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Oct 8, 2021 10:28 AM

Nov 2011
Well, this episode got darker but it still had the usual chemistry of the cast.

Yuki putting on that armor and arming herself shows that she's still ready to deal with whatever threat in front of her. Same with her team. Action also returned to the Yuki Yuna style as I remember. Kinda amusing that they threw some humor during all that fighting.
Oct 8, 2021 10:58 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
As expected, this wasn't going to be another fluffy and wholesome episode, but hey, this is Yuuki Yuuna and not Non Non Biyori. Still, the comedy has been always a part of this show and this episode also offered some hilarious moments.

The action scenes were awesome as usual.
Oct 8, 2021 12:22 PM

Oct 2013
They're actually adapting KuMeYu, and tying it to The Hero Chapter! That's great!
Oct 8, 2021 12:33 PM

Sep 2016
Not gonna lie, I was never a big fan of the KuMeYu cast, and this episode didn't change my mind. It was a great episode, but I'm kinda just waiting for the story to go back to the Hero Club.
Oct 8, 2021 12:42 PM

Apr 2014
This was not a bad episode. In fact it was pretty cool. However, we are getting more characters now. Which we are going to get a big cast. This Kusunoki girl has a role to play eventually. Who knows. But she was one of the candidates for the hero. Too bad she wasn't chosen instead it was Karin. Wonder what she was lacking to not be chosen? She did best Karin in sword combat. Hopefully that will get answered soon.
Oct 8, 2021 12:59 PM

Dec 2015
Had to go to the YuYuYu wiki to understand that part at the end of last episode. Interesting to tie this into Togo's future with the Taisha. So does this mean they'll be exploring the outside now?
hai_X_isOct 16, 2021 8:13 AM
Notice: I read most manga in Japanese now so I'm not sure where you can read in English. Sorry in advance.
Oct 8, 2021 1:10 PM

Nov 2016
Have to get used to the new characters, but I already like the scared crybaby. Usopp spirit animal, that's the vibes I got.

Pretty decent episode I'd say.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 8, 2021 4:31 PM

Feb 2016
This episode has an interesting storyline, but I'm not sure how it's supposed to relate to the characters of the previous seasons. The ones who continued to be featured in the opening, ending, and all other promotional materials.
LucifrostOct 9, 2021 5:35 AM
Oct 8, 2021 6:24 PM
Aug 2019
I really need to read KuMeYu and NoWaYu to understand this better, or at least rewatch the previous seasons lol. But this episode was great! I liked the new characters a lot. Also Satania's seiyuu as ojousama is great lol
Oct 8, 2021 7:32 PM
Jan 2016
I did like this episode a lot, but to be honest, i'm kinda disappointed that this series isn't a sequel but a middle ground (Between S1 and S2)

At one hand, yeah, this may be cool and all that, but we all know that these characters had no real impact in this universe outside KuMeYu (I have not read the novel, but seeing how S2 ended.. xD). At the other, this may lit the fire they need to adapt NoWaYu, I swear to good, they NEED to adapt it to an anime, it is still to this day my fav LN, and it only have 2 volumes with like 17 chapters in total xD
Oct 8, 2021 8:48 PM

Jan 2017
So we're gonna follow the events (albeit slightly altered) of KuMeYu now? Not that I mind as we're finally seeing animated Suzume and HOHO Miroku outside of their chibi selves in Churutto

I'm just wondering how this will tie itself back into the big picture as iirc KuMeYu's story is largely affliated with WaSuYu following Gin's death

For those interested with the supplementary light novels that expands upon YuYuYu's world, here's a list from the subreddit that covers em all, I personally enjoyed NoWaYu and KuMeYu, ShiUYu and Hero History Apocrypha is kinda meh
FragmantLemonOct 8, 2021 8:54 PM
Oct 8, 2021 8:54 PM

May 2012
alphazero4um said:
This was not a bad episode. In fact it was pretty cool. However, we are getting more characters now. Which we are going to get a big cast. This Kusunoki girl has a role to play eventually. Who knows. But she was one of the candidates for the hero. Too bad she wasn't chosen instead it was Karin. Wonder what she was lacking to not be chosen? She did best Karin in sword combat. Hopefully that will get answered soon.

I would assume it's her attitude. It's significantly worse than Karin's was when she was first introduced. Notably she acts rather coldly towards the others from what we've seen so far while Karin does not. Considering that the heroes are something like paragons of humanity, a high degree of compassion seems like it'd be a pretty important prerequisite.
Oct 9, 2021 12:57 AM
Apr 2020
For someone who hasn't read any of the novels, the appearance of KuMeYu really confused and surprised me haha

Oh well, guess that's a sign to start catching up on the novels.. lol
Oct 9, 2021 1:21 AM

Oct 2008
really have high expectations to this franchise! don't let us down MONACA!!!

Oct 9, 2021 9:08 PM

Apr 2008
The stardust battle wasn't a great sign. Lots of extreme zoom ins and zoom outs that avoid drawing the full action. You almost never saw an attack from start to finish. Also personally feeling like I may need to rewatch the other seasons for context.
Oct 10, 2021 3:02 AM
Dec 2019
alphazero4um said:
This was not a bad episode. In fact it was pretty cool. However, we are getting more characters now. Which we are going to get a big cast. This Kusunoki girl has a role to play eventually. Who knows. But she was one of the candidates for the hero. Too bad she wasn't chosen instead it was Karin. Wonder what she was lacking to not be chosen? She did best Karin in sword combat. Hopefully that will get answered soon.

We could suppose that karin would be chosen
otherwise it would have been not really cohérent with karin présentation in season 1

Good episode overall but i was somewhat surprised that they fight swarm of ennemies with guns instead of weapons that makes zone damages
And it seems that there is no relation between episodes 1 and 2 (apart the end)
houloukOct 10, 2021 3:09 AM
Oct 11, 2021 4:47 AM

Feb 2019
You know, in retrospect, it was a good thing very little information came out about the new season, since it makes Kusunoki's inclusion a great surprise that'd've been spoiled otherwise.

A good near-direct adaptation of the first part of her storyline, though I expect it'll be back to Yuuki Yuuna for the next part, I assume coming up to where the seed should've gone, looking at the aftermath of KuMeYu from an outsider's perspective. Exciting stuff.
Well I for one already loved Lain.
Oct 12, 2021 12:43 AM

Apr 2013
FragmantLemon said:
So we're gonna follow the events (albeit slightly altered) of KuMeYu now? Not that I mind as we're finally seeing animated Suzume and HOHO Miroku outside of their chibi selves in Churutto

I'm just wondering how this will tie itself back into the big picture as iirc KuMeYu's story is largely affliated with WaSuYu following Gin's death

For those interested with the supplementary light novels that expands upon YuYuYu's world, here's a list from the subreddit that covers em all, I personally enjoyed NoWaYu and KuMeYu, ShiUYu and Hero History Apocrypha is kinda meh

This is exactly why I can't get fully invested in the YuYuYu franchise. I want to jump in the train right away and not have to read a lot of stuff to get the grisp of what is happening. I DID read them though, but it wasn't that worth it. I know you don't need to read them but I feel like I would have missed a huge part of the story otherwise. I understand that some people are invested enough though.
Oct 13, 2021 3:05 PM

May 2009
This too boring. Maybe if I cared about this franchise I would be interested but reading lnshit is too much.
Oct 14, 2021 5:18 AM

Oct 2007
liking the new girls.. that's certainly a terrifying thing they experienced, being attacked by those monsters with large mouths. I hope everyone make it back alive.
Oct 16, 2021 1:38 AM

Jun 2020
liking the new girls.. that's certainly a terrifying thing they experienced, being attacked by those monsters with large mouths. I hope everyone make it back alive.
Well... that's because the heroes prefer the path of humans to the path that has been chosen by the gods who favor humans. So we can no longer hope for the path that the heroes will walk. Of course, I hope so too in the future.

SchlimmOct 16, 2021 2:21 AM
Oct 16, 2021 3:31 AM

Oct 2010
well, there goes my theory, apparently this will be with these girls exploring the outside world. I very much enjoy the events and the idea to that, very nice concept. That scared girl is annoying though
Oct 16, 2021 11:26 AM

Feb 2020
Mmm, I'm not too sure I like the direction this season seems to be taking.
Firstly, I understand that they just couldn't fully adapt KuMeYu but it skipped so much of Mebuki's inner struggles and various personality traits, it makes her much more bland than I remembered her.
At least the rest of the cast is faithful to how I've always known them (Suzume in particular, I love the voice actress' dedication to make her as fun as possible), but I'm afraid mixing the story with that "Mankai Chapter" will make them severely lack enough screentime to be properly developed.

And speaking of basically telling two stories in one, I'm really not sure. I have no idea how will the main plot tuen out so I can't really judge but considering the fact that KuMeYu is supposed to be its own story, I'm afraid the blending will be clumsy (but I really hope I'm wrong).

Another thing that got me worried is the animation style during the fight. I'm almost certain they used CGI for almost the entirety of that scene and that's a real shame, Yuuki Yuuna always offered us very good fighting scenes, it can really do better than that.

Now I don't want to be very negative because I truly like Yuuki Yuuna and hope for it to know what it is doing, and it still makes me happy to see all the characters, (plus I don't want to come off as this annoying LN reader who criticizes everything) but I had to share how I felt about this episode, hoping it's just the beginning and that the story will get better.

(But after reading the reactions here I still need to complain about one thing (I'm sorry) : people seem confused about Karin having been chosen instead of Mebuki, and that's a part of why I believe KuMeYu needs to be properly adapted. The reason to this choice has been explained and actually tells a lot about Mebu, Karin, and what it takes to make a good hero... And nothing of it has been shown in this episode. If it just keeps doing that then a lot of things will feel very shallow.)
FafetteOct 16, 2021 11:36 AM
Nov 7, 2021 2:25 PM
Sep 2015
I loved this episode honestly. Way better than the first episode which was 90% filler.

I like the new girl that refused to be used as a mere tool to be tossed aside by the system. She has guts.
Aug 3, 2022 3:04 AM

Dec 2012
Her Miko powers?
2 year before. Year 298.
Miroku Yumiko.
Mebuki beat Karin.
1 month later.
Karin is selected.
Mebuki going off. She grabbed Aki.
Year 300.
They learn the truth.
LMAO at the girl saying NOPE.
Dat stardust.
They survived.
Dat ending.

ED song is nice. Kagajou is hilarious with the NOPE.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Oct 22, 2023 4:20 AM
Oct 2021
I didn’t sign up for a mecha anime but ok I guess.

All I can do is hope this is a one-off thing, because this really feels like a downgrade from the excellent nature of the first three seasons :/

Candy 2023:

Candy 2024:

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