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Days: 25.7
Mean Score:
- Watching62
- Completed100
- On-Hold12
- Dropped1
- Plan to Watch316
- Total Entries491
- Rewatched9
- Episodes1,477
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 18.4
Mean Score:
- Total Entries450
- Reread0
- Chapters3,309
- Volumes279
All Comments (45) Comments
EDIT: Akaelda; Doki's favourite terrorist
Well thats good to hear about SAO, i enjoyed Arcana Famiglia and hopefully it stays as a decent series.
You havent heard of Bakuman? Its excellent the people who did death note manga did bakuman together. Also noticed you got baka to test in your favourites, that show never fails to make me laugh.
I hate it how it takes so long for Rosario vampire to come out, i am up to the same part as you.
Well even an extra episode would have been better but it was only 12 not even 13. Thats all good mate, love having the long comment convos with ya. :)
Yeah i thought of the same thing how rika was going through and doing the samething over and over again.
Talking about reccomendations i have seen all of kiss x sis and ovas (except for the latest one) and i feel guilty in enjoying a show like that. I watched kiss x sis a while a go now. Sword Art is actually a show that my friend has constantly been talking about and wanting to me to watch it as well. So your the 2nd reccomendation for that. Ill have at Kokoro connect and try that out and see how it goes. I had the episodes but i have picked up watching hitman reborn again despite reading the manga ages ago.
Well i read manga when im on the bus to uni which was pretty much everday except for now cause im on holidays but i just finished volume 12 in bakuman. One of my favourite manga series, have you seen it or read it? How are you going with rosario vampire manga?
Also if your watching chaos head it is a average anime, i know its a smaller series but nothing gained from watching it. The story is good but too rushed, they screwed it up when they were taking a good pace first 5 episodes then they get to episode 6 & 7 and realise oh shit we still need to cover this and this and this. So it leaves with the conclusion of wtf just happened and why did it get a 10 sec explanaition.
I know they make an fma reference in it so i will be looking for that one.
I cant remember what part of haruhi i didnt like but the endless 8 was bloody horrific to get through, i havent seen the movie yet and i gotta finish the series. Shuffle was like that for me until i got into watching heaps of anime.
Thanks for higurashi i dont know i had it for ages and just didnt have any motivation to watch it. If you have any other reccomendations ill be glad to hear them out. I just finished watching chaos head and agreed with a friend, 12 episodes and to much story to get around so it turned out really rushed. Halfway through the series was fine got to episode 6 and realised oh shit we still need to cover 12 episodes worth of info in 6 episodes.
Well hopefully when i watch lucky stary i get most of the jokes. Most the time im a bit slower when it somes to some jokes. It gets harder and harder to choose what shows would go where on you list. I have trouble making a top 30 let alone 10
Cool i will get on to lucky star eventually. I reckon i would understand most the jokes though cause i have seen just a few shows :P
Well i can see what you mean with a 16 year old being in charge. The only reason for her to lead was because she designed the whole ship and obviously she knows it better than anyone else. Its been a while but I reckon I need to go through and watch it again. FMP was in top 5 for me until Fate Zero came along.
Oh ok then I wont worry about it. I think I just might go through and continue when they cry, atm I have a lot of animes that are finishing up due to the time of season.
I have read blood + and kowloon nights, and it isnt too bad. Not my prefered genre of manga but still good to pass time. I am currently reading spice and wolf novel, and something different i bought the gunslinger written by Stephen King.
I loved shuffle but isnt there something like shuffle memories? Do you really think it is important to watch it. I didnt take much intrest when I first heard about it but you enjoyed shuffle so what was the series after the original like?
I love Sosukes misunderstandings eg. the girl gave him a love letter. So he sat there all day with the sniper pointed at her lol. Another good bit is when Kurz Webber changes the leaders anime into two pigs kissing.