<span style="color:darkgreen"><div style="text-align: center;">Welcome!
(Yes, I kinda got the idea from the "Claim a Loli" club, and plus I just thought of it. So half credit for this club goes to that club, and the rest to my brain)
Do you have a shota that you love to death? Well you can claim him here!
Example of a shota is Mitsukuni Haninozuka *points at club pic*
Simple, no?
<span style="font-size: 150%;">Just to let you all know...
<div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="this.nextSibling.nextSibling.style.display='block';this.style.display='none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="this.parentNode.style.display='none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><span style="font-size: 300%;"><strong>A SHOTA IS A BOY! A BOY I SAY! OK! THE NEXT ONE WHO TRIES TO CLAIM A LOLI WILL FUCKING GET TAKEN HOME.</strong><!--size--></span>
(note by Rena)<!--spoiler--></span></div>
Now then...
Just follow these rules (PLEASE READ ALL OF THEM):
1 - Your claim <strong>must be a shota</strong>. No sexy bishies, just cute shota, got it? <strong>Must be <u>at least</u> younger than 17 years old</strong>.
2 - You must have <em>at least</em> 150 post and must have been a member of MAL for 2 months.
3 - <strong>One shota per member</strong>, and two per officer/admin. Don't be greedy!
4 - Before claiming, you have to check the <!--link--><a href=" http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=45370">ALREADY CLAIMED LIST</a>.
5 - IMPORTANT! <strong>Characters that are shown as shota boys only once or twice in the anime/manga ARE.NOT.ALLOWED. Your character must be a shota for most of the anime/manga lenght (or at least for quite a long time). Not just in flashbacks, memories and stuff like that. And of course fanarts don't count. Got it? Good.</strong>
6 - If you want your banner made, <strong>please provide a picture</strong>. No picture, no banner :P (banner size doesn't matter!)
7 - IMPORTANT! <strong>Please put "Claim a Shota", "Shota Claim" or just "Shota" somewhere VISIBLE on the banner</strong>. Failure to listen to this rule will have your claim removed. :P
8 - If you want, you can link back to us :-D<!--size--></span>
Also - Only if you have permission from <strong>me</strong> (Yumiko) you can make someone an admin!
(PM kindled-anger about that if Yumiko is unavailable)
You aren't sure if this character is a shota? Just <!--link--><a href=" http://myanimelist.net/mymessages.php?go=send&toname=Yumiko">PM Yumiko</a> with the character's name and the MAL link or a picture and I'll see if he's a shota or not. If I don't know, ask Rena (*cough*shotacon*cough*) or kindled-anger, but ask me first!
<span style="font-size: 160%;">Oh oh oh! If somehow, I can't get on and do stuff for the club, the people who will take over are <strong>Disa (kindled-anger)</strong> and <strong>Rena</strong> (I see you desu~)! Get it? Got it? Good.<!--size--></span>
<div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="this.nextSibling.nextSibling.style.display='block';this.style.display='none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="this.parentNode.style.display='none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><u>A fun way of putting it:</u>
Yumiko - Good Cop (She'll be nice about anything)
RenaPsychoKiller - Bad Cop (As in, she'll kick your ass if you don't follow the rules!)
kindled-anger - Lazy Cop (I'm the one who eats donuts all days and watches the other cops work!)<!--spoiler--></span></div>
<strong>-Official Club Userbar-</strong>
(Made by <!--link--><a href=" http://myanimelist.net/profile/PassionatexLove">PassionatexLove</a>)
<img src=" http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn241/xPassionatexLovex/shota.png?t=1225031396" border="0">
<!--link--><a href=" http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=6644"><img src=" http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a268/MOMO28/MAL%20Banners/claimaloliuserbar12.png" border="0"></a><!--center--></div><!--color--></span>
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Sticky: Claim your shota here! (Open) ( 1 2 3 ) Yumiko - Sep 28, 2008 |
144 replies | by Hiina »» Nov 22, 2012 2:59 AM |
![Topic is not being watched]() |
Finished Banners. RenaPsychoKiller - Sep 28, 2008 |
49 replies | by EnkoKasumi »» Jun 14, 2010 5:50 AM |
![Topic is not being watched]() |
Need help! Yumiko - Sep 28, 2008 |
19 replies | by BlueAngel »» Nov 13, 2008 11:28 PM |
![Topic is not being watched]() |
Banners to do: FreedomWingz - Sep 29, 2008 |
3 replies | by kindled-anger »» Sep 29, 2008 5:48 PM |
![Topic is not being watched]() |
Sticky: Claimed List Yumiko - Sep 28, 2008 |
0 replies | by Yumiko »» Sep 28, 2008 4:31 PM |
Members: 153
Pictures: 21
Category: Characters
Created: Sep 28, 2008
This is a public club. Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not. Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.