"Grandiose et romanesque, ampoulée et pittoresque"
Shinichi Sakamoto is one author of a kind . Pretty discreet, he have been "revealed" with his previous manga "Kokou no hito", that made a lot of fans.
Me too, when I heard about his new project, "Innocent", I was very exited and eager to read it, and that is because Shinichi Sakamoto have a style and way of doing things of his own.
I entered this manga expecting impressive art, lyrism and some exuberant metaphorical and symbolistic drawings along with a story shouldered by a lot of studies from the author for the domain and historical period he was immersing
himself into.
The result ? I got exactly what I expected.
Maybe not exactly thought, since unlike the synopsis might make it seems, the present manga doesn't cover the event of the french revolution but "before" it happen. For that, we will surely have to wait for the sequel ("Innocent Rouge"), that, as I am writing this, is still publishing.
One other related point: the manga as it is now doesn't offer any satisfying ending on it's own, and that is because it appear clear that the sequel I talked about (and haven't started reading yet) is connected to it directly and will take its follow were this manga ended. So if you enter reading "Innocent" now, you might as well consider that it is still "ongoing" or is just the first part of the "Innocent saga", to not have a bitter taste at the end of volume 9.
Those important things cast aside, now is time to look into the various aspect of this manga for themselves.
The manga being quite interesting and peculiar, there would be a LOT to say, so I hope you won't mind that I will have my own approach to it and won't talk about everything I could have.
The story of Innocent is set in France, before the turning point that will be the French Revolution.
To take a look at this event that is as passionating as it is difficult to handle, our author have chose to show us a very special family, the Sanson family, cursed generation after generation by the title of royal executioners. Which is to say, the duty of ending the lives of criminals in the front of a crowd avid of blood and gruesome "spectacle", in the name of justice.
Inside this lovely family, our "main" protagonist : Charles-Henri Sanson, and taking more importance late, Marie-Joseph Sanson.
It is important to note that all important characters of this manga have really existed, and will be provided a little notice when they first appeart, showing their names, function and destiny.
Which get me to the personal "theory" that I will use to talk and construct my view of the manga for this review : Innocent follow the structure of a theater piece and can be view as one. Innocent is an "opera manga", a theater piece in a manga dress.
Let's take a look at two exemples:
- Charles-Henri is alone in the landscape. Out of nowhere, a beautiful young man he never knew before apear by his side and it's love at first sight. *Poof*, just like that.
- Charles-Henri is alone in his house, lamenting on his knees, in a secret room. A beautiful lady pop up just in front of him, naked. He think it's a divine apparition, but it's not. Two page later, *Poof*, they have sex.
You think it's ridiculous and pretty absurd ? It is.
But Shinichi Sakamoto don't care about that, and it make sense in it's own way: all the characters in this manga are comedian entering the scene when they are sumoned by the author. Each chapters are acts and scenes with specific characters comming from the backstage to recite their line.
At some peculiar points in this manga, Charles-Henri will even, in the middle of a talk, start to... sing.
That's right, out of all realism, this manga can turn into a musical.
It's strange, and you'll be quite surprise and might chuckle, but again: it's an opera you are reading.
As a theater piece, Innocent have a huge list of second characters, all more colorful than the others. This might be one of the point of the manga where I am the most circumspect: some famous characters apearence (like Casanova or Mozart to only name two) seems to have little to no relevence to the plot, and most likely they are just here for the pleasure of the author to draw those mytical human figures. Characters pop up from nowhere and can disapear as fast, but that is because they gravitate around our two executioner Charles-Henri and Marie-Joseph, and also Marie Antoinette, that are like magnets passing through historical events. Attracting and then repulsing second characters in front of the reader's eyes.
I said Marie Antoinette, yes.
She start to take importance in the last half of the manga, and can be view as the third character of the story.
Have you seen "Marie Antoinette", the movie by Sofia Coppola ? If you're like me and you had seen it before reading this manga, you'll find pretty amusing some of the event depicted in later parts of this manga, since it's strictly the same as what you'll see in the movie, but with a completely different mood and view of the characters. If you haven't, I recommend watching it after reading this manga, it should put some other lights on the events and had a very amusing touch to your experience of the two works. Seeing two different artistic view of the same things but with a totaly opposed style is quite an interesting thing.
Now might be the time to talk about the art.
More than anything else in this manga, and most important of all, is the art in this manga. if you had to chose only one aspect about this manga, it would clearly be this.
In one word: Amazing.
Not a single superlative is enought to describe the art that Shinichi Sakamoto is able to pull out of his sleeves.
I didn't said it before, but when it comes to this manga, every quality can be view as downside and every ridiculousness view as genius. Most of the time it's even both.
The biggest point of the author style consist about using very often what I would call graphical metaphore. Explaining it would be difficult for me, but if I had to say something, it is that the author is never afraid of doing too much and being the most lyrical he can.
Over the top, absurd and psychedelic, it's all that.
Other than those absolutely beautiful panels, the drawing of the characters is a feast to the eyes. Curled hairs, piercing eyes, the characters are erected as deity of beauty and refinement.
Marie-Joseph, as a bloody and terrifying beautiful angel of death, is the most impressive of them all.
The author abandon the anatomy of muscular bodies like he drew in "Kokou no Hito" to work this time on the most feminin slenderness he can draw.
By the way, if the idea of two man kissing, two woman kissing ,a man and a young girl in bed, or any depiction of sexual intercourse bother you, you might encounter problems reading this manga.
If you like yuri manga though, it should be all right: just think that the characters are all beautiful girls with long hair. It should be easy.
Also, Marie Antoinette's eyebrows in this manga are out of this world (I should definitly be sorry for those two jokes...)
This is a "libertin" manga.
If Shinichi Sakamoto had been born in France in the past, he would have been a paintor. His skill would have been praised and honored at first.. and then probably cast away because his over the top symbolistic and metaphorical paintings with unbound freedom of visions would have worried the "beaux art" academician and critics.
See the marvelous hommage he do in volume 8 about the wonderful painting of Gustav Klimt named "The Kiss".
The author we have here take his influence and inspirations out of everything and use it to draw is own sensibility and convey what he want to make the reader feel.
Again, one author of a kind.
Let's make a digression to talk about something very significant that surely might stay as completely unnoticed otherwise. Even if you're reading this review after having already read this manga, I'm pretty sure there is a good chance you'll be very surprise by what I'm going to say here:
There is no onomatopoeia in this manga.
That's right. You would have guess that a manga with plenty of sliced neck and choped off heads would have a good amount of *slash* , *splotch* or other things like that. Well, you'll find none.
And there is a good reason to it, it's because Shinichi Sakamoto don't believe in those, he even explained himself about it in a preface of one of his volumes of Kokou no Hito (talking about those introductions, this is another speciality and distinctive aspect of the author. Those little sentence are always strange and filled with his own very serious thoughts and utmost believings. It's something that would be a shame to miss when reading this manga, since it have those too).
His stance might be summed up as this: manga don't need graphical depiction of the sounds, wich at best is only something redundant, and at worst a superfluous element that distract the reader from the narration and what is happening in front of his eyes.
Shinichi Sakamoto believe that if he work hard enought with his drawing, he can reach directly the readers soul and subconscious and make the sound "directly appear in his head", without graphicaly depicting it.
One author of a kind, as I said.
Comming back to the characters. As you may have understanded, the author don't aim to make you feel for them or root for them. Their actions and way of acting are those of a comedian that have a role to fit.
Shinichi Sakamoto is not interested in crafting a continuous story, he willingly make some jump in time of several years, or go back in time to introduce a character the reader had no idea he existed in the life of the protagonist before.
He his interested in the "moments", nothing other than depicting precisely and with the most lyrical and "romanesque" charge what he want to show to the readers eyes.
While reading, you have to accept being throw here and there by the author and just look and read, like an eye looking at events from the side, detached but curious. This is a peculiar way of doing things, and it might have it's problem.
Don't try to hold to much importance in the character evolution and personality of Charle-Henri Sanson for exemple. It's not really what interest the author (or then, his way of doing things is so fragmented that it is difficult to see it that way).
Violence and love, terrors and cries, torture and lust, meanness and vanity, everything is done in an emphatic and exagerated way.
The story of Innocent make some detour, it wander and try to depict the rotten and absurd monarchy France was at the time, and how women were treated as nothing but men's disposable proprieties.
This will lead me to the last point I'd like to talk about in this lenghty review: Marie-Joseph Sanson.
Androgynous, deadly gream reaper and spirit of total freedom, she is the very essence of this fastuous and magnificent opera of a manga.
While all the other characters are handled in the limit of their true existing historical figures, Marie-Joseph Sanson dynamite all likeness and realistic take of the time period to be an utmost modern figure, with no care about gender role or watsohever. It is by her that the author have found the element of trouble to shake all the French society that is show in his story. A rebelious girl, as an avatar of angry uprising that will surely be the embodiment of revolution in the futur, in this theater of mankind that is Innocent. A revolution that will be tainted in rouge.
Thank you for reading this review to the end.
Alternative TitlesJapanese: イノサン More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 9
Chapters: 99
Status: Finished
Published: Jan 31, 2013 to Apr 16, 2015
Young Jump Authors:
Sakamoto, Shinichi (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #4542 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #265
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Your Feelings Categories May 24, 2016
"Grandiose et romanesque, ampoulée et pittoresque"
Shinichi Sakamoto is one author of a kind . Pretty discreet, he have been "revealed" with his previous manga "Kokou no hito", that made a lot of fans. Me too, when I heard about his new project, "Innocent", I was very exited and eager to read it, and that is because Shinichi Sakamoto have a style and way of doing things of his own. I entered this manga expecting impressive art, lyrism and some exuberant metaphorical and symbolistic drawings along with a story shouldered by a lot of studies from the author for the domain and historical period he was immersing ... Dec 23, 2018
Firstly, this manga's biggest strength is the art. Its simply gorgeous, everything from the depiction of France, the character design, the flow, the individual panels in themselves are all extremely beautiful. But that's where the good things come to an end.
The story is a mess, rather the mangaka did not know where to proceed. It started off as a character drama based on MC and the trials and retributions he had to face to be the man the future would remember him as. The presentations regarding MC's qualms about killing criminals was quite philosophical akin to Vagabond. This had me instantly excited as Vagabond ... Jul 18, 2017
Think of a moment when you really need to get yourself off, but at the same time just can’t get into it. You feel the need, but your inspiration isn’t there. Then Versailles no Bara comes up in your mind, no matter the reason – and you start to work desperately on what raises those chemicals. Let’s make all the characters into sophisticated smashing androgynes – think you – who want to have sex with each other in weird situations and combinations (and with each other’s families, and in front of one’s family). Then you toss in executions and torture, psychological issues and taboo, exciting
Feb 7, 2021
Japanese authors may sometimes have a weird perspective on European history, be it Middle Ages, Queen Victoria's ruling, or introduction to French Revolution.
Ironically, the downfall of this manga is caused by its indulgence and excess--the very things it portrays as leading to the downfall of the French aristocracy. You see, especially in the latter half, it indulges in symbolic and metaphorical pictures, as well as snapshots of potential futures or poetic representations of events. (I noticed at least twice when they had characters presumably singing their internal thoughts). All that means that each chapter has very little actual content. The character of Mary from a free-falling ... Sep 14, 2018
English part.
History (4/10): On the edge of the French Revolution from the point of view of the family of executioners in the service of Paris. The premise is quite good, not any historical manga comes to touch this issue and more from the original point of view that is from the Sanson family, known very well in French history as the death angels that brought bad luck to those who They were surrounded, Innocent begins telling the story long before the French Revolution exploded based mainly on who will be the protagonist of the story "Charles-Henri Sanson" from the beginning hating the family office to become the ... Jun 13, 2024
Innocent is such an interesting piece in the world of manga. If you research it online you will see the same question pop up, over and over and over again - "why is this manga not talked about more? it's so gooood!". And well, guess what, I'M GONNA PONDER THAT QUESTION TOO! Because dammit, this manga truly blew me away in spectacular fashion. To me personally, Innocent needs to be up there on a pedestal with the greats of seinen manga like Vagabond, Kingdom or Vinland Saga. Maybe even Berserk. It has both the art and the writing to stand alongside them. I believe you're
Feb 19, 2021
If you look for a psychological manga- Innocent is for you.
Innocent is another, after Kokou No Hito, wonderful case study of human minds by Sakamoto Shinichi. It's a wonderful psychological story, artistically presenting events and emotions using abstraction as a paint. It's a story about a family. Family of executioners in Paris, before the French Revolution. You will be a witness to many historical turmoils, thanks to this wonderful setting. There is no much action or plottwists. It's all about the people, our actors on the big stage of France. How they live, what they believe in, how they react to suffering, who they ... Dec 6, 2021
After reading The Climber, I had a lot of hope for this series. And honestly, It mostly delivered. The ending sets up the plot for Innocent Rogue pretty nicely and I'm excited to see where it ends up going, I feel like it'll be even better tbh.
STORY - [8/10] I found the story to be very interesting. It takes place in the French revolution as you follow the Sanson family (mostly Charles Sanson), which is a family of executioners responsible for executing anyone found guilty by the French. The story is mostly pretty good, it really is. But you begin to notice something a bit off ... Sep 17, 2019
Okay so Innocent by Sakamoto Shinichi is definitely a wonderful work, from its marvelous art to a wonderful balance and characters, the manga as a whole is an outstanding experience. The work flows around the Sanson family, a family of executioners for the french crown, our protagonist is Charles-Henri Sanson, future head and his morals and ideas revolving around his "cursed" work as a executioner. I mean cursed due to the old beliefs that families of executioners had cursed touch.
Its historycal setting is done exceptionally good , altough not 100% accurate, the author managed to, not only get his personal flavour into what's already ... Dec 6, 2019
Great ideas, a strong premise and beautiful artwork but heavily flawed. After having also read the beginning of "The Climber" I'd say Shinichi Sakamoto is a mangaka who has a great story in his head but not the experience or perhaps skill to transform said ideas into a well-written cohesive whole.
Innocent certainly has a main character with an arc that on paper could be one of the best in the medium. But unfortunately the vital moments of change in Charles-Henri's life are not fluid enough. Due to a thematic shift, the ending of the manga also simply leaves him in the cold. This thematic shift is ... Aug 2, 2018
Don't get me wrong, it seems to be a really good manga but its just not my type. I mean, I liked the context of the work, French revolution and stuff; its a great manga, an incredible artwork but the plot and the character development it's not for me.
I don't know, "it didnt catch me as much" is the real thing here. If you like history in general, French revolution history or even if you want to just read something really different from the "regular" seinens/mangas in general, The Innocent is a great choice for that, you should really try it out. Oct 10, 2022
Innocent is such an "almost perfect" manga, it has everything to reach the high of one of the greats, a beautiful story, an amazing concept, so many ways the story could've developed, but the last arc fell so hard, it was like a tonal whiplash, something that I really had to read very on and off since my investment was intense from start to chapter 80ish, but I can't deny what it does amazingly well and even if the ending is a mixed bag, there is a lot of merit to this piece of art.
As I stated before, the story is amazing in its own ... Dec 29, 2021
First of all I would like to thank the mangaka a thousand times for this manga (art piece).
While reading, at first 'Ahh history? I started by saying, 'I don't like it at all. But when I finished, my heart started to pound and I don't know what to say. Words are not enough. I'm sorry, but I can say that this is my favorite manga now. I can't say. Really my favorite manga is now Innocent. I cannot thank you enough for this work. The characters, events and connections... Incredibly, incredibly beautiful. The love of Marie and Marie impressed me, although it didn't last long... ... Jun 21, 2021
The concept for this manga is genius. Exploring the perspective of the Sanson family is an inherently interesting concept because of the hypocritical way they were treated. They were well known in Paris. Viewed by many as no more than brutal, cold-hearted, satan worshiper killers. Yet people would show up to enjoy the executions. They were treated like scum but were also needed to keep order. The manga later develops past the personal conflicts of the protagonists and focuses on larger thematic ideas of inequality, wealth, aristocracy, fate, and sexism. I believe it mostly succeeds in tying them together with the characters personal journeys.
The ... Sep 8, 2018
Innocent....Before reading that ,I used to believe that it wasn't something special ,in the end it proved me wrong cause it's actually pretty good.The story is about a family of executioners that lived some years before the French revolution began.The protagonist is a boy that doesn't like what's happening but as the next executioner of Paris he had to be get on work at a young age.As the story continues the protagonist will realise how harsh and unfair the world can be.Due to the numerous executions he performs, he ends up changing quite a lot until the end.The manga is beautifully drawn , the
Mar 1, 2024
Reviewing Innocent feels like the definition of "Reviewing for Quality vs Enjoyment"
While being a gorgeous, great looking manga I couldn't help but feel kind of disappointed, it's like the mangaka upgraded all skills of illustration and world-building yet writing not so much. It felt very dragging to me, some characters even feeling so one dimensional that I couldn't really bring myself to care about them. There are still interesting moments but it's mostly carried by the artstyle. It felt like it lacked "Spice", eventfulness that makes a story stick to people and make them think about it long after they finish it. Finishing Innocent, especially ... Aug 19, 2023
I always find the depiction of sexual violence problematic in most media and Innocent is no exception. It focuses more on depicting the act as a spectacle rather than conveying the agony of it so it is seen as just something perverse as opposed to an act of oppression, which it truly is. Had this issue more with Berserk but Innocent also suffers from it. And why does every character want to have sex with each other on meeting, people are incredibly disinhibited despite being in such a rigid society.
Despite the excessive violence, which at the end of the series crescendo'ed into a climax of ... Feb 3, 2021
masterful art and paneling an interesting premise but thats about it. Story is a complete mess and the characters have failed to be explored in any interesting way. The MC changes personality almost every chapter and is incredibly boring. The pacing is fucking horrendous. this manga has amazing art presented very well but the ADHD smattering of ideas in every chapter and the lack of any actual intrigue (action, character progression, character exploration... no.) tanks it completely in my eyes. If you have an extreme interest in french history then, maybe, but otherwise other then just enjoying the art, its not worth much
Jul 22, 2020
Indeed, this is an INCREDIBLE manga: it makes you look away from its pages, transporting you to France in the 18th century, the heavy, psychological and in some cases strangely sweet plot, which plays with your feelings and complex characters and in the In the case of the protagonists (and some others) you become so fond that you only have to fear if they are going to die or not and if at least it will be in a pious way.
I must begin by saying that the drawing is extremely impressive, everything has a detail that is amazing and when I say everything, I mean ... Oct 29, 2024
I went into this manga with high hopes. I anticipated a great manga on par, or at least approaching, that of Kokou no Hito, which I boldly claim is the best manga ever written. However, if Kokou no Hito is a masterwork landscape painting, Innocent is a shoddy mess attempting to create a masterwork. It's strange as well, that Innocent came after Kokou no Hito - you'd think Sakamoto-sensei would know what he's doing by now.
I hold Sakomoto-sensei in high regard so Innocent greatly disappoints me. The art is good yes, and the one arc with Damiens in it was exceptional, however the rest of ... |