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Sep 14, 2011 9:26 AM

Apr 2011
When I think about it, Utao is the first loli, who makes weird mumbling noises, when she irritated or worried. :)
Sep 14, 2011 11:27 AM

Jan 2009
Crap, I can't decide if I loved this episode or if I hated it.

On one hand, there was a lot of Mahiru in it. That's a very good thing. By the way, have I ever mentioned how Hanazawa Kana's doing a splendid job on this one?
On the other hand, there was also a lot of Hibino. That's a very bad thing.
And not only that, these two had a whole lot of screentime together, which lead to like, a half-awesome, half-garbage screen, most of the time.
This is like, quite a dilemma.

Sigh, Kyohei would be better off with Mahiru than Hibino.
I mean, give Kyohei back Kukuri and then they could rule the village, and why not even expand the village a bit? Like, why the fuck not rule the world while you're at it?
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Sep 14, 2011 12:18 PM

Oct 2010
Oosran said:
By the way, have I ever mentioned how Hanazawa Kana's doing a splendid job on this one?
Yes she is, I find it most amazing myself.
Oosran said:
On the other hand, there was also a lot of Hibino. That's a very bad thing.
And not only that, these two had a whole lot of screentime together, which lead to like, a half-awesome, half-garbage screen, most of the time.
This is like, quite a dilemma.
You see the problem you have here is having a smile or ROFL at Hibino's breast rape. If you would, this would be the most awesome fun for some time. You won't read my TL;DR but I explained it there or I think it was a reply on the first page. Anyway, there is a reason why that failed with the serious on me.

I am sure even my buddy Monad was laughing it out. I mean he did for cookies while I know some people that it was a disaster with.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Sep 14, 2011 1:39 PM

Jul 2010
*Sigh* That Mahiru with her fantasies. It just aint ever gonna happen. You're from two rival families and besides, Kyouhei doesn't seem to like you very much. Even going to lengths as kidnapping Hibino. >.<

That "rape imminent" scene was pretty scary. Hopefully the gang will make it in time.

Sep 14, 2011 4:55 PM

Sep 2010
Grope grope grope...
Sep 14, 2011 7:20 PM

May 2009
RIP Utao's cookies. Poor girl never seems to get a break.
Mahiro makes for good entertainment.
That preview revealed a bit too much, though I'm kinda relieved to have seen it after how this episode ended.
Sep 14, 2011 9:53 PM
Nov 2009
come on kyohei get pissed off and take control of kukkuri then go on a rampage. I want a rampage!!
Sep 15, 2011 6:45 AM

Jul 2011
Nice episode. Mahiru might actually be cute if she wasnt such a crazy b*tch, but whatever. I lol'd at the henchman dudes rape face. Ready for the next episode now!!! And why did Kirio have his towel up his body like he had boobs or somethin!? Your a man! We can show our chest!!!
Sep 15, 2011 7:33 AM

Feb 2011
I hope Kyohei will make it on time. I don't wanna see another rape again =_=
Sep 15, 2011 8:16 AM

Jan 2009
GC9000 said:
And why did Kirio have his towel up his body like he had boobs or somethin!? Your a man! We can show our chest!!!
Obviously because he's got scars all over, and that ain't something he wants to show off with. ( ¬‿¬)
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Sep 15, 2011 10:50 AM

Aug 2009
If this were a darker anime, I would expect a rape scene. But nvm, it's not gonna likely happen.

@Lefake .. lmffao at your sig. XD
We are the United. Even in defeat we stand united.

Sep 15, 2011 12:09 PM

Sep 2007
Utao as annoyingly loli and bro-con as ever.
Sep 16, 2011 7:52 AM
Oct 2010
RobUsaB said:
"Mahiru is not really that violent."


Kyohei, you seriously need some adjustment.
Well, it is a matter of perspective. Remember Kyohei himself is quite the berserker.

Still, I'm liking Mahiru. She's crazy all right, but I think she's just a "light" yandere (stopping short of murder) so she's not too bad... probably.
Sanguis said:
11 episodes in and Kyouhei still doesn't have a member favourite. He really is a pathetic main. (のワの)b
LOL, he's one of the most pathetic badasses I've seen on anime. So powerful but also so wussy, hopefully he'll get over it eventually.

Anyway, the story seems interesting but it's been developed too slowly, feels like this first season is just an intro. I really hope they don't try to rush an ending with the two episodes left, as they would inevitably be awful. It's not great for the ratings to make a season length intro, but at this point it would be far worse no to do so.
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain"
Friedrich Schiller
Sep 16, 2011 9:38 AM
Nov 2010
Sanguis said:
11 episodes in and Kyouhei still doesn't have a member favourite. He really is a pathetic main. (のワの)b

And Mahiru, who has appear for only 2 episode already has 6 favorites.
Sep 16, 2011 3:24 PM

Jan 2010
Kyohei needs to grow a pair and stop being a little pansy. I'm almost rooting for Oppa... Hibino to start developing an interest for Aki.

Also, anyone else bothered by the choice of seiyuu for Kyohei? The pitch that Nobuhiko Okamoto-kun uses goes well with teenage boys (14-16), but a young man (18+) should not squeal. I am NOT criticizing HIM, that's his voice and its a fine voice. I am saying it was a miscast I M O, or maybe a misread on the character.
"Seize the time, Meribor - live now! Make now always the most precious time. Now will never come again." - Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
Sep 16, 2011 8:10 PM

Apr 2010
Nice episode. 4/5
Sep 16, 2011 10:01 PM

Jan 2011
Sep 17, 2011 8:38 AM
Feb 2011
So Mahiru gonna fight them all at once? That is gonna be really good, and that she can handle them is good. Although I hope they just make a second season and not rush it. To much left to rush, cant just add the big kakashi in the last 2-3 episodes, all though they should touch on it in the end. But Mahiru is the best character by far. I don't think Kyhoei is that bad since most main protag are now a days. And they give a reason to it as well, and it isn't like they hype him to be a badass and win all the time. Although he could be moved to a side character for now, and brought back to main when he gets a kakahi or something along those lines.
Sep 17, 2011 3:14 PM

Feb 2009
The girls in this anime are freaking nuts! Someone will die by the end of this series
Sep 17, 2011 4:20 PM

May 2011
This show is a bit bi-polar it switches from serious to silly and back again faster than you can say brocon.

The serious moments are actually pretty good especially the flashback scenes. The silly parts well not so much. some of them have their place like Utao working at the cafe and stuff. But as the show moves along the silly moments start to seem more and more contrived and ill placed. Let's hope the show finishes the season on a stronger note.

Also i hope the blood in the spoiler is from the rapist lackey and not someone like the science girl.
Sep 17, 2011 8:40 PM

Jun 2009
Why does it always turn to rape?

It's like Bad Guy 101>> alone w/girl=must rape

ugh. If men were unwillingly penetrated as much as women it wouldn't be as entertaining then

plus that guy was a punk in every appearance now he's physically the strongest in the room and he's all rape faced.
Sep 28, 2011 11:50 PM

Jul 2007
I just love on how twisted the anime community is.
Main character is tortured and fears of what he can become and has very justified fears based on everything that happened = Ffffuuuu, pansy be unrealistically perfect pl0x.

Woman sleeps with a man = baaaa, she is a slut.

A child acts like a child = baaah utao so annoying baaah.

All I can say the Kamisama Dolls threads are perfect reflection of worse parts of anime community. I am frankly surprised on how much everyone wants everyone to be a mary sue type of character


As for episode 4/5. Was realy nice to see Kyohei's desperation set in, as well as more of the flashback(just as I thought from other's pov)
Nov 26, 2011 5:46 PM

Jul 2009
Been far too long since I've watched this, barely remember anything anymore OTL
I really like how they integrate humour in though. It's always nicely done and it actually WORKS ;P
Mahiru "being on top" is pretty lols with Hibino XD Poor Utao and her cookies! I DID like seeing things from Mahiru's POV though ... well, it was interesting, anyway :P
So they go to save her ... huh ... well, this should be interesting lol
Dec 13, 2011 3:18 AM
May 2010
okay, sorry to say but i didn't really like this episode, well the parts with utao and kyou and etc were find, especially with kirio acting shy and mahiru's bad-ass rape, BUT I CAN'T STAND THAT THIS EPISODE IS ROTATING AROUND THE BOOBS.
Jan 5, 2012 1:19 PM

Jun 2009
Mahiru is awesome. Loved her fantasies about her and Kyouhei. Also, I'm happy that Hiyoko decided to come with Kyouhei. Oh, and the person who called Kyouhei was Kuuko, right? Don't remember her surname, so I'm not sure.
Jan 28, 2013 5:54 PM

Sep 2011

And poor cookies. LOL
Mar 4, 2013 2:37 PM

May 2012
Started a bit loose but than the kidnapping was rather interesting although I do hope they don't put in any more rape related scenes or it would really make the story fuck up and downgrade the character a lot...

Lets see what's next though! Great episode either way, I actually start to like that new character!

Lol @ yuri action :p
Aug 17, 2013 11:55 PM

Jan 2013
Good episode. No rape scene most likely.
This episode mostly had a light tone.
Jan 24, 2014 11:07 PM

Jun 2012
This show has terrible drama so I should have predicted more possible rape.
Oct 11, 2016 10:22 AM

Apr 2009
i just hate characters like Mahiru,
self-centered idiots who cares only about themselves and nothing about the facts...
just seeing her on screen pisses me off and anything they tried to put in there as a vague humor was just not working at all, this is the wrong anime for that sort of thing.

and why're they so much into rape in this one _<D??
I like to comment Episodes as i Watch them.
Aug 8, 2021 10:09 PM

Feb 2014
Noooooo Utao's cookies!! :''(

Hibino's boobs are way too big, like what's even the point besides forced fanservice -_-
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Nov 7, 2023 2:12 PM

Aug 2017
Not much happened in this episode besides Mahiru kidnapping Hibino,
2 episodes left and I guess there won't be a good ending.

Jun 3, 9:22 PM

Dec 2022
Pretty obvious this guy is going to attempt to rape Mahiru. Though considering she's the female lead in a show that generally doesn't expose its main characters too anything too extreme, I don't he'll get very far. I know the slutty teacher Aki slept with was gangraped, but she was just a minor character in a backstory sequence, so it's an entirely different context.

lol at Kirio wearing the towel. I think him just wearing boxers would actually be less embarrassing for him.

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Shaded Horizon

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