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Jun 13, 2024 9:22 AM

Nov 2011
This episode felt like a mini movie. Lot of emotions caught by a misunderstanding. Ataru and Lum's relationship takes a complicated turn but I think it's development for the both of them. This is kind of the first time she's been geninuely angry at Ataru. Most of the other times were comical.

A really well done episode in terms of emotions imo. They also had most of the colorful characters in this from Ataru's friends, otherwordly cast, etc.
Jun 13, 2024 9:22 AM

May 2020
This guy has been cheating on Lum from the first minute of the first episode to.. the current timeframe right down to the milliseconds, but for some odd reason, he’s been very mad over her just because she’s marrying someone else… being forced to marry, and wasn’t able to scream his name at the top of her lungs every next minute, like she usually does. Unneeded misunderstanding aside, there should be no reason at all for Lum to stick with Ataru after coming this far lol.

Not like she did anything to better the situation, but hey, I’d say that’s one good decision to stay back. Though now we know what would happen.. the game-changing self realization. They’d realize their feelings, would make up… and something something. If only they would have found a better way to convince us that Ataru and Lum do indeed love each other. Oh well, this is ending next week tho.
Jun 13, 2024 9:25 AM

Nov 2007
tsubasaloverJun 13, 2024 11:29 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jun 13, 2024 9:50 AM

Dec 2021
A couples quarrel...

Ten informs Oyuki, Benten, Ran, Rei, and Mendo that she has lost her powers, giving them the information they need to plan their escape from the dungeon. Meanwhile, Ataru casually enters through the front door using a fake marriage license from the Darkworlder woman. However, she is recognized as Karula and begins causing chaos by fighting her way inside. Just in time, they arrive as Lum and Rupa are halfway down the aisle. Lum tries to reach Ataru, but Karula threatens her. Ataru intervenes, causing Karula to miss, but in the confusion, Rupa hides Lum in a concealed room while Uba swaps her with a copyshroom clone.

Ataru tries to take the clone Lum home, but the clone rejects him repeatedly, angering him. Karula interrupts, claiming Rupa loves her, but Rupa clarifies it was in a childhood incident under duress. Enraged and heartbroken, Karula starts firing wildly. During the chaos, the hidden room holding the clone Lum is opened, and she escapes towards Ataru happily. However, Ataru, misunderstanding the situation, rejects her verbally. Ironically, Ataru and Rupa end up fleeing together as Karula continues firing indiscriminately.

A game of tag will decide the fate of the universe, once again...

Jun 13, 2024 11:46 AM
Oct 2019
NOOOOOOOOO IT'S GONNA END SOON! I love the background gags of Ataru always catching Mendo's sword and the random couple that has crazy patterns still being together XD
Jun 13, 2024 11:47 AM

Jan 2018
Oh boy... This episode was just a roller-coaster of emotions.

First off, when Lum fell Ataru went after her even tho he didn't know how to fly. Only to be slapped by an angry Lum. It's good tho. Because her anger basically caused her to grow her horns. It was almost as if she became Super Saiyan before Super Saiyan was a thing. Sumire Uesaka's voice acting was simply impeccable.

Then Ataru and the others went back to Earth while Lum stayed in the World of Darkness... The misunderstanding was based on such a stupid reason. If the two had just sad down quietly and had a conversation it probably would've been resolved easily. But both Ataru and Lum are two of the most stubborn people in the universe. Actually, their fight basically started in Episode 43 and only got worse as it went on.

And then finally, Carla stupidly exported mushrooms from her world into the world of light where it can only cause chaos. What's funny is in the movie version, Carla wasn't the one who gave the mushrooms to Ataru's mom. Instead, some mushrooms returned to earth in Ran's bag as an unintentional stowaway which Ran then placed on the hotpot without realizing what it was. The manga and the Remake make Carla seem more stupid and the cause of the problem while the movie made it an accident.

The subtitles hint that the dub of Season 2 will have the Dark Dominion characters using a British accent. Weird but ok.

Also, we got a small cameo of Menko and Tsuyuo as well as various other smaller characters in the background this time. Long time no see. I wish these characters made more cameos in Season 2.

This episode looked so gorgeous man. The last ED just hits different after the context of this episode. It really makes me look forward to the next episode.

It started with a game of tag and now it'll end with one. It's like the story came full circle. In reality, Ataru and Lum have been playing tag throughout the whole series. So, it's both exciting and sad to see it end so soon.

And since the next episode will only adapt 2 chapters I think there might actually be some original content like in the movie. I can't wait to see the ending animated again and wonder how it'll be animated.

But the thing that I'm looking forward to the most is hearing the new version of the first Urusei Yatsura ED Uchuu wa Taihen da!
0451Jun 13, 2024 12:09 PM
Jun 13, 2024 11:53 AM

Jul 2017
Back on Earth, Shinobu and Inaba contemplate the dark doorknobs which all open to darkness, and doesn't know why.

The girls against the guys with Karula on Rupa, and Ataru being dense not to see through the copyshroom, has enough of the jokes to want to wed to Karula. This forces Mendo and the rest to take action, though it puts Lum in the worst of positions since she doesn't have her powers. It doesn't help that Ataru hell bent on breaking up with Lum forces her to re-engage her powers, and the shenanigans are at its limit. Still though, Ataru is the dude who doesn't learn, and Karula takes off on Ran's spaceship, leaving Lum alone on the Dark Dominion.

Meanwhile, Sakura's predicament only became worse as Earth is engulfed in darkness, and the one to change the fate of the universe, doesn't want to admit that it's his fault. Sure, Rupa faced exactly what Ataru faced, and Karula's mushrooms only make things worse considering it's another spectrum of the relationsip as well. Stil though, Karula showering gifts on Rupa, at least she's dedicated to him, unlike Ataru who never reciprocated Lum with anything, bringing everything to a standstill. It's all hinges on love and confession, even if it pains Ataru to tell a lie, which he doesn't relent.

Clearly, the giant mushrooms are making doomsday on Earth, and the Dark Dominion's pigs..are eating the mushrooms? Rupa concedes to helping Lum, but if only Ataru agrees the same game of tag to settle the matter once and for all.

Ataru and Lum: Love is truly War...for the ending next week.
Jun 13, 2024 12:12 PM
Sep 2015
Their relationship is at its most breaking point.
Jun 13, 2024 1:27 PM
Jan 2024
wow the best episode of the season, these last episodes are being very good and the next one ends the season
Jun 13, 2024 2:25 PM

Feb 2019
Ataru is such an asshole man. Fate of the planet on the line and he has the power to save everyone, but letting his pride get in the way and refusing to say “I love you” to the girl who’s been there thru everything. Great episode though, felt like a mini movie.

“I shouldn’t have to say it for you to know” um mf YES TF DO 😭 Flirting with any and every girl, never doing anything romantic and being a general asshole to Lum, so excuse the hell out of her for not believing you love her. You’ve never given any reason to think you do.

Feel equally bad for Karula. Rupa is basically just the dark dimension equivalent of Ataru. Normally I’d disagree with her comment that you can’t expect the girl to apologise first, but in this case Ataru and Rupa are absolutely deserving of being apologised to by the guys.

Hurts even more when you realise Lum knew Ataru had been duped by the fake Lum.. but the fact he didn’t even trust her enough to doubt that it was her and just ran with the misunderstanding..

The other glaring thing is if the mushrooms grow in heat and sunlight, why the fuck would Karula bring them to a hot pot dinner or dinner at all 💀

Ending the series like we started, with a game of tag between Lum and Ataru with the fate of the world on the line.. wish the last episode was an hour long or something :/
Marinate1016Jun 13, 2024 2:49 PM
Jun 13, 2024 2:35 PM

Feb 2020
Penultimate episode before the finale... Given the situation I don't even know how Lum and Ataru will end.
Jun 13, 2024 3:35 PM

Apr 2018
So both couples swapped out of jealousy but Ataru doesn't want to say that he loves Lamu eh... now it's back to how it was during the 1st episode where he needs to catch her horns, otherwise the earth is doomed because of a mushroom invasion lol
Jun 13, 2024 3:36 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
So now were back to were we started where the fate of the world is decided on Ataru catching Lum by the horns. Will Ataru will stop being a dick and treat Lum like an S-tier waifu?
Jun 13, 2024 4:41 PM

Dec 2018
I was gonna say I forgot Carla was the one who brought those mushrooms to earth like a dumbass, but turns out the movie actually changed that and I just didn’t remember lol, I definitely think it makes more sense for it to be an accident, as much as I love Carla this was definitely not a good moment for her. But besides that, damn this was a good episode, they’re making sure to treat this final arc right, so many great looking scenes, it has me excited for how they’ll adapt certain things in the final episode.

Another thing they’ve done a great job with is conveying the emotions of Lum and Ataru, I could feel the anger through the screen lol, and it really is a sad thing to see the two of them get to this point, and I know this is a really bad look for Ataru too, but man it just makes me more hyped for the finale, although it will be a mix of being happy and sad because at least when I finished all of what existed before this 2nd season began, I still had this to look forward to, but once this is over there is no more, I’ll actually be done for good this time, I’m not ready lol.

And lastly, I really read “innit” as an anime subtitle didn’t I lol, I’m guessing they’re gonna be British sounding or something in the dub which is why they’ve done that but it’s pretty funny seeing it as a subtitle.
Jun 13, 2024 5:01 PM

Dec 2022
damn, heavy! troubled times in stubborn young love really can feel like the whole world is ending
and thus, it has come full circle, the end is the beginning is the end… a game of tag… a game of love!
Jun 13, 2024 5:08 PM

May 2014
Okay so this is actually the final arc from the manga. I had no idea if this was close to finishing or if we needed another season to adapt the rest. I will be checking out the original 80's film that adapts this arc for sure.

Blimey! Bloody hell! Bugger offffff. Now we just need a U WOT M8!? These British style subs are still so funny, but very out of place.
Jun 13, 2024 6:15 PM

Apr 2022
damn high tension between them and we come full circle with a game of tag, just like in the very first episode. something about lum was hotter this episode. the slap while her and ataru were falling was jokes, and mendo's entrance in this episode was so sick. ah i don't want this to end next week, it's been a really good run.
Jun 13, 2024 8:34 PM
May 2017
The excellent penultimate episode constructed the ending episode, to air in the next week, finishing David Production's great Urusei Yatsura adaptation.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Jun 13, 2024 9:49 PM

May 2019
Now that I remember from the movie 5, I'm pretty sure it's Ran that accidentally put the mushrooms on the hotpot lmao. It's also good to see the airhead side of Carla that caused the mushroom accident. It's a great time to relive some memory of Atalum full blown stubborness resulting the couple's quarrel in the final arc and all of this will end next week and I couldn't wait to see how they deliver their finishing line, because it's so memorable and epic. One thing that makes me really disappointed with the remake is the lack of Atalum episodes especially the ones that explore the various challenges and romantic development in their relationship which all leads to this final arc. It's very clear to me that most people or the new watchers only see Ataru as a fucking asshole not a jerk with a heart of gold. He may be stubborn, immature and lecherous but he's also prideful and full of determination. While it comes to love of his life, he's sensitive and quite shy on expressing genuine affection and doing romantic stuff openly. And now he's being challenged in the final game of love to declare it openly in front of everyone else. Lum should have known better how Ataru actually showing his love especially during their time spent together. She becomes doubtful because of Ataru didn't trust her in the dark dimension. So she needs final affirmation to confirm his feelings and all she need is the word of " I love you." This very sentence to Ataru is dishonest to him because of how much unabashed flirtation that he pulls off with other girls. How will he show Lum that he loves her without saying the sacred sentence?
@Inexplicable exactly!
VivaceRexJun 14, 2024 1:57 AM

Jun 14, 2024 1:41 AM

May 2015
Ataru and Lum definitely deserve each other. Too bad they're going to doom the earth in the meantime of figuring that out!
Jun 14, 2024 1:52 AM

Jul 2020
hey so technically Ataru has already won the game since he has those old horns Lum shed before
Jun 14, 2024 6:56 AM

Jun 2021
This episode hit harder because I was in a similar situation recently. Where you could have saved a relationship by being honest and talking things through, but your residual anger and the feeling of being vulnerable just won't let you open up. No regrets though. Paul, you're a bitch and everything is your fault. I did nothing wrong.

I like how stubborn the couple are. Lum knows that Ataru was tricked by her doppelganger, but she still puts the blame on him for not realizing it. Ataru can't say that he loves her, but he's mad at her for not realizing his true feelings. They're so pig-headed in a way that it's so stupid, but so understandable. But I do hope Lum at least acknowledges what Ataru did. He was willing to give up his most precious things to Mendo for her sake. He gathered a crew, flew to an entirely different and unfamiliar universe, and fought to rescue her, only to see that the person he was risking everything for... was in the arms of someone else, and seemingly moved on from him. Ataru is an ass, but credit where it's due.
Jun 14, 2024 10:14 AM

Jun 2015
That was one hell of a way to converse as they plummuted. The thing with Ataru is that for every step he takes to change himself he would regress back two steps as soon as he see's a new girl. But this time he seems unusually determined. The gathering at Ataru's dining table sure was fun. Despite his words looks like Rupa is very much Carla's fan. The attack of the musrooms sure proved to be a rather omnimous escalation. But this sure led into the best of tag battles thanks to Lum's challenge. This arc really is one thats full of escalations huh.
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Jun 14, 2024 10:37 AM

Aug 2017
What a great episode.
Stark700 said:
They also had most of the colorful characters in this from Ataru's friends, otherwordly cast, etc.
It's nice that so many characters appear at the end. Benten, Oyuki, Ran, Rei, Mendo, Sakura, Cherry, Shinobu, - yes, even the good Ibana is there. 😄 After all the stress with Ataru / Mendo, it's good too see Shinobou together in the cafe with him.

There really is something for almost everyone - that's what you want in a finale.

The animations were also top notch - especially when the pigs ate the giant mushrooms. I like how they use modern animation techniques and still pay homage to the classic style.

The way Lum got her abilities back was just too epic. Probably one of her most legendary electric shocks in the history of the series.

I also thought it was cool how well the deeper and funnier scenes were balanced here. For example, when Ataru says to Lum to her horror "I hate you" - then suddenly five seconds of silence - only to then be pelted with their respective objects by everyone.😂😂

Not everyone can manage such a good mix of serious scenes and humor at the same time, without it seeming out of place.

0451 said:
. Sumire Uesaka's voice acting was simply impeccable.
Oh yes, I also noticed Sumipe in a very positive way in this episode. She really brought out Lum's emotions.

In general, I think it's good that she doesn't try to imitate Fumi Hirano, but gives Lum her own touch.

0451 said:
In reality, Ataru and Lum have been playing tag throughout the whole series
Haha, well said. Nice metaphor.
Next week, the legendary epic finale. And I'm really excited to see how they'll adapt the final panel.

It's such a shame that the series is already ending. Reboot-only viewers will only see a meager extract of what the series still has to offer. It felt more like they wanted to introduce all the characters a little to the new generation of viewers - just to get an appetizer to read the manga or watch the original series.

With this wonderful series ending, I hope that next week we might get an announcement for a possible "Maison Ikkoku" reboot. It's just a dream, but after the end of Urusei Yatsura it seems like a logical continuation.😄
Jun 14, 2024 10:47 AM
Nov 2022
That everything started with a game and now everything ends with a game, without a doubt: Authentic cinema 🚬
Jun 14, 2024 11:46 AM
Sep 2018
Lum and Rupa projections just looked so like the old Marvel movies, love it 🥰

Also the amount of fighting with both couples were just funny xD
Jun 14, 2024 11:46 AM

Oct 2017
What happens if you have a stubborn tsundere mc. Not just him but the other three are so stubborn as well. Rupa has his room filled with Karula merch but he definitely doesn't like her or anything.

Started with a game of tag and it's a game of tag to decide things once and for all. Just one more episode to go. Had a blast watching this remake and not ready to let this go.
Jun 14, 2024 6:04 PM

Jul 2016
Man... as if Ataru and Lum's dynamic wasn't tiring enough, now we have Rupa and Karula practically sharing the same annoying traits.

Anyways, thank God this is ending next episode. Lum has been truly insufferable during this arc and I can already feel my patience reaching its limit.
Jun 14, 2024 8:14 PM
Mar 2015
They are ready to do the last arc of the manga
Jun 15, 2024 1:31 AM

Jul 2014
Boy, I just love it when drama happens because characters decide not to talk to each other and because external characters who know exactly what happened decide not to use that knowledge to help resolve the situation. Just great writing right there, NOT.

This also just brings out the absolute worst in Ataru and makes him look like an unlikeable asshole, and Lum isn't exactly coming across much better. I simply don't think Ataru and Lum's relationship has been developed well enough to this point to make this drama land properly: maybe if the remake had adapted more chapters of those two rather than giving us three abysmal Asuka episodes, all this drama would work better.

This is Urusei Yatsura's endgame, really?
AtavisticJun 15, 2024 1:38 AM
Jun 15, 2024 3:56 AM

May 2015
You are a complete idiot Ataru.
Jun 15, 2024 10:44 AM
Nov 2020
Fantastic episode! It was great seeing all the characters together for one final meal ❤️ Lum’s emotions really came through and it was nice to see Ataru really does care for her even if he is a stubborn ass . I’m really looking forward to seeing the finale. I love how everything came full circle to the beginning. I enjoyed watching this show so it will be missed.
Jun 15, 2024 8:13 PM

Jul 2019
Am I meant to feel sorry for Lum? Seriously, since day one Autaru has made it absurdly clear he want's nothing to do with her. She created her own misunderstanding with his "proposal" in episode one, and then he has rejected her at every turn, this is all on her, she should have moved on a long time ago.
Jun 16, 2024 3:27 AM
Jan 2022
got the big plot development going on! I feel anxious!
Jun 16, 2024 8:32 AM

Apr 2016
Moroboshi has to took a great decission, save the Earth or sayd to Lum that love her!!!
Jun 16, 2024 10:19 AM
Jul 2023
The penultimate anime series is an adaptation of the 362-364 chapters of the manga. It's a pity that you already know how this story will end, but you keep watching anyway. In most cases, I judge the remake series based on the old anime, because even though I know the chronology of the manga, but this is because I was extremely interested in learning about the differences between manga and anime, because sometimes details can play a decisive role, which is why some episodes in manga and anime (1981) can differ so much in perception and impression from the remake, although logically the new version should be improved and a slight rethinking of everything except the plot by a variation of the film adaptation, somewhere this makes it better, and somewhere it is not at all unambiguous. But the final is ahead, and we'll sum up there.
Jun 16, 2024 4:26 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Matters have escalated quickly as from Lum and Ataru's break up came prettry serious side effects. Not only did the mushrooms from Karura multiply to the point of covering the world in darkness in 10 days, Lum is being too nice to someone who just won't admit hsi feelings for her. Ataru, you have one episode to stop being an idiot for 2 minutes and solve this mess.

To start on a tag game and end on a tag game, how mesmerizing.
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Jun 16, 2024 7:50 PM
Oct 2016
This episode made me hate Ataru. At some point, I just wished I could punch him in the face.
Jun 16, 2024 8:54 PM
Jan 2023
The couple switcheroo 💑
Jun 16, 2024 9:32 PM

May 2018
sad that they not gonna make another season after this season
Jun 17, 2024 10:16 PM
Oct 2019
Moroboshi, you BAKAA!!

One more episode left, Game of tag will decide the fate of the earth, ahhh just like in the beginning.
It's all coming back full circle.
Jun 18, 2024 2:57 PM

Jun 2021
Will we get another season of this series for a complete adaptation ?

~ Weeboo
Jun 19, 2024 9:40 AM
Oct 2022
Reply to PLight09
Will we get another season of this series for a complete adaptation ?
@PLight09 Sadly it's the end. We all wish they keep making episodes (especially not-adapted-before manga chapters), but... it was announced from the beginning it would be just these 2 seasons.
Jun 20, 2024 3:51 PM

Feb 2012
I hoped Lum (often shocks Ataru) being stuck with Rupa (falling in love with someone he's only seen a picture of) and Ataru (wannabe womanizer) with Carla (like if Lum were even more violent) would give them to reflect on the state of their relationships.

After spending all that effort to rescue her, one deception by the Lum clone can make Ataru cast doubt on Lum, but that in itself made Lum realise how little Ataru trusts her.

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Jun 21, 2024 3:09 AM

Jun 2019
Ataru... you dumbass... AHHHHHHH. Don't break her heart like that. Also, looks like Rupa really loves his girl. It was cute.
Oct 13, 2024 10:51 AM
May 2021
Moroboshi is a fcking dumbass idiot
Oct 17, 2024 8:13 AM

Oct 2023
I starting to hate Ataru. Lum don't deserve a man like that
Dec 10, 2024 11:38 PM
Dec 2021
this is a show made about idiots for idiots. but i finished watching it, i'm sure that says something about me. blame it on my stupid completionist brain.
Dec 11, 2024 5:18 PM

Dec 2022
Ataru the biggest tsundere

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