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Jan 1, 2011
A sweet story of forbidden love that manages to spin the whole "family-members" deal without raising the question of "incest," as the uncle and niece concerned aren't actually blood related. (He's the stepbrother of her father, and 7 years older than her.)

Story - 7/10 The story is good, though not unique because it is the whole forbidden love thing. The romance also starts with immediate "love at first sight," which felt unrealistic and rushed. After that, though, the pace was great. They have a great relationship and it managed to keep my attention even though there were not huge conflicts. A very satisfying ending, as ...
Jan 1, 2011
Haou♥Airen (Manga) add
The premise of this manga is interesting, but I was very disappointed in the end. Every aspect of the manga was weak. It was all there, and it had such promise, but it all just crashed and burned after the first few chapters and never got better.

Story - 5/10 simply because the whole saving a mafia member thing and relocating to Hong Kong is interesting if not unique. However, after that, I got nothing from the plot except for an abusive, possessive male lead taking advantage of the weak female lead. Over and over again it happened, with no development in either of the main ...
Dec 22, 2010
I was caught very much by surprise by this manhwa. Brother/sister relationships are very tricky to get right - they usually come off super-cliche-forbidden-love, so terribly trite that it's just unbearable. So I usually stay away from brother/sister for that reason. However, I thought I would give this one a shot, and I'm glad I did. It's incredibly twisted, psychological, and moving - it's like it's the darker side of love, not to mention forbidden for more reasons than just "we're siblings." The characters have so much more than that going on between them.

Story - 9/10 because it's purely character-driven and the characters are amazing. ...
Dec 21, 2010
Preliminary (90/217 chp)
I usually read shoujo manga, so it was the title of this one that drew me in. I thought it would be some sweet story, you know, with all the typical "everlasting love" etc. etc. etc... Boy, was I wrong. And I'm glad I was. I don't have much expertise in action-packed manga such as this, but I devoured this manga like no other.

PLOT: I gave a 7/10 only because I'm probably just too dense/read too fast to really GET the plot. I'm used to character-driven stories, so reading this one with an actual outside plot was different for me. But I caught enough ...
Dec 12, 2010
Dengeki Daisy (Manga) add
Preliminary (26/80 chp)
What an incredible manga. I devoured all I could find in one sitting. At the beginning, the plot seems ordinary at best, mysterious guy protecting a poor and innocent girl? I've read TONS of mangas like that. But Dengeki Dadisy is different.

First of all, the art is stunning. I don't think I've ever seen more beautifully drawn characters; they really are gorgeous, and I'm reading more of this mangaka's work simply to savor the beautiful drawings. Not a single detail is ever missed.

As for the storyline, there's a unique spin to the protection storyline - "Daisy" is a text friend to Teru, so they've never ...
Dec 12, 2010
Preliminary (27/160 chp)
A pretty decent shoujo/smut manga. I liked the premise, and the characters are unique and well-developed. I don't really understand how Onohara and Kyousuke ended up married, but... however it happened, it puts them in some very interesting situations x3

It's different in that the girl is the one more actively trying to seduce her husband. His obliviousness is quite amusing, though I imagine if it goes on for many more chapters, it'll get annoying. I haven't been able to read the whole manga yet, but I thought it deserved a review all the same. The plot so far isn't much more than the relationship between ...
Dec 12, 2010
Preliminary (19/154 chp)
I am really enjoying this manga so far, though unfortunately I haven't been able to find all the chapters yet, so I haven't quite finished it. But it's worthy of a good review.

The storyline itself is pretty typical for a fantasy/shoujo, but the characters and the style make this manga really stand out. It was such a joy to read. Lots of really witty and laugh-out-loud moments, and at the same time I'm on the edge of my seat, dying to know what happens next. The relationship between the two main characters goes through an interesting and surprisingly realistic arc, never once letting you forget ...
Dec 12, 2010
Mixed Feelings
A mediocre manga at best. The storyline is too cliched without anything extra added to make it stand out from every other teacher/student shoujo manga out there. The characters are so stereotypical that even though it was only 10 chapters, I almost didn't want to finish reading it.

The art is okay, but something always bothered me about the eyes. Other than that, no real complaints about the art. This manga's downfall is just its sheer unoriginality.

I just don't like how this manga began with their relationship already happening, and then never really explained HOW it happened, because based on their characters their relationship is ...
Dec 12, 2010
Maji Love? (Manga) add
There's really not much to say about this manga that can't be inferred by its description. It's a oneshot, so there's just really not enough room for a deep plot and character development. But Maji Love manages to create a sweet short story that is engaging, though not unique (and not entirely plausible, but I won't post spoilers).

The characters are likable, though again, not unique. The art, at least, is excellent. Cute and fun and detailed through the end. A little ecchi at the end as well, which works well with the story, implausible though it is.

A worthy read, for sure, but nothing ...
Dec 12, 2010
Otona♡Pink (Manga) add
I was impressed by this manga contrary to my expectations - I thought it was just going to be another typical shoujo story, and in a lot of ways, it is pretty cliched - older guy with young innocent ward, tension and comedy ensues... But I actually rather enjoyed this manga. I found a level of depth in the characters and an interesting enough plot that kept me reading avidly until the end. I wish it were longer!

The art is really lovely. All her characters were designed thoroughly and attractively, and the backgrounds and big scenes were detailed without being distracting. Very nice to look ...

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