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Puella Magi Madoka Magica
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Feb 17, 2011 10:09 PM

Oct 2008
Random things I thought about:

If Sayaka gets healing powers from a wish to cure someone else, what powers does Kyoko have from wishing other people to understand her father? Not quite clear what it is.

Well, the theory that Kyoko's wish was "unlimited food" was put to rest in this episode. Also, quite interesting to see where her food cravings came from.

Kamijo is almost a prick for not telling Sayaka anything. However, it confirms the one-way love.

Although Hitomi's revelation was shocking (and timed for maximum impact), she does give Sayaka time to confess to Kamijo. Hitomi is honest with her feelings, yet does think about the feelings of her best friend. However, Sayaka's current feelings about her soul gem and body definitely make it hard for her declarea her love. Sayaka may end up thinking, if she isn't already, that Hitomi is stealing her loved one. Misunderstandings are powerful. Anyone who has watched Mai-Hime can attest to that.

With Kyoko's wish leading to the death of her family, Homura's wish, although unknown, has caused her to take on the mission to stop further MS from being made, I can't see Sayaka's wish working out the way it is supposed to.

Interesting to see that Homura believes she is no longer human.

I can't stop commenting about this every episode, but the music is timed absolutely perfectly with the scenes, plot reveals and character interactions.

DenjaX said:

PS: Anybody else liked the inserted advertisements? I found it helpful to relieve this tension xDD I hope they will continue this xDD

I personally think the advertisments in the middle of the episode detract greatly from the immersion. Then again, this is how it would be seen on television.
OmniknightFeb 17, 2011 10:16 PM
Feb 17, 2011 10:18 PM

Mar 2010
Fuzzhx said:
This show just gets better and better each episode. And i dont think that Kyuubey is as evil as everyone says he is, he just cant relate to humans at all. he has basically no emotion whatsoever, which would make someone seem evil but you have to realize hes on a whole different level from humans.

Whether he's truly evil or not is up to interpretation. Regardless, he is still very conniving evidenced by what lengths he's gone to convince Madoka to become a mahou shoujo.
Feb 17, 2011 10:18 PM

Aug 2010
Man I cannot emphasize enough how awesome this episode was. Kyoko backstory, love triangle between friends.. Haven't shed a tear like this since Clannad.

Although Sayaka getting a little nutty did freak me out.
Feb 17, 2011 10:19 PM
Jul 2008
I don't feel that Hitomi actually likes Kamijo either, maybe Sayaka will accidentally hurt Hitomi and then become sane again, somehow. I still expect Sayaka to die sometime in this series though, no way that she'll get a happy ending with Kamijo. Insanity redeemed, then death. Also, sea is calm before the storm again? like with Mami.

All the mahou shoujos don't seem to end up being happy after asking for a miracle either way - might as well ask for infinite amount of miracles.

Why are so many people expecting Mami to revive? I don't get it. I honesty thought that friendship speech before Mami died was annoying and was a death foreshadow.

What I'm curious about is that water pool image that suddenly appeared out of nowhere when Sayaka was hugging Madoka and crying in this episode.
KJacketFeb 17, 2011 10:28 PM
Feb 17, 2011 10:49 PM
Jun 2010
Powerful scene at the end there. Sayaka is going to become more and more reckless it seems. Hitomi is such a bitch, 'You have one day.' I don't know if I could handle that if I were in Sayaka's position, I'd be like 'I FUCKING SAVED YOUR LIFE.' Man, really digging the character development. The only one lacking depth is Madoka but hopefully we'll see something set off soon with Sayaka's death or witch transformation. Her soul gem is going to become too full of the black stuff soon and she'll be a witch without a doubt, I am now 100% sure that's what her ultimate end will be, turning into a witch from too much sin in her soul gem.
Feb 17, 2011 10:59 PM

Aug 2010
Kyubei is so evil :'(
yet he is so cute <3

i feel really bad for Kyoko because it was her wish that lead to her family's death and Sayaka started to make me mad when she wouldnt listen to her advice!!! But then i forgave Sayaka when she finds out her friend like the same guy she does and starts to go crazy~

and im starting to think Madoka isnt even going to transform until the last episode, if even that
Feb 17, 2011 11:10 PM

Sep 2008
I'm actually liking the predicament that Sayaka is in. I find it very understandable that she would use everything in her power to feel alive after her realization that she is a zombie... and a masou mahou shoujo.
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Feb 17, 2011 11:11 PM

Feb 2010
Great episode, though I wish that fight scene at the end wasn't mostly black and white...
Feb 17, 2011 11:22 PM

Dec 2008
Go Sayaka embrace insanity :D
Feb 17, 2011 11:39 PM
Mar 2010
Ah shit, Sayaka is going to die
Feb 18, 2011 12:13 AM

Nov 2010
I can just tell SOMEONE is gonna be dead next EP, too bad it can't be useless Madoka =_="
Feb 18, 2011 12:24 AM

Apr 2009
I'm going to believe that Puella Magi are a sense. Because there's really no difference between the two now apart from aesthetics. Kyoko inadvertently ended up killing her entire family through her 'Miracle' which in the end was no different than a curse or a Witch kissing her whole family. And Sayaka at the very end of the episode resembled the very thing thing she was fighting. A soulless, numb beast. It was really just a monster fighting another monster.

More about this on my blog here.
Feb 18, 2011 12:37 AM

Apr 2008
Kyoko and Sayaka are both heading towards their deaths. :( Although Sayaka is closer to becoming a witch herself...God, this show is so addicting. Waiting a whole week for the next episode is killing me!
Feb 18, 2011 12:50 AM

Feb 2010
Wow. Sayaka was just totally different at the end (' ')/
Feb 18, 2011 12:57 AM

Feb 2010
Kyubey is one evil schemer^^ and Sayaka going mad i saw that coming after she realized that Kyubey tricked her now comes the big question can she be saved or is her death inevitable.
Feb 18, 2011 1:02 AM
Nov 2007
What a deliciously twisted episode. Oh poor Sayaka.

And Kyouko is love <3
Feb 18, 2011 1:18 AM
Nov 2010
Kyouko so cute in ending drawing, did I see some fat? ;O

It appears, Sayaka is not honest with her feelings period, not just with Kamijo. At one time proclaiming she only wants to help others, but clearly her true wish does not end with Kamijo just being healed. Her attitude in mahou shoujo form is one who no longer cares, drowning her despair and getting drunk in the in the battle against witches. This recklessness will be someone else's undoing.

Homura is getting tiresome though, spewing the same thing over and over again every episode. It is not very effective...
Feb 18, 2011 1:24 AM

Nov 2010
Why are they getting so worked up about getting there souls ripped out of them? That would be so cool. I wouldn't mind. maybe because I'm just weird and twisted like that...

anyway this shows is getting better but Madoka is really getting on my nerves, she better become a Puella Magi soon... Homura is meh. Sayaka is getting far more interesting and Kyouko is still the best character.
Feb 18, 2011 1:45 AM

Jan 2009
I kinda like Kyubey, he's a pretty cool guy. ‿‿
<insert random comment about moar stuff in this episode which has already been said anyway here>

Oh and still lovin' gg for adding commercials, especially dat Macross commercial. Well I like them other commercials too though.
OosranFeb 18, 2011 2:11 AM
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Feb 18, 2011 2:28 AM

Nov 2007
I should've known Gen Urobuchi would be twisting the knife as much as possible, before dealing the final blow. All the signs were there that she would regret her wish, but I didn't see it coming that her good friend Hitomi would end up with the guy.
She should've confessed to him before making her wish.

QB's torturing was cruel, but still explainable as 'not totally evil' as he was teaching her how different pain felt with or without a soul. He went on to explain that pushing it further, would cause her to feel no pain at all, which in the end she did.
Looking at the utter state of misery Sayaka's in, she would've been better off not knowing. You might say he's doing them a favor by not informing them.

Despite that, my liking for Sayaka dropped considerably due to the way she got on her high horse with Kyouko.
stevewiess01 said:
Anyway, I was surprised how Kyouko was so obsessed with food to the extent that she was about to choke Sayaka for throwing away her apple... What a gluttony..

No, it has nothing to do with gluttony.
Due to her father's unpopular preachings, her family was poor, no money for food. She knows what hunger is. Sayaka (judged on what we've seen being from a well-off family) hasn't got a clue when she throws away the apple.
Yet once she's heard Kyouko's story, she goes all moralistic, implying she doesn't want stolen food. Kyouko's expression makes it painfully clear that stealing food was a necessity, not just for the fun of it.
Quite admirable she didn't punch Sayaka in her face and even tried to help her later on.
I think she's the girl Mami was talking about when she warned Sayaka about making a wish for someone else.

Than the fight. Awesome animated!
Apples, tree, arms like snakes, now where have I seen that combination before?
Sure the order is mixed up, but loss of innocence is a safe bet.
That tree instantly brought back memories of ep 1, and the changes of Sayaka turning into that witch have gone up considerably.

Akiyama said:
Sayaka kills Kyouko.

That's what I thought when I saw that. Also because we got the backstory on Kyouko, which often is a lead-in to the dead of that person.
Maybe Sayaka'll go into a rage, wanting to kill Hitomi or Kyouto, Kyouko intervenes and Sayaka ends up killing her...

Yumekichi11 said:
Still wondering about why would she have pain around her stomach

That's the place where her soulgem is located when she transforms.

Yumekichi11 said:
Although Madoka comforted well Sayaka, her emotional worrying is getting rather annoying after all this time TBH. Gar up Madoka damn it!

Yeah it's annoying, though she wasn't that bad in this ep.
However, it's interesting to see that her highly idealistic and peaceful approach may have worked, as Kyouko tried to make a truce this ep. Despite what she has seen, her beliefs and convictions are still the same, while Sayaka - also idealistic, though mixed with self-interest - is spiralling downwards rapidly.

Yumekichi11 said:
The way I see things might be a twist but Hitomi might become a magical girl

Yep, it's certainly a possibility.
QB: "Hello there. I'm just saying that your friend, Sayaka, is a zombie with magical powers and wants to kill the boy you are about to confess to. By the way, I can grant you one wish and that'll give you awesome powers. Interested?"
◕ ‿‿ ◕
cleoFeb 18, 2011 2:37 AM
Feb 18, 2011 2:42 AM

Jul 2009
Being a Mahou Shoujo isn't just a piece of cake at all..

Sayaka-Chan is becoming insane and won't stay longer anymore i think.
I think after some extreme dramatic turnarounds Madoka should become a MS. Only 5 episodes left!!!

Pretty messy this episodes with a lot of revealing truths.
Best series in Winter Season.

Feb 18, 2011 2:54 AM

Nov 2007
Yumekichi11 said:
I don't believe Kyoko will die. I am 100% confident in Homura doing something. If she really is serious about protecting her choice for this town then she better show some action to that since action speaks louder than words.

Remember Walpurchis night is coming up.
In Goethe's Faust, Mephistopholes tries to distract Faust from saving Gretchen.
What if Madoka faces another danger at the same time Kyouko's life is in danger?
I'm sure Homura will chose to safe Madoka.
Feb 18, 2011 3:02 AM
Dec 2010
Wow @ the insane sayaka in the end.

I still think Madoka is going to be a MS, just not through a contract with Kyubei.
Feb 18, 2011 3:09 AM

Jul 2010
Yumekichi11 said:

Once again, thank you for summarizing the whole episode for us to read and clarify any uncertain points :P really appreciate your work
Also, you might as well write your own blog about each episode since, what I can see, you can write excellent reviews and first impressions :D

As for Kyouko, she's not that bad as antagonist?? in fact, I don't think she is even an antagonist at this point... it seems Sayaka is going to become the bad guy instead IMO... like you can tell from all those foreshadowing and ominous messages portraying Sayaka's turning evil.

Anyway, I hope Homuro or Kyouko do something about it because at this point, I have a feeling that someone's gonna die.
chococya96Feb 18, 2011 3:24 AM

Feb 18, 2011 3:14 AM

Nov 2007
paperbomb said:
anyway this shows is getting better but Madoka is really getting on my nerves, she better become a Puella Magi soon...

Japanese fans noticed that the font of the kanji "魔法" (mahou, magic) in the show's logo text is heavily stylized, and could be read instead as "廃怯" (hai-kyou, cowardice, hesitation).
The visually valid joke title, "廃怯少女 まどか☆マギカ" (Hai-Kyou Shoujo Madoka Magika), could be translated as "wavering girl Madoka Magica" <3
Feb 18, 2011 3:24 AM

May 2009
Oh shi-- she've gone crazy D:

-- I'm looking for "The One" and I'll find her more quickly if I audition two at a time. Think you can do better? --
-- The World God Only Knows -- Toaru Majutsu no Index -- Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai --
Feb 18, 2011 3:44 AM

Aug 2009
Currently, the worst possible path I expect is;

1. Sayaka is mad, and becomes crazy witch
2. Kills hitomi and make Kamijo disabled again.
3. Homura kills Sayaka to stop her from madness.
4. Madoka becomes Shinji.
5. 3rd impact whatever witch festival and world destruction.
Feb 18, 2011 3:46 AM

Nov 2010
ringoo4 said:
Currently, the worst possible path I expect is;

1. Sayaka is mad, and becomes crazy witch
2. Kills hitomi and make Kamijo disabled again.
3. Homura kills Sayaka to stop her from madness.
4. Madoka becomes Shinji.
5. 3rd impact whatever witch festival and world destruction.

man you just listed all the BEST things that could happen. I hope this show take a greater leap into darkness. enough to corrupt Madoka. heheheee
Feb 18, 2011 3:51 AM

Jun 2009
ringoo4 said:
Currently, the worst possible path I expect is;

1. Sayaka is mad, and becomes crazy witch
2. Kills hitomi and make Kamijo disabled again.
3. Homura kills Sayaka to stop her from madness.
4. Madoka becomes Shinji.
5. 3rd impact whatever witch festival and world destruction.
Here are my theories:

Certainty: Puella Magi emotions = more witches.
Reasoning: CuBe eats despair seeds, CuBe wants more despair seed's, CuBe also wants more Puella Magi, CuBe encourages Puella Magi to fight and likes stirring up drama. Bad juju is bad.
1. Puella Magi are Witches a la Claymore. Claymore Witches have an inverted/everted Saya no Utaesque view of the world. CuBe looks the same to both Claymore Witches and Magi because he is technically true neutral. CuBe likes souls and "despair seeds" equally as much.
2. Puella Magi simply inadvertently release familiars when they feel strong emotions
3. The black shit in a Magi's soul is bad karma. CuBe finds bad karma to be delicious: kind of like flan.

Certainty: Madoka causes the end of the world as we know it in ep. 12.
Reasoning: artists are lazy; the MAL page has a picture of her in her mahou shoujo outfit: she must become Mahou. CuBe really wants more witches. Cube really wants Madoka to go Mahou.The entire show has been about CuBe trying to manipulate Madoka into going Mahou. CuBe won't leave Madoka alone. Madoka is really powerful. CuBe is unspeakably evil. CuBe is hungry.
1. #1 of above is true. CuBe spends the next 5 episodes driving Madoka to the depths of despair by killing off everyone she loves. Ep 12 comes along and whoever Madoka loves most is threatened. Madoka can only save said person by going Mahou. She goes Mahou. CuBe thinks to himself, "lol, no, bitch: I've had this all planned from the beginning." Said person dies very tragically despite Madoka's >9000 power level. Madoka's gets really pissed and blacks out for a while. The scene that Madoka saw in her dream in ep 1 is what greets her when she wakes up. CuBe lies, telling her that #2 of above is true and that she inadvertently released a metric fuck-tonne of familiars on the world when she lost her shit. Madoka spends years killing all the "familiars" and "Witches" using her >9000 powers and CuBe gets lots and lots of "despair seeds."
2. Same as above guess, but Madoka really isn't a Claymore-Witch and CuBe wasn't lying.
3. Madoka goes mahou for the lulz. Madoka fucks up despite being overpowered; get's eaten by a Witch. Witch goes on rampage.

Certainty: Honda knows too much.
Reasoning: She knew about the souls. She tries to never, ever show emotions or fight. She feels guilty about existing. She hates CuBe, but doesn't think he's truly evil. She doesn't want Madoka to become Mahou.
1. She's really >9000 years old.
2. She was originally a Claymore-Witch.
3. She's a Buddhist monk in disguise.
4. She has access to the Akashic records; CuBe is royally fucked once she tires of his cute, ferrety antics.

Conclusion: CuBe is the most awesome character in this show. We should kill Honda immedialtly so CuBe can destroy the world through Madoka.

Edit: oh, and CuBe is also really Gendo in a ferret outfit.
DrHouseFeb 18, 2011 3:58 AM
Feb 18, 2011 4:47 AM

May 2009
20 bucks Sayaka dies next episode . I can smell the blood >:)

Feb 18, 2011 4:59 AM

Nov 2010
...Damn it, do I hate NTR.

Pretty saddening episode, I always thought Sayaka was meh but this episode brought my white knight powers up and made me like her.

I'll be damned if this was done on purpose so she can die.
Feb 18, 2011 4:59 AM

Jan 2010
Am I the only one who noticed that just after the op Kyubey flashed on the screen for a second before the ep started!!! Confirm in the spoiler~

Feb 18, 2011 5:58 AM

Aug 2009
Twisted Sayaka is another thing to be loved in this show. Oh wait, what happened to the "I can't face Mami-san if I'm like this"? She's gone psycho right?

I also didn't expect the love triangle. If Hitomi shows up next episode... expect NTR.
Feb 18, 2011 6:06 AM

Aug 2010
So..... In the end where Kyoko take her apples?
Feb 18, 2011 6:08 AM

Sep 2010
poor sayaka, i feel bad for her, i really hope its gonna end good for her.
but seeing this serie's genres, i doubt it.
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Feb 18, 2011 6:29 AM

Oct 2010
hellfiredragon said:
Found a full version that nicely done in the spoiler
alexcampos said:
coyotech said:
hmm I'm i the only one that thinks hitomi really doesn't care for the guy and is just trying to get Sayaka to confess to him.
Maybe, but I don't think so... This is a very DARK anime, what better way to bring a character into despair than have a friend steal the person she loves.If anything Hitomi is now a huge WHORE, I expect shit to hit the fan next episode.
Oh yeah! I will see broken glasses, blood sipping out of the body and Hitomi being dead with Madoka going bonkers.
Omniknight said:
Random things I thought about: If Sayaka gets healing powers from a wish to cure someone else, what powers does Kyoko have from wishing other people to understand her father? Not quite clear what it is.

Simply put power! Submitting other peopel requires great amounts of power into charisma so that's why.
Omniknight said:
Anyone who has watched Mai-Hime can attest to that.
Oh yeah and what a mess all of that created. If they do it like that in this series, holy shit everyone get their super emotional barrier up because it could be worse than Mami's part.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Feb 18, 2011 6:33 AM

Nov 2007
Omniknight said:
Random things I thought about:
If Sayaka gets healing powers from a wish to cure someone else, what powers does Kyoko have from wishing other people to understand her father? Not quite clear what it is.

Guessing here:
Sayaka worked her way into that witch from the outside.
Yet out of nowhere Kyouko was inside that witch, helping Sayaka to get out.
So maybe that's her ability, like the way her father could get inside people's heads after
the wish was made.
Feb 18, 2011 6:41 AM

Apr 2010
Yumekichi11 said:
underMebius said:
On the other hand, I sense Kyoko death flags everywhere. Mami also revealed her past before.. she lost her head. D:
I don't believe Kyoko will die. I am 100% confident in Homura doing something. If she really is serious about protecting her choice for this town then she better show some action to that since action speaks louder than words. Sayaka is the one I don't want around. She is insane and lost complete confidence in herself blame it on Kyuubei but more on Hitomi. So any chance Hitomi will become a magical girl and we get Shafted again? Kyuubei can easily manipulate Hitomi somehow into wishing for Kamijou to become hers forever.
I personally think Sayaka is the next one to bite the dust i have thought that way from the point where her wish was granted.
And her current behavior also seems to suggest something bad will happen to her since she doesn't care about her body anymore.
I still hope that something bad will happen to that Kamijo kid as well i don't want him to became the boyfriend of Hitomi she is way to good for him.

I agree with you that Kyoko wont die that easily she has allot more experience and is also more powerful then Sayaka.
And she values herself allot more then Sayaka, and unlike Sayaka she can still think straight.
Kyoko's past was demonstrated with a pupped play which is another reference to Faust's story which is very popular as a pupped play.
Her background also showed the consequences of her wish and the cost of them, now i wonder what the story is behind Homura.
It also became clear why Kyoko only goes after the big fray and not after the small one, since she is only fighting for herself.
Feb 18, 2011 7:21 AM

Oct 2010
Damn that Kyuubei. He grants Sayaka's wish of having Kamijo healed, only to have him taken away by one of her friends. Though she could've just let Hitomi die back in ep 4, if she hadn't appeared on the scene as a Mahou Shoujo, the witch would've killed Madoka, her BEST friend.

How ironic. She was such a big talk to Kyoko at the church about not regretting her powers and being able to use it for the greater good, only to end up agreeing with her and becoming Psycho later on.

Let me be off-topic here. Had she known it was gonna come out like this, becoming an entity (she considers)unworthy of his love and getting NTR'd, she would have rejected the contract. Then again, he'd remain miserable being unable to play the violin again. (and maybe yell at her again) I wonder if she'd bear to see her loved one in pain just to keep him for herself.

There's always gonna be some kind of catch to all of these contracts,wishes and stuff. Turning into a zombie is bad enough, but to create horrible consequences which ruins the peaceful lives of the ones who make a contract with him.....

It's almost as if Kyuubei is playing an extreme and overly abusive version of "Corrupt a Wish."
LeRealFeb 18, 2011 7:29 AM
Feb 18, 2011 7:43 AM

Jan 2010
Why does Sayaka reject Kyouko's attempts to be friendly?
Feb 18, 2011 7:56 AM

Feb 2009
brianwuzhere said:
InsanityMadness is like gravity. All it needs is a little...push.
Fixed. It's one of my favorite lines from Joker from The Dark Knight movie so I should know.

‿‿ strikes again.
Kyoko's story made me see her in a new light.
Sayaka though...never thought she'll get in that state like that.
Damn this is getting darker and better as it goes. I love it.
Lol though at the prospect of zombie masoumahou shoujo.

Listening to full version of ED song.
Amazing stuff ‿‿

Another thing,
belatkuroFeb 18, 2011 8:03 AM
Feb 18, 2011 7:56 AM

Oct 2008
cleo said:
Guessing here:
Sayaka worked her way into that witch from the outside.
Yet out of nowhere Kyouko was inside that witch, helping Sayaka to get out.
So maybe that's her ability, like the way her father could get inside people's heads after
the wish was made.
The only problem I see with that is that was indeed her power, Kyoko should have been able to see what Homura was up to at the beginning of the last episode. Instead, she just mentions how she has such as wonderful poker face (and wonderful it is!).

Sidenote, the one thing that this anime has that others don't (cough* Infinite Stratos, cough* Gosick) is good pacing. The scenes are not too long as to lose interest, but neither too short to not give enough information.
desolatoFeb 18, 2011 1:03 PM
Feb 18, 2011 8:00 AM

Jul 2010
This might have been the most emotion-filled episode for me so far. ;_;

Good to hear Kyouko's back story and her whole opinion on the matter. Hitomi also liking Kyousuke must be the equivalent despair that evens out the balance of happiness on earth; compensating for Sayaka's wish. In the end Sayaka finally snapped. I don't think she is going to last much longer.

Kyuubei: lying little fuzz ball transforming girls into zombies since 2011. ‿‿
OnyxthegreatFeb 18, 2011 11:59 AM

Feb 18, 2011 8:07 AM

Jan 2011
Wow, this episode was great, but the last five minutes, starting when Madoka confronted Sayaka were amazing!

cleo said:
Yumekichi11 said:
I don't believe Kyoko will die. I am 100% confident in Homura doing something. If she really is serious about protecting her choice for this town then she better show some action to that since action speaks louder than words.

Remember Walpurchis night is coming up.
In Goethe's Faust, Mephistopholes tries to distract Faust from saving Gretchen.
What if Madoka faces another danger at the same time Kyouko's life is in danger?
I'm sure Homura will chose to safe Madoka.

Close, but not quite right. Mephistopholes said he was going to Walpurchis during the Witch's Kitchen, before Faust meet Gretchen. Faust volunteered to go Walpurchis with Mephistopholes because it was said that buried treasure and gems glow in the night, so they would be easy to find, and there were plenty hidden in the mountain that Walpurchis took place. Faust wanted these to give to Gretchen and during his time there she was arrested. Mephistopholes didn't want to, but agreed to take Faust to Gretchen, but Gretchen refuse to leave, sensing the devil on Faust and Mephistopholes, and chose to die and be saved. So, if Madoka was to truely follow this, I think it would be by
1. Madoka tries to help the other Puella Magi at Walpurchis, can't, and turns to QB for help, and makes a wish and becomes a Puella Magi, but it will ruin her in the end, or
2. Homura will try to help Madoka, but Madoaka wn't let her, and makes Homura save the town instead, in exchang for something happening to Madoka, possibly death.
geasscommanderFeb 18, 2011 8:59 AM
Feb 18, 2011 8:55 AM
Nov 2009
Poor Sayaka :(
She did a magical girl transformation into Kotonoha Katsura there D:
The love triangle was interesting, didn't see it coming
Kyuubey's still evil, never trusting rabbits again
Feb 18, 2011 9:07 AM

Nov 2009
taki-desu said:
I must be the only one who finds him awesome aren't I?
I too find him awesome. OK I just find such characters interesting.

Actually if you look at it, every one is just doing what they think is correct. Kyubei is no different. Really love it when there are no real bad bad guys in a story.

Quite a dramatic episode. It's I was actual taken in by the characters emotions.

Looks like Sayaka gave up. Thinking she is no longer worth it.
desolatoFeb 18, 2011 1:04 PM
Feb 18, 2011 9:13 AM

Oct 2008
May not be relevant to this episode, but there is a moment in epsiode 4 where someone may have found something.

My Japanese is not fluent enough to decipher what is this significance of what is being said.
Feb 18, 2011 9:14 AM

Jun 2008
I don't know am not certain that Hitomi really wants that boy like many of you.
It seemed to me like she saw Sayaka not having the will to express her emotion and thought of pretending that she will confess to make her friend find the guts to go near the boy she loves. So it may have actually been an attempt to help her but she doesn't know that Sayaka feels bad about what she has become.

Sayaka obviously has a problem hading the fact that her soul isn't in her body. Her last crazy outburst shows her attempt to get hurt trying to feel the pain and going crazy over the fact that her body feels so soulless.
I wonder the feeling of a kiss or touch is diminish like the feeling of pain, making her go crazy over the fact that she would never be able to feel the touch of the boy she loves in a prober way.
Can that body even get pregnant for example? Can she feel sex normally?

If the only difference really is the feeling of pain then i believe she really doesn't need to take it so horrible no matter how bad it seems.
Maybe because am also a person that cares more about logic over sentimentality i can see Kyuubei having a point there. Really who cares if your soul is inside of your body or not if you still have control of it. I would only be concern in my ability to still have my senses except pain at full. Other than that i wouldn't really care. Feeling less pain isn't so bad anyway.

Now am waiting for some inside on Homura. She seems to be the most interesting girl with all the knowledge she has and the fact that even Kyuubei seems to not know much about her.
Feb 18, 2011 9:28 AM

Aug 2010
This confirms it for me. Sayaka is turning into a witch.

Also, girls giggling like crazy are one of the most creepy things there is. Period.

I'm looking forward to the next episode.

Also, Magia (Full version) is EPIC
I want Rambo in a mecha-suit with a laser-chainsaw gun that fires nuclear warheads, fighting the love-child of Predator, Alien, a group of Bangladeshi terrorists, and Satan. (Actually that would be a pretty sick show) - StopDropAndBowl
Feb 18, 2011 9:32 AM
Sep 2007
I haven't seen this yet (am a bit behind), but knowing what happens, I have a theory regarding Sayaka's insanity and the Soul Gem. Perhaps the reason the magical girls need to recharge the Soul Gems using the Grief Seeds is because they start to lose their minds if too much magical power is depleted?

Eh, that's just my thought. *shrug* I'll be watching this episode tonight, so hopefully it's good.
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