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Jul 30, 2011 11:42 AM

Oct 2010
Seeing Ruri in a swimsuit is the pleasure of this fan of Ruri. She was great and she has a decent bust although DFC would have suited her the best.

The fights in the cave were amazing as follows,

I liked a lot that Kagami exerted himself very far to protect Ruri and I like seeing Ruri like that. It reminds of a Partlabor part where a girl was like that while the robot was fighting. Well it was a nice part. The fact the fight was in a cave made it better.

I checked the episode count, OMG WTF? Only 12? Damn it! I knew this was too good to be long. Fuck you production people of this anime. You do an amazing job at directing this only to disappointing us all with 12 episodes? Not cool. More later.
Yumekichi11Jul 30, 2011 12:39 PM

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Jul 30, 2011 12:03 PM

Nov 2007
Kagami's smile is adorable!

lol @ Kagami vs. Alma verbal argument.

Oh, no~ Ruri and Alma in danger.

Wow, loving the intermission image of Kagami!!

Kagami tries his best to protect Ruri while Alma is escaping.

An ashi inside the pyramid-shaped mountain... And Alma got it instantly when he transferred.

lol~ cannot wait for Kagami's "training" to Alma!!

Okamoto-san's chracter appears again next ep.
tsubasaloverJul 30, 2011 12:20 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jul 30, 2011 9:02 PM

Aug 2009
OH YES!...ruri in swim suit *drools*..i need fei in swimsuit *drools even more*..ahem...


1 almaxruri..kinda obvious

2 they trying to make us believe that knight is the villain but he and fei was the real victim escaped to freedom..*cough*well now trying to make revenge..

3 after a fierce fight alma megaman lightstone form will break/reach its limit..and alma need/force to go into his red darkstone form and will go berserk
..but he'll manage to control it somehow to save ruri..more like in a desperate situation..

4 it will be really cool if he fused his darkstone and lightstone form into one new suit (if he really control his darkstone perfectly)...
and he'll have red on the left eye and blue in the right eye =bad @ss

5 darkstone experiment+huge lab+kamen rider style and henshin = recipe for evil..
and you know who it is..i bet he'll manage to complete research on the darkstone and acquire the ultimate powered suit thingy
or turn into a huge monster

6 alma and knight will fight him together

7 or knight will fall 1st then he will gave his powers to alma ..will form a new combination of alma and knight suit..(but fei have powers to so she can be included)

8 i dont want this to be the ending but...alma will sacrifce himself in order to defeat the enemy..more like so that all the darkstone will be gone for good..
that what ruri want but not including alma so she will cry "almmmmaaaaaaa" like that
i repeat i dont want that to happen..but sunrise kill characters that made me guess this kind of ending posible...
.or sunrise always bring characters back to life somehow..
and be a happy ending = alma darkstone powers will be gone and become a normal human
Jul 31, 2011 2:24 AM

Jan 2010
Just a quick note.... if you watch "fansub" anime.

DO NOT watch [gfg]

HORRIBLE! Just bad. Wait until another group does a proper job.
"Seize the time, Meribor - live now! Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
Jul 31, 2011 7:55 AM

Feb 2009
So much for beach episode.
At least we got a little bit of Kagami's story so that should do I think. ...Ehhh, no, I don't think so ( ¬‿¬)
But seriously, him and his robots are really useless. Total waste of money along with the gems. And he's gonna be the one to give training to Tandoji? ( ¬‿¬)
Oh well, next week should be good since the other characters are returning.
Lulu look-a-like at the very last part of the preview.

Loving the full version of the OP song.
Jul 31, 2011 8:11 AM

Apr 2011
I concur, GFG has to be the worst fansubber I've ever seen. The first 10 minutes or so made perfect sense, and the rest was all machine-translated jibberish. It's like they machine-subbed the whole thing, fixed the first few minutes and then decided to just upload it half-finished.

The episode seemed pretty sweet up until that point, I look forward to GG subs' version. :) Plenty of fanservice this time around! I never even noticed the megane girl until this episode, when her and her curvaceous busom made her stand out quite a bit in her swimsuit :)

I'll edit in more episode-related commentary and my rating once a decent sub comes up.
Jul 31, 2011 10:37 AM

Mar 2009
no episode that didn't completely suck.
Jul 31, 2011 10:39 AM

Jun 2010
Right now I have been watching the episode and the subbing sucks!!!
Jul 31, 2011 2:08 PM
Jun 2009
189 that was a interesting ep aside from the subs >.>
Jul 31, 2011 3:53 PM

Jul 2010
WTF? The subtitles don't even make any sense!
Aside from the subtitles, the episode, it was good.
Jul 31, 2011 3:56 PM

Nov 2009
ha i felt like i was watching it raw cuz the subs sucked so bad...... glad to know that scarf shit on alma's suit is actually good for something.
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Aug 1, 2011 7:44 AM

Apr 2011
Now that I have a Hell of a better understanding of what the hell this show was going on about, I have to say it was a hell of a nice episode! Fanservicey as hell but to my surprise neither tentacles nor watermelon (tho the Darkstone at the end did resemble a plant). Ruri seems to hide those boobs well, or her swimsuit was designed to create a hell of a lot of cleavage where little exists. Hell!

... Sorry, the fansub group was mostly accurate but neglected to speckle Hellbrick's dialogue with the appropriate number of '-hell's. For some reason that little demonic face is my favorite character in this show, LOL.

Ruri and Kagami were cute as loli and shota ^_^ *starts imagining the doujinshi now ...* I wonder if Kagami wishes Ruri would fall in love with him or if hes just interested in protecting her. Not that he does a very good job of it. They finally give his mech a useful weapon, and he's too afraid to use it. Apparently it runs off of Lightstone energy, since it used a ruby suitable for Alma-transforming.


EDIT: The subs I watched was Looly's, for those of you who're still struggling to find anything other than gfg's terrible subs. gg is dragging their feet this weekend ...
Aug 1, 2011 10:36 AM
Mar 2011
yea, the subs suck. every season has at least one bad sub anime. last season it was aria....just discouraging
amginexAug 1, 2011 1:45 PM
"....i am the villain in this story"
Aug 1, 2011 1:10 PM

Oct 2009
I watched the episode on GFG... I'm extremely confused and I'll have to wait.

But this is the typical beach episode with darkstone creating a problem for the team. Whatever works.

Aug 1, 2011 2:52 PM

Jul 2010
Omg blushing Arma is super cute ^^

Jeez horrible subs when thet strated to eat >.< Why can't they translate it well?... Just what the fck happened? It feels like the translator changed or something like that, just everything is wrong with even stuff like the/I/it are completely off -_-" which fansub did this episode?... Damn I had to switch video's, really annoying...

But well I guess the scarf action was kinda nice but I dislike the ending with that arrogant butler being so unreasonable while Arma saved his oujou-sama...
Aug 1, 2011 8:51 PM

Aug 2009
aelove said:
ha i felt like i was watching it raw cuz the subs sucked so bad...... glad to know that scarf shit on alma's suit is actually good for something.

for me the scarf looks cool..especially when its flapping that reminds me of strider hiryu
..but i think that scarf is a part of his darkstone form that used for throwing that medusa stone monster thingy..

just like in the opening he can use the scarf to wrapped around knights arm..and he used it to catapult himself to the punching the scarf have some use
Aug 2, 2011 3:16 AM

Sep 2008
Okay, that was a fine episode. We didn't get to see geology club girl in her swimsuit, which was a mild disappointment.

Otherwise had some good action. We got to see a bit of what Arma can do when he's not tranformed. Scarf was a very nice weapon. If I were him I'd be using more of that and less of the gun, but he's still figuring out what all his shit is.

Subs were hilarious.

Training begins next week?
Aug 2, 2011 5:47 AM

Aug 2009

Well, at least this episode was better than the previous one, but that doesn't mean it was good. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Aug 2, 2011 8:26 AM

Jun 2009
I like Ruri fanservice the most out of this episode tbh. Also lol wet Arma ledouche style.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Aug 2, 2011 9:16 AM
Feb 2011
This episode was a nice surprise. I thought it was just going to be a basic beach episode, glad I was wrong.

It was good to see an episode focus more on Kagami. His fight with the darkstone in the cave was very good, and more is learned about his character.
More information is also learned about the darkstones, which does make things more interesting.

My only really problem is that Tandoji One Shotted the enemy again, but I guess there was not enough time for him to have a big fight, and Kagami made up for that.

Overall it was a very good episode and a big improvement over last week.

Also "Ridin" as the opening was hilarious.
Aug 2, 2011 9:47 AM

Aug 2010
lol @ gg's OP parody
woot we got to see another one of Alma's geass powers, epic scarf slice
woot beach episode turned wrong
woot kagami smiled and we sorta got to know his character better
woot next episode naito/knight/night returns
and finally, woot for love triangle lulz (too bad the winner is way too obvious)\
BOO he didnt get to use the OHKO laser D: it looked kinda cool too X3
Kagami's grip on that last scene looked like he was gonna burst his shoulders open .___.;
Aug 2, 2011 10:08 AM

Jun 2010
Ok the entire time I'm just like oh busta oh busta. I laughed at the opening, that was so good.

Aug 2, 2011 10:57 AM

Aug 2010
Ruri in a swimsuit was pure win.
Aug 2, 2011 10:59 AM

Jun 2010
Tandoji with sexy pits made this episode perfect. Hope we can see his brief swim suit next time.
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Aug 2, 2011 2:56 PM

Jun 2009
^Kinda agree with u.

Lol at GG's opening parody, it fits :P The ep was "rockin' " a bit boring, nothing changes. Alma doing hero acts again and again with same method beat za bozz with no story plot. At least there could be a "finale boss/evil man" so it could make it more interesting? *sigh...*

Aug 2, 2011 3:21 PM

Mar 2011
I was basically skipping it every 10 seconds because it was boring

Thank god we'll get to see the so-called villain next week. This whole stone-of-the-week thing needs to stop.
Aug 2, 2011 3:30 PM

May 2011
prismheart said:
Ruri in a swimsuit was pure win.

The fights gotta be better, the darkstone just got one hit banged when Alma couldn't even see him. Wtf?

Oh and crazy rock girl is crazy. Lol she was having an orgasm with all those rocks.
Aug 2, 2011 4:17 PM

Apr 2011
This episode deserves a five only for the opening.I dont know if this was just gg's fansub parody or w/e but it's effin epic!!!!

Aug 2, 2011 4:41 PM

Jun 2008
way to go kagami I love him he is so sexyyy

and arma doesn't get away jajaja lol he has ruri in the palm of his hand XD

poor kagami but well that happens

I want to see Kight he is no sexy too *¬*
Life is bittersweet can you live with that?
Aug 2, 2011 4:53 PM

Jan 2010
LOL, intro was Ridin. Holy Shit. 5/5.
Aug 2, 2011 6:26 PM

Jun 2011
GG didn't make that OP.

Here is the original video:

But yeah it was cool that GG used it.
Aug 2, 2011 6:46 PM

Feb 2008
lol ok so i usually skip the opening song, but did GG replace the opening song for this episode? becuase it went so well they should use it from now on hehe.
Aug 2, 2011 10:38 PM

Nov 2008
Lol gg's "Opening Deluxe".
An okay episode, still the same.
Aug 2, 2011 11:29 PM

Sep 2010
The OP fit nicely.
Aug 3, 2011 1:30 AM

Jan 2011
I feel very bad for some of you. Based on your reactions, some of you are missing out on the wonderful world of Hip-Hop and R&B.
Aug 3, 2011 2:11 AM

Jan 2009
Oh, gg. They just had to pull something, I guess. ( ¬‿¬)

So, yes, Wakana is dumb as fuck.
Or just simply so devoid of common sense and normal interests that she simply looks like she's dumb as fuck.

Also, what's this, another episode where Kagami and his mecha aren't completely useless? Preposterous.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Aug 3, 2011 7:49 AM
Mar 2011
Episode was meh, but the OP was fucking hilarious.
Aug 3, 2011 10:24 AM

May 2010
I don't mean this to mock Kagami but I felt like he is useless. I know that in the previous episode but this time had equipped this "powerful cannon" or whatever and he didn't use it at all, and I don't know if it is for decoration or something else
Aug 3, 2011 1:37 PM

Oct 2010
YEX said:
I don't mean this to mock Kagami but I felt like he is useless. I know that in the previous episode but this time had equipped this "powerful cannon" or whatever and he didn't use it at all, and I don't know if it is for decoration or something else
No, he was just fearful of it malfunctioning. Did not he say it was not fully tested yet?

In regards to Kagami, he is never useless! At the least he can service as major support for Alma.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 3, 2011 1:48 PM
Feb 2011
Best Opening theme used in an anime... EVER!
Aug 3, 2011 1:56 PM

Sep 2008
Yumekichi11 said:
YEX said:
I don't mean this to mock Kagami but I felt like he is useless. I know that in the previous episode but this time had equipped this "powerful cannon" or whatever and he didn't use it at all, and I don't know if it is for decoration or something else
No, he was just fearful of it malfunctioning. Did not he say it was not fully tested yet?

In regards to Kagami, he is never useless! At the least he can service as major support for Alma.

He used the bullet from the powerful cannon to power up Alma. Also, it's a powerful one-shot cannon in a set of underground tunnels. It was kind of ridiculous of them to expect a test-drive of the thing here of all places.
Aug 3, 2011 2:13 PM

Oct 2010
Gangler said:
Yumekichi11 said:
YEX said:
I don't mean this to mock Kagami but I felt like he is useless. I know that in the previous episode but this time had equipped this "powerful cannon" or whatever and he didn't use it at all, and I don't know if it is for decoration or something else
No, he was just fearful of it malfunctioning. Did not he say it was not fully tested yet?

In regards to Kagami, he is never useless! At the least he can service as major support for Alma.
He used the bullet from the powerful cannon to power up Alma. Also, it's a powerful one-shot cannon in a set of underground tunnels. It was kind of ridiculous of them to expect a test-drive of the thing here of all places.
Yeah exactly, powering up Alma with that bullet was the safest way since he would absorb that bullet and not let it blow up.

On top of that underground places can collapse under big explosions so yeah no choice there Gangler, I guess.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Aug 3, 2011 9:27 PM

Oct 2008
zeexdoom said:
Best Opening theme used in an anime... EVER!

Man, that had me cracking up...
Song sounded so familiar for a second, then I realized where I had heard it from...
Aug 4, 2011 10:20 AM

Nov 2010
Archie74 said:
Just a quick note.... if you watch "fansub" anime.

DO NOT watch [gfg]

HORRIBLE! Just bad. Wait until another group does a proper job.

Yeah, I'm going around for a different group because first six-eight minutes, really nice subbing and then everything went to hell.
Looking at posts on the Internet wouldn't bother me so much if people didn't also mix up he and she.
Aug 4, 2011 11:16 AM

Jan 2011
Binkan-Binkan said:
GG didn't make that OP.

Here is the original video:

But yeah it was cool that GG used it.


Aug 4, 2011 6:15 PM

Apr 2009
They see me rollin'
They hatin'

That was the best part of this episode. Seriously.
Aug 4, 2011 6:42 PM

Feb 2010
Honestly, it's the bishounen that keep me coming back. mmm hmm.

Good for a beach ep.. I was expecting the worst.
Aug 5, 2011 12:56 AM

Nov 2007
it was a joke on GG's part LOL im glad some fansubbers still have their sence of humor


I signed my screen and now its all smeary "When you meet your God tell him to leave me alone."

check out my blog

fix MAL already
Aug 5, 2011 8:32 PM

Oct 2009
this was a disappointing filler, as was the previous one. Sacred Seven is proof that no matter how much money you spend, if your plot sucks, the show will suck. Seriously, two fillers in a row? and right in the middle of an arc? and in the first 5 episodes??!
Aug 6, 2011 5:32 PM

Oct 2010
STM said:

Well, at least this episode was better than the previous one, but that doesn't mean it was good. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

that was the best op ever im just gonna give it 5/5 fir that and i haven't even finished the episode
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