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  1. !The Firo Prochainezo Fanclub;;
  2. #*~The Blue Haired Anime Characters Club ~*#
  3. ♦Belarus & Ukraine♦ |Hetalia Club|
  4. ♥ Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Yaoi ♥
  5. ♥ No sense of Direction ♥
  6. ♥ Rena x Mion ♥
  7. ♥Hotarubi & Yashamaru♥
  8. ♥The Official Wolfram Fanclub♥
  9. ♥Yuuichi Nakamura Fanclub♥
  10. ♥~Fujisaki Nadeshiko/Nagihiko~♥
  11. """""demondude777 fanclub"""""
  12. "Claim a MAL club" club
  13. "Dwa bratanki - Két jó barát" Poland - Hungary Fanclub
  14. ¨°º¤• Yu Kanda & Lotus Flower •¤º°¨
  15. - ~ Miyano Mamoru Fanclub ~ -
  16. --Hibari-sama's Fanclub--
  17. -Tsubaki, the Scentless Flower-
  18. .Your Anime Heroes.
  19. /5927 power/ The GokuderaxTsuna club.
  20. 07-Ghost ~ Mikage Fan Club
  21. :: Akira Takizawa FC
  22. Agito & Akito
  23. agito and akito
  25. Air Gear Fanclub
  26. Aisaka Taiga Fanclub
  27. Akira Kogami Fan Club
  28. Akita Neru Fanclub!!
  29. Alfred x Arthur (America x England)
  30. All the Hot Guys from A&M (AHG)
  31. Amu & Ikuto Fanclub!
  32. Amuto Fans (Fanclub)
  33. Anime Opening, Ending and Theme Music
  34. Anime orphans.
  35. Anime Scientists!
  36. Anime Sheetmusic and Tabs Club
  37. Anti C.C. club
  38. Anti Code Geass
  39. Anti-Lelouch Club 2.0
  40. Anti-Lelouch Club.
  41. Anti-Lenalee FC
  42. Aoi Sena Fanclub
  43. Arcobaleno FC
  44. Arf Fanclub
  45. Arthur's Fairyland ♥
  46. Artistic Miki Fan Club!!
  47. Asian Pop Music
  48. Austria Fan Club
  49. Austria x Hungary ~ Roderich x Elizaveta ~ Epic D'awww~
  50. Axis Powers Hetalia Club
  51. Axis Powers Hetalia Yaoi RP
  52. Ayabie Fanclub~
  53. Ayame Ikaruga Fanclub
  54. ❀ Kawaii princess Miwako ❀
  55. ☆~Ayumi Hamasaki Fanclub~☆
  56. 『岸本あやせ 』-FES- fc
  57. Baccano!
  58. Bakuman Club
  59. Battle Arena
  60. Battler's Alliance
  61. Be a character~~~~~<3!
  62. Beato x Battler
  63. Beautiful Blonde Boys
  64. Bernkastel & Lambdadelta
  65. Big Sisters Club
  66. Black Lagoon Twins ~ Hänsel & Gretel
  67. Black Star FC
  68. Blonde Hair Club
  69. Break up a Couple~
  70. Brother Complex Club
  71. Buy an Anime Character
  72. Castor Fan Club
  73. ChäoS;HEAd
  74. Chibitalia Fanclub
  75. Childhood Memories/Flashbacks {Claimation} [CLOSED Temporally]
  76. Chrno Fanclub.
  77. Claim a Anime Brother Club [CLOSED]
  78. Claim a Anime Sister Club// CLOSED FOR AWHILE
  79. Claim a anime/manga character!
  80. Claim a Bishōjo Club
  81. Claim A Bishie Club
  82. Claim A Bleach Character
  83. Claim a Book
  84. Claim a book series club
  85. claim a cartoon or anime character
  86. Claim a Character Fight
  87. Claim a character for a season! [& More] ~ Season Club
  88. Claim a character you've nvr claimed before
  89. Claim A Cute Character Of Anime.
  90. Claim a Disney Movie
  91. Claim a Famous Person Club
  92. Claim a fetish
  93. Claim a Franchise Club
  94. Claim a Hetalia country
  95. Claim a Japanese Name
  96. Claim a Kemonomimi Shoujo
  97. Claim A Killer Club
  98. Claim a Loli Club
  99. Claim A MAL Best Friend
  100. Claim a Manga Character
  101. Claim a Manga ~ MAL Manga Tournament
  102. Claim a Musician
  103. Claim a Naruto/Naruto Shippuuden character Club
  104. Claim a Pervert
  105. Claim a place to live / house
  106. Claim a power
  107. Claim A Psycho.
  108. Claim a Shota
  109. Claim a Singer...... Currently CLOSED!
  110. Claim a Smart Character Club
  111. Claim A Song~
  112. Claim a Soundtrack Club!
  113. Claim a Swordsman
  114. Claim a Tsundere
  115. Claim A TV Show!
  116. Claim a User x Character Couple
  117. Claim a Video Game Character v.2
  118. Claim a Voice Actor Club
  119. Claim a Word
  120. Claim a Yaoi Couple~
  121. Claim a Yuri Couple
  122. Claim an Anime Bedroom Buddy
  123. Claim an Anime Bodyguard
  124. Claim an anime boy/girlfriend
  125. Claim an anime character's nickname
  126. Claim an Anime Couple
  127. Claim An Anime Saying
  128. Claim an anime siblings
  129. Claim an Anime Studio Club!
  130. Claim an ASIAN
  131. Claim an Athlete
  132. Claim an Japanese Singer
  133. Claim an Obsessed character
  134. Claim an Occupation
  135. Claim anime best friends ~
  136. Claim Club Story Mode Club 1: Claim Your Childhood Friend(s)
  137. Claim one eyed chara
  138. Claim Your Anime Family
  139. Claim Your Crossdressing Buddy~
  140. Claim yourself a familiar!
  141. Claire Stanfield (Rail Tracer) FanClub
  142. Clannad
  143. Club against reviews after 1st episode =P
  144. Colonnello FC
  146. Correct Grammar and Spelling Wins
  147. D'espairsRay Fanclub
  148. Daichi
  149. Daisuke Misumi
  150. Daisuke Namikawa Fan Club!
  151. Date your Favorite Character Club....
  152. DBSK LOVE
  153. Death Godness Kuchiki Rukia Club
  154. Death the Kid FC
  155. Death To Preps
  156. Dio - Distraught Overlord Love!
  157. Doubt
  158. Edward Elric Fanclub
  159. Eiko's SQUAD.
  160. Elliot Nightray FC
  161. EnglandxUnicorn
  162. Enslave a Character
  163. Epic Taxi Driver F.C.
  164. Eva Ushiromiya Fanclub. &#9829;
  165. Excalibur Appreciation Station
  166. Feliks Łukasiewicz Fanclub
  167. Female Badass!
  168. Fumiko Orikasa FC
  169. Gauche Suede FC
  170. Geass an Anime Character
  171. General Cross Marian Love
  172. genuises of anime
  173. George Ushiromiya Fanclub
  174. Germancest FC
  175. Get the heck out of my anime, woman!
  176. Gilbert Weillschmidt can invade MY vital regions any time. <3
  177. Give a Character to a Rabid Claimer Club
  178. Give/Get Valentine Chocolate
  179. Give/Receive Roses ♥
  180. Go Kyoto Animation!
  181. Gods and Goddesses of Anime
  182. Gokudera Hayato Fanclub
  183. Golden Eyes FC
  184. Graphics Club
  185. Gray Fullbuster Fanclub
  186. GreecexJapan fanclub
  187. Green-eyed Characters
  188. Hédervári Erzsébet /Hungary FC
  189. Hao Fan Club
  190. Happy and cheerful characters
  191. Haruka-SD FC
  192. Headphones
  193. Hetalia ||Yaoi|| Fanclub
  194. Hideyoshi fanclub
  195. Higashi no Eden / Eden of the East Fanclub!
  196. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
  197. Hiiragi Kagami's Shrine
  198. Hinamori Amu Fanclub
  199. Hitsugaya Toushirou FanClub
  201. Holy Roman Empire x Chibitalia | Hetalia FC |
  202. Hug a Character
  203. Hyakko Fan Club
  204. Hyuuga Neji Alliance
  205. I am NOT dazzled by Edward Cullen... just bored. (Anti-Twilight Group)
  206. I love the opening and ending themes of anime!
  207. I've: Low Trance Assembly
  208. Ichigo x Inoue / IchiHime LOVE
  209. Ichigo x Rukia
  210. Ikuto Tsukiyomi Fanclub
  211. Im Yong Soo/Korea FC
  212. Ino is Far More Superior to Sakura Club
  213. Ino yamanaka fanclub
  214. Isayama Yomi Fanclub
  215. January, June & July
  216. Jasdebi Fan Club
  217. Jessica Ushiromiya Fanclub
  218. Jessica x Kanon
  219. Josei no Ken 女性の剣 (Female Swordsmen) Club
  220. Juza Amakusa FC
  221. Kairi Sanjo fan club
  222. Kallen Stadtfeld/Kozuki Fans
  223. Kamiya Hiroshi fanclub
  224. Kaname Chidori Club
  225. Kanon Fanclub
  226. Kaori Kanzaki Forever!
  227. Kawashima Ami Fanclub
  228. Kawasumi Mai: She's Moe
  229. Kazuya Minekura Fan Club
  230. Keiichi Maebara Fanclub.
  231. Kenichi Suzumura Fan Club!
  232. Kidnap An Anime\Manga Character
  233. Kill an Anime Character
  235. Kitade Nana
  236. Kitto Kitto Kaede
  237. Konata fan club
  238. KOTOKO Fan Club
  239. Kozue Orihara Fanclub
  240. Kuchiha is the ultimate moe <3
  241. Kuchiki Rukia Fan Club
  242. Kukai Fanclub!
  243. Kukai X Utau
  244. Kumasawa's house of Mackerel
  245. Kurumu Kurono Fanclub
  246. Kushieda Minori Fanclub
  247. Kuwashima Houko Fans!
  248. Kyoko_SB´s friends
  249. Kyou and Ryou Fanclub
  250. Kyou Kara Maou! Fanclub
  251. Kyrie Ushiromiya Fanclub
  252. Lal Mirch Fanclub
  253. Lambo Fanclub
  254. Lavi Fanclub
  255. LelouchxShirley Fan Club
  256. Liechtenstein♥ Fan Club
  257. Limited Edition Cards World (STILL C.A.B.B.)
  258. Ling Yao - FC
  259. Linkin Park Fan Club
  260. Live with an Anime Character
  261. Liz & Patty Thompson FC
  262. LM.C Fan Club
  263. Loli Anti Pedobear Force
  264. Lotti (Charlotte) Baskerville Fanclub ♥
  265. Ludwig "Germany" Fanclub~!
  266. Maes Hughes Fanclub
  267. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha
  268. MAL Adopt a Pet! [CLOSED]
  269. MAL Artist
  270. MAL Claim a Mangaka
  271. MAL Claim Favorite Authors & Characters Club
  272. MAL Claim,Do,Suggest,Vote for Everything For Fun~!! :P
  273. MAL Marriage
  274. MAL Shonen/Shojo CLAIM Office
  275. MAL Shounen\\Shoujo CLAIM Office
  276. MAL's Anniversary Club ~
  277. MAL's Claim a Cartoon (character & show)
  278. MAL's Claim a Video Game Club - Closed
  279. MAL's General Voting System
  280. Mami Kawada Fans
  281. Mari's Club XD
  282. Maria Ushiromiya Fanclub
  283. Mariya Shidou Fanclub
  284. Marry an Asian Singer / Actor
  285. Matthew Williams/Canada FC
  286. Mayumi Thyme Love.~
  287. Mayuri Fanclub!
  288. Mika Nakashima fanclub
  289. Mikage & Teito FC
  290. Mikhail FC~
  291. Mindless Self Indulgence
  292. Mion Sonozaki Fanclub.
  293. Misaka Mikoto Club
  294. Miyu Irino Fans!!
  295. Mizuki Nana
  296. Music Addicts
  297. Nadeshiko Fujisaki Fan club
  298. Nanoha Takamachi Fanclub
  299. Natsuhi Ushiromiya Fanclub. &#9829;
  300. Need a Home-Tutor?
  301. Neji Hyuuga FC
  302. Neoseeker's Gurren Brigade
  303. Nico Nico Everyone!
  304. North Italy And Germany ~ Feliciano And Ludwig ~
  305. Nyan Poznań Club
  306. Oboro Iga Fanclub.
  307. Oh Romano, you tomato-loving bastard ♥
  308. Ookami kakushi
  309. Orihime club
  310. Orihime Inoue FC
  311. Ouji to Kaeru
  312. Paku Romi Club
  313. Peach-Pit Fan Club
  314. Play A Video Game With A Character!
  315. Poland Club
  316. Polski Anty FC Debilnych Bohaterek
  317. Polski Club Fanów Kida ^^ v2.0
  318. Polski FC Bishounenów. ^^
  319. Polski FC Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
  320. Ponytail Characters Club
  321. Proper Language
  322. Prussia x Hungary Club
  323. Red Eyes Fanclub
  324. Remembering Kyora
  325. Revy Fan Club
  326. Ribbons!
  327. Rider Fan Club
  328. Rights for Men Alliance
  329. Rima Mashiro Fanclub
  330. Ritsu Tainaka FanClub
  331. Rosette Christopher Fanclub
  332. Ryoko Asakura Fan Club
  333. S. Italy x N. Italy |Italycest| - Hetalia FC
  334. Sakura Matou Fanclub
  335. Sakurai Takahiro Fanclub
  336. Sasagawa Ryohei Fanclub
  337. SasuIno 「サスいの」 ♥
  338. Satoko Houjou Fanclub.
  339. Satsuki Yukino Fanclub.
  340. Save or Push a Character off a/the Cliff
  341. SawaK-ON!
  342. SawlSeki's Fanclub ♥
  343. Scars Are Sexy!
  344. Second String/Supporting Males
  345. Senna Fanclub
  346. Seven Sisters of Purgatory
  347. Shannon (Sayo) Fanclub.
  348. SHINee World
  349. Shion Sonozaki Fanclub
  350. Shito Tachibana FanClub
  351. Shrine of Green Haired Babes/Girls in Anime & Manga
  352. SHuGo CHaRA!
  353. Simca Fan Club
  354. SOL Brigade
  355. Sonozaki Sisters Fan Club
  356. Soul Eater Club
  357. SouL is <3
  358. Split Personality Fan Club
  359. Stabby's KingDOOM
  360. Stiyl "Fortis931" Magnus FC
  361. Stop killing Akatsuki!!
  362. Strawberry Cult~
  363. Sugiyama Noriaki FC
  364. Summon an anime character
  365. Suzumiya Haruhi Fan Club
  366. Swordsmen/women Club
  367. Tadamuto Trio!
  368. Taiwan Hetalia FC
  369. Tao Jun fanclub
  370. The "I'm Addicted to MAL, so Sue Me" Club
  371. The "I Can't Finish My Anime" Club
  372. The "I hate school" Club
  373. The Alfred F. Jones Fanclub
  374. The Anti-Twilight Alliance
  375. The Asians Fanclub
  376. The Baltic Nations~ |Hetalia Club|
  377. The Beret Fanclub!
  378. The Bishie Club
  379. The Dying Will of Sawada Tsunayoshi
  380. The Extreme Ryohei Sasagawa Fan Club!
  381. The Fate T. Harlaown Goddess Fanclub.​‮‫
  382. The great & invincible SEALAND!!
  383. The Heterochromia Fanclub
  384. The Hibari Kyouya Discipline
  385. The Hirano Aya Club
  386. the home work club
  387. The Ivan Braginski Fanclub
  388. The Maka Albarn Fanclub
  389. The Maximum the Hormone fanclub
  390. The Minami Kana Society
  391. The Montmorency Margarita la Fère de Montmorency Fanclub!
  392. The Nordics FC
  393. The Official Ciel Phantomhive Alliance ♥
  394. The Official Gilbert Nightray Fan Alliance ♥
  395. The Oh! Great Fan Club
  396. The petition for "hiatus" and "Discontinued" for manga status
  397. The Promise Claim Club
  398. The Shrine of Fujibayashi Kyou
  399. The Shrine of Signum
  400. The Shrine of Touka
  401. The Soul Brothers Club
  402. The Throne of Lady Lambdadelta
  403. The Tohsaka Rin Fanclub
  404. The Ultimate Claim Club (The UCC V2)
  405. The ultimate Shrimp FC
  406. The United Nations of Supreme Stalkerness(UNSS)
  407. The Vongola Mafia Famiglia
  408. The Vongola Union
  409. Then we'll fall together - Wolfram and Yuuri
  410. Three Days Grace Fan Club
  411. Together We're Invincible ~A Boy's Love Fanclub~
  412. Tomboy/ Feminist Anime Girls Club
  413. Tomoyo Sakagami Fanclub!
  414. Toradora! Official Fanclub!
  415. Tsunayoshi Sawada ~ The Young Boss Of Vongola
  416. Tsundere Club
  417. Tsundere Males (Oranyan) Fan Club.
  418. Tsuruya Club
  419. Tsuruya Fanclub
  420. Umineko no Naku Koro ni
  421. Umineko Popularity Votes
  422. Unique Characters Club!
  423. United Federation of Claim Clubs (U.F.C.C.)
  424. Urumi Kanzaki Club
  425. Uryuu Minene Fanclub!
  426. Ushio Okazaki Love.
  427. Ushiromiya Rudolf FC
  428. Utau Hoshina Fanclub
  429. Vash Zwingli Fanclub
  430. Vita Fan Club
  431. Viva Ni Pah! The Rika Furude Fan Club
  432. Voice Actor Crew
  433. Wakeshima Kanon
  434. Wang Yao fanclub
  435. We hate Louise Vallière
  436. We love Kudou-kun and his stories!
  437. Winry Rockbell Love
  438. Xinil Fanclub
  439. Yandere and Yangire Appreciation Club
  440. Yoko Fanclub
  441. Yorozuya
  442. Yoru Fanclub
  443. Yoruichi-Fanclub
  444. Yua Kusonoki Fanclub
  445. Yuuno Scrya Fan club
  446. [APH] Austria x Switzerland FC [Roderich Edelstein x Vash Zwingli]
  447. [APH] Russia x China Fan Club [Yao Wong x Ivan Braginski]
  448. [Axis Power Hetalia] Feliks x Taurys [Poland x Lithuania]
  449. [HIATUS] Teach A Character [HIATUS]
  450. [HIATUS]~* Get your own café *~[HIATUS]
  451. [MAD]
  452. [Revived] Club of The Dead
  453. [Romantic Conquest]Psychological Love
  454. ~ Gintama FC ~
  455. ~� MiOn x KeIicHi ClUb �~
  457. ~*MAL'S Claim an Anime Show Club*~
  458. ~*~ Hotori Tadase Fan Club ~*~
  459. ~07-Ghost~ Frau Fan Club
  460. ~Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Fan Center~
  461. ~ONII-SAN... Big Brothers club~
  462. ~Slit Cat-like Eyes Club~
  463. ~Tora-chan Fanclub~
  464. ~Utau Hoshina~
  465. ~~Claim a JRock/JPop Song~~
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