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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 4: Diamond wa Kudakenai
Jul 7, 2015 8:59 AM
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Pls check ur profile.......
U can deny the friend request.......i wont mind...
.....or can accept..... to 'somridho' ur 'emmoto's friend list.:p
Im sure this is the worst birthday gift u've ever got from me.:p
Anyway, it turned out the scans I was reading for Stardust Crusaders were ongoing & seemingly the only high quality scans out there. So, I wasn't able to finish Starsdust & start Unbreakable and I couldn't do it if I had a laptop now (though I assume Stadrust has been updated a bit). I'll let you know what I think when I get around to it. I also want to read Steel Ball Run & Stone Ocean too! Especially the latter because Jolyne seems like an awesome protagonist.
Yeah, the plot of JoJo isn't anything grand or on par with say Hunter x Hunter but I'm not really bothered. I hear great things about the story of later parts but Stardust Crusaders seems to be more of a fun romp & it's one hell of a blast in my opinion. What I've read of tjhe Egypt Arc is head and shoulders above what came in the first half. Really excited for it to be animated, especially since the anime has been improving the source material by ten fold.
Yu Yu Hakusho & Level E are both great (though not HxH level obviously). Level E is one of the most intelligently written comedies I've seen, just based on the amount of clever & hilarious twists within them & Yu Yu Hakusho's a really enjoyable battle shonen, with a great cast of characters. I was reading the manga for YYH awhile back & I'd be lying if I said I enjoyed it as much as I did back then. Maybe it's because the anime adaption was stronger but I think I just grew out of more action heavy story telling (was reading the beginning of the Dark Tournament). Well, I'm sure you've started both (& may have even finished Level E) so what did/do you think of them?
Over 400 chapters? That's quite long. I've heard of Kingdom before but never got into it. How is it?
The manga seems pretty interesting, so I'll definitely read it eventually. There's a lot of good manga to go through, I'm planning on going through the Egypt Arc of Stardust Crusaders because I don't want to wait much longer to read Diamond is Unbreakable (part four).
& don't worry about the Rurouni Kenshin OST. I play that when I read pretty much any manga, lol. It's one of the best OST's out there, tracks like Departure (especially Departure) or Last Wolf's Suite are perfect mood setters. Thanks for the suggestion! I'm always looking for new stuff to check out & good samurai stuff is always a plus.
Thanks for the recommendations. Bad translations can be a rally bad headache, so I'll keep an eye out for those. I'm really looking forward to these chapters. Based on what I'm hearing they're loaded with texts and full to the brim with Togashi goodness. Can't wait for it!
Jojo is a lot of fun. It can be a bit gory and has plenty of disturbing imagery, but overall it's a fun romp. Just don't expect HxH quality from it. The fights start simple but get more complex as the series goes on, and they do resemble HxH fights in terms of how intelligent and creative they are. The power system is very different and I honestly prefer Nen, but the fights in Jojo are still great. They're the main attraction, though, as the plot is just ok most of the time and the characters are on the simple side as well. Don't expect anything too complex thematically speaking, or in terms of characters either.
I haven't stopped reviewing episodes, I just post my thoughts a lot later, since I'm so busy I don't visit MAL much let alone watch much anime any more. But I've reviewed all the episodes of the election arc up to episode 145. You can probably find my posts if you visit the last page of each episode thread. I haven't reviewed episode 146 and am still organizing my thoughts on it, but I like what you bring up. The whole idea of 'the journey is what ultimately matters' is actually a theme interwoven into HxH's entire narrative. It's why Togashi so consistently writes anti-climactic ends to all his arcs, this one included. I personally think it's brilliant, breaks convention, and is a hilarious form of trolling.
Tbh, I didn't care much that Killua healed Gon so 'easily.' Yes, I can see how people can dislike that since Alluka's overly complex rules and conditions were emphasized a lot throughout the arc, but then again so were the politics and strategies of the participants of the election, and in the end the winner just resigned and made Cheadle president, which means all her planning and complex mind games weren't really necessary. As Ging would say, though, it was a load of fun and great entertainment, so who cares? The theme of 'games' and 'fun' has been very prevalent this arc, in the form of Ging and Pariston, who ironically enough are enemies of sorts. I think it's fitting that the arc adapted such a tone, since it was done as a tribute of sorts to Netero, a man who thrived off of having a good time. If only more people would see that.
But back to the Killua and Alluka thing...what you said makes sense and is similar to my line of thinking. Togashi was going for a message with Killua and Alluka's scenes, and his earlier emphasis on the conditions and rules was a misdirection, concealing what really mattered in the end: Killua's respect for Alluka as a human being, and the beauty of the relationship due to that. It was what made the scene where Killua commanded Something to hide away forever and them subsequently apologized after being scolded by Alluka so powerful. Something was just as human and vulnerable as Alluka. They were two separate beings who really weren't, two people who loved Killua. Killua almost forgot that and was about to shun one of them, and Alluka scolded him for it. Wishing to protect someone does not give you the excuse to abuse them. It provides the perfect contrast with the twisted relationship that Killua has with Illumi. What Killlua has with Alluka is the love and compassion that could never truly exist in its purest form with a person as sick as Illumi. Poignant stuff all around.
Ging and Gon's meaning was hilariously anticlimactic, but also important for their characters. I'' expand on that when I post my review, probably tomorrow or the day after, hopefully. Life has been busy lately, and it doesn't help to know that HxH will soon be gone...
Yeah, I wish I had begun posting on the forums earlier. Oh well. But yeah, episodes 11 and 112 were great thrillers. I'm planning to rewatch the whole Invasion soon, it's just great stuff all around.
I'll try sending you the reviews within the next few days.