Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu.
Komi Can't Communicate
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Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu.

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Komi-san wa, Communication Shougai desu.
Japanese: 古見さんは、コミュ症です。
English: Komi Can't Communicate
German: Komi can't communicate
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 37
Chapters: 500
Status: Finished
Published: May 18, 2016 to Jan 29, 2025
Genres: Award Winning Award Winning, Comedy Comedy
Theme: School School
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Shounen Sunday
Authors: Oda, Tomohito (Story & Art)


Score: 8.051 (scored by 104342104,342 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #6732
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #29
Members: 264,100
Favorites: 12,723

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Preliminary Spoiler
Apr 4, 2019
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (73/500 chp)
Spoiler-free review
By Crowmartie

- Komi-san's cute face.
- Cute interactions between Komi-san and Tadano. And between members of the Komi family.
- Has pretty relatable situations.
- Art is okay.

Oct 16, 2017
Preliminary (100/500 chp)
This is a manga about a girl with communication problem, komi-san, her everyday life and how she can get over this disturbance she has. Spoiler free review

Well, to start a TL;DR in topic:
+ a cute romance with simple moments like a telephone's call, share an umbrela, express your feelings with textting
+ good main characters, and i woud say the best 'extremally simple' main character i already saw
+ a good comedy about communication problem

- very poor supporting characters

Story 9/10
Jul 6, 2018
Preliminary (145/500 chp)
Story: 10/10 - There is no story, and there doesn't always need to be some epic tale of adventure to make a media enjoyable; and that's what Komi-san is. Pure, unadulterated enjoyment.

The tl;dr is the main heroine, Komi-san - is a beautiful, intelligent girl with crippling social anxiety. With the help of our main character Tadano, Komi-san hopes to make 100 friends. This premise serves as a segue to meet a string of colorful supporting characters, and allow them to interact in fun everyday events, that are totally new and unique to previously friendless Komi.

Art: 9/10 - Good, clean art with fun caricatures. Komi is, ...
Oct 24, 2017
Preliminary (101/500 chp)
Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu has a simple premise, MC Komi is adored by everyone in her class and people in general, however, she has a major communication problem. She can't talk to people at all, gets nervous easily about the simplest interactions and nobody notices this, until Tadano noticed it, and became her first friend. After that, we meet some new people and usually each chapter has some short story to tell that are really interesting and funny.

Story 10/10
The premise I wrote above, it is really interesting to see how Komi handles everything, from interactions with her family, classmates or people in general to her ...
Jul 17, 2021
Preliminary (20/500 chp)
Don't usually make reviews and I don't mean to be pessimistic by any means but I just really feel like this series is literally the most overhyped series of all time.

Genuinely cannot stand how brain numbingly repetitive this series is and how absolutely dogshit the characters are. None of the characters are interesting and especially not komi san. Komi san saying nothing at all is just a boring and easy way to make the moments she does speak seem special, and while you might say that's the point, the story COMPLETELY leans on it and lacks any other actually interesting plot devices.

Talking about plot, this ...
Oct 1, 2019
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (2/500 chp)
Better than reading newspaper comics, but worse than over extended garfield comics

Komi manages to draw great comic strip pacing, at the expense of just dragging you along 80-90% filler before the joke occurs

Much of komi comedy stretches the punchline, I guess to make up for the mundaneness

Believable: not really, Komi is deemed "super god like" status among everyone, but somehow her shyness apparently managed to make her have zero friends except the starting pointing Todano, a pretty decent MC secondary.

This is very unlikely, Komi is a great shy person, and warm vibes, she wouldn't have trouble being approachable, even with her weakness "can't communicate"

So I ...
Feb 26, 2025
I just finished Komi Can't Communicate by Tomohito Oda—a series that’s been with me on and off for almost five years now. After the non-stop adventure of One Piece, I was looking for something more laid-back and heartfelt, and Komi’s world delivered exactly that.

As an introvert, I found Komi’s struggle to connect incredibly relatable. Though I don’t have a communication disorder, watching her move from silence to self-expression—first by jotting down her thoughts and then, bit by bit, speaking—felt like a personal journey of growth. The story is simple, centered on high school life and the everyday challenge of making friends, yet it manages to ...
May 15, 2020
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (230/500 chp)
Well this manga was quite popular for a while but hype around it toned down a lot didn't it.
Komi san have massive social anxiety is a manga about a really beautiful girl having hard time communicating with other people. But her school thinks she's just a cool beauty who's 2 cool 4 talking to peasants or something, but one day main guy tadano realizes she's just a shy girl who wants to make friends so he decides to help her out.

Story : it had potential to be something really fun but manga is full of meaningless fuller and barely any progress at all ...
Oct 28, 2021
Preliminary (1/500 chp)
First of all

The oneshot and the first chapter of the serialization are good, very well done execution of the premise.

Now, the rest of the serialization is pointless garbage filler, the equivalent of watching paint drying for 10 hours, the entire serialization is doomed since the premise (Make 100 friends), its an excuse to continue the manga to the infinite and sell merchandising.. Go and read bocchi

The artstyle degenerates into a simplified and bland version as the volumes go by

why would you care about the protagonist and her problems if she is truly perfect in everything she does, she is never wrong, everyone loves her, ...
Jul 25, 2021
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (315/500 chp)
I feel like coming from someone who went through the same thing Komi did in Middle school and High School, this Manga should have been an easy 9/10. It starts off really good, telling lots of mini-stories build into a larger overall arc as it’s main storytelling theme. Through this we get to see the main characters, Tadano and Komi, get put into all sorts of typical (as well as atypical) Japanese School-life situations. The first portion of this manga (The Class 1-1 arc) is actually really good, the only flaw really being that lots of characters could be way more fleshed out, which isn’t ...
May 30, 2021
Preliminary (30/500 chp)
This Review Contains No Spoilers*

In anticipation of the recently announced anime adaptation of Komi San, I decided to give this manga a shot. And oh boy did it disappoint me. I have no qualms with comedy manga or anime but it's far from my favorite genre. Many people love Gintama because of its satirical and comedic nature. One of my favorite comedic anime; Noragami is the king at being funny but ramping up the story, action, stakes, and emotions when necessary. Going into a manga where it's a slice of life school antics my expectations are extremely low. I was hoping this was going to ...
May 18, 2021
Preliminary (302/500 chp)
Translated into English by: google translator

I'm not a reviewer, so I don't know if it's good, but as I have a great affection for this manga, I thought I should write something about it.

It seems like yesterday that I found this manga on the recommendations of a random manga site out there and I became interested in the synopsis "the unreachable goddess who doesn’t know how to communicate and tries to do it using a notebook", I actually identified myself and I think that that's why it made me interested in reading this manga.

The story is very simple and its unfolding too, but the main ...
Dec 2, 2020
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (223/500 chp)
I tried. I tried really hard to like this manga. I couldn't enjoy it, even though I related to komi as I was younger. It is so.. mediocre. I feel like Im the only one who doesnt even root for this relationship. I understand Komi has social anxiety (and I did as well, ngl) but there is no other trope this girl has except being "wholesome" and "quiet". This manga deliberately stands on only one trope. Komi being quiet. It started off well, but as it got more involved, it was just a bunch of characters who aren't even introduced because the author runs out ...
Nov 22, 2023
Preliminary (383/500 chp)
Whenever I try to find out about how I feel about a story, I think to myself "What is the story trying to achieve?". After reading the synopsis and a few of the chapters you might think that the point of this story is to help Komi-san overcome her social anxiety, but I disagree with this outlook.

The place where the story takes place is a high school, and every person that gets into this high school doesn't necessarily make it there because of their grades, but rather because of a special quirk related to their personality. There isn't a single "normal" person in this school, ...
May 29, 2023
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (403/500 chp)
I watched the first season anime adaptation and was really interested in the story but didn't want to wait for a year for the second season, so I decided to read the manga. Flew threw the main story (I would say ~300 chapters) in one sitting. I was hooked.

It's probably been a little over a year since I began reading, and the chapters that are being released now are just complete trash. There are too many characters to keep track of, so I don't keep track of them and just read on, even if I don't understand a particular gag. There's no more plot. It's ...
Apr 22, 2023
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (400/500 chp)
The first half of this manga is pretty decent, and the romantic drama that ensues makes for some good content. When the main story is fulfilled however the series overstays its welcome and becomes a generic gag-comedy which replays jokes it made years before. Some chapters are literally named "*Gag Name* 5".

The comedy is not the highlight of this series even though the creator seems to think it is. The romance between the wholesome characters is the main staying point and its too frequently not the focus of the story, and when it is they're interrupted by some of the EXTREMELY unlikable side-characters who get ...
Jul 29, 2020
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (232/500 chp)
The manga started out quite nice,,with the objective of helping Komi make friends. There's also a growing romance between Tadano and Komi. However, 200+ chapters, not only did it barely made progress, there's now even a love triangle. And tbh, I felt like the original goal of making friends was forgotten. I mean, I doubt you'd even remember some characters.

It started out good, then okay, then meh.

With all the characters introduced so far, they all seem unique in terms of design. Plus, Komi is pretty. I know people who like this manga, and even those who don't, will agree.

Too many that I forgot who most ...
Oct 25, 2018
Preliminary (169/500 chp)
The story is pretty basic, yet charming.

The main romance between Komi and Tadano is a super slow burn but it's pretty cute. However it seems to have been stagnating since the very first chapter.

The side characters are all anime/manga tropes and some are really, really annoying (Yamai!). The "joke" of Komi being a goddess and how other people react to her presence gets old really fast, to the point where I am annoyed and rolling my eyes whenever it happens yet again. I wish the manga would have lost all the annoying side characters and that dumb goddess aspect and mainly focused on ...
Jun 15, 2020
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (72/500 chp)
I picked up this manga because I saw Komi in a few memes online and thought the art style was cool.

I dropped it because the story was going absolutely nowhere.

Overall Impressions:

ART: 7/10
I like the art style for this manga because it's a nice combination between a "normal" style and a "chibi" style. Plus this mangaka can draw some hilarious expressions.

STORY: 5/10
Mar 22, 2019
Preliminary (185/500 chp)
I love this work, I love every part of it. I want to make it clear from now on. Do not worry, I'll explain why with this text if you let me.

Komi, a beautiful, very popular lady, the school goddess. "So beautiful". "So mysterious." Well, at least that was her fame for school, but in her mind it was just the opposite.
Another point, she can not speak. It may seem simple to most people, but to her it is torture. Lucky she knows the amateur psychologist, Tadano-Kun. Expect from that a cute novel with a lot of comedy or not.
The work obviously focuses on the ...