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Jan 13, 2021
Ok, look, I'll be honest. As a brazillian myself, my judgement may be biased, but I sincerely loved the way brazillian culture is fused in the story.
And, that's my first spoiler-free review. And I'm not fluent in english, so sorry for any bad writting.
I never understood capoeira or had interest in researching the martial art, but this manga single-handed brought all my love from my country and it's dorment culture, and I'm not kidding. In the days of today, when our president is someone who doesn't care about our culture himself, it's kinda hard to look up to Brazil. But then I started reading Batuque,
as sort of a way to use a medium that I like (manga) to find the dorment love that I have for my country. And it worked.
Ok, now with that out of the way, let's rate the four principal aspects of a manga: Story, Characters, Art and Universe.
The first thing you see in ANY manga is the art, therefore, I'll start with it.
Art: 9,5/10
Toshio Sako have a problem with drawing children, and you can see it in the first chapters of Batuque. A lot of people are drawn away because of how odd the main character (Sanjou Ichiri) looks like as a kid. And I don't blame them. I was drawn away and only came back a year later.
But, giving it time, I got used to it. And then started to love his drawings.
The semirealistic style fits like a glove with the kinda gory aspect of the current arc, and feels perfect. Every single character feels proportional and real, I simply love this. And then the other thing that I don't really like but I love at the same time: the fighting sequences. All of then are beautifully drawn, but some of them are a little confusing because of the way the author decided to draw them: sequencial drawings. And I don't maen like One Punch Man manga, where if you put some panels in powerpoint and press right it feels like an animation, I mean superpositioning drawings to give the idea of movement. It gets confusing sometimes, but it's gorgeous when it hits the perfect spot.
Then, after you have appreciated the art,you get to know the characters.
Characters: 10/10
There isn't a SINGLE character that I don't like the way the author uses it.
Ichiri feels like an organic person, with feelings that she express and says, her friends are like this too, every action feels organic, not like they needed to do this for writing sake. The various antagonists ALWAYS have interesting quirks and fighting styles. I find myself amused with how the fights go and feel. I simply adore the characters and don't hate anyone of them. Besides, of course, the main villain. This dude I simply love. His dumb eyes and ominous presence always gives me goosebumps when he is in the page.
The setting, that is, the universe, of the manga, is the thing that gets you hooked.
Universe/Setting: 10/10
It's simply Japan. There is nothing more to it. And I love it. Toshio-sensei uses this ordinary setting to create a feeling of "hey, this could be happenning right now, you know?" and it works. The illegal fighting club is the only place that doesn't feel like normal world, even the absurd fighting are explained by extensive training and specific characteristics of the martial art itself. It's beautiful what you can do with a normal world and a bit os creativity.
And the story is what gets you out of the water.
Story: 8/10
It's simple, direct and uses some of brazillian history with bits of original story as the background, applies the brazillian gangs in it too and brilliantly makes use of the capoeira songs. It's nothing out of the ordinary, like Hunter X Hunter Story, but I like it a lot.
Overall, it's a pretty good manga with some great characters in the perfect setting for them to glow. It's a shame that it doesn't get the recognition that it deserves here. I hope this story continues to grow like always.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Sep 8, 2020
I am unnable to write anything bad about this manga. The hype is real, go read it, even if you don't like MHA that much.
I would like to write only that and call it a day, but MAL asks for bigger review, so here I go
Story: 9/10
Even though Vigilante has it's ups (and they are the majority) their downs are there, even if almost invisible.
Some parts of the story seems to lack explanation (but after some chapters they are explained, so I think it was to add some mystic to the characters).
The MC group is perfect and Koichi outstands, even though he is one of
the weakest there, at first glance.
Art: 10/10
I am willing to use ANY page as wallpaper. I'll just say that.
Character: 10/10
Do I need to stress again that they are perfect? Ok, so I'll do it.
Koichi: CEO of good heart
Master: CEO of parenting
Pop: CEO of my heart.
Enjoyment: ABSOLUTELY 11/10
My favorite manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 23, 2019
"Smile! Sweet! Sister! Sadistic! Surprise! Service! We are Stilè!"
This opening theme is just amazing.
A cute sadic, a sweet tsundere, some college loli that, somehow, is the smallest person in the entire anime, and a trap idol. How could those personas go so well togheter?
Maika Sakuranomiya is one of the cutest cinnamonroll that have ever stepped into this anime world, and I simply love her. Kaho and Hideri are quite cute tho, but that's not the case.
In this simple, but explendid slice of life, what we see, is some kind of cute couple formations, but the never made it to the end. Unfortunatelly, Kaho and Akikuzi
never had some real love relationship between each other, neither Maika and Dino (btw, why anyone calls him "Dino", instead of "Store Manager"? Like, Akizuki and him have quiet a friendship, but he still calls him Manager, I don't understand the japan culture very well, but they have many experiences out stile, and EVERY SINGLE TIME they refer him as "Manager").
Wathcing it, I felt fully like Miu, shipping anyone around, making fanfics and thinking what could happen if someone said that loves another... Anyways.
From now on, I'll start reviewing story and char development, so, strong spoilers ahead!
Ep1: The character showcase. We got to know Maika, Akizuki, Dino, Kaho and Mafuyu, the 5 characters that will be our main protagonists.
Maika have deep, purple eyes, whose gave her some kind of sadistic eyes anytime we see her focusing too much in something. But, still, she got pretty cute eyes the majority of time, looking like some cute moe girl.
Akizuki is like everyone watching this anime. Not the target group, but kinda like it. Otaku, our yuri guy helps in the kitchen, being one of the first employees of Stilé
[Sometime I continue this, I have some college thing to do rn, so, i'll get back anytime]
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jun 25, 2019
First of all, HunterxHunter isn't a ten outta ten anime, it's more like a 9,45
Doesn't have that, so I'll go for 10 'cause it's more than 9. That's it.
Now that I've put this out, time for the real review. And, yes, it have spoilers. Is impossible to review something in the way I do without spoiling things. Sorry.
Second advice: this review will be the bigger one I will ever wrote. Just read it if you have time to spare, 'cause I will review every story arc apart.
Fourth: In the
end, will have just the scores, if you just want to know it.
Fifth: Have some curse words.
Story: 9,7
I'll review each story arc apart. First of all: The first episode, that doesn't belong to any arc, it's just the beggining, right? Wrong. It belongs to the first story arc: The Hunter Shiken.
We start the story meeting Gon Freecss, a young boi who wants do fish a really big fish. Even with a bunch of big strong men, the fish wasn't caught. But with one little boy who was wanting so much it was caught. Jk, it wasn't like that, actually, Gon is quite strong for his age, because he train everyday, trying to become a Hunter. Then, we go for the Hunter Exam arc, in the middle of ep1, after Gon caught his big fishy boi. For this part of the anime, I would give an 9, that's a sweet start for a battle shounen.
First Arc: The Hunter Exam (or Hunter Shiken, if you want it in japanese for some reason) Arc
Here we get to know Kurapika Kurita, Leorio, Killua, Gittaracku and Hisoka, basically the important characters that we should keep in mind. In this part of the story, I wasn't knowing what to expect, but dAMN BOI, it was amazing. We have action, strategy, psycological exploration and abilitys shown. And HOLY SHOOT, for a battle shounen, it really knows how to explore the psycologic part. Also Hisoka is a kinky bissexual pedophile who keeps an eye in Gon and Killua. I don't have any regrets with this arc. Perfect for the beggining.
Score for this arc: 10
Second Arc: Zoldyck Family (or Zoldyck kazoku, if you want in japanese for some reason) Arc
After the Hunter Shiken, Killua go back for Kukuroo mountain, the Zoldyck home. Who are the Zoldyck? Ansatsushi kazoku, or, a hitmen family, with a grandpa, a father, a mother and f*cking 5 kids. But we just get to know 4. And, of course, we have the servants. Gotoh, the main butler, basically sees Killua as his son, Canary, that have a not-so-secret crush in Killua, and another servants shown to us in this arc.
This whole arc is, basicaly, to show the difference between the Zoldyck family and other families, and show how weak our protagonists are. Even Kurapika looks like as strong as a baby when he is in Kukuroo mountain. But Killua is strong enough to stab his older brother (Milluki, the fat one) and dpo something like to his mother too. And run from them. Anyways, after some episodes of psycological exploration, our characters get back in a group and get out the mountain in a party of 4.
Score for this arc: 9, I wish we could've seen more of Gotoh in here.
Third Arc: Heaven's Tower Arc
After the thing that happenned in the past Arc, Killua and Gon go after some money. Killua knows exactly wherer to go. Heaven's Arena. They start fighting, go for 50th floor and meet a little boy, named Zushi and his master, Wing. Keep those two in mind. Nen is introduced and explained. And OH MY GOD, THIS MYSTICAL ENERGY IS SO FANTASTIC. There is 6 types of nen, and almost 10 BASIC ABILITIES, because you have to know how to do ALMOST EVERYTHING with nen to create your own ability. That's so insane, dood. Togashi is a genius. Nen is my favourite natural energy from all anime. Anyways, this arc is to show nen and its different usages. You can do barely anything with it.
And we have the two best fights in the anime: Hisoka vs Gon 2 and Hisoka vs Kastro.
Score for this arc: if I could give 11 I would. 10.
Fourth Arc: Yorkshin Arc
I am trying to write this part for 3 days now, and i can't do it. This arc is so perfect that i can only say the characters introduced here and nothing more, because all the other thing can be major spoilers, so, here I go.
Some bodyguards. One of them dies, I won't tell who. And we have to know the Mafia of this anime. And BOI. This mafia do their paper.
Score for this arc: if a 12 were possible, I would give it 14. 10.
Fifth Arc: Greed Island
DOOD, I don't know how to describe it, but, here I go:
Think this game like this: the SAO game and Yu-Gi-Oh in a mixer, you put out the good parts and mix it with cards doing things to human. Ta-dah! Greed Island. And Nen is usable inside! From now on, I can't tell anything more about the anime, major spoilers aren't good things. And someone please save the twins, they still are in there. Bisky is a good master. Razor is thICC BOI, and Hisoka is a filthy pedophile, Genthru is the devil in a human body, Tzesgera is tHICC too, and that's it. Watch the anime, for godsake.
Score fir this arc: 9. This arc would be better with some explanations, but still good.
Sixth Arc: Chimera Ants
This arc is something else. I won't tell anything about it. Just this: Pitou, Youpi, Pouf, Meruem, Komugi, Kaito and tears. Buckets full of tears. An ocean of tears. If you don't cry watching this you aren't a human being. That's it. WATCH IT.
Score for this arc: boi. Why can't we put 0-100 scores? It would be so easier to do this. 20 and beyond. WHY I CAN'T GIVE MORE THAN 10 TO THIS? WHYYYYYY? UGH. 10. Sad 10.
Seventh Arc: Next Hunter Association Chairman
We are in a freaking shonen. And there is politics envolved. Togashi don't know he is writing a shonen manga. For sure. And Cheadle probably is Gon's mother. Ging and her have a weird relationship, they could have some past togheter, I'd like it... Anyways, Leorio best character in this Arc.
Score for this arc: 10/10.
Art: 9,7 (I'll give it a 10)
The art is quite uniform, the characters look pretty and dAMN BOI, KILLUA'S EYES ARE THE PRETTIEST THING EVER. But the nose thing... UGH. It bothers me more than anything in this anime. I don't know why, but I feel unconfortable with it. But the backgrounds are BEAUTIFULL, the characters are BEAUTIFUL and the items like Kurapika's wooden sword and Leorio's case are something else. And I loved Gon's hair.
Sound: 9,8 (I'll give it a 10)
It would be a round 10. If the opening theme changed anytime. Nothing bad about departure, but... In all the 148 eps, the same opening theme, I started to unlike it some more.
But the japanese voice acting is the perfection. Pitou's scene, when Gon is so pissed off that he is yelling at Killua is so perfect, I get every single hair in me, even the hair on the places that the sun don't see, spiked. This seiyuu combined so much with Gon's style that I can't watch HxH with another audio. Just don't match.
Characters: 10
How can I explain all the characters with less words... Unique and creative. Every single one have different abilities and nen usage. Every single one have it's own persoanlity. Every single one with a different look. And, of course, we have Meruem and Pitou. The ones who fought to protect someone, when the humans were fighting to kill. This is simply amazing.
Enjoyment: 10
I simply loved the anime, and I will read the manga too. I have high hopes on the manga. Anyways. My favourite female character after Jirou Kyouka (from Boku no Hero Academia) is from here: Neferupitou. And my favourite antagonist too: Meruem. And one of the characters that I hate the most is from here too: Shaiapouf. In other words, the Chimera Ant arc is perfect, the best shonen arc.
Overall: 10.
I told you all I can tell about this without changing ou experience too much. I guess that's it. Kisses and hugs. Bye ~
This thing is huge, I'll be back to this someday, before that, quick review:
Story: 10 (like i said, 9,7, but do not have it)
Art: 9,7 (the nose bother me, oof)
Character: 10
Enjoyment: 10
Overall: 10
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 22, 2019
Ok, first things first: this review may contain spoilers and not trustable, because Charlotte is in my favorite list.
Second things second: Charlotte isn't the best anime ever, don't have a super new idea or realization, It just want to bring you a short story about a world with superpowers. It doesn't abuse of the powers, it goes in the total opposite wya. Giving the power weird limits, like 'one person invisibility" or "so fast that not even you can know where you'll end up", "spiritual possession, but you can't control when neither where ir happens" or "hey" You have time travel! But you'll get blind
if use it too much!", I think the world is well builded and used, besides the poor way the story goes.
Finally, the review.
The anime is a short story about a boy who can posses the body of anyone in his line of sight for only 5 seconds, but can do this multiple times (the anime doesn"t put that limit), and use it like any normal teenager: cheating on tests, getting dates and possessing girls to see their "parts". This until he meets Tomori Nao, and then, his world turns upside down and he end up at a "Xavier school", with many students like him, with superpowers, to hide from the government. "Wow, a bunch of teenagers against aa evil corporation who wants do study them just because they have superpower! Cool". No. It was poorly made, and the "evil corporation" is barely mentioned, and only appear in one or two episodes doing what was said to us.
Why it is in my favorite list? Because I was expecting nothing of the anime, and it gave me something to shipp and think "hey, and if I was there, when the comet passed, what power would I have?". The protagonist isn't reliable, you can't see yourself in him at all. So you don't like him much. But you fell mercyfull for him, he suffer too much, just because he can steal powers and is the only hope for the superpowered teenagers and... Well, it is super cliche, predictable and normal. I cried at the end because the shipp, not because i got involved with the story. And Nao waifu 4 life. Time for the scores!
Story: 5,7 - Doesn't have this, so 6;
The story barely go about the "let's run and steal the powers of any teenager who have it to save them of the state government" from the beggining. The first death isn't a death, the character get back to life after an episode and that's it. The other deaths aren't so emotional, so it doesn't affect you. Tomori backstory with her brother is quite good, and her crush on Otosaka elder brother was poorly explored.
It does it's paper when we talk about supernatural ficction, but the drama comedy could be better.
Art: 8,8 - Doesn't have this, so 9;
I simply loved the character design, and almost every background is perfect. But i hate the small rooms. The open places are so beautiful that could easily be someone's wallpaper. And, again, Tomori Nao is the beautifuliest thing that have ever stepped in this anime.
Sound: 9 - Yeah, it does have 9, so let's go;
Well, i don't think there is much to talk about an anime sonoplasty, but this one is quite good, the opening theme got into your head and the voices matches the characters. The environment sound is quite good too.
Character: 5,4 - Doesn't have this, so 6;
The only characters that I liked in this anime was: Tomori Nao, Otosaka Auymi and Otosaka Yuu. That's it. The teen idol is quite annoying, the boy with superspeed is useless and the girl with fire that possesses the idle thing is just another annoying and quite useless character. The wet boi just happenned to be in there, just like the elder Otosaka.
Enjoyment: 8 - Wow, another one that exist, goin' on;
I liked the anime not just because Tomori Nao is one of the cutest Yandere archetype, that recognize her feelings after some episodes, but don't accept. Otosaka Yuu just want to use his powers to live an easy life in a good college with hot girls. Ayumi wants to meet the idol thing, and it's a cute loli.
Overall, the average score is keeped. 7. And one more because Tomori Nao, so 8.
Don't have too much to talk about Charlotte, is something that you only know when you watch. Some persons make angry reviews because they were expecting something at the same leve that the other Jun Maeda animes. it isn't. Look at it like an introduction for this anime style. Anyways, bye!
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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May 2, 2019
Well, let's begin. It may have spoilers, but nothing that wasn't at the first or second ep or in the synopses. I'll advice when they appear.
Warning: I do like MHA, but not like some people that just say it is the best shonen ever, we still have YYH, FMAB and HxH to compare with.
I watched MHA in 2016, and it was like "OMFG, I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS" and now I look back and think "Well, it's quite good, but we've seen it all before".
Like Naruto, for exemple. He was a rejected kid, but 'cause he have a nine tailed fox like monster inside
his belly that could destroy the village at any time. But with Deku is quite different. He is rejected because he do NOT have powers, so you, as an spec, feel represented with him. And that's good. Until ep 4 or 5, when he obtain that power, but not any power, my friends.
Now it may have major spoilers, just skip this paragraph. ALL MIGHT GIVE HIM HIS OWN QUIRK. So, he's quite strong, huh? But, wait, his body wasn't prepared to that power, so he has to train more and got his body strong enough to that quirk. And then the second best scene on season 1, in technical terms, like sound, art and animation, happens: the beach scene, when Deku finally got the last fridge out the shore, and yells in a nirvana of emotions. Now he is strong enough to this.
Anyways, when he finally got the powers, the anime really starts, and he discover life is sweet, but it's hard as well. The training part is one of my favorites of all seasons, so it is worthy just watch those episodes again and again. after that, we have the exam to enter the hero school. After, we have the school day to day, and some quirk tests. Oh, don't forget the field trip that goes wrong and everything. And don't forget the main villain as well.
Well, I think that's enough.
Story: 7. Good, but we've seen something like that before. Nothing new, so, average.
Art: 9. Great, but not perfect. In the manga it was better, in my opinion.
Sound: 8. What can be said about SFX and OST in a Shonen? It just fits like a glove in the anime.
Characters: 6. Fair, but a little bit exaggerated. Take Iida, exemple. He is the classic perfect student that become the Class President. Ochako is SUPER annoying with all the "Deku, Deku" thing. Jirou is the only one that is quite good.
Enjoyment: 9. I've watched it when I was 15, so it was really good at the time, it was the first shonen I watched knowing what the shonen deograph is. But now, the enjoyment would be something like 7 or 8. Yeah, 7.
Overall: (7+9+8+6+7)/5 = 7,4. Quit average, tho.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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