Pocket Monsters Special
Pokémon Adventures
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Pocket Monsters Special

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Pokémon Special, Pokespecial, Pokemon Adventures, Pokémon Black and White, Pocket Monsters Special XY, Pocket Monsters Special Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire ORAS, Pocket Monsters Special Sun Moon, Pocket Monsters Special Sword and Shield
Japanese: ポケットモンスターSPECIAL
English: Pokémon Adventures
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Type: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Apr 1997 to ?
Genres: Action Action, Adventure Adventure
Demographic: Kids Kids
Serialization: CoroCoro Comic
Authors: Kusaka, Hidenori (Story), Yamamoto, Satoshi (Art), Mato (Art)


Score: 8.091 (scored by 2422224,222 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #6142
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #326
Members: 52,949
Favorites: 4,515



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Preliminary Spoiler
May 25, 2009
Preliminary (15/? chp)
I gave this manga a 9 in enjoyment, but it is true only if you played pokemon games. This manga follows games plot really close, but gives you a new view of it. Pokemon users in this manga do not attack with pokemon stupidly, they try to use them as traps. That is what makes this manga far better than pokemon anime.

Other than that, this manga is quite normal. No outstanding graphics or story. Everything is simple and good. No more, but also no less.

Jun 10, 2011
Preliminary (413/? chp)
Many of us grew watching and playing Pokemon. As we grew up, some of us grew out of things and left childish things behind us as we went into the real world, but some of us just didn't quite let go of some things...and one of those things is Pokemon

This manga doesn't follow the events of the anime, but the games. This manga is actually greatly over-shadowed by the anime, so not many people notice it, but in my opinion it's quite bettar. The anime is a kid's show, while the manga is directed towards a younger audience, it tells a story.

As this manga follows ...
Sep 25, 2013
Preliminary (313/? chp)
This will be my very first review, and I decided to go over a manga that I used to read when I was a child. I will be going over the arcs that start from the very beginning until the end of Fire Red and Leaf Green.

Pokemon Special is a shounen manga that is based off the video game series, Pokemon. The Pokemon world is filled with a vast array of creatures known as Pokemon, each having different attributes and potentials. People can catch Pokemon and train them to become more evolved creatures. Those who catch, raise, and battle with Pokemon are acknowledged as trainers ...
Aug 29, 2009
Preliminary (90/? chp)
I had missed waking up 7am every morning to watch Pokemon on CheeseTV something of a decade ago. And only a few days ago did I learn there were a few mangas that gave alternative stories to the universe of Pokemon. And in the three days I had started reading, I'm here now having read 90chapters. Needless to say, I just couldn't stop reading. The last thing I couldn't stop reading was the first harry potter book - aha.

This manga is based on the Pokemon Game series [if you'd look to the character list above]. That's why there's a "Red" ready for you to name ...
Aug 28, 2012
Preliminary (106/? chp)
Ok so I'm a big pokemon fangirl since i was little.I still loosely watch the anime and enjoy playing the games , but last year i came across this manga.I knew it was based Pokemon so i decited to give it a try.And as I read i found out that this was FAR MORE good and epic than the anime.Why?

Story and characters-10/10
Let's start with the story and compare with the anime.The anime is a kids show that has been airing new seasons since more than a decade and due which not much people know there is a manga.The manga has it's alternative story that has ...
Nov 20, 2010
Preliminary (389/? chp)
Being a lifelong Pokemon fan, this manga was just about perfect for me. Out of all the Pokemon manga adaptations, this is the only one that really brings the world to life.

It follows the storyline of the games very, very loosely, but that's what I love about it. It keeps the world and society intact, but creates entirely new dangers and and a much more interesting and engaging plot, not to mention a whole cast of unique characters. It also has nothing to do with the anime, which is intended more for kids. This manga can be enjoyed by everyone.

This manga is also incredibly long, ...
Jan 29, 2023
Preliminary (178/? chp)
When playing the games, have you ever though to yourself, "Man, if only I could use my flying legendary bird to hop over this inconveniently placed tree without requiring cut? Or hey, why don't the bad guys ever try attacking the trainer instead of just battling?"

Well this manga has that and much more.

Now, is it a masterpiece of storytelling and perfect in every way? Well, no. (Though I'll still say it is) At it's core it is a story aimed mainly at younger audiences. However, that doesn't really take away anything from the story. Especially considering some of the darker aspects of Pokémon and ...
Aug 19, 2015
Preliminary (529/? chp)
Pokemon Special is a manga adaptation of the Pokemon games, and not the anime. It has several arcs, with different protagonists with each arc, with the main protagonists are based on the game characters, and NOT the anime characters.

::STORY:: ...
Sep 30, 2014
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (56/? chp)
Pokemon Adventures is a manga i really like and i hold it dear to me.. haven't read this manga too much though (For those that hates Pokémon because of the anime i can tell you that this is WAY better than the anime).

Story: The story is pretty simple and straightforward without plot holes and the outcome of stuff are not clear. Beware that there are many side story chapters but each arc this far had a lot of content so it makes up for it. Some arcs does get too long and drags out the story but it's still good. Some chapters are unnecesary but ...
Apr 3, 2021
Preliminary (438/? chp)
I still remember to this day going to the library on weekends just to read more and more of this story, it was interesting to me as a kid and I can never deny it was apart of who I was back then, when I was going through a Pokémon phase these books are what kept me entertained during that time.

This manga is a blast especially the parts with red and yellow. This review is heavily influenced by nostalgia but even now I still find enjoyment in these books so much. The adventure and seeing the characters grow makes it all the more exciting.
Oct 6, 2017
Preliminary (531/? chp)
Pokemon Special/Adventures is THE hands-down best adaptation of the games. Full stop. I rate this manga an 8/10 in general, despite it being one of my personal favorite manga series; but based purely as an adaptation of Pokemon it's an easy 10/10.

This is because, while it has an overarching continuity (much like the games do), every generation of games is told in a standalone arc that features characters, pokemon, gameplay elements, and plot points from that generation. It does not suffer from Ash Ketchum Itis, in which Red and Pikachu show up in Sinnoh for some reason and write half of the protagonists from ...
Jul 28, 2014
Preliminary (Unknown/? chp)
This Pokemon manga is the real deal! Unlike the anime or even the video game, this manga tells stories that'll make you want more.


The storyline is basically the same as the game's, but more detailed with better characters. You know how it goes. Red starts out in Pallet town and aims to become a champion. Blue, Professor Oak's grandson from Pallet town, also wants to become a champion. Professor Oak let's them choose one of the three starter Pokémon in his lab Which consists ...
Apr 2, 2013
Preliminary (77/? chp)
Pokémon Special, where have you been all my life?

We all know that the Pokémon franchise is one of the greatest things to happen to Earth. Everything about it is so amazing and lovable. The games are some of the greatest, the Pokémon themselves are adorable, and the fan-base and merchandise is some of the best there is. There is only one thing that cripples the franchise: the anime.

Many, but not all, people have problems with the anime. For one, it is not serious enough and is too childish. They could've made a super crazy anime where the characters are totally serious and the fights are ...
Mar 4, 2014
Preliminary (Unknown/? chp)
------------------------------QUICK REVIEW----------------------------------------

This is my first review IN MAL, because i don't use MAL that much but anyways. I really like this manga not just because it's really damn good, it's also the best adaptation of the Pokémon universe, on to the review!

Story: The story is written by Hidenori Kusaka and may i say he did a great job with the story, i really love the story because it captures the Pokémon universe perfectly. The story makes the Pokémon universe feel a lot darker and kinda "realistic" and it has a lot of action and intense moments, instead of just capturing pokemon and beating the ...
Jan 3, 2021
Preliminary (60/? chp)
I've read the entire series up to SM, and I must say as the games got stale, more and more rushed, and overall worse, the manga retained its shine.
The stories go much more in-depth than the games do, and at times, can be rather tear-jerking (looking at you GSC and RS arcs). Originality was definitely a factor in making this so enjoyable to read; you can really tell that the writer was given a lot of creative liberties here. The artstyle is unique and fun, being simplistic while also being very expressive. Granted, if you haven't played a game or two in the series ...
Oct 23, 2016
Preliminary (573/? chp)
Ok, literally, i don't know how to start this, i really love pokémon games, and i hate pokémon anime (XY included), but the manga show me a really great world, something different with Pokémon.

Warning: I don't talk english, probably this review it's going to be hard to read (Google translate + My english = A really bad english)

Story: The story of the manga it's the best story in the Pokémon's world, i don't know how to explain it, but it's so different of the anime, it strives to create a good story based on the videogame's events.

Art: At the beginning, the art it's not the ...
Jan 20, 2016
Preliminary (500/? chp)
Like many people, I grew up with the Pokemon anime. And even to this day, I can still enjoy it well enough, but it's obviously aimed at a much younger audience, and at times it not only limits my enjoyment, but I feel it limits the stories it can tell. Well, the answer to this plight was the Pokemon Adventure manga series. If the anime is aimed towards 6 year olds, the manga is aimed more towards a young teen audience, and it really helps.

Now, I'm not going to say this is a story for everyone. If you have no nostalgia towards Pokemon, no ...
Jul 24, 2019
Preliminary (150/? chp)
Everyone knows about Pokemon. The games and the anime are famous all around the world. The main manga, however, has been living in the shadows for a while. Does it deserve to be more known? Definitely.

The manga follows the events of the games, not the anime series. With each game release, the manga starts a new arc. The strongest point of this manga, however, is its continuity : even though each arc tells a very different story (just like the games), they actually make a point to link EVERYTHING altogether.
As a result, the protagonists are all related to each other some way or another.

Since it's ...
Mar 7, 2021
Preliminary (432/? chp)
The Pokemon franchise has obviously been controversial lately as childhood dreams clash with bitter reality. But this manga hold's true to my initial daydreams of what pokemon is like.

The first few chapters take recognizable characters and makes them ICONS. The story is dark but digestibly so- and believable. It's just my precious little guilty pleasure that I'll never let go of even as I grow up.

Gender roles are nonexistent here (impressively so back in the 1990s) and you can tell the authors love pokemon just the same as we do. I'm only finishing the DP/P arc but the characters are still a joy even ...
Aug 15, 2024
Preliminary (267/? chp)
Pokemon Adventures is a must-read if you grew up on the Pokemon games and anime, since like those mediums, it caters to the thrill of exploration and wonder, something we usually lack as adults. From the first page, you are met with familiar faces, such as Red and Professor Oak, but also new ones, such as Green and Silver, who have more personality than you'd expect. The story itself is divided into arcs, so if you just want to skip the Red / Blue or Gold / Silver arc, you can always do so. The art is definitely good, and the panel layout does not ...