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Jun 28, 2021
Bota Bota is a short story about Mako, a woman that has a condition that makes her bleed from touching dirty things since she's germaphobe. A problem she got from her mother after she divorced her father and soon later was forced onto her as well basically. Even with this situation she's in she still wants to find a true lover throughout the story, which is of course harder than it seems for her.
The story is quite a simple one as you'd expect from a manga with only 9 chapters, but it's still done quite well even since Mako's condition would probably get
pretty annoying if this was a full fledge manga instead. It leads to a lot of the same outcomes most of the time, but it's interesting getting to see how it lead to such events that look straight out of a horror movie (which is something the manga literally said lol).
Up until chapter 5 we basically have all stories that are ended in the same chapter that they're introduced and all really just end at the same outcome, which is Mako bleeding once they try to have sex. None of them are inherently bad, just stories that give us the same ending of Mako leaving in blood and with no boyfriend.
That being said, chapter 5 is where I'd say the manga picks up the pace and gets more interesting since from there until the end we get a proper story that doesn't end almost immediately as it's introduced. Speaking of chapter 5, it has probably my favorite scene in the manga which shows a bit of Mako's badass side when she forcefully sticks her hand inside a dude's mouth to make herself spray blood all over him.
The art is inconsistent, sometimes looking very beautiful and at other times being wonky. I still enjoyed it for the most part though since it didn't really distract me from the story, but it did enhance it at the times it looked good.
When Mako and the guy and are planning their marriage there's a cool hallucination the dude has that I really liked and of course eventually ends up coming true at the end of the story.
Character(/Story Pt. 2):
Most of the characters are quite static overall with Mako really being the only one who changes at the end you could say. Though this doesn't really bug me since it's quite short so it's not like there's exactly much time to develop the characters.
Speaking of Mako, she's of course the most interesting and enjoyable out of all of the ones shown since she gets the most screen time. Learning most of the problems she has comes from her mother and how acted after the divorce of the father we never really get to see. It's funny/crazy to see all the lengths she'll go to just to find a lover though, like literally chasing a man out of a hotel with boiling water. At the end of the story she gets semi better about this and becomes more with herself, but we'll get to that very soon.
As previously said, the manga has more of a proper story around chapter 5 since the man introduced will be with Mako until the end of the story, he's nothing crazy besides the fact that we later on find out he's a big asshole which comes to bite him in the face (rightfully) at the end. Mako being basically in a trance over the fake persona he puts on for her, still choosing to be in love with him even though her nosebleed says otherwise for certain parts of it. Once they're finally getting married the guy hallucinates once again which we find out to come true with Mako having blood all over her dress.
The dress now soaked in her blood and crows flying around the church as a nice way to symbolize the death of their marriage (or that's at least what I got out of it).
Mako deciding to (reasonably) break off the marriage with the asshole and going back to trying to find another love while also coming closer with herself in the end and realizing what love truly is.
This was an easy read that I personally enjoyed even if I didn't rate it as high as others, it got straight to the point and executed it well too.
Overall: (6/10)
I'd recommend this short story to anybody like me who wants to read more manga but finds it hard to fully commit to the more longer ones.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 27, 2021
(Spoilers for Season 2 and possibly Season 1.)
I planned to do this review the day after I finished the anime but life got bad so now here we are now a week later lol. Sorry if some things are wrong or messy, since my memory isn't the best at times. Anyways, let's get right into my review.
UBW is one of the notable parts in the Fate Series right beside Zero and reasonably so, it stands out quite a bit and for a good reason in my eyes. A series just as flashy and unique as its predecessor, with many twists and turns throughout it. I'm
sure you're bound to like this one as well if you liked Zero, since it gives you new and refreshing characters to enjoy and also hate.
Story: The Fate series is largely known for its story, being very long and having many different ways to enjoy it and such. There isn't exactly an agreed way to watch it if you've ever bothered looking up a watch order for it. Personally I think Zero had a better story somewhat more than Stay Night did, but both are enjoyable in their own ways really. This time we have a more main character focused story with it being around Shirou, though I wouldn't blame you if you thought it was Rin since she was shown as if she was in the prologue of season one. We have the usual stuff as last time: fight to win the grail, people die, you get how it is at this point. A HUGE difference in my eyes though is unlike in Zero we get a mainly happy ending which felt really satisfying for me. I thought Shirou and Saber were cuter together but Shirou and Rin also had a lot of moments that I thought were pretty funny or absolutely adorable so I didn't really mind them ending up together either. Overall, a nice ending to a great story that I'm sure most people would enjoy.
Art: The animation is looking greater than ever in UBW, keeping the great quality and having scenes where the artstyle is some absolute eye candy to enjoy. A variety of nice atmospheres that compliment the scenes very well. I don't have much to say other than I thought it looked overall pretty great and did the story justice.
Sound: Not much to say here either honestly, wasn't crazy about the openings or ending songs since I always skipped them. The music really was good when it came to the emotional or intense moments though.
Characters: Shirou is easily one of my favorite main characters i've had the pleasure of watching in sometime, his inspiration can come off rather generic but it's one anybody can enjoy and root for really. Sharing his father's ideals but putting his own twist on it of course. Shirou vs. Archer is easily my favorite fight in the series for this reason as well, it isn't as battle heavy as the others were but the storytelling and character dynamics made it shine the brightest for me and it was interesting to see somebody challenge Shirou's view so much, ironically being himself as well. A great twist that was hinted throughout the series well before it was finally shown. Shirou's, Saber's, and Rin's dynamics were all ones I really loved as well. Great mixture of intense moments and lots of wholesome and rather cute ones too. Making me adore the character's relationships wayyyy more than I did in Zero, being the reason why I personally enjoy UBW more. They also had characters I despised, one obviously being Shinji and the other being Kirei. Both done well if they were made with the intent of me absolutely hating them, because I was sure damn happy seeing Kirei get his ass stabbed. I wish Rin didn't save Shinji though, that dude CLEARLY was never gonna learn if he didn't by then. Speaking of character's getting stabbed though, I also enjoyed Lancer even with the little screen time he got. He ironically got the same death he got in Zero, but in a more stylish and enjoyable way i'd say when he took Kireri with him in his death. Starting off as a character I didn't really come to enjoy only until season 2 when he ganged up with Shirou and Rin, being a nice contrast of characters working to fight the rest of the Servants and Masters. The only characters I didn't really care for were Caster and Rider, Rider is fairly obvious with how quickly they got killed in the series, Off screen as well, so she was done pretty dirty. Caster was good in terms of an antagonist, though I didn't really care for them besides for that and I think it took way longer than it should've for her to be killed. Gligamesh was great to see once again in the series, looking like an edgy Justin Bieber while laughing so much and having such a big ego that he might as well been a downgraded Dio. Which sounds like I hate him, but I do very much like him, stirring up chaos the single moment he finally does something in the series and being charismatically sassy as always.
Enjoyment: I had an overall really great time watching this series as a whole and hope Heaven's Feel is just as enjoyable as well like I expect it to be.
Overall: This is definitely in my top 25-20 anime of all time, it was very pleasant to watch and it didn't have a single moment in the series where I got bored. Well deserving of a 9.5-10/10.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 23, 2021
Spoiler Warning Ahead.
I’m back once again for another gore manga review like I said at the end of “Shin Gendai Ryoukiden”. To be honest, this manga is nearly as bad as that one is simple from just the last chapter alone. I’ll get to that later on in the review though.
Story: This is basically everything you’d expect from a gore manga, it lives up to its name and all the infamous talk about it. Also short and “sweet” if you wanna say that, I completed it in less than one hour since it’s only 11 chapters. If you like gore manga this is a “must
read” basically in the genre, it has a lot of different types of horrible things and you’ll be left with the worst taste in your mouth once you get to the last chapter. It’s easily the most gruesome and worst of the bunch, being foreshadowed in the previous chapter about what was gonna happy to Mai-Chan’s child, but at least she got put out of her misery at the end. Even if it was in easily the worst way possible in my eyes, I felt nothing but straight sorrow for Mai-Chan.
Art: I’ve definitely read worse stuff but this is also up there alone for the art style, it’s just as gruesome as Shin Gendai Ryoukiden and debatably even more graphic than it at times. I also see a lot of similar stuff in both of these manga, but i’ll let you see that for yourself since I don’t feel like talking about how much I just ruined my eyes during the past 40 minutes of my life.
Characters: As I said before, during this manga I felt nothing but pure sadness for Mai-Chan and all she had to deal with. Though it’s basically expected when reading these type of things so I don’t let it bug me much. I was hoping Kaede would die just like the annoying dude at the end did, but she sadly didn’t. Speaking of, his death was very disappointing compared to the rest of what we just saw what happened with her baby. He was the only one I really wanted to die and we didn’t even get that satisfying of one, so that just added to the sour taste in my mouth I got after reading that last chapter.
Enjoyment: I didn’t enjoy this at all, it’s what I expected from a gore manga and it was just nothing more than shock value in my eyes. I wouldn’t find it so disgusting if it wasn’t for that last chapter, absolutely despicable in my eyes rightfully deserving of a ONE and nothing else. I would give it a zero if I could.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Apr 23, 2021
I will be blunt and say this is a very BIASED review so if you don’t want that then don’t bother reading this, though you probably do if you are looking at the reviews since a lot of them share the same viewpoint as I do.
First off, i’ll congratulate this for being the first gore manga/hentai/whatever to actually effect me of some sort. I’ve read way worse but knowing that the first story was based off something that actually happened messed with me more than I actually expected it to. It was an experience getting to know in deep and dark detail what happened on
those 40 days of torture, not a good one, but it was definitely an experience at the least.
Now we got the only semi positive thing I had to say i’ll get into all the problems I have with this manga:
If it wasn’t already obvious, I don’t like gore stuff, though this one did intrigue me because it was based off something real so I gave it a read. The story about the concrete girl was easily the most interesting of the bunch in the worst way possible, but i’ll give it props for being brutally (in more ways than one) honest about the situation. The quick read I had of this turned into me actually properly reading it and I kinda regret it since this was easily one of the worst things i’ve ever read when it comes to manga and maybe of all time as well. Seeing visually what happened to that poor girl really messes with you more than it probably would then just simply reading the wikipedia page for it since you get a bunch of artistic details along with it. The manga gets straight to the point and doesn’t hesitate to show you how terrible it was, quickly escalating to what you could expect to happen to things you’d only ever think of if your mind was truly horrific. I won’t say what actually happens in there in case somebody gets curious like me and wants to read it or if you just don’t wanna know. Just know that it simply isn’t pleasant and not what you’d expect at points with how it continuously piles terrible actions over and over until, well, she ends up in the concrete of course. It was one hell of a reality check to how sadistic some people can be, and it’s quite pathetic in this situation since it literally only happened because this innocent girl didn’t wanna date this horrible dude who was affiliated with the yakuza. Overall, this was easily the most surprising read of the bunch out of the rest and I kinda regret ever reading it in the first place.
I don’t have much to say about the other stories if i’m being completely honest, i’ve heard some are also based off real events but they really didn’t seem realistic to me like the first one did. I gradually stopped caring and it got quite tiring just looking at more pointless gore over and over that seemed like nothing more than to be shock value or entertain people who enjoy this stuff. Especially the one about the doctors experimenting on that one woman and making her daughter watch, it really was just quite dumb to me.
The art style is old but that doesn’t make it any less graphic, the gore is quite well made even though it’s most certainly not pleasant to the eyes unless you’re insane I guess. It gets the point across quite well with the first story and let’s you know how truly gruesome the actions those men did to that young woman were.
I don’t have much to say other than what I have, this was a terrible read and it seemed disrespectful to the actual event that happened so many years ago. I plan to read and write a review on Mai-Chan’s Daily Life next, so if you care check my review there if you feel like it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Jun 12, 2020
definitely my favorite anime movie (even though i’ve only seen two).
it was certainly an emotional rollercoaster that paid off in the end, even though it had me really depressed at points.
i honestly see some of myself in the way shouya acts. may it be the way he pushes people away or the fact he can’t look people in the eyes.
the cast of characters are enjoyable and help push the story along.
the balcony scene with the fireworks was really something, and i think it shows how much shouya improved as a person.
my only complaints are the fact that shouya and shouko didn’t get together & that i could never find myself liking naoka throughout the whole thing.
naoka barely even changed as a character and basically still felt the same way at the end of story, even if she got embarrassed by shouko realizing she learned sign language. not to mention some of the shit she did to shouka is straight up unforgivable.
10/10, i don’t think any anime movie is gonna top this one for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Apr 21, 2020
This easily is my top 3 anime of all time, I had such a great time watching this.
My favorite arcs were the hunter exam (which is an amazing way to start an anime) and the chimera ant arc.
Seeing the friendship between Gon and Killua progress was surely something.
The cons i have with this anime is that i found the phantom troupe to be slightly boring and the chimera ant arc feeling a bit slow at times.
I also do on plan on reading the manga, even if it has a lot of hiatuses.
10/10 anime, I have nothing more to say.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Feb 28, 2020
i still love the fuck out of this manga, even if chapters 100-147 were basically torture to read with how sad it was.
this is hands down my favorite manga. i didn’t think anything could top tokyo ghoul, but this certainly did.
i’m glad i found out about this manga from a friend of mine of animelist, i probably would’ve never read it if it wasn’t for him.
i’ve spent so many late nights reading this (like i am rn) and i’m glad i did so. thank you so much Inio Asano for making this. i’ve never been able to relate to something so much before in
my life.
10/10 manga, it absolutely hurt to read though.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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