
Kurumu ending for sure. I love all the girls, but like someone else said, Kurumu has earned my favorites. Although she might appear shallow, I think she has had the best and most honest heart felt moments in the whole series than even Moka. Even though it seems more likely it will be a merged inner and outer Moka, I still stand by Kurumu.
Jan 7, 2013 9:50 AM

Dec 2012
Seems like everything is going the Moka way. I'm hoping for Harem ends though since Kurumu is awesome
Jan 7, 2013 9:56 AM

Mar 2012
I prefer harem end since it was the more realistic way to get a happy ending for my favorite character Kurumu. I cannot stand seeing her cry like in the chapter 41.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Jan 7, 2013 10:56 AM

Feb 2012
Moka more specifically (inner) Moka should get her win.
Jan 7, 2013 4:03 PM

Apr 2009
Honestly a harem ending cause i just dont want to see everyone else be all sad and shit
"Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.
Alien vs Predator 2 is the movie version of that book"
Jan 7, 2013 4:07 PM
May 2012
i`m the only one that want tsukune to die?
would be a new thing for a haren
Jan 31, 2013 5:37 PM
Dec 2012
For me I'd go with Moka ending for Tsukune since I'm a fan of Mizore x Kurumu (after their kiss anyway) though I could easily shift to harem too so either way is fine with me as long as no one gets hurt.
Don't fall for a pretty face but for a good heart. Cherish the one whom you turn to when your heart is shattered to pieces. Love is earned not given as such should be rarely spoken of so as to not diminish it.
Fav ships:
Feb 1, 2013 6:22 AM

Apr 2008
No. He's clearly made his choice on who he wants so there will be no Harem. Kurumu has already pretty much given up on him and Mizore's accepted already who he wants.
Mar 31, 2013 3:31 PM

Mar 2013
It's harem!! However I still wish for the Moka ending (both inner moka and outer moka). It's sad to separate them :(

Apr 2, 2013 8:17 PM

Feb 2011
I'D rather have a " Moka ending". She's stronger and prettier than the other girls and
harem endings leave a sour taste in your mouth.
Apr 2, 2013 8:21 PM

Sep 2012
Absolutely not.

Moka all the way! Harem ending will literally kill this manga for me.
Apr 2, 2013 9:24 PM

Dec 2012
Inner moka ending if not then harem ending.
May 28, 2013 4:00 PM

May 2013
I want him to end up with Moka (either or both is fine).

I really liked in Ai-Kora how each of the girls had a chapter to kind of give closure to them so they weren't left out. They don't have to be abandoned, after all, you can have each of them find happiness in the end, and everyone still hangs out together.

Yeah, I'm an optimist, what can I say? :P
May 29, 2013 9:27 PM
Sep 2011
brazileirobr said:
i`m the only one that want tsukune to die?
would be a new thing for a haren

I'm not sure that I "want" that ending, but it would be pretty ballsy in its own way. Akihisa Ikeda probably doesn't want to deal with a whole lot of death threats from creepers, so I'm quite sure that won't happen.

Anyway, ideal pairings for me:
1) Inner x Tsukune
2) Kurumu x Mizore
3) Outer x Yukari (when Yukari gets a bit older, anyway)

I doubt #3 happens in this universe, and I really don't care (Inner x Tsukune x Outer is just as good) . I'd be impressed if #2 happens in canon, because endgame yuri pairings in harem are pretty uncommon. I'd be extremely surprised if #1 doesn't happen at this point, considering the way things are going in recent chapters.
May 30, 2013 4:17 AM
Feb 2013
I would like an ending arc for each and one of them so everyone can get the ending they want :)
Would be nice with alternative endings!
Jul 12, 2013 3:30 AM

Sep 2012
I would like a moka ending but not sure which moka..
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Aug 1, 2013 3:01 AM

Nov 2012
Bobby_S said:
I would like a moka ending but not sure which moka..

my thoughts exactly
Aug 4, 2013 11:40 PM

Jul 2013
I initially really favoring a Moka ending because it was pretty one sided in his love. That being said, they really gave some really good scenes/feelings for some of the other girls (Kurumu especially has had some strong chapters I feel so bad for her at times :( . Mizore as well when they went to the snow village the second time) I wouldn't mind a part Harem ending with him somehow ending up with Moka, Mizore, and Kurumu and the others find other people.

I'm not sure what root the author will go though. You could say he is "peeling" Yukari away recently by her increasing bond with Fong Fong. Could they have more of this in the future? I can't really see any other guy stealing any of the main 3 girls because all of them basically have stated he is the one period even if he chooses Moka.

Or the author writes it so it is a harem ending.....but it turns out the way it did with the Shuzen clan, where there are multiple women married to one guy and one ends up becoming bitter and evil and ends up trying to destroy the world and the children have to fight each other again....THE SECOND GENERATION!

I guess the strength of their feelings that the author has conveyed from Mizore and Kurumu could be hints that its going to be harem because honestly this is the first time I have personally read a "harem" where the other girls besides the main have been done so well to the point that I really like them all lol.

AerensianicAug 4, 2013 11:56 PM
Aug 5, 2013 12:35 AM

Apr 2010
Aug 5, 2013 12:40 AM

Nov 2011
Tsukune's hand ending.
I luv u
Aug 5, 2013 12:41 AM
Feb 2013
antonn said:
Speaking of endings.


Considering how the last chapter ended ... I don't know how could something like that happen.

At least, it would definitely need some "explanation".

But, we will see how it will go...
Aug 29, 2013 2:54 PM

May 2013
Honestly, I'm looking for the Moka ending, but inner Moka is preferred. I wouldn't mind if the Moka's split their time evenly, then you get the best of both worlds.
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