Mai-Chan's Daily Life - one of the most notorious erotic-grotesque (commonly abbreviated 'ero-guro', or simply just 'guro') manga series of all time. I will put this as a fair warning - this manga is not for the faint of heart. Now, onto the review.
Story (9/10)- Well, the story in and of itself isn't that good, but the premise of the main character - Mai, is. She cannot die. She is stuck in a whorehouse for wealthy loons and sexually humiliated and dismembered daily. Sounds run of the mill? Well, I guess maybe it is, but it is executed quite well. The whole 'she-can-never-die' thing really
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Mai-chan's Everyday Life, Mai-chan's Daily Life Japanese: まいちゃんの日常 InformationType: Manga
Volumes: 1
Chapters: 11
Status: Finished
Published: Apr 21, 2004
None Authors:
Uziga, Waita (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: N/A2 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1849
Members: 11,785
Favorites: 161 | Reviews
Filtered Results: 31 / 37
Your Feelings Categories Jun 2, 2017
I need to clear my browsing history but before I do that, let me review this manga. This contains some spoilers, but why.... would that matter.... you shouldn't be reading this. Please don't read this. Nobody should read this. The images I have seen are permanently stored into my brain and I will never forget them. Remember that anime that has been sitting in your "Plan To Watch" section of your anime list that has been there for 2 months? Go watch that instead of reading this.
Run down: Now here we got Mai Chan, a maid, who is also an immortal slave. People come ... Feb 27, 2016
I have done the manga and i just want to say.
WTF JAPAN. Now, if you guys have been around in the manga world recently, you might have heard of a fucked up manga called "Mai-Chan no Nichijou or Mai-Chan's Daily Life". In every chapter it's fucked up. I wonder what the creator was thinking while making this. Let's just make this review quick. Story is well, just comes to the point where everything is just 0-100 real quick. Everything just happens in a snap. In the story you will see boobs and more blood and fucked up shit. Let's move on shall we? Characters. Where ... May 17, 2024
When you read manga, or consume any piece of media, there’s usually a take away from it all. There is no take away from Mai-Chan’s Daily Life. There probably wasn’t meant to be one, as much as the positive reviews try to shoehorn one in there. If you go into Mai-Chan’s Daily Life and expect some sort of meaning, you will be very disappointed.
I can’t think of a single quality this manga has that makes it worth reading. The art? It’s not bad, but it’s not great either. You can certainly find better art elsewhere. The characters? Flat, static, and boring. I don’t ... Jan 17, 2017
I like gore and dark mangas those are some of my favorite genres. Now mai-chan no Nichijou is one of those typical loving mangas where you can enjoy a maid in her daily life*is it?!?!* Sure there's a bit of blood in the chapters*A BIT?!?* and you might see a lot of naked moments but it is not sooo bad. If you honestly liked it then you need some help... I give the story a 3 : I can't go lower cause some of the chapters weren't as bad as the rest, they were decent enough to not jump ... Jan 14, 2018
WHOA! That was something, and yes, I did add this to my favourites, come at me!
I've always had a thing for blood and gore, it's not a fetish but I can go through it without even cringing once. Mai-chan no Nichijou didn't make me cringe, but damn, they weren't over exaggerating when picking the genres. I did really like this manga, because it kept me interested and made me feel sorry for the main character. I found out about this manga from, The Anime Man and the live-action film about this. The moment I found out about this, I wanted to read it and I did. I liked ... Mar 8, 2020
First of all: People critizing this, rating it 1/10 only because is sick, is as stupid as people rating 1/10 scary games because they make them scared.
This manga was, indeed, made to be gore and as perverse as human mind can reach. Story: The plot is extremely simple. Here, you have a maid, she can't die. Those? oh, those are the bad guys who enslaved her and sell her to perverts. That's literally all you need to know. It's like Tetris. Here, these are tetrads, you spin them and clear lines, enjoy! 6/10 Art: Well, if something is well made I have to recognize it. The drawing ... Apr 20, 2016
Ahh where should i even start. First of all this manga is a very fucked up manga, VERY FUCKED UP. The story is about a girl, named mai, whos a maid. But theres more to it than that, for you see this maid cant die, she can kill herself or be chopped to pieces but she wont die. And due to that well shes a sex slave, where men will do very horrible things to her, she will regenerate, then have them do it over and over and over again. So overall the story well it wasnt that great as i never found myself really
Mar 12, 2020
Listen you don't read gore manga expecting butterflies and happy endings.
You read gore manga to feel disturbed, and hurt in your soul. If that's what you're looking for i recommend this manga. It has very graphic sexual scenes (in a bad way) so be aware. I really like the characters and their development over the volumes. Even after some years i can still remember each of them and how they hurt. Mei Chan specially is the one character that hurts the most. Its emotions are strong and so its its gore. Amazing art with amazing direction. ... Aug 28, 2016
Now, I've watched a lot of gruesome anime and read a lot of grotesque manga without batting an eyelid but this was truly vile. Even for me and I'm an avid fan of gore. At the beginning of the manga I could cope with what was going on...just about anyway but nearing the end things escalated to say the least. Certain scenarios took place that were unimaginably bad, one specifically to do with ((((Spoiler within the brackets- the main protagonist's child being ripped from her, raped and then put into a blender. Too far is an understatement as is
Jul 10, 2022
Yeah, I read this, and no I didn't want to score it, but I had to, to be able to press that submit button. Honestly, I'm unable to put put a pricetag on this one. I belive, I've reached the bottom of the rabbit hole (again)... If you are looking for the limits of the human imagination, this is what you are looking for, if not, then spare yourself an irreversible brain damage.
Sidenotes: I guess, I found the source material and the ancestor of Maggot Baits, but there is a story in that VN which is (debatably) worth reading, unlike in Mai's life. Also, the ... Jan 22, 2024
One word: baby blender
The plot is a 1/10 due to it basically being non-existent besides the fact the main character being invincible and used as an sex toy by others, a pretty bland and uninteresting plot ngl. Characters is a 2/10 Mai Chan actually had me feeling bad for her as she was only seen as a sex object and not a human, even watching her child go through something so disgusting not being able to help them and Kizuna as he was just a child. This manga has literal baby rape and child porn in it (which the author needs his hard drive ... Feb 18, 2017
Britt: Well, the first manga I was going to review was originally gonna be the disappointment known as "Vampire Knight", but after my friend Michael warned me about this particular manga called "Mai-Chan no Nichijou" or as it's called in English "Mai-Chan's Daily Life", I decided to check that out instead and see what was so bad about it. Hmm, I can certainly say his warning wasn't for nothing. Mai-Chan's Daily Life is probably the most disgusting, despicable, inhumane piece of dog sh*t I've ever laid my eyes upon. Now for those of you who don't know what this manga is, let me explain. Mai-Chan's
May 8, 2019
Mm, did not want to give my opinion about this manga, but I wanted to share my first review, the truth is that this manga did not entertain me, since I am not familiar with this genre so grotesque.
Art (2/10): I give it a 2, the sleeve what it wants to transmit or wants to give is the disturbance to the reader based on a lot of gore, violence, violations. I really do not understand this art, but I respect people who like it. Story (1/10): The story from my point of view seems to me the most absurd and stupidest story I've read in a ... Jun 4, 2024
The plot definitely left room for emotional development in Mai, but that development was limited due to the pacing and length of the manga. In fact, there's not much meat on the plot's bones, so by the (notably shock-reliant, please beware) ending, there were multiple questions left unanswered about the eternal slave phenomenon and the characters, like Sayurin, Kaede, even Mai herself.
That being said, the biggest spotlight of the manga, was on the art and the levels of guro Mai had to take on. Not a good time if you're expecting deep, resonating themes somewhere in the blood stains. Maybe a good time if you're ... Dec 20, 2023
Some trigger warnings if you are planning to read it, To convince you to not read it. Rape, Child abuse, Impregnation, Burning skin, Torture. (Yes even child abuse sadly). This manga is the worst piece of material I've ever read and seen. It doesn't even qualify as a Hentai and everyone should steer clear of this abomination. Seriously, no one needs to read this. In the 24 years of my existence and almost 10 years of watching anime, I have never been so ... Jan 30, 2023
I like gore but this shit is fucked up
- the art style was horrible there was blood everywhere and weird at the same time - the story is absolutely has a random plot you just don’t know what the fuck is going on - the characters it’s just miserable everyone makes me feel bad for them Is the story unique? Nope not at all there's no meaning in this story Did the characters react to situations and events in a realistic way? No no no this manga is unrealistic don't watch it if u don't like gore!!!!! Overall this manga is shit I give it 0/10 Feb 23, 2025
Whoever the author of this manga was, needs to be arrested. i seen a lot of disturbing media, but this? this has to be illegal. there's no way that it isn't. i seriously expected it to just be an uninspired gore fest who's creator just wanted to be edgy. but no this is 1000 times worse. even if you're a fan of disturbing media, under no circumstance would i ever say you should read this manga. ever. This piece of media has no value what so ever. It's Putrid for the only sole reason of it existing is to fulfill the authors and other sick
Mar 28, 2023
i have now read this manga two times, the second time it just got worse as i noticed more things, first of im going to use how i will rate weird mangas
how fucked? 9/10 - it was wild, everything was everywhere and as it went on it just got worse, about 3 arcs id say with three distinct moments in each. It made me sick to my stomach but I ended up reading it all why someone would write this? 10/10 - we shame on this for this sick fetish the author has, turning grotesque situations into something to be enjoyed and gained pleasure ... Apr 23, 2021
Spoiler Warning Ahead.
I’m back once again for another gore manga review like I said at the end of “Shin Gendai Ryoukiden”. To be honest, this manga is nearly as bad as that one is simple from just the last chapter alone. I’ll get to that later on in the review though. Story: This is basically everything you’d expect from a gore manga, it lives up to its name and all the infamous talk about it. Also short and “sweet” if you wanna say that, I completed it in less than one hour since it’s only 11 chapters. If you like gore manga this is a “must ... |