Highschool of the Dead
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Highschool of the Dead

Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Gakuen Mokushiroku, HOTD
English: Highschool of the Dead
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 7
Chapters: 33
Status: Discontinued
Published: Aug 9, 2006 to Apr 9, 2013
Genres: Action Action, Drama Drama, Horror Horror, Romance Romance, Ecchi Ecchi
Themes: Gore Gore, Survival Survival
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Dragon Age
Authors: Satou, Daisuke (Story), Satou, Shouji (Art)


Score: 7.551 (scored by 4238042,380 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #26112
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #173
Members: 92,029
Favorites: 3,055

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Preliminary Spoiler
Jan 27, 2008
Preliminary (15/33 chp)
After I got bored with watching anime, I started reading manga that wasn't to widely known. One night around 9 p.m., I was scrolling down the list of the website I was using to find something interesting. After checking out a few lame things, I clicked on the Highschool of the Dead. The very first page, bam, zombies attacking big breasted chicks. I was already hooked because I'm total blood and gore fan but I wasn't expecting too much other than a constant bloodfest. By chapter three, I couldn't stop reading at all. While there was still some pretty ...
Jul 13, 2021
It’s worth reading it even though the author has passed away causing Highschool of the Dead to be discontinued. We will never get a true ending, but what was left here is a true gem. The fact is, I’m sad but not frustrated that it’s over. There are no great mysteries left to be solved.

This manga has a BEAUTIFUL full-color version from Yen Press that you should look for if you are considering reading Highschool of the Dead. I got the digital version, it was quite amazing. For those of you who are about to experience that edition for the 1st time: I envy you.
Mar 25, 2009
Preliminary (22/33 chp)
Story: 9 : It sounds simple because it is. It's about the world getting taken over by zombies and how a small group of 3 girls, 2 boys, and 1 woman survive. But, whats really great about it is that, even though the plot is straight-forward, the characters are what really drive this thing forward. Random plot tickets aren't handed out by distant power/authority figures. Fate has no hand in anything. It's all the characters deciding what to do, when to do it, and how to get it done. Everything. This focuses on their development from "civilized" humans ...
Aug 24, 2010
Preliminary (22/33 chp)
[I'm not really into reviews, so if I did something wrong, don't mind me. Also I'm focusing a bit more on anime vs. manga]

Highschool of the Dead. When I first heard the name, I though it was a parody. I don't really have a good reason for it. Of course, I heard about it when anime came out, so anime being slow every week and all that I decided to read manga, and I literally couldn't stop.

What you should first know about manga, if you've seen the anime, is that it has much less fanservice than anime. And that's why it's better. There is still ...
Jan 3, 2015
Preliminary (30/33 chp)
Warning: There may be minor spoilers. I don't go into detail, but if you're really worried, please just scroll down to the enjoyment section and beyond.

Highschool of the Dead. A franchise that is as much of a joke as it is a failure. Well, at least, that what some people think. There are a number of people who just can't look past the "bullet dodging boobs" and the apron-wearing, breast smother antics of the series' heroines. As a former member of that mindset, I at first could not stomach the cheesiness of the work, simply because I thought it had no substance. However, after ...
Mar 31, 2020
It starts off as a standard zombie story, but very quickly the story pans out dependant on the personality of the characters. It is also unique through it seemingly starting off near a school, and the main cast all being in education in some way or another (Marikawa-sensei is in training).

The art is not particularly unique in an of itself, but you can still feel the passion and love that went into it. It truly is a shame that we will not be able to see it again. Rest in Peace, Daisuke Satō.

Alice Maresato - Alice is a young girl who's father was killed while ...
Jan 15, 2021
A sleigh ride from start to finish, although it was unfortunately quite abrupt.

If you like tits, action, action and tits, and tits with action then you've come to the right place my friend. Oh, and their are also guns. Copious amounts of guns with excruciating detail. What's that? You like plot in your zombie ecchi bloodbath shoot em up? What are you, some kind of nerd or something?

Jokes aside, the manga expands upon some of more lackluster areas of the anime, and while I won't go so far as to say it fixed some of my major problems with it, what I love about it ...
Apr 11, 2010
Preliminary (22/33 chp)
As a big fan of zombie stories, I started to read Highschool of the Dead the very moment I heard about it. As a normal zombie story, HotD throws you at the middle of action right in the first pages of the manga, and never stop that atmosphere of adrenaline, horror, survival, etc, like the old Resident Evil series.

The disease is showed right where it begin spreading, on a highschool, starting the story of Takashi Komuro, a student who's trying to survive with a few friends from the same school. While they try to escape, it starts to get harder to survive, all the conflicts, ...
Jan 22, 2021
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (13/33 chp)
In a sentence, this is one of the worst manga I've ever read but one of the best I've ever seen.

In terms of narrative- You've seen it a million times. Zombies exist now, press play on civilization collapsing. Whatever. It's fun like every other ____ Of The Dead.
But the actual prose quality on display here is ABOMINABLE. I hope I don't get haunted for saying this, but Daisuke Sato's (all jokes and criticism of his work aside, rest in peace) writing is so bad here as to be incomprehensible from panel to panel.

Once they get to the nurse's friend's house, the events we are ...
Apr 7, 2009
Preliminary (19/33 chp)
I want to start out by saying I love Zombie movies I watch them constantly i've seen everything from night of the living dead to wild zero. So when I found a manga that was zombies in a high school i was like SHIT this is awesome. I started reading it and I loved it the zombies are there the drama's there its not as good as Robert Kirkman's walking dead but its still awesome and you can't complain about the fan service in there either. The story flows very well and the charcters are likeable. Id recommend this to any one who wants a ...
Jan 11, 2010
Preliminary (23/33 chp)
This is a very good manga, and I recommend it to everyone who likes action and horror manga.
I was on a manga reading website and stumbled across this one, at first it didn't seem so interesting, but one afternoon I was bored with no homework, so I just started to read it. And I'm very glad that I did because after the first chapter I was captivated by the artwork and the characters.

Characters - The characters are outstanding. My favourite character would have to be Saeko Busujima who kicks ass with her combat skills and wooden sword. She is portrayed with a calm and composed ...
Sep 16, 2011
Preliminary (Unknown/33 chp)
I had heard about this series before hand and thought it was a stupid idea. So one day while I was browsing through my local book store i saw the first two volumes sitting on the shelf. I had looked over the first one which was nice and saran wrapped. the basic story i got from the back was your average unknown disease that infects a town of city and the main characters are trying to survive. Since I had nothing else to read I decided to pick up the two volumes. As soon as I began reading the book instant zombie action is thrown ...
Feb 8, 2009
Preliminary (22/33 chp)
The first thing about this manga that i have to say it : They should TOTALLY make it into an anime. I loved everything about this manga and i want the mangaka to hurry up and give me more to read.

There were several reasons why i liked this manga. First is because it deals a lot with technicalities. for example: what attracts "them"? If they're dead bodies then wouldn't "they" rot away? besides the obvious fact that a zombie apocalype could never happen, the manga fills in a lot of plot holes that other zombie stories have left hanging.

The second thing i liked was the ...
Apr 13, 2010
Preliminary (24/33 chp)
WOW!!! Amazing intresting you get hooked straight away. Im not a huge fan of ecchi manga but this story just hooked me on. Like at the beginning you find out theres man eating zombies at a School and big breasted girls kicking ass and with a fat nerdy guy making a gun out of nail gun and knows more about guns than anyone you would know in a high school. Then theres a ditzy nurse, a little girl her puppy Zeke, Rei the police daughter, A samuri girl, and the guy thats there leader that gets really crazy sometimes with a gun. Love the Story ...
Feb 7, 2018
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (33/33 chp)
read the series with a grain of salt as the creator has passed away so it most likely wont ever be finished. anyways, its basically an ecchi zombie outbreak manga with death, zombies, and blood. a bunch of high schoolers have teamed up to survive with each other. some moments are cringe while others are badass. it is full of boob and pantie shots inbetween the zombie killing scenes. the story and plot wasnt too bad but for the most part thats not why you're reading the manga. the story could have been great the farther it got but we will never know as i ...
Aug 1, 2018
Preliminary (33/33 chp)
This manga is really well known in the anime industry. I mean most people who's into anime probably already know about the matrix scene in the highschool of the dead anime. Therefor after watching the hole series you're like Ok i need more! Thats when you stumble upon the manga and Boi it's amazing by far one of the best manga out there and really have much potential to grow.

It's a shame since the story had reach a new arc and possibly a whole new scenario to be surprised for. However, under unspeakable circumstances this manga is currently on hold because the Mangaka has ...