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Another (light novel)
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Jan 21, 2015 10:44 PM
Jun 2013
well the curse didint cheat at least. It got him before he left. This would be good info to share with everyone. that dream would make me pee myself. wow that mountain took two people hu. That fall looked pretty brutal. Im guessing the family in the car werent out of town just yet and that dude in the truck lost his job. I really hope they explain why this is killing everyone.
Mar 8, 2015 1:00 PM

Feb 2015
This episode ruled just as hard as the last one sucked. Loved the ambience going into the playing of the tape.
Mar 28, 2015 3:56 PM

Oct 2013
Eh, this episode was rather predictable, but I'm enjoying the atmosphere. That Mochizuki kid is pretty much a goner now that the tape is in his hands, of course. >_>

Apr 18, 2015 1:34 AM

Feb 2013
Lol, they were making it so obvious who was gonna die in this ep that I almost thought the show would end up trolling us and it wouldn't happen. Sadly that wasn't the case :/. I actually really liked the short haired girl, too bad she couldn't cheat death a second time :(.

Also, If I was having dreams like that I would NEVER sleep again. Coffee, energy drinks, crack, I don't care what it takes. Id make sure my eyelids were glued open for the rest of my life lmao.

Desireless said:
Okey.... that was kind of a lot of people who died, I thought only 1 was supposed to die a month, but ayano and her parents + the brother are four people..

We've already had multiple months where more then one person has died. The first month, glasses girl and her mom died. Second month, the nurse and heart attack kid died.

I'm pretty sure it was said AT LEAST one person dies a month, not ONLY one.
Shape430Apr 18, 2015 12:17 PM
May 31, 2015 5:45 AM

Mar 2014
Shape430 said:

Desireless said:
Okey.... that was kind of a lot of people who died, I thought only 1 was supposed to die a month, but ayano and her parents + the brother are four people..

We've already had multiple months where more then one person has died. The first month, glasses girl and her mom died. Second month, the nurse and heart attack kid died.

I'm pretty sure it was said AT LEAST one person dies a month, not ONLY one.

exactly. At LEAST one, sometimes more. It depends on a few factors.

Oct 17, 2015 10:36 AM

Mar 2014
What kind of person would rip out the tape out of the tape player to stop it from playing instead of just pressing the pause/off button?


This anime really takes bullshit to a whole new level
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Feb 7, 2016 9:25 PM

Sep 2012
so gruesome.....
Mar 15, 2016 3:08 AM

Mar 2010
Ah, so it was a dream, nevermind. Still, a great episode, much better than the previous one. So the kid who got massacred by the boat was actually sentenced to death prior to leaving the town, huh? Good. And I seriously wanted to slap the kid after he destroyed the tape -_- Something tells me the guy repairing it won't last too long.
Anyway, so my theory about killing those students as some kind of offering is bust, they both died because of the phenomenon. What is Matsunaga's sin, then? Did he kill anyone else? But didn't they say two people died there? Maybe he killed Another and it messed up their memory, meaning they wouldn't remember he/she was there?
Also, I almost died of heart attack when that rock caused the car accident.
Off to see the next one!
Apr 16, 2016 4:33 AM

Mar 2016
they better fix the tape

its starting to get so interesting
Jul 31, 2016 10:24 AM

Oct 2015
omg just that ending,
just think of peacefully sitting in your room, watching some anime, and then suddenly dying in such a cruel way...
Nov 26, 2016 5:18 AM

Dec 2012
It would be a more fitting name "Predictable Deaths" than "Another". The thing about the cassette tape... predictable too. --'
Dec 22, 2016 10:27 AM

Nov 2016
Episode 09 - Body Paint:

The cause of the death was before leaving Yomiyama, so the fact that a death (or the cause of the death) can not happen outside Yomiyama can still be true.

A family and a brother are now gone, 4 people in a day, and Kouichi and friends do not get to know the advice from Matsunaga.

Now the school must be in complete despair. Neither a secure escape they can have.

ArakitoDec 22, 2016 10:32 AM
Apr 17, 2017 8:27 AM

Oct 2015
Holy fuck this is the most victims in a single month. Jesus and the tape gotta screwed at the most decisive point.
May 2, 2017 6:52 AM

Apr 2015
With three episodes left, I wonder how this is going to end.

Maybe the whole class will die except for Sakakibara and Mei or something lol.

“Even if the attention isn’t forever, I’ll keep singing.”
Aug 13, 2017 9:24 PM
May 2017
The lesson I'm taking away from this series is never carry an umbrella. EVER.

This is a good episode and we're getting to the good, meaty stuff. Also, use a pencil to fix that tape.
Sep 18, 2017 11:13 PM

May 2013
Oh, that's unique. She called him "aniki" instead of onii-chan ;O didn't know girls could use that term lol

Deng, I feel bad for the 2 girls :( one of them died before moving out of the town and the other had her older brother get hit by a runaway bulldozer D;>
Nov 9, 2017 6:03 PM
Apr 2014
Ok so they might still be safe outside of the town. Nice detail but the boat incident definitely wasn't normal. Even if he died before that I doubt it was coincidence. Won't matter anyway. It's not like they'll leave the town in the last 4 episodes most likely (depending on where the class trip will be)

damn his dreams become more and more disturbing, too. And he only tells the two guys? Setting the death flags real good. Mochizuki will die next, won't he? I guess it could be Teshigawara, too, but he's too easy-going. Those people die early or survive. Or one of the two girls that went home. They give off a really bad vibe, too.

Omg they destroyed the tape. He killed one. The right one. The extra one. Right? It has to be. That's why there is no entry about the extra student for that year. I hate turn of events like this. Why not reveal it now. There are only 3 episodes left anyway.

And actually both girls get hit by the phenomenon but so far one only indirectly. Now it's just the question if the other one survived the car crash. Going by the preview probably not.
Apr 17, 2018 10:05 PM

Aug 2014
This was a fucking intense episode. During that tape scene, I was at the edge of my seat. It was done so fucking well. The flashbacks, the VA and recording sounds on the tape, everything was perfect. Holy fuck, what a great episode.

5/5 episode
Apr 18, 2018 9:12 AM

Sep 2017
I hate Misaki now. There is no one in this class that I like. She is being all "I am fine, you are fine" even though she came close to killing blonde guy.

That blonde guy just had to pull out the tape huh? Such a idiot.

Bye bye 2 more people who need to die for shock value.

I bet the teachers are behind this.

There was nothing interesting with that tape. Guy couldn't just spit it out immediately.

Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death.

Oct 11, 2018 4:17 AM

Jul 2016
Time to find out some mysteries. Only three eps to go!
Jan 3, 2019 5:41 PM

Jun 2015
the tape scene was well done and cool. i think maybe matsunaga's sin is he killed someone or caused a death.
May 9, 2019 5:03 PM

Dec 2018
So Nakao was techinally cursed before he get out from Yomiyama. Thus the rule that "If you get out of Yomiyama you're safe" still works, I guess.

That teacher was possesed by the ghost to interrupt them.
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
May 22, 2020 3:49 PM

Apr 2020
I was expecting something to happen to the two girls lol so yeah didn't surprise me.

As for the tape, Ofc it would get interrupted at the most important bit! Hopefully Yuuya can fix it :)

Jun 9, 2020 6:42 AM

Mar 2016
What's about Chibiki being a tutor in the drama club???
He acts neutral all the time so i can't remember a situation where I could assume he was ''acting''.
But that fact must imply that Chibiki is a lier, right?

And wait, i know already that preying didn't help and that there were victims after visiting the shrine... so now i just know that in detail..
...i hoped to learn about Katsumi's sin at a very least! ..So nothing new and a couple of deaths again...The curse really wants to get them all huh.

I'm still mad that MC is dumb and totally forgot the creepy details about Mei. Excuse me. MORGUE. DOLL'S EYE "THAT CAN SEE OTHER THINGS" . TOLD MC THAT HE WASN'T DEAD.

This girl knows something.

Yea, she's uwu kawaii and all but i don't think she is innocent.
She may be alive but she is not innocent, hands down.

The only reason i can think of for Kouichi being so dumb is that he prolly has a crush on Mei and is blinded by that. But again. He's been acting quite neutral, didn't see him being distracted by her. Cmon he even flirted with Izumi. Usual harem protagonist neutrality :/

Why there's no character who'd try doing independent investigation on that phenomenon?....
_MaeMae_Jun 9, 2020 7:57 AM
Jul 4, 2020 7:26 AM

May 2018
And of course, the tape broke at the worst moment xD. Also, aren't the deaths happening way too quickly? It should only be 1 classmate/family member per month right?
Aug 17, 2020 3:50 PM
Aug 2020
i got jump scared twice lol the episode was very intense :
Jun 15, 2021 9:38 AM

Feb 2021
Wow a lot of people are dying now. Also that crane piercing her brother seemed brutal. The other girl and her family went flying off the cliff. And the tape getting cut off was pretty predictable. They won't reveal it until the very end.
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
"Everything I've witnessed... This whole system you have built has always rejected me. Now I'm ready to reject it. That's why I destroy. That's why I took this power for myself. Simple enough, yeah? I don't care if you don't understand... That's what makes us... Heroes and Villains."
◑ ━━━━━ ▣ ━━━━━ ◐
Aug 11, 2021 7:24 AM
Mar 2020
Eh, I didn't like this episode. The producers probably noticed that the show is getting too boring and the tension is loose, so they try to keep up with these brutal deaths and background information that to me, is all scattered up. I guess it depends on how you perceive the curse, I personally think it's just that the school is pushing an agenda of supernatural stuff before that it went overboard and some freaky gas is turning people to their deaths lol.

I'm guessing next episode, they're going to that shrine and the cassette tape will have no relevance whatsoever lol.
Your existence doesn't matter because no one will notice if you never existed.
Oct 29, 2021 10:17 PM

Jan 2016
The characters in this show have got to be the dumbest people ever. They always ruin things in important moments. Ofc the tape broke and ofc no one told MC about the curse rules. Also this curse is working extra hard. Wasn't it supposed to be one per month. Mei is still obviously the dead one. Even the titles of the eps hint to it being her.
Nov 27, 2021 1:06 PM

Mar 2019

I'm 95% sure Mochizuki is going to die. Good job, Teshigawara. At this point I'm starting to believe that there's no curse, just that people are dumb. I'm pretty sure bringing an umbrella during a thunderstorm isn't a good advice, running like there's no tomorrow on a narrow path when you're up a cliff is definitely not a good thing to do. I want to beat that shit guy who just left his car like that when it was so dangerous. The same can be said about the car.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Mar 18, 2022 12:03 PM

Aug 2014
The brother knew he was gonna die so he started deleting his computer history
Jun 10, 2022 8:51 AM

Dec 2018
i didn't quite see what hit the windshield but it looks like that barrier was an engineering fail if it couldn't do its one job
Oct 25, 2022 7:54 PM

Dec 2018
So as it turns out, the dumb guy from last episode that went for the $2 beach ball was doomed from the start, and the cause of his death was actually within Yomiyama, that’s wild lol, but he was still dumb for going after that ball. I was thinking that this could be the curse making it seem like it’s not safe outside of Yomiyama and lure everyone back, but it didn’t say anything else regarding it so who knows.

But man the plot is getting so damn thicc, that tape was such a blueball lol, I’m over here dying of suspense and of course they keep the juiciest part from us, but it was interesting info still, dying by a lightning strike is at least quick but I really felt bad for the girl who fell off the mountain. And yeah, I knew right off the bat after those new girls were introduced they would die lol, one of them is still alive for the moment at least, rip her brother tho, excavators come for us all. And one last note, I’m kinda sus of Chibiki Sensei now since those girls mentioned he was good at acting, that immediately set off signals in my brain lol, could turn out to be nothing tho.
Nov 14, 2022 7:10 AM
Nov 2022
im scared very scared
Dec 26, 2022 9:19 PM
Jun 2021
My favorite one so far! <3
Jan 10, 2023 11:52 AM
Jan 2023
The author of this series proved that anime can be horror. And I'm excited about it. Granted, the murders are morbid enough like being stabbed with an umbrella or tearing apart ships and so on. But it fits. And everything is perfected by the music, which creates an eerie atmosphere. It's very original for me and I like it.
Jan 26, 2023 12:48 AM

Jul 2014
Holy shit they like teasing you on the most important parts then end up not saying it lol
Mar 14, 2023 7:35 AM

Dec 2022
Mei has been sort of in the background recently, and it's not like the plot's really going anywhere. That tape tells you nothing other than what they already knew, which is that praying at the shrine didn't work.
This episode was very tense, and it knew it. It baits you early with dangerous situations, but nothing really happens. The reason it's still interesting is because the atmosphere is so ominous.

That rock falling on the windscreen was out of nowhere, got my eyes to widen up.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Jun 22, 2023 12:18 PM

Aug 2019
Bro this might've been the creepiest episode yet as it just brought together some of my worst fears LOL I'm actually shaking a little rn 😭
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