“I just want you to know one thing...I may be the one facing them. I may be the one cutting them down. The one who stands on their graves. But you will be the one that kills them.”
There are a great many stories that revolve around the concept of revenge. A great many writers have written a great many tales about revenge, each expressing their own sentiments towards the topic. Some glorify it, others ridicule it as a fool’s quest and others tell a more sympathetic story. Blade of the Immortal however simply tells it how it is, at no point is the author
ever forcing his beliefs onto the story. The writer prefers to allow the reader to reflect on the story themselves and come to their own conclusions. An engaging, exhilarating yet quietly contemplative quest for vengeance, Blade of the Immortal is one of the greatest seinen manga ever created. Allow me to explain to you why I believe this is the case...
The story of Blade of the Immortal centres around the young Rin Asano’s journey to avenge the death of her parents at the hands of a sword school whose influence is growing within Japan: the Itto-ryu. Unable to deny her own powerlessness in the face of her powerful foe she seeks out the skills of a swordsman who has been cursed with immortality. A man known as Manji. He has his own aims and beliefs that make him more than just a simple bodyguard. Throughout the series we watch as Manji acts as a sort of mentor to Rin and we also watch as the relationship between the two changes and develops.
The premise is quite simple, chances are you can think up some series with similar plots, and the mention of immortality may seem a little silly to some but you shouldn’t write this series of just because of that. The story is an amazing journey for both characters and readers; it’s a grim tale of blood, violence and complex yet savage emotions, a story filled with political intrigue and numerous rival factions all gunning at one another. The premise may be basic but it is simply a backdrop for a deep, emotive, memorable and epic quest.
The only criticism I have with the story is that the pacing was a little bad. Initially the story didn’t really grab me and I took a little break from reading. In my opinion the story doesn’t really get into its stride until around about chapter 30, but once the story gets going it is a nonstop rollercoaster of pure awesomeness. Similarly at later parts of the story I feel that certain events were dragged on for a little longer than I would have liked, but this is a very small criticism it must be said.
The thing that really makes the story of Blade of the Immortal so captivating is without a doubt the characters. The cast of Blade of the Immortal is simply amazing. I would go as far as to say that this series has the best cast of characters I have ever come across. Over the course of the series the two main characters, Manji and Rin, go through a tremendous amount of development but that’s only to be expected really. While the development of the two main characters is exquisite, it is the side characters that really make this series extraordinary. With most series you can consider yourself fortunate if even a single character receives a good amount of development but in this series there are about are around 5 or 6 characters that receive just as much development and characterisation as you would expect of a main character. Ironically, on a personal level I was more interested in some of the side characters and their struggles than I was in the main characters (and the two main characters are really amazing). This is really a testament to how well written the characters in this series are.
All of the significant characters in this series receive a great deal of development and with this there is no clear divide between which characters are the ‘good guys’ and which are the ‘bad guys’. They all have their own circumstances, ideals, determination and reasons for fighting and because the author shares the limelight equally between all of the significant players there is truly no telling who will come out on top and during some of the fight sequences it becomes near impossible to determine whether a particular character may win or lose which really makes things genuinely tense.
Personally, I always like to see those badass female characters who know how to hold their own as in anime especially female characters are more often than not just waifu bait. So I just wanted to give this series props for having some of the most awesome female characters I have ever seen in Makie and Hyakurin, that being said I did feel that Rin sometimes came across as being a typical damsel in distress but this was really only in the earlier parts of the story.
This amazing story and these spectacular characters are all presented to us in Hiroaki Samura's fantastic artwork. It is a little difficult for me not to start gushing over his artwork because subjectively speaking this series has the best artwork that I have ever seen. I have always had a preference for old school art as opposed to the more moe art style that is prevalent in modern anime and well Blade of the Immortal is just about the least moe thing you will ever find so it gets a big thumbs up from me.
The artwork is just so perfectly styled and this series has the most well drawn action sequences you will see in any manga. Seriously, the fights in this series are absolutely brutal - blood and limbs are seen flying all over the place. There are so many great fights in this series and the flow of action in the panels makes it easy to follow the action, the fights are ridiculously intense and will have you on the edge of your seat. The scenery art in this series is also worth mentioning. The backgrounds are quite well detailed on the whole and the traditional Japanese landscapes that you will see over the course of the journey are all captured perfectly.
With all this being said, I cannot say that the art style will be to everyone’s taste. If you dislike sketchy artwork and prefer clean drawings then you may not like it. I really like it because it matches my personal preferences but that doesn’t mean everyone will think it’s as great as I do.
Also, as I have already alluded to, this series contains a lot of gore so if that is not your thing then this may not be a series for you. This series really doesn’t pull its punches when it comes to violence but unlike similarly violent manga series, such as Gantz and Akame ga Kill just to name two, this series never gave me the impression that there was just violence for the sake of it or that it was being used for shock value. While this series is very visceral I don’t think that it ever became excessive.
In my opinion this series is the pinnacle of the seinen genre. It is dark and it is brutal but it remains human. With a well constructed and deceptively complex plot, one of the most well fleshed out cast of characters you are likely to find and artwork to die for I cannot recommend this series highly enough to anyone who enjoys seinen manga. Although, if you are looking for or are expecting a story that is actually focused on samurai culture then I would point you in the direction of Lone Wolf and Cub instead. Blade of the Immortal is more focused on telling its own story than it is about what life was like in this time period and the way of the samurai and the all that sort of stuff.
Anyways, I hope you found this review helpful. Any and all feedback is welcomed (unless you are going to criticise me that is).
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Inhabitant of Infinity Japanese: 無限の住人 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 30
Chapters: 207
Status: Finished
Published: Jun 25, 1993 to Dec 25, 2012
Afternoon Authors:
Samura, Hiroaki (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #2132 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #186
Members: 86,185
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Your Feelings Categories Dec 28, 2014
“I just want you to know one thing...I may be the one facing them. I may be the one cutting them down. The one who stands on their graves. But you will be the one that kills them.”
There are a great many stories that revolve around the concept of revenge. A great many writers have written a great many tales about revenge, each expressing their own sentiments towards the topic. Some glorify it, others ridicule it as a fool’s quest and others tell a more sympathetic story. Blade of the Immortal however simply tells it how it is, at no point is the author ... Apr 25, 2010
When Rin seeks revenge for the murder/rape of her family by the Itto-Ryu (a rival sword school), she hires Manji, an immortal swordsman, to help her. But things aren't quite that simple. The more Rin sees how her revenge affects the lives of others, and the more she gets to know her enemies, the harder it becomes for her to justify her goals. I think the story's greatest strength is character development, completely blurring the line between "good" and "evil." Seriously. Nearly all the characters are so sympathetic that you end up with nobody to root for or against. It's enough to drive one crazy!
Aside ... Jan 8, 2011
I have been reading Blade of the Immortal for a LONG TIME. It is the only manga I buy, the rest I either borrow or just browse online if it has not been released in English. To say I am a big fan of the series is an understatement. Now for those of you that need some guide of why this series is one of the best ever mangas from Japan:
Story: If you read the synopsis it is pretty much self explanatory what is going on in the series, but what makes it special is the way the story is told and the twist ... Aug 30, 2018
TL DR; If you can bear gore this one is a must read
(I would recommend listening to "sowulo - SOL (2016) album" with your reading for full experience (fits with it like key and lock) ) story 10/10 I won't tell anything about the story so rest assured. A Gory samurai age story as the cover implies (as the most of this genre) but: 1- with a bit of science fiction and some medical knowledge. 2- many arcs not long few boring ones ... Sep 1, 2015
Revenge is a topic a lot of philosophers have dwelled on, all with their own view on the topic. Of course not only philosophers thought about this subject: revenge is a common topic in mangas too, even readers themselves may have certainly thought on taking revenge in certain occasions; Blade of the Immortal is no different, though it certainly revolves around it, this manga has in fact much more to offer, allowing the reader to dwell on the topic of revenge, while at the same time enjoying the storyline, the engaging characters and the impressive art style. Sounds promising and well, but why was it
Feb 7, 2010
This is one awesome manga. I'm actually not a fan of samurai stuff. I like Sci-fi and fantasy. But the first thing that stunned me here was awesome art.
The clean moves with pen makes an awesome drawing that is stunning and complex at the same time. But yet, in some places you cannot clearly see what is going on. Regarding that, i was amazed with so much violence and blood in this manga. And let's be honnest. This manga has it a lot. The storyline at the begining seemed nothing special at all, but as you keep reading, the story shapes better, and introduces us with ... Nov 25, 2019
I'll start with putting it bluntly-
Blade is an Action packed Samurai Manga with gorgeous Art & cool ideas relative to its setting. So read it ONLY if you find that appealing. Let's talk in detail now: An impressive & also one of best things about it, which made it feel like a rich Samurai tale taking place in Edo Period of Japan, is how the story goes to so many different locations & explores quite good amount of concepts relative to that kind of setting. You can very easily notice that this manga has plenty of these little things & ideas which are a bit advanced ... Dec 1, 2016
"The greatest part of revenge, isn´t for the person who died. It´s for oneself"
Wow. What an intense ride "Blade of Immortal" was for me. I got interested in the manga throw the 13 episode anime, based on the first 44 chapters. But the anime adaptation didn´t get home to the viewers and the show was cancelled, so I decided to pick up the manga to see what happened to Rin, Manji and Anotsu. If you are a bit sensitive, this manga is certainly not for you. It contains a lot of detailed violence, deaths, blood, gore, torture and rape in a very realistic ... May 27, 2022
It is super funny that in a manga with sadistic one note torturers and child abusers (and an implied molester) and r*pists people still say "no one is really good or bad"
I would not say this manga is so much about moral ambiguity as it is the ability of people to "justify" much of their acts as necessary or good. Whether you buy into some of them or not is dependent on your moral code. Im not into subjective morality personally but idk how some people can listen to a specific describe himself as evil and unjustifiable in action and be like "i ... May 10, 2022
"Did anything change? even the tiniest bit? I wanted someone to witness it if it did. Be it 10 years from now or even a 100 years from now, Thats all i ask of you."
Story-(9/10) Manji, our protagonist who is infamously known as "hundred man killer" for killing 100 innocent men, is granted immortality by a mysterious old hag using blood worms, for which Manji pledges to kill 1000 evil men to atone for his 100 killing. In his journey he meets Rin who seeks Manji's assistance for killing those who murdered her parents. The journey is for you to read, but i can tell you ... Jul 5, 2022
Trigger Warnings: Sexual Violence (implied/shown), gore (seriously, it gets gruesome at times), torture
Story: 10/10 Brilliant, masterfully written story. There are many disparate plot threads that are built up over the course of the whole manga, weaving closer together until they all finally come to a close in an epic finale. While this is a revenge story, it is absolutely not your typical "good guy hunts bad guy" affair, there were points were I genuinely did not know who I was rooting for. This is character driven story telling at it's peak, where the consequences of the character's actions have cascading effects that set the next arc ... May 14, 2020
Blade of the immortal is a Japanese manga series by Hiroaki Samura. The series is set in Japan during the mid-Tokugawa Shogunate period and follows the cursed samurai Manji, who has to kill 1000 evil men in order to regain his mortality.
Here's what its about : Manji is an amoral swordsman, who has been cursed with eternal life. He has grown tired of living with all the death he has created. He has no skills other then those of killing, thus he forms a plan to regain his mortality: he shall kill one hundred evil men for each good one he has killed. The old ... Oct 25, 2021
Hi there MAL peeps, Welcome to another review.
This time around we have the big title Mugen no Juunin aka Blade of the Immortal. So without any stalling lets get into it. STORY Blade of the Immortal is a Samurai/Swordsman's manga based around the period of feudal Japan. We follow Asano Rin and her thrusting bodyguard Manji, as she's set on a journey to avenge her family done in by the infamous Ittou Ryu. A group of highly capable fighters led by Anotsu Kagehisa. Rin and Manji follow leads taking them all across the city of Edo (old Tokyo) in hopes of finding Kagehisa and possibly fulfill ... Jul 12, 2020
Blade of the Immortal was an interesting series that I decided to pick up after surfing though the Samurai category of the website. This manga heavily entertained me with the journey of Manji and Rin as they set out to accomplish the goal of taking down Anotsu as requested to accomplish vengeance on Rin’s behalf. This introduction of new characters had me continuously caring for them, which eventually brought me to many emotional circumstances while new occurrences took place. I loved this series, and I was intrigued that this manga initially was written from left to right other than the typical manga that I’ve
Mar 5, 2023
I am not a samurai fan , and therefore i can clearly say , it’s one of the most amazing work i have ever read :
-art style : it’s so simplistic and yet so impactful , it make the battle so clear i love it 9.5/10 -characters : there is no good , but only bad people and scum here , each one of their story is well written , so well , that sometimes you dont’ want to return on the main characters timeline ( and they are good) the chara design is absolutely god tier 10/10 -story : you won’t be bored , ... Mar 5, 2023
The story is interesting, good art, good fighting panels. My only gripe is the art eventually changes and it literally hurts my head whenever there is an action scene, there is just so much scribble that it gives me a headache when I try to appreciate the battle. I dropped it for the time being because of that, it's just not fun when you have no clue what is happening.
Overall I'd give it a 7 because it is not a boring manga and it actually has somewhat of a story, and it comes in Deluxe volumes so it makes it more enjoyable. Art: 7 (4 after ... Jan 30, 2021
I went in backwards having first seen (and ultimately loving) the 2019 anime adaptation of BOTI before deciding to read the source material. It was an incredible experience going through this story a second time. And surprisingly it felt fresh experiencing it again. I attribute this to the flexibility/advantage in being able to tell the story over hundreds of chapters compared to a few 20+ minute animated episodes. I was able to experience many scenes that weren't adapted in the anime, and therefor was able to get more story details during this second go-around.
What caught me by surprise in experiencing this story again is how ... Dec 28, 2024
Rather than a historic seinen, it's better to think of this manga as a gory action shounen set in a generic feudal Japan (almost none of the characters / events depicted in it are real, and even the weapons they use are quite fictional).
If you look at it that way, the story is very engaging and well rounded, and its only downside (apart from a somewhat clumsy first volume) is the unnecesary cruelty displayed by one of the characters (even if you want to portray a crude world, you don't need to intentionally go out of your way to create the most sadistic character ... Jan 13, 2025
This is the very first manga that I've read and it surely did not disappoint. Just got back from a long hiatus and almost finished collecting the deluxe editions.
I love the whole story and how it all came together near the end. Every story arc are important and develops the main characters. 10/10 for characters and their design. I really appreciate the art style especially the fight choreography, the fights are always exciting unlike in Vagabond where the fights are boring and stiff. There are some fighters that are stronger than Manji which also makes the fights more engaging. I love the chemistry and ... |