I don't like my hero academia.
That's probably what many people who have been recommended this manga to have said; And don't worry, I don't like it either, but please don't let that stigma become an excuse not to read one of the BEST shonen of recent years.
"This is not the story of the best, it is the story of a group of people who just want to do good and find their place in society"
Vigilante: Boku no Hero Academia Illegals is EVERYTHING I ask of a good shonen and superhero story; In this review I will not only defend the reason for this fact, but
I will also defend why it seems better than the original story.
It's hard to put into words how moving and inspiring this manga is, but I'm going to do my best to convince you guys to give it a try.
Starting with the characters, here we do not focus on many at the same time (as in the main manga) but we focus on exploring in depth our 3 protagonists and their experiences with the other inhabitants of the Naruhata neighborhood. This simple premise shows us one of the key factors of VIGS; its more reduced and daily approach makes us feel more involved, more related and allows us to get to know our protagonists in depth. there is the magic of koichi, that character that you surely heard that everyone loves and proclaims is better than deku. He's an every man, a guy who could never take the exam to be a hero (for saving anyone's life) and couldn't have gotten in anyway due to his useless quirk. When Koichi is injured or in danger, it hurts us, when Koichi grows as a person and improves his quirk we feel happy, when someone recognizes his worth, we feel proud. He has the heart of a hero, but because of the society he lives in, he cannot be one. It's a lot like "Spiderman" in a lot of ways. On the other hand we have the beloved ND, the master, a complex character who moves the plot, an unorthodox guy who is not what he seems at first glance. Telling them more about the beauty of these characters would ruin the experience, so let's leave it at that. Truly the heart of the series.
One of the most reprehensible points, at least for me, of the original manga is the poor world building. How does society work? Which are the rules? Why are fucking psychopaths like Bakugo not only admitted as heroes, but also all their attitudes of high danger to society are minimized? Why does a society with super powers work in the same way as ours? Everything is configured in an inorganic way, for much of the work we are deprived of seeing people's daily lives and it ends up being something unlikely, unidirectional and simplistic. On the other hand, vigs not only takes away from this lore but for some reason IMPROVES IT. Not only the customs, laws and rules that govern society enjoy a natural and diegetic exposure thanks to the more everyday environment in which it develops, but we also see the history, consequences and problems that a society of heroes implies. All this has a great weight in the development of the manga and is one of the central points, the so-called "sociology of the hero"
The series even goes further and dares to brilliantly tell and explore characters like aizawa and gives prominent participation to characters without much dialogue or greater narrative weight like midnight (at least at the time of publication)
One of the points that bothered me the most about the original series was how shallow the "hero" genre was in the title. Being relegated in many instances to something more stylistic and superficial because at the end of the day it was still a manga IN LARGE PART of teenagers with super powers who attend a school, must go through tests and have tournament arcs (sounds similar don't you think ?) . On the other hand, vigs opts for a more urban aesthetic that fits him like a glove, drinking a lot from superhero comics and getting closer to the idea of "a superhero manga." This influence can even be seen on the covers.
Although this series will always be a 10 in my heart, my objective side does not allow me to give it more than an 8/10 (an excellent mark). This is due to some inconsistencies, some sections that are a bit simple and several asspull during the final arc (note SOME, others are well justified) and well, all might, that despite liking it a lot, it breaks too much with the tension.
There is still much to mention, such as the excellent villain, or the drawing. But going any further would be redundant and I don't want to ruin the extremely SATISFACTORY experience that is reading this short manga. Highly recommended and a must read for shonen fans.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: ヴィジランテ -僕のヒーローアカデミア ILLEGALS- More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 15
Chapters: 132
Status: Finished
Published: Sep 20, 2016 to May 28, 2022
Super Power
Shounen Jump+ Statistics Ranked: #22922 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #363
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Your Feelings Categories Jun 2, 2022
I don't like my hero academia.
That's probably what many people who have been recommended this manga to have said; And don't worry, I don't like it either, but please don't let that stigma become an excuse not to read one of the BEST shonen of recent years. "This is not the story of the best, it is the story of a group of people who just want to do good and find their place in society" Vigilante: Boku no Hero Academia Illegals is EVERYTHING I ask of a good shonen and superhero story; In this review I will not only defend the reason for this fact, but ... Jun 14, 2017
Compared to its parent manga, Illegals has a much tighter focus.
The core cast is composed of a mere three members, as opposed to BnHA's massive cast herd. This is great for character development, with the main character and his teammates each getting significant character moments nearly every single chapter. And even non-main-characters have it good-- The author doesn't treat them like setpieces to be moved around at his bidding, but respects their agency as individuals in a universe he's merely narrating. Just like in BnHA, every superpower is unique and interesting, as are character designs. Illegals' characters are perhaps the best part of the manga, and I rate ... Oct 2, 2017
Story 8/10
The story is pretty interesting since the beginning of the series have already foreshadow the current BNHA arc,noting more to say about the story right other then it being really decent and unexpected spin off since it foreshadows the current arc and some characters as well,so it will be really cool to the the cast of BNHA meet up with VBNHAI cast. Art 9/10 For a spin off based on a current on going series,the art style resembles the BNHA art style but also have it's own distinctive art style Character 10/10 The characters to be honest,are just as much if not not more ... May 28, 2022
This review will contain spoilers for both the main MHA series up to date as well as it’s spin-off.
My Hero Academia Vigilantes started off as a spin-off to the main series, but within its 126 chapter run I believe managed to stand alone from its source as well as surpassing it to become a fairly enjoyable superhero manga. This is due to a few number of aspects I will be going over below, starting with I. The side-characters. I believe that due to a much smaller cast, MHA:V manages to have a much tighter focus on the character development and ambitions as a whole. There’s ... Jul 30, 2017
If you’re looking for something to read while waiting on MHA chapters, defiantly start this. It’s pretty freaking amazing, dare I say better or at least almost as good as the original? The MC is sooo adorable and I like his story a lot, so I get just excited when new chapters are released for this as I do when MHA chapters are released.
First of all, I love how the story doesn’t feel like it’s even a spinoff. I often find myself saying that I can’t wait until he has a run in with Deku and gets added to the main cast. It’s aligned ... Mar 18, 2023
"I know I don't have a chance of going pro at this point. But still, if only for a second, I just wanna fly."
- Koichi, Chapter 2 My Hero Academia: Vigilantes is a prequel series that takes the core themes of My Hero Academia and looks at them from a new focal point. While using a pre-established setting and plot, Vigilantes manages to build its own identity surrounding the world of quirks and heroes. There are a couple of elements that will be hindered due to it originally being published alongside the main series, especially in regards to plot reveals that are reflected in My ... Jul 20, 2018
Vigilante: Boku no Hero Academia Illegals is at 33 chapters at the time of writing and is exactly what it sells itself as. The world of Boku no Hero, except instead of through the rose-tinted glasses of the societal elites who followed their dreams of becoming heroes because of their exceptional talent and outstanding quirks, through the eyes of a less fortunate protagonist and his ragtag group of misfits who are trying to undermine the law that has neglected them so.
Despite what the genres say on the MAL page I consider Vigilante to be a seinen, mostly on the tighter focused cast and plot being ... Sep 8, 2020
I am unnable to write anything bad about this manga. The hype is real, go read it, even if you don't like MHA that much.
I would like to write only that and call it a day, but MAL asks for bigger review, so here I go Story: 9/10 Even though Vigilante has it's ups (and they are the majority) their downs are there, even if almost invisible. Some parts of the story seems to lack explanation (but after some chapters they are explained, so I think it was to add some mystic to the characters). The MC group is perfect and Koichi outstands, even though he is one of ... Jun 22, 2018
If you like the main story of BnHA, you'll definitely enjoy this one, If I were to compare it I'd say, it has better characters, due to the fact the manga focuses on a smaller group characters get more developed much faster and you never get confused about who anyone is, and I prefer the main character over Deku as he's a bit more interesting, the quirks are just as good as any from the main series. Story-wise each arc feels more focused, partly due to the smaller cast, the stories aren't as big but have a lot of twists and can be hard to
Aug 17, 2019
If you loved BNHA, then I highly recommend reading this. Not only is the story great, Vigilante does great word building for BNHA, even though it's only a spin-off story. We get to know more about the world of heroes, villains and quirks, as well as a little deeper look into characters that we already know and love from the main series.
So the story is good! Sure, it has its moments of plot armor, etc, but that's only to be expected of a action story. Not many things are rushed, and they keep the balance between action and downtime efficiently. The main characters bring ... Jan 19, 2020
For me, Vigilante is the perfect model of slice of life and the apex of what a "casual" shounen like it can be. This manga should set an example to all those absurdly famous shounen or those that try to be like them and its own parent story could learn a lot from it.
Even when the chapters take a more episodic style, everything that happens manages to find its way into the bigger narrative and things tend to never be wasted or forgotten, even for characters that initially seem like really small ones. Mostly everything that's presented has some use for the rest of the ... Aug 14, 2019
genuinly enjoy this far more than bnha
the plot is about a group of "vigilantes " who meet by coincidence (very wholesome) there is a romance brewing between two characters and another works like a father figure while they throw all kinds of interesting characters and personalities into the fray throughout the story to shake things up and move the plot forwards , everything that happens has a lasting effect throughout the story yet it still somehow keeps the serialized kind of cartoon feel which makes it feel really wholesome , the art works perfectly with all of this , looking really cool while ... May 27, 2022
What a fun ride it was!
After reading the last chapter of Vigilantes, I can say that it can be proud to stand along its older brother. The characters are fun and charming and it takes its time to flesh out its main cast and also pre-existing characters, for example Aizawa. Its final arc, the Naruhata war, is a solid 9 out of 10, it showed how great of a main character Koichi is and its best fight choreography in the series. I'll mention that one thing that this series does best than MHA is its consistency. Also, the last page of the last chapter ... Jun 10, 2023
I don't even like MHA but this was straight fire. Top 5 for sure. Bro the characters, the plot, and the heart. This right here is genuinely amazing manga like bro this was peak. "I do what I can".. Koichi a guy with a mid quirk cant do much and saves the heavy lifting for the actual heroes, but bro does what he can. Truly one of the best manga and by far one of the best cast of characters I have ever seen. 12/10. The manga was unique and a really wonderful story that built upon the lives of our characters in a way
Apr 27, 2021
Just read the first volume and the only thing I could say was "wow". This spin-off is such a brilliante idea, because Koichi is basically a Midoriya who didn't get to meet All Might and One For All. As the protagonists are slightly older, I feel like I can relate much better to them (not saying i couldn't with the characters in the original work, but you got what I mean).
One of the things I like the most is how Pop *star* Step has such a huge contrast between what she wants to show to people and what she really is, definitely gets me thinking ... Jun 26, 2024
based. based is the word i'd use for this manga.
do you believe that My Hero betrayed its themes of social injustice and what it means to "Save" someone? Do you find yourself disappointed with how simplistic of a resolution the original manga finds to its conflicts? do you believe that maybe the villains had a point? then i humbly recommend this story. it is by no means perfect, but it explores all of the most interesting aspects of the world that the original story doesn't. how does a society of superheroes function? what happens to people who are abandoned by the system? what role do regular everyday people ... Apr 7, 2022
my hero vigilantes follows the same rules as the universe of my hero academia but follows a interesting twist as it allows us to see into the mind and liofe of some of the less "professional" heroes
we follow our rag tag group of vigilantes as they face countless situations even some pro heroes cannot or are too afraid to face the manga takes a interesting take on vigilantism and its necessary role even in the world of dashing professional heroes this storyline premise is an extremely intriguing one and sets itself apart from the main storyline quite well. the manga does well in not just ... Mar 27, 2022
It is assured page turner and is worth the hype. I like this more than the BNHA but that's my opinion. Tales of heroism always have the problem of running into the same old cliches. Vigilante: BNHA Illeagals cleverly subverts this.
Story The story is paced exceptionally and always leaves wanting for more. The story arcs are character driven and have definite conclusions i.e at the end of the arc the character has changed and will not make the same mistakes again. Art The art work is excellent Characters all characters inroduced in the story are 3-dimensional have their own goals and motivations Feb 11, 2022
MHA vigilante took what makes MHA great to a more personal level. We get to see the psyche of the protagonist and its main cast and how people like deku are not uncommon despite the enviorment. Simply put it limits the scope of the fight to a city level unlike MHA who scope it to a global war, but by limitting the scope you get to know each character and the plot is easier to follow.
The good thing about this manga is the protagonist is more mature than deku yet still have the sacrificial mindset deku has. the plot are neatly explained with main ... Dec 30, 2024
IF you want to see more of the My Hero Academia (Boku no Hero Academia) world. This is a good manga, but it's good, it's fine, it's ok.
Much of my problem with the original manga exist here, but also of course it does, it's trying to be the same thing. You have an older mentor, you have a love interest, you have a kid learning how to be a "hero" (in this case a vigilante). But that's also a bit of a problem because as a vigilante, the main character doesn't really feel like someone who is constantly hiding their actions. ... |