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Mar 28, 2012 1:23 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
orzel286 said:

If you wrote that pile of bullshit with straight faces, then there's no hope for humanity.

Idiocy takes over.

Now I hope the world ends this year.

"....the world ends this year."

And WE are the idiots? Haha
Mar 28, 2012 1:27 PM
Jul 2018
I don't like the term plot holes. Guilty Crown does have a few here and there, but its main problem is the inconsistency in the narrative and having the most convoluted and retarded plot ever. Half-assedly dumping the much-needed exposition in the third last episode is horrible writing. Nothing before that makes any damn sense and the character motivations are all over the damn place. The patchwork plot is so horribly executed that no amount of supplementary material could hope to fix it.

Do nonexistent character motivations count as a plot hole? Complete chunks of exposition missing (Daath, Gai's resurrection)? Nonsensical plot developments?
Mar 28, 2012 1:29 PM

Aug 2011
orzel286 said:

If you wrote that pile of bullshit with straight faces, then there's no hope for humanity.

Idiocy takes over.

Now I hope the world ends this year.

BTW - you two could be directors/scriptwriters. And make "mastepieces" like GC. Or Uwe Boll movies.

TROLLOLLOLLL. What happened to all that arguing energy? Have nothing else to say? Oh well, not that I'm complaining.
Mar 28, 2012 1:45 PM

Jun 2008
3) It isn't cured by just anyones singing. Mana is a monster, a physical form of the virus itself. It has completely consumed Mana's mind and soul. Thus, her singing resonates with the virus causing it to spread. Mana's soul IS the virus and the virus IS Mana's soul. She was completely taken over. Inori was to be used as nothing more than a vessel for Mana's soul/the mother virus. This is why Inori could also manipulate the virus with her singing. Mana/mother virus took over Inori's body. Is it really that hard to understand?
Thing was, before episode 13, it was shown Inori's singing could already do the reverse process. I'm not exactly sure how that's possible. I dunno about Mana's soul as a virus, it seems more like her genes were manipulated by the virus such that her voice now can manipulate the resonance frequency of other genes (somehow) and speed up the process or something. Inori would be able to do the samething Mana can because she was likely a clone of Mana, with identical genes or something so she could pull off the same stuff Mana can. This whole soul business sounds pretty out there, especially when prior to episode 13 Mana had another body somewhere and presumeably Inori didn't have Mana's soul at all (she is merely a potential future host) yet she could still pull the curing process. I think I'm utterly confused already. I should just stop caring.

Either way, it is not that simple to understand really. Just the idea that someone's soul can be a virus is biologically impossible. I'm not saying just because it's impossible it's bad, but, GC attempted to be scientifically grounded with their explanations at certain parts but it's hard to understand when it sounds so ridiculous or complex like Kurosu's explaination which I had to rehear several times before getting a glimpse of understanding.
TachiiMar 28, 2012 1:53 PM
Mar 28, 2012 1:53 PM

Aug 2011
Tachii said:
3) It isn't cured by just anyones singing. Mana is a monster, a physical form of the virus itself. It has completely consumed Mana's mind and soul. Thus, her singing resonates with the virus causing it to spread. Mana's soul IS the virus and the virus IS Mana's soul. She was completely taken over. Inori was to be used as nothing more than a vessel for Mana's soul/the mother virus. This is why Inori could also manipulate the virus with her singing. Mana/mother virus took over Inori's body. Is it really that hard to understand?
Thing was, before episode 13, it was shown Inori's singing could already do the reverse process. I'm not exactly sure how that's possible. I dunno about Mana's soul as a virus, it seems more like her genes were manipulated by the virus such that her voice now can manipulate the resonance frequency of other genes (somehow) and speed up the process or something. Inori would be able to do the samething Mana can because she was likely a clone of Mana, with identical genes or something so she could pull off the same stuff Mana can. This whole soul business sounds pretty out there, especially when prior to episode 13 Mana had another body somewhere and presumeably Inori didn't have Mana's soul at all (she is merely a potential future host). Maybe I'm getting your sentences wrong.

Either way, it is not that simple to understand really. Just the idea that someone's soul can be a virus is biologically impossible. I'm not saying just because it's impossible it's bad, but, GC attempted to be scientifically grounded with their explanations at certain parts but it's hard to understand when it sounds so ridiculous.

Because Inori was created for the purpose of Mana, she was created with the same abilities as Mana as well. (Since they have to be compatible, after all) Since she has that power, and since Mana can control the virus, Inori can too, but she reversed the process.
Mar 28, 2012 11:36 PM

Jul 2009
UtsukushiiYume said:
Tachii said:
3) It isn't cured by just anyones singing. Mana is a monster, a physical form of the virus itself. It has completely consumed Mana's mind and soul. Thus, her singing resonates with the virus causing it to spread. Mana's soul IS the virus and the virus IS Mana's soul. She was completely taken over. Inori was to be used as nothing more than a vessel for Mana's soul/the mother virus. This is why Inori could also manipulate the virus with her singing. Mana/mother virus took over Inori's body. Is it really that hard to understand?
Thing was, before episode 13, it was shown Inori's singing could already do the reverse process. I'm not exactly sure how that's possible. I dunno about Mana's soul as a virus, it seems more like her genes were manipulated by the virus such that her voice now can manipulate the resonance frequency of other genes (somehow) and speed up the process or something. Inori would be able to do the samething Mana can because she was likely a clone of Mana, with identical genes or something so she could pull off the same stuff Mana can. This whole soul business sounds pretty out there, especially when prior to episode 13 Mana had another body somewhere and presumeably Inori didn't have Mana's soul at all (she is merely a potential future host). Maybe I'm getting your sentences wrong.

Either way, it is not that simple to understand really. Just the idea that someone's soul can be a virus is biologically impossible. I'm not saying just because it's impossible it's bad, but, GC attempted to be scientifically grounded with their explanations at certain parts but it's hard to understand when it sounds so ridiculous.

Because Inori was created for the purpose of Mana, she was created with the same abilities as Mana as well. (Since they have to be compatible, after all) Since she has that power, and since Mana can control the virus, Inori can too, but she reversed the process., she can cure that virus by singing afterall? Make up your mind already...

KingYoshi&UtsukushiiYume - all you do is RAEG "THIS IS HOW THIS PLOT GOES, GTFO!!11111" - while still not making any sense. Well, if it was all logical, then it wouldn't depend on constant deus ex machinas, and be actually MADE of plot holes?

O wait... I'm talking about sense with fanbois... -_-
Mar 29, 2012 10:18 AM

Jun 2008
UtsukushiiYume said:

Because Inori was created for the purpose of Mana, she was created with the same abilities as Mana as well. (Since they have to be compatible, after all) Since she has that power, and since Mana can control the virus, Inori can too, but she reversed the process.
You actually just rephrased what I said in my thinking - because she's a clone she can do the samething Mana can. The problem though is we don't really know the criteria needed to pull it off. Is it due to identical genes? Does it require Mana's "soul"? Meh, I really should just stop caring.
Mar 29, 2012 10:25 AM

Aug 2011
Tachii said:
UtsukushiiYume said:

Because Inori was created for the purpose of Mana, she was created with the same abilities as Mana as well. (Since they have to be compatible, after all) Since she has that power, and since Mana can control the virus, Inori can too, but she reversed the process.
You actually just rephrased what I said in my thinking - because she's a clone she can do the samething Mana can. The problem though is we don't really know the criteria needed to pull it off. Is it due to identical genes? Does it require Mana's "soul"? Meh, I really should just stop caring.

Oops, sorry! I realized that after I posted, actually, I just got lazy to edit. =.= I suppose it's due to identical genes.
Mar 29, 2012 8:43 PM

Nov 2011
Well, we were never really given an explaination as to how Inori was created? When she was created? How long she was awake before episode 1? Nothing really. Was it the same process they used to bring back Gai? Or how about the She-Beast mode from episode 18? We got to see it once, but it was never explained or seen again.
Summoning Dark: "What kind of human creates his own policeman?"

Watcman: "One who fears the dark."

"And so he should," said the enity, with satisfaction.

"Indeed. But I think you misunderstand. I am not here to keep the darkness out. I'm here to keep it in." There was a clink of metal as the shadowy watchman lifted a dark lantern and opened it's little door. Orange light cut through the blackness. "Call me . . . the Guarding Dark. Imagine how strong I must be."

Mar 29, 2012 8:51 PM

Apr 2010
I like how half of the inconsistencies are answered with "what ifs" and not facts.

And no, claiming something to be true is not a fact.
Apr 2, 2012 11:29 AM

Apr 2009
UtsukushiiYume said:
Okay, maybe that kinda didn't make sense. But at the same time, it did make sense.

I think this perfectly summarizes the intellectual level of GC fans. Thanks for the laughs.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Apr 15, 2012 2:05 AM
Jul 2018
Lol, thinking while watching a series. Who needs it.

You can list inconsistencies in the greatest of works if you look hard enough. A plot HOLE is when the inconsistency is so glaring it derails the story. GC had none, it had largely insignificant inconsistencies that didn't largely change the outcome of the story. HE LIFTED A SWORD LOL HOW isn't a plot hole.
Apr 15, 2012 2:16 AM

May 2011
orzel286 said:
Confucius said:
A list? More like a book...


List of plot holes, direction errors and logic fails would actually be longer than the actual script.
I definitely have superpowers. I can feel it in my balls.
Apr 15, 2012 9:10 AM

Jul 2011
ok long boring post here with some explanation of a couple plotholes

that whole thing inori being able to cure the virus is because she is related to mana who was the 1st to be infected by the virus and because she is the "eve" a sort of mother to the virus so she was able to somewhat control it, her singing being able to cure some people of the virus is because her voice can somewhat command the virus to calm down and disappear,

ok i dont think i explained it right, have you ever seen those snake tamers who play the flute to calm dangerous snakes down and make them move according to the music or those lullabys which can make people sleep , i think inori's singing is similar in which it calms down the virus and puts it to sleep/cures it because the virus itself seems to be alive and can react in different ways-well thats how think of it, anyway the point im trying to make is that mana/inori have some control over the virus and it responds to them, like inori's singing being able to get rid of the virus while mana can spread the virus with dancing

inori turning into a monster was just her manifesting the virus she was already accumulating, and making it into weapons, correct me if im wrong but mana did this before when she was fighting off shu and gai at the end of the 1st half, she had the virus take the shape of tentacles to attack them

in the end this is an anime so i dont expect to have every little detail being explained to me or for all of it to make complete sense when its a sci-fi, it might just be me but i think people are literally re watching episodes just to find some of these plotholes because some of these things can only seen if you watch it a number of times and ive also noticed thats its the same people over and over again
May 8, 2012 8:43 PM

Oct 2007
Misuryu said:

GodlyKyon said:
Segai - what was his motive? His intentions? He was very vague but definitely badass
He was craving for Void Lights with absolutely no other motive, really.

Ah, so he's into raving.
May 19, 2012 11:03 PM

Dec 2010
Dcmac12 said:
Lol, thinking while watching a series. Who needs it.

You can list inconsistencies in the greatest of works if you look hard enough. A plot HOLE is when the inconsistency is so glaring it derails the story. GC had none, it had largely insignificant inconsistencies that didn't largely change the outcome of the story. HE LIFTED A SWORD LOL HOW isn't a plot hole.


I've got a lot of questions about this series, the one that frustrates me the most is how the hell did Shuu escape from the blowing up building (reminds me of the ending of Gundam Seed season 2, except that it actually shows Kira being saved by his friends whereas in Guilty Crown, it forwards to "a few years later" and everyone just fking celebrating hare's birthday).

But 22 episodes is not really enough to develop the plot as fully as it could be and I think GC did a good job with the limited time.
Nov 12, 2012 1:48 PM

Aug 2011
kentaseo said:
Dcmac12 said:
Lol, thinking while watching a series. Who needs it.

You can list inconsistencies in the greatest of works if you look hard enough. A plot HOLE is when the inconsistency is so glaring it derails the story. GC had none, it had largely insignificant inconsistencies that didn't largely change the outcome of the story. HE LIFTED A SWORD LOL HOW isn't a plot hole.


I've got a lot of questions about this series, the one that frustrates me the most is how the hell did Shuu escape from the blowing up building (reminds me of the ending of Gundam Seed season 2, except that it actually shows Kira being saved by his friends whereas in Guilty Crown, it forwards to "a few years later" and everyone just fking celebrating hare's birthday).

But 22 episodes is not really enough to develop the plot as fully as it could be and I think GC did a good job with the limited time.

LOL. Exactly.

I wish GC was a bit longer, so they had more time to develop the story. I mean, I'd give it a 9/10. I'd even give it a 10 if they had gone a little slower.

Shuu was probably saved off-screen.
Nov 12, 2012 6:24 PM
Nov 2012
★★Guilty Crown ★★
My AMV I worked on and Finished
Nov 13, 2012 8:52 PM

Aug 2011
Nidhoeggr said:
UtsukushiiYume said:
Okay, maybe that kinda didn't make sense. But at the same time, it did make sense.

I think this perfectly summarizes the intellectual level of GC fans. Thanks for the laughs.

Ahaha, thanks but I think I'm a pretty good student.

When I said that it made sense but it didn't at the same time, that's exactly what I meant. I meant that "It half made sense and it half didn't." Well, I guess the way I phrased it back then...

orzel286 said:
UtsukushiiYume said:
Tachii said:
3) It isn't cured by just anyones singing. Mana is a monster, a physical form of the virus itself. It has completely consumed Mana's mind and soul. Thus, her singing resonates with the virus causing it to spread. Mana's soul IS the virus and the virus IS Mana's soul. She was completely taken over. Inori was to be used as nothing more than a vessel for Mana's soul/the mother virus. This is why Inori could also manipulate the virus with her singing. Mana/mother virus took over Inori's body. Is it really that hard to understand?
Thing was, before episode 13, it was shown Inori's singing could already do the reverse process. I'm not exactly sure how that's possible. I dunno about Mana's soul as a virus, it seems more like her genes were manipulated by the virus such that her voice now can manipulate the resonance frequency of other genes (somehow) and speed up the process or something. Inori would be able to do the samething Mana can because she was likely a clone of Mana, with identical genes or something so she could pull off the same stuff Mana can. This whole soul business sounds pretty out there, especially when prior to episode 13 Mana had another body somewhere and presumeably Inori didn't have Mana's soul at all (she is merely a potential future host). Maybe I'm getting your sentences wrong.

Either way, it is not that simple to understand really. Just the idea that someone's soul can be a virus is biologically impossible. I'm not saying just because it's impossible it's bad, but, GC attempted to be scientifically grounded with their explanations at certain parts but it's hard to understand when it sounds so ridiculous.

Because Inori was created for the purpose of Mana, she was created with the same abilities as Mana as well. (Since they have to be compatible, after all) Since she has that power, and since Mana can control the virus, Inori can too, but she reversed the process., she can cure that virus by singing afterall? Make up your mind already...

KingYoshi&UtsukushiiYume - all you do is RAEG "THIS IS HOW THIS PLOT GOES, GTFO!!11111" - while still not making any sense. Well, if it was all logical, then it wouldn't depend on constant deus ex machinas, and be actually MADE of plot holes?

O wait... I'm talking about sense with fanbois... -_-

I said that one cannot control the virus by anyone's singing, meaning that the only ones that can do it are Mana and Inori. Unless you missed that. I mean.

Not raging, I'm stating what I understood. Haters are going to hate.

Oh wait... I'm actually a girl.
LaciieNov 13, 2012 9:19 PM
Nov 15, 2012 10:10 AM

Oct 2011
anyone using the word "PWND" all the time is clearly under the age of ten, thus lacking the nessecery braincells to understand logical explanations of events and occurances, hence responding to orzel286's stupid comment is excessive and needless.

And most of the things mentioned in the thread are just due to the people not paying enough attention to the series. I fansubbed the series so I payed specific attention to every word which was used and every frame shown, only a few if any minor details could be considered plotholes, but nothing important enough to hinder the viewing pleasure of anime fans.

Now someone please lock this pointless thread

Nov 26, 2012 10:02 AM
Sep 2009
bastek66 said:
Next time try some more.

Not mine

I feel like most of those things aren't plot holes (some of them really are). But there's this thing called suspension of disbelief. That isn't a list of plot holes that would strike a person who wasn't actively looking for them, which really rubs me the wrong way. I could probably look at hotel rwanda (if I didn't know it was a true story) and find loads of moments where I say "why didn't they do this?". If you deliberately focus all your attention on things like that you're not really watching I think.

One of the things I tend to like with anime is that they're imaginative. They're sort of uninhibited around suspension of disbelief in a way western fiction rarely are. If you're the sort of person who get really bothered about plot holes, maybe you shouldn't watch anime? (maybe watch "In Treatment"? It's really good actually)
Beyond deffinition
Jan 17, 2013 6:54 PM
Jan 2013
I shall try to remember a lot of the questions I could from all the posts.

The virus has a sort of resonance value in which a sound that's produced specifically at the same level as the virus will agitate the virus and cause it to grow "louder" in a sense. Inori was able to counter such with her own resonance. The whole "singing" isn't the point, it's that she has control of resonance. You know what, FORGET the fact that she even sings to reverse the effects of the virus. Imagine she just were to burst out screaming a certain resonance much like the burst of white noise that started the increase in virus activity. Now replace that "screaming" with singing and it's much nicer. :) She was specifically made to resurrect Mana, so it would make sense that had control over virus in some aspect (remember, she was made to collect as much of Voids, which was explained later after the isolation of the school incident).

Why did she have said monster form? That's because of all the Voids that were within her (it's like a synthesis of reaction).

Why's Inori's hair pink? Because Mana's hair was pink. Why was her pink? Cause it's anime. >.> Haha.

How was Gai resurrected? That evil company (whatever they were called I forget) brought him back.

How could Yuu teleport? It was probably a given power, or a one-up of the king's power possibly, just as how Shu's power upgraded.

Death of Inori and Shu being alive? That red "thread" that Shu took was Inori's chain of life (it was glowing red and look closely it resembles a chain, rather small) much like the one shown several time. Thus Shu is living through Inori's life. Blind and everything. Why was Inori even blind? The virus may have well eroded her optical senses (most logical sense here).

The whole sword thing has been explained several times over.
Jan 25, 2013 12:38 AM

Apr 2009
Aesthetikz said:

Okay, if you get realistic and way into it, there are a ton of plot holes. But this is anime. Show me ONE series without plot holes that is a shounen/romance/anything besides those that are mystery/detective/thriller/etc.

Fullmetal Alchemist, Hunter X Hunter, Great Teacher Onizuka just in the first second after I read your sentence.
And Shounen is a demographic, not a genre...
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Apr 2, 2013 5:42 PM

Apr 2009
Nidhoeggr said:
Aesthetikz said:

Okay, if you get realistic and way into it, there are a ton of plot holes. But this is anime. Show me ONE series without plot holes that is a shounen/romance/anything besides those that are mystery/detective/thriller/etc.

Fullmetal Alchemist, Hunter X Hunter, Great Teacher Onizuka just in the first second after I read your sentence.
And Shounen is a demographic, not a genre...

Woah woah, wait what, no, no you didnt just say GTO has no plot holes, please tell me you didnt say that...
GTO is chock full of plot holes, Onizuka does outlandish stuff all the time and the stuff that happens throughout can be incredibly coincidental. That being said GTO is easily one of my favorite mangas of all time, I honestly enjoyed it so much, and although it was filled with plot holes they didnt detract from it at all because it's an over the top comedy drama. But same with Guilty Crown. GC is an over the top action sci fi drama, so obviously they take creative liberty and don't try to make everything super realistic.

Even though FMA:B is my all time favorite anime, I'm sure if I searched through it I could find some plotholes here and there. It's just because on the somebody started pointing out plotholes that everyone started becoming aware of these plot holes and actually started seeking them out subconciously while watching. Well at least that's my theory.
Apr 3, 2013 1:34 AM

Apr 2009
Yous aid it yourself. Only difference is that GTO doesn't take itself so serious and actually plays around with those aspects a bit.
If a series is so overly pretentious and serious like GC you have other standards. And people with these standards were all disappointed by GC.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Apr 3, 2013 5:28 AM

Nov 2010
This thread is loaded with people stating various rationalizations, a common one being 'Give me an anime without any plot-holes'. Seriously, using such arguments only emphasize your lack of analysis, it's tantamount to saying mediocrity doesn't matter as long as you enjoy it.
Apr 3, 2013 7:14 PM
Dec 2012
Plot holes aside, Guilty Crown just follows a generic plot formula. The fact it was dealing with stuff like religion and politics/military in combination with characters like Inori/Mana made it nearly impossible to be decent plotwise if the writing was going to be generic. Eps 10,11,12 pretty much highlight this inherent flaw in the writing.
Apr 4, 2013 12:21 PM

Apr 2012
Was there something in this series, when relevant to the plot, that WASN'T a plothole? Because I sure as hell don't remember the series making any coherent plot points.
"The more inexperienced you are, the more you want to show off."
- Oreki, Hyouka
Apr 27, 2013 11:25 AM

Apr 2009
Rasen-No-Hikari said:
ppl be trying to insert real life logic in GC and i be laughin

No, people are trying to apply the logic of GC to its world and notice it doesn't work. This is about coherence of the internal logic and plot development, not about the realism of the setting at hand.
Strawmanning the argument by implying that coherence should not apply to fictional works is a horrible fallacy, btw.
NidhoeggrApr 27, 2013 11:29 AM
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Apr 27, 2013 6:09 PM
Apr 2013
Guilty Crown does have plotholes but I wouldn't say its problems come from said plotholes. In all honesty I can see why people criticize the anime although I do think the criticism is exaggerated because while some describe this as garbage, I personally found the anime to be watchable and didn't really see enough problems to keep me from enjoying the anime. The only episodes that were painful to watch were 17-20 and this is mostly because one of the characters changed in the most unbelievable manner possible (not Shu btw). Is it cliched? Yes. Does it have problems in plot? Yes. Are characters 1 dimensional? Yes. Did I like it? Absolutely.

I can see the organization in the writing department was an absolute mess but the problems I saw plotwise resulted from the apparent nonchalant attitude the writers had whilst writing the scripts. Now from a critical point of view, if I had one word to describe the anime, I wouldn't say it was nonsense. No, I can only describe this as being EMPTY. Watch the entire anime and in the end, you don't see the world I.G created in the anime nor do you know who the characters are. In other words, the characters are never integrated in the storyline and the anime's world is never clearly defined. The best example of bad character integration lies with Shuichiro. Note how all the information regarding his motivations was dumped until ep 20. The guys writing the script lacked organization skills and didn't plan ahead or keep developments in mind. The result was a disjointed plot, it's as simple as that.
Apr 27, 2013 8:36 PM
May 2012
Kenji's betrayal is the part that I didn't really expected. He shouldn't joined the funeral parlor (?) in the first place despite his psychopathic stereotype (Maybe it's the reason why Shibungi ended up in the GHQ prison?!) & should've stayed as a villain instead!
Jul 15, 2013 1:12 AM
Nov 2012
90% percent of the "plot holes" were either explained or hinted. I can answer most, if not all, the questions you have. I have carefully examined this anime because I believed it wasn't good at first so I analyzed the contents. Which led me to believe that is one of my favorites. As long as your questions aren't trivial matters such as, "how did he lift up the sword?" kind of bs.

Only for those that are willing to be open minded. If you already hate it and are not willing to bend even a little then I can't help you realize the beauty that this anime has to offer.
Jul 17, 2013 10:53 PM

Jun 2013
In case anyone is curious, I found this discussion awhile back about the ending of GC. It's some interesting speculation (at least imo) on why Inori is blind, the biblical parallels, etc etc.
Jul 28, 2013 7:47 PM
Dec 2010
Some plot holes I care about

2) The time when Inori rejected Shu's "love" confession and revealed to him that the "being forever" thing etc was Gai's orders so that he will join the Undertaker: Shu easily trusted Inori in the next episodes and so on. It felt like that scene didn't happen at all. He should already think twice about Inori that he might be manipulated by her again.

3)Shuiichiro purpose?Da'at purpose? When Gai got revived, Shuiichiro has already no role to fill since Gai is their king now.

4) The last episode/epilogue: Shu survived GHQ collapsing and he was blind there. Shu accepting Inori's death, I kindah want to know what happen the day after Inori's death. That first year would be hell for Shu.
Jul 29, 2013 5:11 AM

Apr 2009
I am convinced that it is impossible to ask for specific plot holes as the whole story is so riddled with them that 99% of the people don't even know where to begin once they try describing faults. One thing just leads to another because everything doesn't make sense within the context of the series.
Steel Ball Run anime when?
Feb 9, 2015 2:08 PM
Mar 2011
bastek66 said:
Next time try some more.

Not mine

I'm reading through these now. I agree with many of these points, but there is so much ranting going on rather than pointing out plot holes. Also, it seems that whoever wrote these didn't pay 100% attention throughout watching the anime since some of these points are wrong or misunderstood.
44r0n0wnzFeb 9, 2015 2:15 PM
Nov 12, 2015 7:42 AM
Aug 2015
1)from what we have seen, she can only heal injuries, not deseases and such. Ayase is probably handicapped from birth, so hare couldnt heal her, or maybe she got injured a long time ago, so her injuries were already healed so hare had nothing to heal(her legs were disabled, they werent injured).

2)that gun in episode 6 was basically inori's void fused with that anti gravity gun from the person they rescued. we have seen them fuse voids many times after that.

bastek66 said:
Next time try some more.

Not mine

oh come on, those arent real plot holes!!!
inori was injured in the first episode, but she was always a ninja-like fighter. later on we discovered she was actually a monster who could survive direct hits from endlaves. so this kind of plot holes are solved.
Gai could somehow tell a person's void and ability(that might be an actual plot hole...), so its not like they guessed the voids and got lucky each time, they drew the voids they needed.

some plot holes like the invisibility ability are true, but most of what he says is bullshit.
Jun 29, 2021 12:33 PM

Jan 2020
How the hell did Shuu completely forget about Gai and Mana? Simply trying to forget awful things doesn't actually make you forget them. That's not how a human brain works. He didn't seem to have amnesia either.

The motive of the Undertakers is never properly explained. It's implied that they are rebelling against GHQ so that they could protect the oppressed citizens, but most of them don't seem to give a shit about that at all. They are simply fighting because Gai tells them to, and it isn't elaborated why they trust him so much either. Because honestly, I would NOT follow a guy like him.

What's up with Segai? With how many random scenes we got focusing on him, I thought he will play a significant role in the overarching plot or something, but no, it seems like he is just a fucking weirdo.

Disregarding how this information is dropped completely out of nowhere, Inori is said to be a vessel that was created to resurrect Mana, but they don't go in-depth about it at all. Apparently a monster (Mana) also resides inside her for some reason, but how come she never showed this side of her prior to episode 17? If being exposed to a threat is what triggers this, then she should have already shown her monster persona multiple times.

Why can voids be only extracted from people under 17 years old? This was mentioned at the beginning of the anime, but was never brought up again.

Exactly who the hell is Yuu? He is apparently a collective form of Da'ath, but this doesn't get explored whatsoever. He just randomly appears and spews out some bullshit about natural selection or whatever, and we don't even know who the hell he is.

How was Gai resurrected? Why was everyone's reactions to his resurrection so underwhelming? Also, how did he get so overpowered? Not like he wasn't stupidly strong already (due to a certain deus ex machina), but the last few episodes of the anime just took it to another level.

How was Shuu rescued from the calamity in the end? From the looks of it, there's no way he would have been able to survive that with just his eyesight getting damaged. This is not really a plot hole, but still a ridiculously contrived way to conclude the story.
IrrelevantGuyOct 7, 2021 7:00 AM
Jun 29, 2021 8:19 PM
Jan 2016
don't remember what episode but when they have the army in the school

Crossbow void girls death, story already establishes the moment a user drops their void it instantly goes back into them, but here it doesn't at all it just stays on the ground waiting to get smash so she can die. Pretty massive one from my point of view since thats what triggers the rest of the events for the next few episodes including the massive betrayal of certain characters.
Aug 1, 2021 11:06 AM

Sep 2020
The anime itself is a plot hole
Sep 9, 2021 12:16 AM
Aug 2020
This series is kinda like code geass. There's a book of plot holes but is still quite enjoyable.
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