Anime Stats
Days: 81.8
Mean Score:
- Watching301
- Completed262
- On-Hold52
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- Total Entries635
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- Episodes4,932
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Manga Stats
Days: 5.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries41
- Reread0
- Chapters819
- Volumes63
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All Comments (2) Comments
But, taking Inori as a symbol of God maybe is your weakest point or just like you pointed out, the writers' fault. There are too many flaws in the show, hence my score on it is 7/10, even though the show could have a deep meaning. If only Inori doesn't lose control of herself at certain times or she is not confused about world (and her own feelings), she could be a perfect symbol of "god". That part about "Inori always stays beside Shu" in every kind of situation is a really good point and have a strong resemblance with "god" though. Oh, and I agree with you about Shu being one with Inori, here's a really long post of mine explaining how Shu and Inori is one:
You don't have to read it for it's unusually long, LOL. But, I think it really supports your statement about Shu and Inori being one.
I'm just happy that there's someone out there who think deeply about meaning of a show even though the show is being hated so much. And, I found that someone (you) here in MAL! Cheers!
P.S. Sword is actually a symbol of Word of God in the Bible and Inori's void is.... :P