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Apr 7, 2013 12:57 PM

Nov 2009
Akira Ishida. that is all.

dont even care that this was one of the worst anime-original endings ive ever seen
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Apr 7, 2013 1:26 PM

Feb 2012
Scheherazade1007 said:

Sinbad isn't the only character that use black rukh. Judal is, everyone from Al-Thamen are and even some other are. Falling in depravity doesn't kill you otherwise Al-Thamen wouldn't even exist.
Al-Thamen is researching on black rukh and the result of their experiment were the handmade vessel where you stab your body to transform into a Djinn and then can do a djinn equip with it. Those are the things that kill people, not black rukh.

Black rukh mean only one thing: You currently curse your fate. Nothing more and nothing less and Sinbad proved that it's possible switch from black and white rukh whenever he wants.

I'm going to stop here since you clearly aren't even reading my posts. Try again after actually, you know, reading. Hint: "Uses both"... Also, stop using strawmen if you ever want me to respond to you again (when did I say falling into depravity kills you?). This will be the last time I respond to such a post.

XartaXApr 8, 2013 4:14 AM
Kellhus said:

GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Apr 9, 2013 7:51 AM

Jun 2008
GuiltyKing said:
AnimageNeby said: guys can exaggerate. Ok, the anime is not as good as the manga, granted. Ok, they deviated here and there from the manga.

But all in all, the series wasn't that bad, certainly compared to other shounen.

Could it have been better? Probably. For instance, in the end, I thought they made the fights a bit too rushed. And other things throughout the series could have been done a bit better too. But one must realise one says that in comparison to the manga. If there was no manga at all, I think most would simply cheer and rave about how great this anime is.

Point being: when you compare it with the original manga, there are things that you feel could have been done better, true. But if you regard the anime 'as such', one still has to acknowledge it's one of the better shounen of the season.

It's not a 'bad' anime, thus. It's just that, compared to the manga, it's not perfectly adapted. some people seem to not make that distinction.

Which would work just fine it it were a standalone production. But it's not. It's supposed to be an adaption of the manga Magi and is normally obligated to follow it. Little bits of filler here and there won't hurt anybody, of course, but taking entire arcs and alter them to a degree that's disgraceful to the original work, is wrong and something I and many others can't approve of.

So let me ask. If i took a manga and made an anime based on it but changed lots of things and if you compared the two works my anime storytelling was better(not saying that this is the case with Magi) you would still be mad just because you can't accept anything being different from the manga even if it's better?
Actually would you be able to see it as better no matter how good it was? You probably wouldn't because you will to obsess with the manga story to accept anything else.
Apr 10, 2013 3:22 AM

Feb 2012
Good series overall. Enjoyed the ride.
Still, it would've been better if it slowed down the pace and followed the manga.
Apr 10, 2013 11:55 AM

Jan 2011
What kind of pussy show is this? So many dramatic depressions and oh-noes-I-almost-die-or-lost-limb events but everything in always solved within just 1 episode, seriously? Is Aladdin Dr. Phil upgraded edition or what? The start was promising but it went downhill afterwards, A-1 really screwed this up...
I'll watch the season because it's still kinda enjoyable.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Apr 10, 2013 2:40 PM

Feb 2010
Sinbad kicking ass was the best part. I'd watch the sequel...

Apr 11, 2013 12:57 PM

Aug 2008
I think I'll go read the manga, I find the anime so-so, but I do want to read the manga for Sinbab's epicness.

And to think that Nakamura Yuuichi and Ishida Akira only appeared at the end... :(
KuriniApr 11, 2013 1:04 PM
Apr 11, 2013 7:34 PM

Aug 2012
Will watch season 2 , it's not that bad .. pretty enjoyable
Apr 11, 2013 10:07 PM

Jun 2012

I'm not as bothered as most that they deviated quite a bit from the manga and rushed through a lot, but WHY would they do that if there was a second season planned?? It would have been understandable if it was a one season series. WTF?
~Here's a waffle, please calm down...

"See that? She's cute and popular. You could say that her milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard. But YOU club President... your milkshakes are wasted on you. In other words, you're wasteful." ~D-Frag (Best.Reference.Ever.)
Apr 12, 2013 11:08 AM

Mar 2013
tsubasalover said:
Next season @ Autumn?

That old wheel chaired guy is creepy to sacrifice his body with crocodile monster. It's not a good idea to anger a female.

It's time for Aladdin to save Alibaba, just like Alibaba saving Kassim. It's nice to have him support both of them.

Sinbad was already dirtied, and that was just a little thing for him? He's so strong to have both light and dark sides.

Ishida-san's voice at the end...

I was so happy to here Ishida-san's voice <333 fav part of the episode xD

Apr 13, 2013 8:20 AM

Feb 2010
well the ending is good,im enjoyed it overall
but thanks A-1 you RUINED Alibaba's personality!!
why why why he must fall into depravity? so .uggh different from manga
im pretty disspointed

Dota 2 Esports Stories are a fuckin Anime IRL Anime Sports

Apr 15, 2013 8:25 AM

Aug 2008
I don't mind small differences,they are ok, and can make watching more interesting, but is there any reason for that anime ending?

Except that scenario writer wanted to be too original? Why change something that is good just for sake of changing something.

The whole attack on Sindria would be ok. Let's just say thanks to that thay could make it more visual. But changing whole character development, or character personality is stupid. Maybe if it's served any real purpose here. But this ending gives nothing except shallowing characters...

And that Morgiana recovery...

I hope that the next season would disregard that last episode(or last 2). Put ova there or something. Hope the scenario writers are already filled with their wish for originality so there will be no more such stunts...
Apr 15, 2013 11:54 PM

Apr 2010
This was one hell of a butchered pile of crap. I'm amazed they have the balls to do a S2.
Apr 17, 2013 12:48 AM

Mar 2010
Let me make this clear. I didn't /haven't read the manga , I've started watching this anime last week , now I have finished watching it . 10/10. It hooked me from episode 1 till the end , episode 25 .I love this anime , every episode of it , never fails to entertain me .

The ending is great , amazing closure for an anime which have a second season.
I cannot wait for it on this fall 2013 ! xD( I am very happy)
By the way , King Sinbad 's focalor form . awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!
10/10 definitely one of my favorite anime , and Im planning to read the manga soon :)
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Apr 22, 2013 10:21 AM

May 2007
Watched this series pretty much in one sitting, spent less than a day watching it and it was a most definitely worthwhile watch.

The animation was good, my only gripe was how they sometimes drew the teeth of the characters, it looked off at times but everything else was great.

The music and OST was good, I skipped most of the OPs and EDs, so I never really listened to them completely but from what I heard, they were for a decent shounen fare.

The plot is great and it follows the manga really well except for the final arc of this season, which I'm sure will continue for the first 2 or 3 episodes of the 2nd season with

Overall, really liked this anime and I'm going to give it a 9/10, have to wait another 5 to 6 months for the 2nd season.
Apr 26, 2013 8:46 AM

Jan 2012
it was fine, the ending was way too rushed for me and it seemed they were cramming too many things into the last 3-4 episodes, but for 3/4 of the show i enjoyed so will leave it at a 7.... wont be eagerly anticipating the second season that's for usre
Apr 26, 2013 9:00 AM

Apr 2013
Seems a lot of people were disappointed. Having not read the manga, I thought this series was incredible...
Apr 27, 2013 12:31 PM

Apr 2012
This was kind of a mediocre series. There were definitely some good things about it (like Morgiana, Sinbad, and the cool Arabian style setting); but, for the most part, it just felt kind of lackluster to me. I may have to give reading the manga a shot since I felt that this had the potential to be good but just didn't cash in on it. Plus, there are so many complaints about the quality of the adaptation that I am interested to see how much merit there is to them.

May 9, 2013 5:49 PM
Apr 2011
When I look at the anime standalone, it slumped really hard in the end because of what they did to Alibaba. The rest of the series was good. The animation budget was really tight it seems and they did what they could in the animation department.

It irks me though that if there was a S2 in the works they should've followed the original material more rather than such a massive deviation.
4 8 15 16 23 42 4 8 15 16 23 42 4 8 15 16 23 42 4 8 15 16 23 42
May 12, 2013 2:22 PM
Nov 2010
Pff, why not follow the original manga story? Is it that hard?
Anyways, fine start, nice to see the characters animated, at least.
May 12, 2013 3:17 PM

Sep 2012
Getting tired of people complaining about this crap. It wasn't that bad of an adaption. The changes are completely understandable, with only 25 episodes and over a hundred chapters, production issues are sure to ensue.

Everyone keeps acting like the story was driven completely off course. If anyone watched Eragon(not anime), then Magi is only a speck compared to that failure of an adaption.
"whats so special about bonzai trees?"
"They are the loli of the tree world."

Inganock of the Brightest Flame
May 13, 2013 8:32 PM

Sep 2011
LOL @ you hardcore manga readers. Harsh exaggerating like crazy!

Anyways, Ren and Sin are THE most bad ass characters in the series! That being said, they should so marry each other! >:D

Looking forward to the next season.
May 16, 2013 4:18 AM

Apr 2013
Well the anime for me at least was descent. I was waiting for more tgan just tgat. Some friends told me it is good. I watched the first ep and I didn't really like it but I continued cause I wanted to see how will it progress. For me it was the typical cliché shounen....boring I'll think it twice if I will watch the second season that ofc if it comes out. Abd no ii havent read the manga...
A Story will always come to it's end. The thing is, will you move on after it's over?
May 20, 2013 1:39 PM

May 2012
The power from Sinbad sure was unexpected that he was already cursed some really massive power output from him! The dungeon has been cleared and they're back on their journey! A decent ending to the first season of this anime, it sure was entering and had a nice development to this end, but the story is far from over so I really wonder what the second season will offer us! Some interesting characters appeared in the ED so yea I'll be sure watching the second season when it comes! 7/10
May 29, 2013 10:51 AM
Apr 2011
Well i liked the episode, none the less idk if a second season is a good idea since what happened to alternation in manga ..
May 29, 2013 1:05 PM

Sep 2011
Dammit the light beams!!!

Being a pervert aside, holy shit Sinbad being a badass there! But still, I want to see Alibaba having a "2nd power"(Well, yeah I got spoiled a little)! Anyway, there's a 2nd season so I'll watch it. ;D


Jun 7, 2013 8:46 PM

Apr 2011
So I heard episode 24 deviated from the manga, can someone tell what should have happened instead ? I'm too lazy to go search for the manga and read it :x
Jun 8, 2013 5:25 AM

Dec 2010
actually this is a matter of maturity of story .

you see when you take huge preparation to defend sindria from terrifying al-shermen and main 3 bad guys fight against 8 genarals + 2 vessel user and the fight lasts only for 4 minutes kind of blows...

but when you consider, aladin and his fellow companions barely survive the zagan labyrinth and suddenly they face 3 of al-shermen on their own and when all hope is lost , the 3 generals approach to defend them just feels more epic that way.

so when a non reader sees the anime he might actually think thats far the mangakas ability goes and he might feel the ending was not just balanced enough or just did not showed what it promised in the beginning ....

so my question is sir, why do you even repair when its not damaged ? and does it do justice to the mangaka?...sorry , am just saying its not a good approach.
headless_nickJun 8, 2013 5:50 AM
Jun 15, 2013 11:08 PM

Mar 2010
Wow, what a total waste of time. After episode 9 it just got so boring and annoying, why the fuck did I stay all the way till the end? ugh -_-
Jun 22, 2013 12:10 AM

Jun 2009


Yoshino Hiroyuki... I freaking loath that guy...
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Jul 31, 2013 5:25 AM

Oct 2010
...............the fuck did I just watch? Cos it sure as hell wasn't Magi.
Aug 1, 2013 1:53 PM

Oct 2012
I really DON'T LIKE:
...that Morgiana just woke up.
...that Hakuryu cleared the dungeon in the meantime
...that Kou princess wasn't given more screentime with her equip.
...that Alibaba was defeated and brought back so easily.
...that Dunya was save afterall (it would have more impact if she was left dead. but I can't hate screenwriters for this, cause I really like her ^^)
...that during this episode sometimes I didn't know what's happening and why (I guess that some things were history not told in anime and other things toward the end were previews or sneakpeaks of later chapters)

But despite that it left me with plesant feeling in the end.

But I can't say the same about the series as whole. Some episodes were good (5,8,24) while other were sufferring to watch for me (2,9,10,11 and 23).

5/10 (and I really hope this gets A LOT better in next season - more suffering, more thinking, less incosiderate actions, more adult Alibaba and also storytelling and this could be good story)
Aug 4, 2013 6:12 PM

Dec 2008
Aww...I was hoping to see Ugo at least once more before it ended. Looking forward to season 2.

Sent with Mal Updater
Aug 8, 2013 10:24 AM

Jul 2013
As someone who didn't read the manga and watched the anime solely for what it was, I thoroughly enjoyed it. ^^ I especially loved the characters, such a likeable cast. I hope we'll get to see more of the existing Magi next season!
Aug 30, 2013 8:41 PM

Dec 2012
can't wait for the second season there will be one war at least ^~^
Sep 13, 2013 11:04 PM

Sep 2009
hey guys i just have some question??? where should i start reading magi??? because i just finished the anime series or should i really start at the first chapter?
Sep 14, 2013 6:30 AM
Oct 2011
devilscorner said:
hey guys i just have some question??? where should i start reading magi??? because i just finished the anime series or should i really start at the first chapter?
First chapter, you'll notice a lot of differences and new stuff so it should keep your interest. If you don't want to then start from the beginning then start from 76 or 77, that's where the anime started creating shit on its own.
Sep 23, 2013 8:40 AM

Jul 2012
7/10, borderline 6 but my enjoyment value bumped it up. Not bad for an adaption. I realize there was a lot of content to squeeze into 25 episodes and props for managing that mostly. I just had a lack of motivation to finish this series. The plot's not bad but I'm just not very interested I guess. Nice characters though, the Eight Generals, Sinbad, Morg, Hakuryuu are all pretty cool. :)

Well, I'll try to go for season 2!
Sep 26, 2013 11:04 AM

May 2013
As an anime only viewer, i liked the anime, and the ending seemed fine to me
Oct 15, 2013 10:17 PM

May 2013
i want to give this an 8 but somehow somewhere sometime this show is boring and talk a little to much so 7.5/10

7/10 on mal
Nov 12, 2013 4:19 AM

Jun 2011
AnimageNeby said: guys can exaggerate. Ok, the anime is not as good as the manga, granted. Ok, they deviated here and there from the manga.

But all in all, the series wasn't that bad, certainly compared to other shounen.

Well sure compared to Naruto, this wasn't that bad, but it's still fucked up hard by A-1, and I haven't seen past Balbadd arc for the manga yet.

The whole Aladdin saving Alibaba seemed too easy. Sinbad was badass, shit I mean really, HE WAS SO BADASS! Alibaba was kinda badass too when he fought the dark dude in him (forgot his name), but he didn't kill him -.- Oh well it worked fine I guess, but why the hell is that other woman not dead yet after getting stabbed by a scythe through her stomach? -.-

And, that Yamuraiha censoring, there ain't no convenient sunlight dude LET US SEE DEM BEWBS! :p

Oh well, wanted to give this 8 initially, dropped to 6. Hoping for a change in director for the sequel, and the dude who did the music composition.

Mich666 said:
I really DON'T LIKE:
...that Morgiana just woke up.
...that Alibaba was defeated and brought back so easily.
...that Dunya was save afterall (it would have more impact if she was left dead. but I can't hate screenwriters for this, cause I really like her ^^)
...that during this episode sometimes I didn't know what's happening and why (I guess that some things were history not told in anime and other things toward the end were previews or sneakpeaks of later chapters)

ToG25thBaamNov 12, 2013 4:24 AM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Dec 14, 2013 9:00 AM

Jan 2012
giant boobs
mild comedy
fate-based plot

Jan 4, 2014 1:09 PM

Apr 2009
Saw this skimming anime on Hulu and decided to give it a shot. The first few episodes were downright amazing. It was great and gave me a feeling of being very different, not just the setting but the flow of the story and had me thinking anything could happen. Then as the episodes went on it sort of devolved into a typical shounen. That was disappointing, but once I got over that it's not as if it's a bad series. Even at its "worst" I was still entertained and found myself wanting to watch the next episode.

As for the episode, it didn't seem like a proper ending to a season, I actually thought Hulu was missing the final episode. But since season 2' s already out and ready for me to watch I don't mind much.

Jan 7, 2014 1:12 PM

Feb 2013
mayukachan said:
7/10, borderline 6 but my enjoyment value bumped it up. Not bad for an adaption. I realize there was a lot of content to squeeze into 25 episodes and props for managing that mostly. I just had a lack of motivation to finish this series. The plot's not bad but I'm just not very interested I guess. Nice characters though, the Eight Generals, Sinbad, Morg, Hakuryuu are all pretty cool. :)

Well, I'll try to go for season 2!

This pretty much sums up how I felt about the series. I'm hoping the manga is better than the anime.
Feb 5, 2014 12:18 PM

Aug 2013
Good ending, very happy. Ill be starting season 2 now, looks like it will be even more interesting!
My Candies:
Feb 9, 2014 10:12 PM

Aug 2009
AnimageNeby said: guys can exaggerate. Ok, the anime is not as good as the manga, granted. Ok, they deviated here and there from the manga.

But all in all, the series wasn't that bad, certainly compared to other shounen.

Could it have been better? Probably. For instance, in the end, I thought they made the fights a bit too rushed. And other things throughout the series could have been done a bit better too. But one must realise one says that in comparison to the manga. If there was no manga at all, I think most would simply cheer and rave about how great this anime is.

Point being: when you compare it with the original manga, there are things that you feel could have been done better, true. But if you regard the anime 'as such', one still has to acknowledge it's one of the better shounen of the season.

It's not a 'bad' anime, thus. It's just that, compared to the manga, it's not perfectly adapted. some people seem to not make that distinction.

I really enjoyed this anime, from start to finish being an anime only viewer. All things can be improved upon, no anime is perfect so the comparisons really aren't called for but people will do it anyway. I enjoyed this series for what it was and I'm glad I got to marathon it and will start the second season immediately. I may not be as attached to the characters as I would like but I definitely love their journey thus far and I am anticipating what will happen next. overall a 9/10 from me, it would have been a 10/10 but I didn't like the way they handled Alibaba's characterization at all.
Great animation, great music, an a nice story to go along with it. I am definitely pleased. Onward to season two!! :D

May 24, 2014 6:14 AM

Aug 2013
It was interesting, I enjoyed it. I would have given this a solid 8 but then Alibaba...yeah. He probably has a better personality in the manga and I hope they carry that (and not Alibaba S1) to the next season. If it weren't for Morgiana and Sinbad, I would have stopped watching this.

7/10 and I'm being generous.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
May 28, 2014 12:53 PM

Mar 2014
shioricchi said:
I sense some bromance.

Jun 5, 2014 6:11 PM
Feb 2012
Still a better first season than Sword Art Online.

Jun 5, 2014 6:14 PM

Nov 2013
bleachfan420 said:
Still a better first season than Sword Art Online.


why are you even comparing them?
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