Keep in mind when you're reading reviews, how many chapters the reviewer has read. This is displayed in the top right corner of their review. You'll notice for THIS manga - that higher reviews are often made by people who have read fewer chapters. This is because they haven't gotten far enough to realize how disappointing this manga really is.
The outcome of a manga can almost be more important than the journey - but in this case, I couldn't even muster through the journey. Everything began quite clever - but ultimately turned into ridiculous plot twists, unanswered questions, and so much fan service that I
had to double-check that this manga wasn't labeled "ecchi" (and frankly - I really should be sending an e-mail to "MangaPanda" and "MyAnimeList" to add "ecchi" as a genre). In fact, I'm surprised it's labeled "shounen" instead of "seinin" for this same reason.
If you want me to elaborate (spoiler-free) - see below.
Art - 8
The art style isn't bad. It's not super-realistic, but it's also not super-cartoony. The artist knows what they're doing, and the art style used for the manga seems fairly mainstream and likeable.
Story - 5
Enjoyment - 3
Character - 3
(all explained below)
I would've given the story a lower score - but I'm trying to keep in mind that the series did BEGIN very clever. Many people being dragged into a dangerous game of life or death because of a social media app - it sounds cliche, but the writer managed to pull it off and make it fairly interesting and entertaining. The sections of the game were very well-written and strategic. It seemed genius, like the game was nothing but a battle of wits and the author was not afraid to do what he had to do to make it work. Could it have taken a place in my top-5 favorites? Perhaps not - but nonetheless it was clever, entertaining, and interesting.
However - it does not take long for the reader to get the sense that the author doesn't seem to care anymore. As other reviewers have said, characters seem to randomly disappear without another mention of their existence, and the whole tone of the manga changes. This also is very abrupt, so you'll know it's happening when you get there. To me, it felt as though the author was getting bored of writing the same characters over and over again, and so he made up an excuse to get them out of the picture and somehow replace them. It was to the point where I'm going through the pages waiting with baited breath for some characters to reappear (because of an unresolved cliffhanger) - and even after 30 chapters (each chapter is about 40 - 60 pages long, mind you), I'm still wondering if the author entirely forgot about them.
On top of that major flaw (which in itself was almost enough to make me stop caring about the story), things go from being based on intelligence to seemingly being based on a lot of action - and as I mentioned above, the amount of fanservice shoots through the roof. In the beginning there may have been some things here and there that were a bit suggestive or inappropriate, but it was not too much more than the amount shown in other shounen manga. However, eventually it seems like they try to find more and more excuses to insert suggestive (and more than suggestive - outright visible) scenes with girls' bodies - and keep in mind, I'm talking about NAKED. I recently read a scene where two female characters "had to" get naked, in order to carry out a plan that was actually physically impossible in reality (yet it works anyway), just as an excuse to add naked girls. Recently it has felt common-place to see girls in skimpy bikini's, underwear, or just flat-out naked (and it seems they can only keep the 'shounen' tag because the important areas are simply not colored in, which makes it a bit less detailed.)
While once or twice might be forgivable, it feels constant now - and that isn't what I came for. That was about the point that I dropped the manga, because it went from a psychological/shounen to an action/ecchi/seinin (with characters that are randomly gone and plot-twists that are ridiculous and make me care even less about the characters) - which I did not sign up for.
Overall - I'm giving it a 3.
It could've been lower had it not been for the beginning chapters which were fairly well-written. In the beginning it was very intelligent, and there was one twist in particular that I found extremely clever and interesting - but it doesn't matter, because after a while, the manga practically acts like the beginning never happened.
This manga heavily disappointed me. But if you like action and ecchi - this might be your manga once you get past the part where the author drops characters out of existence and changes the tone of the story.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: リアルアカウント More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 24
Chapters: 194
Status: Finished
Published: Jan 9, 2014 to Nov 9, 2019
Bessatsu Shounen Magazine Statistics Ranked: #81552 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #494
Members: 37,764
Favorites: 569 Available AtResources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 15 / 16
Your Feelings Categories May 10, 2017
Keep in mind when you're reading reviews, how many chapters the reviewer has read. This is displayed in the top right corner of their review. You'll notice for THIS manga - that higher reviews are often made by people who have read fewer chapters. This is because they haven't gotten far enough to realize how disappointing this manga really is.
The outcome of a manga can almost be more important than the journey - but in this case, I couldn't even muster through the journey. Everything began quite clever - but ultimately turned into ridiculous plot twists, unanswered questions, and so much fan service that I ... Feb 2, 2015
If you don't have followers, you die.
At first when I started readin the manga, I thought— ‘What the hell! Is this another versiomln of SAO except that it has nothing to do with swords?’ But 3 chapters into the manga and I was proven wrong. It does not revolve around a single game, it is a social trap. REAL ACCOUNT is a social networking site where having followers is a must. Just so you all are not confused, I would like to tell you that the manga has 2 volumes right now. Volume 1 has 10 chapters and the protagonist is Kashiwagi Ataru. Volume 2 has ... Sep 22, 2015
If you're like me then you know that the people you hang out with in real life and make an effort to be around are your true friends. This means that when you get sucked into a sadistic video game that kills you when you run out of followers you know that you will have at least a few people that have your back. Yet these people that had 2000 followers act surprised when people don't want to risk their lives for you. All you did was click to accept a friend request dude. If we haven't at least run from cops together I'm not
Sep 21, 2021
[This review contains minor spoilers]
Real Account could be described as one of the most boring manga you could ever read. A manga that you will think is built and ONLY built by using poor USA styled characterisations, clichéd misunderstanding over technology, mixed with some kind of shit moral that could be resumed as "Phones are bad; The Internet is bad" throughout the whole story. Adding to that the understatement that this manga is about a survival game you could only access by using your phone, which was also a subject used in other mediocre manga like "Ousama Game", "Darwin's Game" or even "Mirai Nikki", you ... Jan 27, 2018
I want to preface this by stating that Real Account influenced my decision to make a MAL account due to my utter disappointment and need to rant/review it somewhere.
Real Account has people competing for their lives in a social media death game which follows 2 simple but clever rules: -Followers of a player who dies will also die -Once a player hits 0 followers they will die The game is also broadcast to the public allowing players to gain/lose followers throughout the game (except in special cases/rounds). Right off the bat Real Account delves into dark and deep topics - do you trust someone enough to stake your ... Sep 30, 2016
This manga starts out guns-blazing amazing. I'm really into psychological thrillers where there's a twist at every corner, and death games like Liar Game, Tower of God, and Darwin's Game really appeal to me. This one turned out to be a horrible disappointment.
STORY - 3 The author definitely has the genius for it. The strategies and revelations shown through the games actually reveals a lot of forethought and planning on his part. You'll never be sure of anything. However, questions are constantly appearing, and answers are never given. Characters drop like flies or get put on a bus, and what started out as an excitingly paced ... Sep 16, 2015
This was an awesome manga to read. So far as i can tell since its still ongoing its an amazing read. The suspense and at the right moments the comedy i think its amazing. The way it can be serious and then comedic right after is the best. The story is really intersting and the character devolopment was nice and it kinda surprised me that it went so deep into devoloping the characters The art is very good and fits my tastes and i think it is above average in drawings. Overall i think this would be a great read for anyone who likes the
Jun 20, 2016
Real Account started out a real good Manga, I never used to read a lot of manga unless I've either stumble upon it, get it from the library or if I've heard a lot about it. Real Account was a manga I've stumbled upon, I'm really into these survival game type manga/anime and I saw Real Account being tagged as a Survival Game somewhere, and so I gave it a read.
And for a while I was really hooked on it, I checked for updates regularly on it while it was being released, was hoping to buy it officially in English once it was released, and ... Aug 28, 2017
This manga feels like a lobotomised version of Mirai Nikki, which is bad enough already. Most of the reviews, so far, for this manga have been extremely positive, this review serves to open the discussion of this manga.
The premise is actually quite good, a death game with a twist that what's keeping you alive are the followers on your social media account who die if you die. Only certain people are forced to play the death game, but people in the real world can still follow the players' social media accounts. The games the players are forced to play vary, with death being the seemingly ... Sep 26, 2017
I really wanted to love this manga, which is why I stuck around for so long. It started off solid enough, with an interesting (if cliched) set up. The best thing this manga has going for it is it's message. Because, contrary to what you may initially believe, or what you may see people assume after having read a chapter or so, the manga does not take an entirely one-sided stance on whether "online bonds" are real bonds or not. It dissects what it truly means to have an honest, personal relationship, both with people you know in the real world, and also those you
Dec 27, 2022
Was this a psychological horror manga or straight up ecchi? Every chapter the author finds some way (no matter how illogical or literally impossible) to put the women into lewd positions... We literally get a panty shot of a hanged CORPSE. As soon as a new female character is introduced we have to see them nude. It's ridiculous and somewhat insulting. It started of all well and good, I'm pretty good at filtering out fanservice but it felt like the plot become secondary to the fanservice as time went on. For example the guys got to have a road chase and also a knife fight.Meanwhile
Feb 8, 2017
Well usually I didn't giving a review to a series before but because of some reason for the currently chapters (Chapter 102), I will giving my review about this manga.
Story: 4/10 For the Chapter 1 through 62 (Ataru Arc and Yuuma Arc), I will giving a 10/10 because the story was really nice, good and interesting because of those setting: the main characters and the others are getting caught in a Social networking site and they have be forced to play those game or will getting killed, those game are really nice because it need using a brain to thinking how to play to survive in ... Jun 21, 2023
I no longer want to continue.
I saw the negative reviews, but thought "Maybe people are wrong". I loved the concept, and a gambling/gaming manga always excites me. The first five chapters are excellent, in fact, the first 30 chapters or so are really solid and made me think I must have a different opinion than most people. But the fifth game in the manga is where Real Account changes, by taking the main character the manga has stuck upon and changing him, making him go from that usual likable protagonist to... honestly a psychopath. The good news is the world they set ... Feb 19, 2022
It's a manga about how social media affects your daily life, and turns it into a death game but becomes so mind-numbingly stupid, it's entertaining.
FYI: There are essentially two parts, I'll cover them both as they are essentially the same. Further below I wrote some plotholes the story had or things that reinforce my points. Story: 4 The early parts are extremely relatable, touching on very specific subjects within the internet. Likes/dislikes which was a good starting point, real/fake lives they create online and offline, streaming and how far they'd go for views when it depended on their lives, giving up both their phones and personal data with ... Sep 23, 2023
Yep, it's as bad as other reviewers have pointed out. I applaud anyone who actually made it to the end of this dumpster fire.
If you are expecting any type of drama or suspense then don't waste your time on this. They took an interesting science fiction survival story and turned it into 24 volumes of the most repetitive, incoherent mess possible. Every chapter is sillier and crazier than the one before it until it's all just noise. The author just throws whatever nonsense they thought up that day for shock value regardless if it has any reason or logic behind it. The absurdity of the ... |