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Jul 19, 2008 2:16 AM

Feb 2008
Director Oshii wanted this movie to be seen on screen, so I watched this in the theater. The story was almost the same as the original one, although they re-recorded the voice actings and background sounds.

Major differences
1. 3D CGI
There are two full 3G CD scenes: the first one is where Motoko killed the diplomat and the second one is the diving in the sea. They are like SAC1 OP animation with higher quality. CGI works themselves were incredible and I was impressed with the description of Motoko dissolving into the background scenery, but I felt uncomfortable with the discontinuity between the 3D and 2D animations.
Most of the original CG works like the display of the traffics and the cyber brains were remade. It's a great advance in technology but not surprising for us having watched Innocence or SAC. The police helicopters were full 3D CG. Production I.G. have invented a new technique to naturally overlay 3D CG to 2D graphics, so those helicopter 3D models were somewhat matched with the background albeit not as good as SAC series. (probably because the graphics of the original GiS were drawn manually and the recent animations were drawn on PC.)

2. Sounds
Skywalker studio did a amazing job. The heavy sounds of the tank machine gun bounced on my stomach. The submachine gun with heavy jacket bullets, Togusa's revolver, Motoko's P90(?), they all sounded distinctively different.

3. Sakakibara Yoshiko as the Puppet Master
This is the biggest difference. The Puppet Master was called "she" not "he". I felt so much incongruous about this casting. At the last part when Motoko and the Puppet Master was about to merge, I understood the meaning of this sex exchange. "You and I are alike. Mirror image to each other." Tanaka Atsuko and Sakakibara Yoshiko have similar voices. I think Director Oshii tried to emphasize the similarity between the two characters by replacing the original voice actor Kayumi Iemasa. With Kayumi's voice, the merge appeared sexal, but in the new version it's more pure fusion of the two.

Minor differences
1. In the legendary scene "The net is vast.", orange lights reflected on Motoko's face. The city she was looking down was fully redrawn with 3D CGI.

2. When Motoko and the Puppet Master merged, Motoko saw an angel-like shadow coming down from the sky in the original version. In 2.0, it was not an angel but a flood of rays from the cyber brain networks.

3. As Ootsuka Akio mentioned in the interview, the conversation between Motoko and Batou was slightly "lighter" compared to the original one.
Dec 24, 2008 7:00 PM

Feb 2007
Actually there was also a lot of change in the lighting of each scene... the whole thing looks a lot more orange now... ( which fits in with Innocence and makes it look less like the Matrix, which totally ripped GitS off in that aspect )...

Also the diving scene was changed a bit toward the end... which together with the "lighter" conversations somehow made me feel like there´s something missing...

But all in all... how does one "rate" this thing ?

Sure... the original still has it´s 11 out of 10 score... ... but can you give this the same just because it´s the same movie or should the rating be based only on the changes they made... ...

Does anyone have an idea on what to do with that ?
Dec 25, 2008 4:41 PM

Feb 2008
the matrix merely used it as reference, i wouldn't call that ripping it off.

when i first watched this movie, i wasn't nearly as informed as i am now. it made far more sense this time. mostly about the philosophical aspects of the show.

the CG looked a bit rough though. i didn't like that aspect of it. if it has been more like appleseed's CG it might have been better but then that would be ripping it off right? hahaha.

the movie though was very good. probably better now that i understand it better.
Dec 25, 2008 4:56 PM

Jan 2008
Watching it the second time in HD goodness is fantastic.
Hmm, what can I say? It's the same as the original but with revamped sound and animation. Some conversations have been toned down, which I think is good for people who were confused with the first one.

Original was great, this one is fantastic :P
Dec 26, 2008 1:01 AM

Jun 2007
erm, i expected much more for all the waiting.
Motoko looked pretty scary most of the time, then switching between 3D and 2D was rather annoying.
The animators could do much better job on the details, after all the movie had huge potential and they used only 5% of it.
Dec 26, 2008 11:39 AM

Jun 2008
so...this is a remix and not a remake after all :D
Dec 26, 2008 12:34 PM

Jan 2008
More like a remaster than a remake. 3D CG mostly unneeded and looking very bland. 'Greenery' aspect of the original gone..which is for the worse imo. There are also few more differences, menioned by others. Unfortunatelly, also for the worse. All in all, 8/10 but I'm disappointed with the changes.

"There is a road in the hearts of all of us, hidden and seldom traveled,
which leads to an unknown, secret place."
Jan 2, 2009 4:52 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
'Rewatching' this felt great. At first the clash of the re-worked CG and the older animation style bothered me. But it's still GitS and I really enjoyed the story. They could've made it perfect though if they had re-worked some other parts of the animation as well. Still, 9/10.




[H+] ³  
Jan 4, 2009 6:43 PM

May 2008
Loved the rework of the CG, though a few points seemed to push things a little too far, like the Major in full CG at the start; at first I thought the whole movie was gone to CG.

Can't rank this one better than the original, though.

Jan 18, 2009 1:41 AM

Jan 2008
The opening CGI was so so awful, I was blinking in disbelief. It was like raping the original movie. It's rape. A fucking crime. And indicative of the degenerating quality of filmmaking in today's era, choosing easy plastic computer imagery over genuine effort and skill. Or as the Puppet Master herself says towards the end of this classic film: "copies do not give rise to variety and originality". Indeed.

Utterly utterly pointless and ugly remaster of one of the best anime films ever made. I have argued for the MAL page to be removed but couldnt convince those with power. All I can do is convince people that if they want to see an anime raped by CGI, go watch this.

The MAL page needs to be removed, or this site will continue to lag behind more legitimate sites like ANN, IMDB, etc. Is it so hard to implement 'alternate version' features on the site? Just put 'alternate version: GitS 2.0' on the left hand side next to the original's MAL page.
BeatnikJan 18, 2009 1:44 AM
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Jan 18, 2009 1:58 AM
Jun 2007
tis guy is hardcore
Jan 28, 2009 10:56 PM

Apr 2007
If you mean hardcore retard.

Offensiveness aside, I must say I disagree with Cihan. I enjoyed 2.0 :D

Feb 3, 2009 10:26 AM
Sep 2008
Even though I would not say it as offensivly as Cihan, I must admit he is basically right. This remake lost most of its atmosphere because of the CGI added. I mean, just watch it. One second, you have computer graphic, and then it changes to an old level of animation, it does not fit. No way. I gave it the same rating as GitS 2: Innocence since it is a very similair case: very good plot, but the animation was definitly bad.
Feb 6, 2009 3:18 PM

Feb 2008
Actually I didn't liked the CG scenes. Espacially the old opening scene was so much better.
But all the other changes were great.
I rated the original movie 9/10. Because there are good and bad changes it's +-0.
Jun 8, 2009 11:12 PM

Dec 2008
enkil said:
the op and ed songs was weird... and i liked that.

major's stare was somewhat unsettling, but that's what i liked about her.

can't complain about the visuals.

i think they included some stuff. or maybe i catched the plot better since i technically re-watched this movie
Jun 15, 2009 7:08 AM

May 2009
I watched both movies one after another just to compare them.

GITS 2.0 was orange and very cold-looking but technically superior (loved that sound).

GITS (original) looked better overall. I compared screens from both movies and the original looked kickass great. Strange...(all that technology for v 2.0 and it still doesn't surpass the 1995 version for overall feel and look).

I'm a GITS freak so I still adore this v 2.0 but 1995 is the better version.
Oct 11, 2009 3:23 AM

Jun 2009
Sounds are brilliant, maybe the best that I've heared among animated movies. 3D is just fine, but I'd not say it was so necessary. So, 8/10 for this too. Good reason to rewatch for those who didn't.
Dec 2, 2009 10:43 AM
Jul 2008
I don't think the cgi sequences add much to it. The slightly out of sync sound problem on the original R2 DVD seems to have been fixed.
Jan 16, 2010 6:34 AM

May 2009
Enjoyed it just about the same as the original. The CGI and orange filter didn't really bother me, but I can't remember what the first looked like.
Never been a huge fan of this movie. I like the tv-series much better.
Mar 3, 2010 6:55 PM

Dec 2008
I enjoyed it simply because it was more or less watching the original again but simply outfitted with fancy CG for a few parts. Mainly the detail was rendered with CG in more scenes than I think people realize, unless u dont have a sensitive eye for things that look obviously digital. THe movie was good, and it is good that they did not just try and remake the whole movie completely, as seems to be the trouble with most movie/ production studios that butcher classics with their individual "visions". The legend shall live on ^^
May 30, 2010 5:35 AM

Jun 2009
While Ghost in the Shell, was and still is an excellent movie I can't help but feel as though the new CG scenes in 2.0 are unnecessary and would even go so far as it hurts the atmosphere of the film.

For anyone interested in Ghost in the Shell I will not hesitate to recommend the original 1995 version over this.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jan 25, 2011 4:06 PM
Nov 2010
That was so much better than the first one dialog wise. Everything seems to make sense, in the first one I was like : "ok whatever stfu already and get to the point?"

8/10 for this one, Next is the "sequel" of either of these two.
Aug 7, 2011 9:32 PM

Oct 2009
I didn't like the CGI at all, but I did like the sound effects and the female casting for Project 2501.

I'd still recommend the original over this but I wouldn't say all the changes were for the worse.
Jun 13, 2012 10:00 PM

Nov 2009
Aug 6, 2012 10:56 AM

Sep 2008
Aug 11, 2012 2:32 PM
Dec 2010
so this is it ? All there is to it is that they merged together just like that without any spicy thingy to connect and escalate things. I feel like if i skipped the important part. i miss something just dunno what. (seen all SAC and that was much better)
Maybe i should have watched original instead of this 3d/2d hybrid but again plot is supposed to be same right ?

It kept me watching from beginning to the end but also it had its flaws so i give it 8/10
(It almost seems like im being really harsh here after hearing all that its legendary anime etc but i can't help it)

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greenmartyAug 11, 2012 2:46 PM
( Currently interested in OP MC genre. Recommendations are welcomed, preferable those yet not on my list )
Dec 3, 2012 2:29 AM

Apr 2012
dtshyk said:
3. Sakakibara Yoshiko as the Puppet Master
This is the biggest difference. The Puppet Master was called "she" not "he". I felt so much incongruous about this casting. At the last part when Motoko and the Puppet Master was about to merge, I understood the meaning of this sex exchange. "You and I are alike. Mirror image to each other." Tanaka Atsuko and Sakakibara Yoshiko have similar voices. I think Director Oshii tried to emphasize the similarity between the two characters by replacing the original voice actor Kayumi Iemasa. With Kayumi's voice, the merge appeared sexal, but in the new version it's more pure fusion of the two.

Oh so that's why they sounded different. I originally watched this dubbed, so when I heard them call her a "she", and spoke like a she, I thought someone from corporate screwed up.
Thanks for clearing that up, dtshyk!
Jan 3, 2013 5:35 AM

May 2012
Pointless CGI Major is pointless. Why is it even there? Sure it's only like for 2 minutes total, but every other character is still 2D animated. I dont mind the CGI vehicles and backgrounds, but seriously: The Major herself?! Hell naw!

Why add the orange teal filter? If it's because they wanted to distance themselves from blue/green look of The Matrix, they shouldn't have because GITS came out first! If it's because they wanted it to look more like the sequel "Innocence" then fair enough, but i still feel it's a rather pointless change.

Besides those faults it's still the same classic sci fi anime we all know and love - 8/10
who_dat_ninjaJan 3, 2013 1:48 PM
Jan 3, 2013 2:46 PM

Nov 2011
Well, the CGI was kinda annoying to watch tbh. I still liked the beginning though but Makoto looked quite strange in those animation. So pretty good action scenes especially when Major took on that tank. And yes, the Puppet Master seems to be a female in this film. Oh well, still enjoyed the hell out of it.

8/10 as well.
Jul 22, 2013 11:59 PM

Jul 2009
great movie, but not better than the original one.

for the my film's impressions look at here:

i watched 2.0 RIGHT after the original movie and i can instantly tell the difference.

what i didn't like:

as others said, the CGI is awful, it really breaks the immersion from the film and feels disconnected and out of place.

especially the scenes like the helicopter and the underwater dive scene.

i prefer the underwater dive scene in 2D since it's much better looking and they made a reflection of Major as she floats to the surface, 2.0 didn't have any of that.

i also think the boat scene with Batou appearing to check on Major didn't appeared before the underwater dive scene so that's the only scene i think that it was cut

they also removed the green filler and replaced it with orange one. not bad, but i prefer the original green look.

Guns sounds and effect felt really weak.

when Major and Batou was chasing that illegal immigrant on the super market, the P90 gun he was using didn't sound so terrifying compared to the original movie.

the original one felt like he was shooting in intense speed and ammo, the 2.0 felt bland and weak, i do like that it also took account the environment so you can really here the bullets blazing through the walls and waters.

What i like about this edition:

the animation seems to be improved, it more's lighter now which could be a good or bad thing.

good thing since you can now see the environment and characters much better, bad thing it removed what made the film so dark and amazing.

still amazing, but i prefer the dark one.

i actually like on how they changed "Puppet Master"'s voice to a woman :)

it made sense since he was neither he or she, so whatever body he took control of it became it's "default" voice.

plus it makes the "merging" of becoming one much better.

i also noticed Sakakibara Yoshiko voice was played when the "Ghost" whispered through Batou and Major after the underwater dive scene, while the original and it look like it was being voiced by Major herself in a more lower tone voiced.

speaking of voices, some of the tone got changed.

Batou scream at the end is more terrified in the first film, while here is much more gruff which is not bad at all :P

either way is good, but i kinda like his first scream since it reminded me of his Metal Gear Solid 1 voice which he played after the original film :)

on a side note, i also wish The Boss's from Metal Gear Solid 3 was voiced by Atsuko Tanaka. it would have made the relationship between The Boss and Naked Snake much MUCH more intense!

though Kikuko Inoue is not bad AT ALL, she's amazing as The Boss, but would have love to have Major vs Batou!!!

it also seems Major's voice is much more stern and mature compared to her soft voice and gentle voice in the original film.

especially when she was conversing with the "Puppet Master"

she sounded more of her Stand Alone Complex voice. same thing with Batou

dtshyk said:

Minor differences
1. In the legendary scene "The net is vast.", orange lights reflected on Motoko's face. The city she was looking down was fully redrawn with 3D CGI.

2. When Motoko and the Puppet Master merged, Motoko saw an angel-like shadow coming down from the sky in the original version. In 2.0, it was not an angel but a flood of rays from the cyber brain networks.

3. As Ootsuka Akio mentioned in the interview, the conversation between Motoko and Batou was slightly "lighter" compared to the original one.

thanks for this!

yeah noticed at the end before Major was shot the original had an Angel while here it had rays of cyber network.

actually the conversation was lighter, but the voices are much more mature.

makes sense since they were still doing Stand Alone Complex series ^^

amazing stuff!

still an amazing movie, but prefer the original one.

They should have kept 2D animation all throughout, keep the green filler, make the scenes darker and at the same time a little light just to see some of the characters. keep Sakakibara Yoshiko as "Puppet Master"

i don't mind Batou and Motoko using the Stand Alone Complex voices, but make the scream of Batou much louder and terrifying like in the original film and Stand Alone Complex series.

this would have been perfect IMO.

anyways still an amazing show and i'm very surprised on how little the comments are in this threads O___O

now on to Innocence and it's Absolute Edition!

i give it a 10/10 while the original film was 20/10!!!

the original is STILL the Best Cyberpunk Film ever!
Mar 10, 2014 8:00 AM

Apr 2013
Damn that CGI sucked (it's honestly off-putting), little differences here & there take so much away, after watching it I had a quick look at the dub & my god I feel sorry for you if you watched the entirety of it like that .... "Version 2.0" lol no someone change the god-damn title please :/ so misleading. That scene where she tries to rip open the tank is 1 of the best, truly. It goes without saying, but: I prefer the original 1. It was just a re-market wasn't it?, improvement??, no?
Lo-Lee-TaJun 3, 2014 3:19 PM
Apr 10, 2014 7:03 AM

Sep 2008
Mostly the same as the original movie. The new colours were alright. The CG was bad compared to the original animated parts. Overall I'd say it's worse just because of the CG. I preferred the Puppet Master being male.

No real reason to watch this, especially for people who are going into GITS for the first time.
Sep 24, 2014 2:34 AM

Jan 2014
Nice enhancements in sound and animation.
Not too much, which was okay. Liked it :3
Feb 10, 2015 3:44 PM

Dec 2011
I didn't enjoyed the CGI that much, either the lighting changes of the movie.
This one is still good, but the original one it's better!
Mar 17, 2015 6:57 AM

Feb 2015
The graphics improved but not by much, the CG felt out of place though the movie was good

shizuokai said:
but the original one it's better!
May 20, 2016 5:17 PM
Aug 2015
Is there a particular reason why Oshii chose two incredible scenes from the original to be reanimated completely in CGI, or did he simply think (shitty) CGI is "cool"?
Sep 6, 2016 7:28 PM

Mar 2010
Holy what the fuck. This left me longing for more.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
May 23, 2017 12:28 PM
May 2016
This movie is like the 2004 re-release of A New Hope, but with Ghost in the Shell.

They added jaring CGI to an already almost visually perfect movie, for no good reason at all, and destroyed the aestethic dark/cyber theme by making some of the scenes orange. I would have understood if they just remastered the movie, but the changes they made to the movie made it look worse, not better.

The female voice for the Puppet Master also kind of destroys the point that the body and mind aren't one and the same. It was a neat detail, pointlessly removed.
Mar 17, 2018 12:56 AM

Nov 2011
Firstly, the CG scenes were horrible.

Secondly for whatever reason i understood and enjoyed it a lot more than i did the original, don't know if somethings were dumbed down or if i've grown smarter over the past few years since i saw the original :P

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Feb 13, 2019 5:40 AM

Sep 2018
Nothing against the 3D CGI scenes themselves but the switching between CGI and the old animation didn't look very good to me. Prefer the original over this one.
Feb 18, 2019 6:11 PM

Sep 2018
On_the_Lam said:
Is there a particular reason why Oshii chose two incredible scenes from the original to be reanimated completely in CGI, or did he simply think (shitty) CGI is "cool"?

I haven't watched this yet and probably never will, and I might be wrong, but my understanding was that this project wasn't necessarily his idea, that it was more that Production IG wanted to show off their then new 3D CGI technologies in as flashy a way as possible. It's more like a tech demo than anything else, it was only shown in a small amount of theaters in japan.
Dec 28, 2019 2:48 AM
Jun 2019
Production IG really missed a chance to have made this a full 2hr movie with more added a background story for the major,add more context to the storyline and at the did 'major' upload 'itself' to the net and what was 'it' goals.
All this remaking of scenes for nothing......damn
Nov 3, 2021 1:32 PM
Dec 2017
i found the movie to be really great as one of my earlier 90s anime.

Nov 16, 2021 12:11 AM

Jul 2019
I went and watched this movie the other day at local anime society. Was quite a deep movie, so it was pretty good for philosophy as it made itself out to be. Liked the visuals a lot.

Will get to the 95 version soon.
Jan 13, 10:25 AM

Aug 2017
The 1995 animation is better than the CGI they replaced some iconic scenes with. 3.5/10 - Very bad.

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