I'm a Monke.
Man this life shit is hella exhausting cant watch 20 anime per month no more. Anyway shit started getting good recently. Started watching anime ever since i was an lower undergarment shitter starting with the classics sailor moon, beyblade, pokemon and obviously og dragon ball(i barely know what happened in these shows so i do not mean to rate them anytime soon). My way of rating anime usually consists of how the story progresses/unfolds instead of primarily focusing on the story itself. And i also base off of characters development as whole and if its the final saga/season then i 70%-80% of the time judge upon the overall on how much the characters developed, and the way their character arc ended. Animation is a secondary for me if the anime is mostly developed and run by the actual plot. But if the anime's main genre is action then u WILL have me expecting a few sakugas here and there, if its action and the story is simple and decent and the animation for the action sequences are subpar or average 2000s rom-com anime level at best then its an instant 5. Music plays an important role for me, if the anime is good but if it fails to deliver the hype or emotions usually through music then i just rate it lower than the avg and music is also the reason why rated a lot of decent shows a 6 and a 5. Currently on my way to start binging like crazy and also in search of anime that are slept on or not much people know about (wish me luck since most of the anime with an avg members list of 20k and below are not readily available). might as well create a list to of these anime in this about me section, which might update every 3 months replacing the older titles i still dk how should i share the list with the masses since i don't have much friends.
>wholesome shit
>idk i basically like every aspect and genre of anime.
>A unique and distinct style/look in an anime...(i like artists adding their touch of personality in a an anime)
>Bad animation for a show where the animation quality is just as important as the story or even more important(basically getting carried by animation).
>that's it.
and also why tf everyone here on this site related to animanga and its community fukn hate anime. like at this point just stop watching or reading and get a fukn life or go to some hiking trip or a personal journey to find ur true self
and im not a weeabo im just an ape inside a human's body who loves to enjoy life by witnessing various forms art ranging from a fukn art made with atoms to a full on grand orchestral movie art exhibition.
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries14
- Reread0
- Chapters1,315
- Volumes75
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