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Days: 309.9
Mean Score: 7.70
  • Total Entries1,259
  • Rewatched44
  • Episodes18,367
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Honey Lemon Soda
Honey Lemon Soda
4 hours ago
Watching 10/12 · Scored -
Ao no Hako
Ao no Hako
Yesterday, 3:46 PM
Watching 24/25 · Scored -
Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon suru Koto ni Natta.
Class no Daikirai na Joshi to Kekkon suru Koto ni Natta.
Yesterday, 12:27 PM
Watching 9/12 · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 28.3
Mean Score: 8.45
  • Total Entries62
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  • Chapters4,705
  • Volumes326
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Ashita, Watashi wa Dareka no Kanojo
Ashita, Watashi wa Dareka no Kanojo
Apr 24, 2024 11:21 AM
Reading 140/? · Scored -
Chainsaw Man
Chainsaw Man
Nov 14, 2023 8:37 AM
Reading 147/? · Scored -
[Oshi no Ko]
[Oshi no Ko]
Oct 2, 2023 10:58 AM
Reading 127/168 · Scored -

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_Saiko_ Nov 16, 2020 12:45 PM
Macht nix, ich hab jetzt selber mal ne Woche gebraucht weil für mich dasselbe gilt xD

Wenn du möchtest können wir ja auf eine Plattform umsteigen, wo wir vielleicht beide etwas erreichbarer sind^^

Manga les ich mittlerweile primär offline und in physischer Form (einfach weil ich generell weniger Zeit dafür hab aber auch um öfter vom Bildschirm wegzukommen). Z.B. les ich da momentan 20th Century Boys, was aktuell als "ultimative Edition" neu veröffentlicht wird, hab Oyasumi Punpun vor einiger Zeit komplett gelesen und sonst les ich noch Vinland Saga, My Hero Academia, One-Punch Man und Platinum End. Online aktuell nur One Piece (zusätzlich zu offline) und Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (mein letzter großer "Online Read").

Anime schau ich im Moment eher weniger. Miyazaki Filme immer wieder mal, die sind halt was Besonderes. :)
Sonst wenn ein neuer JoJo Part rauskommt oder wenn ich was gutes auf Prime oder Netflix finde. Letztens waren das z.B. Dorohedoro und Made in Abyss.

Und ja, J-Rock hör ich immer noch hin und wieder. Wobei da in den letzten Jahren kaum neue Bands/Künstler dazu gekommen sind für mich. War in letzter Zeit eher verstärkt im Westen unterwegs. :)
_Saiko_ Oct 7, 2020 10:43 AM
Heeey, wie läufts so? :)

Da Du mir ja letztes Jahr einen Kommentar dagelassen hast, dachte ich vielleicht hättest du Lust mal wieder ein wenig über Manga/Anime und den ganzen Rest zu schreiben?
Hab mich jetzt schon länger mit niemandem drüber unterhalten. :P
Ezekiel_01 May 30, 2020 6:56 PM
Hello Good Day! Randomly visiting your profile. Coed Geass R2 such an impactful anime during my teenage days. I see you also love Shana.
FaithoftheFallen Apr 21, 2019 1:42 AM
HI! I literally just saw your comment today lol. It looks like you haven't logged on since Feb 7 though, so I guess it doesn't really make a difference XD

I also miss the old days when we used to chat a lot. I am doing fine in life - I managed to get pretty far in my career, but it came with a lot of stress and health problems. In two months from now, it will be 6 whole years that I have been working full-time after graduating from college.

For me, I actually got even more into moe anime now. I rarely watch shows that aren't mainly moe - maybe like two or three each year. So our tastes in anime have really diverged in opposite directions lol. I still use MAL regularly to update my anime and manga list, but not for anything else.

There have been quite a few major things that happened in the last few years since we last had a really detailed conversation. The main highlights would be I finally moved out on my own to be closer to work 3 years ago, and I got a vendor booth at Anime Expo the last two years. I feel like it is way too much to type up on MAL though, plus we don't log in and check comments often enough to have anything that can be considered a conversation lol. I am also interested in hearing how things have been going for you. Do you have Discord? If you do, my username is FaithTestarossa#0001.

_Saiko_ Apr 9, 2019 1:34 PM
Yoo, ich lebe in der Tat :P

War nur schon ewig nicht mehr online, deshalb die
späte Nachricht, sorry.
Mofu-Moku Apr 13, 2015 1:29 PM

FaithoftheFallen Mar 9, 2015 7:38 PM
Also, it took an awfully long time for you to herp back at me D:
FaithoftheFallen Mar 9, 2015 7:03 PM
The same to you :D Miku love <3
FaithoftheFallen Feb 13, 2015 8:09 PM
Mofu-Moku Nov 10, 2014 12:22 PM
200.0 days!!! Omedetou, mein Maofisch! x)

Auf weitere 200! ^___^v

Mofu-Moku May 9, 2014 12:26 PM
AnoHanaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! :(
Mofu-Moku Mar 26, 2014 5:06 PM
Long way to go to catch up with you :P
Mit Hunter x Hunter die 100 hours yeah :D
Daipyon Jan 1, 2014 1:04 AM
Daipyon Oct 31, 2013 12:49 AM
Glückwunsch für das Fertigschauen von 500 Animes ^^
FaithoftheFallen Oct 20, 2013 8:48 PM
Yeah cuz from the news I had seen temperatures had been dropping lately so I thought it was weird you said it was still very hot lol and there is the power of the internet now! I can stalk you everywhere, including where you least expect it... kukuku

It has still been a bit hot during the daytime, but pretty much all modern offices anywhere will have a central air system that keeps temperatures inside constant, so I need a long-sleeve or even a jacket inside even during the summer, and in the winter I'll wear like 5 coats outside and then take them all of when I go inside lol oh and I got a job as a software developer; I've been working on a web app for the past few months with a lot of html, javascript, and the language Ruby on Rails :3 the main focus is property management and an accounting system for it. I pretty much spend half my time adding new features and the other half fixing bugs. I have learned a ton of stuff in the past 4 months... mostly due to the fact that I was an IT major in college and did almost no programming at all... just two 10 week courses where I only learned basic java and how to make classes XD work is really fun, but the drive is terrible and makes me feel like rage-quitting sometimes =__=

Maybe you should move to Taiwan after you graduate and live there instead ;D and you don't need to worry about missing out on your otaku stuff either ;3 and how much longer do you have before you graduate? 2 years? but it's great that you have a job already :3 and you have 2 anime conventions a year!? that sounds great :O and sadly no, I didn't go watch any lives at Anime Expo cuz I'm not a really big fan of many of the artists like you lol and Noizi Ito had a panel, but I couldn't get in =__= maybe she was the famous person you heard about? And I had already met up with the AnimeGoddess guy last year too, so this was the second time :3 we walked over to Little Tokyo and browsed through the manga bookstore and figure shop in the morning, then went back to Anime Expo to look at more anime goods in the exhibition hall XD

Oh and congratulations on getting a girlfriend :D I recommend you sit down with her and rewatch To Love Ru, Kiss x Sis, and Yosuga no Sora with her ;D as for other 2D ero, I have plenty, way too much to show you through MAL XD

I would still have plenty of time to watch anime and play games each day if I only needed to spend 1 hour driving... I would have 2 extra hours each day, which would be 10 extra hours each week and 520 hours each year; but I spend that time parked on the freeway lol I really hope you don't end up having a terrible commute like me, but I don't think traffic in Germany is as anywhere near as bad as LA so you won't have to worry as much lol

I made a new Yuzuki Yukari anime list design template, but I haven't had time to put the finishing touches on it lol and I should update my profile pic too when I get time to fix that... it seems you haven't changed your anime list for a long time too judging from the date you left on it XD

Good luck with your new semester :3
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