Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Pokémon Special, Pokespecial, Pokemon Adventures, Pokémon Black and White, Pocket Monsters Special XY, Pocket Monsters Special Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire ORAS, Pocket Monsters Special Sun Moon, Pocket Monsters Special Sword and Shield Japanese: ポケットモンスターSPECIAL More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Apr 1997 to ?
CoroCoro Comic Statistics Ranked: #6052 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #326
Members: 52,949
Favorites: 4,515 Resources | More InfoPokémon Special series is divided into several distinct parts (arcs) which are known as "Chapters."Chapter list: Chapter 1: Red, Green & Blue (赤・緑・青編) [Vol.1–3]; 1997–1998 Chapter 2: Yellow (イエロー編) [Vol.4–7]; 1998–1999 Chapter 3: Gold, Silver & Crystal (金・銀・クリスタル編) [Vol.8–15]; 2000–2002 Chapter 4: Ruby & Sapphire (ルビー・サファイア編) [Vol.15–22]; 2003–2006 Chapter 5: FireRed & LeafGreen (ファイアレッド・リーフグリーン編) [Vol.22–26]; 2005–2006 Chapter 6: Emerald (エメラルド編) [Vol.26–29]; 2005–2006 Chapter 7: Diamond & Pearl (ダイヤモンド・パール編) [Vol.30–38]; 2006–2009 Chapter 8: Platinum (プラチナ編) [Vol.38–40]; 2009–2010 Chapter 9: HeartGold & SoulSilver (ハートゴールド・ソウルシルバー編) [Vol.41–43]; 2010 Chapter 10: Black & White (ブラック・ホワイト編) [Vol.43–51]; 2010-2013 Chapter 11: Black 2 & White 2 (ブラック2・ホワイト2編) [Vol.52–55]; 2013-2020 Chapter 12: X & Y (X・Y編) [Vol.55–62]; 2013–2016 Chapter 13: OmegaRuby & AlphaSapphire (オメガルビー・アルファサファイア編) [Vol.62–ongoing]; 2015–2016 Chapter 14: Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon (サン・ムーン編); 2016–2019 Chapter 15: Sword & Shield (ソード・シールド編); 2019-ongoing Note: Chapters 12 and 13, because of discontinuance of the magazine Chapter 11 was being serialized in, suspend in serialization, and starting next Chapter in new magazine, were published in an early "mini-volumes" specially for readers of CoroCoro Ichiban! magazine. When "Black 2 & White 2" finishes serialization, Chapters 12 and 13 will be collected into regularly numbered volumes. |