All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 55.0
Mean Score:
- Watching7
- Completed125
- On-Hold64
- Dropped12
- Plan to Watch106
- Total Entries314
- Rewatched0
- Episodes3,242
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 63.7
Mean Score:
- Total Entries223
- Reread0
- Chapters11,340
- Volumes270
All Comments (136) Comments
I'll only be back in MA for about a week around Christmas -- usually a tough time to set stuff up, but hopefully we can work something out. I'll let you know what days I'll be home when it gets a little closer.
I'll check out Re:Zero for sure.
I still want to watch Gintama, but I just have it in my dropped list cause I'm not sure when I'll watch it again
I got up to the first serious arc and tbh, I can't get into the humor. It annoys me at times, which sucks cause I love the cast so much. I'm still hoping I can get into the humor cause I really want to like this show, but it's not working out well so far
I see you've watched Gintama. Would you mind if I asked a you a question about it? I've watched 18 eps so far, and it's ok right now. I've read that it doesn't get "good" until episode 20+ and if you're attached to the cast (I like all the characters so far -- Sougo is my favorite so far), so I was wondering from someone who's watched Gintama, when does the comedy improve (or rather the enjoyment)?
Yep, AOE HD has all the online goodness. It's really exactly the same as AOE 2 + the expansion, but also has online matchmaking and widescreen support, plus some upgraded textures etc.
I'll check out Shingeki no Kyojin for sure - which reminds me, I still have to watch Jormungand too.
How are things with you?
Almost thought Vinland Saga was getting an Anime for a second.