someone who is single financially stable more on that can be found on my insta it have photos of my daily lifestyle. have a bright feature and a virgin and is still with no GF... yea a weeb is who i am. an introvert who likes food drinks, IT Bachelor CS, physically not skinny or chubby i look fit from afar tho. really hard to explain :D
i like H if you know you know, 20.350+ saved as favorite let that sink in for a bit.
again if you know you will get it.
i like anime a lot i go with gut feelings and first impression is important some i gave em a chance but not all will.
now how do i rate anime?
rating is as follow
Animes that i like and will enjoy watching and would watch any season that comes out of it
10-8 out of 10 " / "for short
animes that i watched that i like but came to a halt
7.9-6 / 10
Animes that i have to force myself to watch
5.9-4 / 10
4-1 / 10 i watch it but i dont enjoy it one bit and i could skip scenes and even the entire show its just not for me
things i like about anime, originality something that is different and not bounded by restrictions
the author depicting his picture in a clear way without any altering to please specifc group.
things i hate, cartoon like shows, made for kids, something with no impact, bad plot, bad art style ( i could still enjoy old shows with bad art style like GTO Great teacher Onizuka. but bad shows would be like dora.
i like dark anime and dark heros, something i can find relatable, something with impact and i can connect myself with the story, isekai is overused but i wont lie if its a good show i wouldnt mind watching but something like isekaied as a vending machine??? is this a joke?
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