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Apr 19, 2023
Not finished but 60 chapters as of this review.
This is a story about Yuu, who is a very lonely, low-confidence, bullied teenager who decides to gain confidence by learning how to punch. He pulls a Saitama and goes HAM with practicing every day and becomes a badass without even knowing it. He gets into a fight one day and unexpectedly wins, starting a bit of an adrenaline addiction for him as his life begins to revolve around 'the streets' and fighting for his right to belong, and a place to stay that he feels he deserves to belong in.
Very solid, enjoyable manga. Art is
below the S-tier of series like Berserk or Vagabond and the paneling isnt masterful like One Piece's or Dragon Ball's or anything by Urakawa, but both are very solid here and i have no complaints. The characters look varied and there are a lot of characters with conflicting gang affiliations and desires, but the series gives them enough distinct features (glasses, lazy eyes, hair dye, skinny/fat weight) and personalities to make them stand out and keep them from being lost in the shuffle. Another impressive thing with the designs is they all look real- one thing i disliked in Tokyo Revengers was that all of the characters looked like they were out of some fashion magazine, with them standing out a little tooooo much. This series is more grounded in realism with a more mature intended audience, so these characters just look like normal people, though no less unique and interesting. The martial arts is detailed and explained (the author of the series is also a 'character' who interjects infrequently, offering some of their own life experiences and explanations of specific behavior or martial arts, which to me adds charm) and drawn well, and groudned with a sense of realism that adds edge and an unexpected air to every fight. This series is downright educational (without losing focus on the story), and i have learned a lot about fighting and martial arts which is very interesting. The martial arts depicted in the series are very varied, varying from the straight boxing (later evolves to kickboxing) of the protag, judo, karate, kendo, and more. Each is given their time in the sun and hyped up/explained equally by the author, adding intrigue to the fights. The dialogue is solid and i care about the characters. Yuu has already had a (incomplete for me as i am not finished) nice arc, and is a likable character for me and bounces off the other characters well. The series has a very nice blend of psychological character drama and martial arts action that is handled very well.
One complaint i have is with a minor issue in translation. The series frequently uses the word 'lynch' incorrectly, which is very confusing. From an american point of view (which i am), a 'lynching' is when a party of people gets together for the purpose of rounding up another person to hang them to death. Lynching is inseperable from a racial context, where it was frequently used by racists to hang people of color who did not behave the way they wanted them to. This series uses 'lynch' to basically mean 'assault'. In a chapter im reading right now (will not give details to avoid spoilers) a group of people go to a guys house to beat his ass, and the guy responds "Oh? You need this many people to lynch me?" No, thats not what lynching means. This series uses that every 5 chapters or so and its always so awkward every time.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Apr 11, 2022
extremely tropey anime. at one point there is even an inexplicable beach episode where a childhood friend (who is, of course, firey and jealous, and, of course, proposed to the main character when they were young despite him forgetting) appears for 2 episodes then fucks off. Other then the alien subplot, which is so in the background its basically forgotten and meaningless until the final 2 episodes, this is one of the most generic romance melodramas ive seen. For what it is, its executed very well though. Besides pacing issues, the animation, good voice acting, and relatively nice dialogue elevates an otherwise boring story. The
pacing is very swift and the story reaches a conclusion at the end of the 12 episodes. While i am happy it reached its conclusion, the pacing is so fast that the show felt somewhat inconsequential. I liked the characters and recommend it as a semi-disposable show with characters to get attached to, its not 'bad' in any stretch of the word, but i cant really give it higher then a 7
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Mar 1, 2021
A fantastic manwha with great, consistent art and one of my favorite antagonists in all of literature. The romance aspect is well done and likable without being overdone, its edgy without being a gorefest, very bingeable and very, very good. The constant washed out browns reds and greens never end up exhausting the reader and only help build atmosphere and tension in the story. The main thing breaking it down is its horrible ending, which simultaenously feels way too cheap and 'bowed up' to be happy, but somehow still failed to deliver on being satisfying and conclusive. One of the greatest webtoon manwhas ive ever
read, despite that, and i highly recommend it
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Feb 3, 2021
masterful art and paneling an interesting premise but thats about it. Story is a complete mess and the characters have failed to be explored in any interesting way. The MC changes personality almost every chapter and is incredibly boring. The pacing is fucking horrendous. this manga has amazing art presented very well but the ADHD smattering of ideas in every chapter and the lack of any actual intrigue (action, character progression, character exploration... no.) tanks it completely in my eyes. If you have an extreme interest in french history then, maybe, but otherwise other then just enjoying the art, its not worth much
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 12, 2020
This manga has greatly dissapointed me. What this manga could have been is a great, short fluff series surrounding a misunderstanding- a delinquet asks out a wimp and he thinks she hates him and is afraid. Eventually delinquet tsun drops and they both fall in mutual love. Common trope but cute. I am going to spoil it but it should not matter because you should not read this
However, the development is extremely slow and far and few between. Every step taken there are 3 steps taken backwards. The main girl literally asks the wimp out on a date, and he confirms its a date,
and is a nervous, but one verbal slipup from the girl erases all that progress completely back to square 1.
Not only that, the author feels the need to insert a bully semi-yandere girl whose sole purpose is to bully the MC. But its past basic wedgies or laughter, and to the point of daily painful pranks (hitting him with a eraser, filling his shoes with slime and tacks, KNOCKING HIM UNCONCIOUS AND KIDNAPPING HIM...). Its obvious this has a defined psychological effect on this trauamtized MC who openly hates himself/ has no self confidence, but the manga offensively handwaves it as no big deal. And this mangaka has the fucking balls to try to 'redeem' her by having her state she liked him this whole time and just wanted to push him to make him happy. Which, on a face level, makes no fuckin sense since you actively trauamtized and made him miserable, but also makes no sense from a storyline perspective, as this is a girl torturing the MC so we want to see her get punished. But no, she is completely forgiven. What she did is the equivolent of a murderer giving puppy eyes and saying 'sowwy' and the judge going 'yknow what i think he learned his lesson'. Her saying 'i did these terrible things to make u happy' is textbook abusive behavior, and it was disgusting to see the author treat it as if it was fine. Its maddening.
Aside from that absolutely maddening character, the progress here is almost comical. its almost as if the author hates his work and is just actively trolling his audience. Theres also 2 other side characters, one who has a crush on the mc's gf, and the author who has a crush on her. All they do is halt progress and get in the way, annoyingly.
it fails at a romance your supposed to take seriously due to the poor writing. It fails on the fluff aspect due to the insane woman and trauma of the MC/ incessant drama. It fails as a drama due to the fact its a romance. This is overall just a failure. Maybe its due to me heavily relating with the MC and liking the girl a lot, but i felt extremely personally dissapointed at the way this manga fell apart.
I give it a 2 isntead of a 1 due to the few fluff moments it has being very cute
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Nov 10, 2020
Extremely annoying. The MC is quite possibly the worst main character ive ever seen, being simultaneously annoyingly lecherous and pervy (basically seeing his new GF as a piece of meat for the large part of the early chapters) and annoyingly a pussy (refusing to do anything even when his girlfriend borderline sexually assaults him asking to bone). His main goal is to end his virginity, yet purposefulyl declines every reasonable chance his girlfriend throws his way.
His GF Yume-San is a very kind, nice, empathetic (obviously extremely attractive) and understanding person, while he offers nothing. Obviously this is a simple trashy escapism manga, but usually
in these type of harem romcoms the MC is a kind person who the girls fall for for a reason. Here, no attempt is given. Yume is basically a perfect girl who falls for the schools incel head over heels for basically no reason. While he continues to act like either a weasel or a sex offender, she takes it all on the chin and accepts him wholeheartedly, which is wholesome in a way and extremely annoying in another.
Other then her there are a myriad of other girls just there to offer fanservice (the mc is already in a relationship after all). Theres his childhood best friend whose a childish bitch (refusing to befriend one of the mc's friends because he was 'too fat'....), Yume-san's lesbian best friend whose just there to throw a wrench in things, and the school popular girl who falls for him for also no reason, who is a femdom.
If you enjoy not thinking about things and dont get annoyed at cliches or bad romcom manga writing, this could be enjoyable. The main girl is great and so is the fanservice. But dont expect a single inch more then that, or any significant well written fluff moments.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 6, 2020
I am up to date to chapter 39. There will likely be 'spoilers' for what little plot there is.
The art in this series is fantastic. Its very pleasing and there are constant hilarious profile picture- worthy expressions and faces from a myriad of different characters.
The premise is odd but creative and original. Two babies- a boy and girl- are switched at birth, and suddenly at age 16 they are arranged to be married. The boy, whose birth father is a billionare hotel tycoon, grows up dirt poor instead. And the girl, whose birth father is a unemployed cook, grows up with the tycoon
and becomes a social medial influencer and overall spoiled brat.
However the characters are where it goes wrong.
I dont beleive for a second that any of the 3 main girls in the harem like the MC, Nagi, for his value as a human being. All 3 are extremely toxic in their own ways and it leads me almost feeling bad for the main character of a harem which is not at all supposed to happen.
The worst offender by far is Segawa, the girl Nagi has been crushing on since the beginning of the school year. She likes boys that are smarter then her so he devotes his life to grades to win her affection (and to also get his family out of poverty). He gets #2 in total grades for forever, until he gets #1 once and decides to finally confess. SHe denies him, saying thats because she works at a miko in a shrine and cant marry him. However despite this she keeps deliberately stringing him along as a 'rival', basically treating him as a toy/dog whose only purpose is her own amusement/ motivation to succeed. She says she enjoys his company but not ONCE in the 39 chapters has she had any interaction with him that isnt using him. SHe invited him on a date, but it was to just get a discount. She went with them to a study retreat, only to tease him. She invited him to hangout before school, only to just study, and immediantly invites Erika (his fiancee) whom shes completely enamored with. And through all this Nagi keeps on trying and trying and she keeps on feeding this poor sap scraps that he eats up without realising that she doesent give a shit about him. Thing is, im not sure if this is how i should think. I think shes meant to be portrayed as an uber-driven competetive study freak whose driven and focuses on school, but instead she just seems like a ice-hearted witch woman who treats others as footstools. it doesen't help that she is repeatedly emphasized to be good at literally everything, including sports, socialization, school, and being a perfect good little girl raising her family shrine. She seems like a mary sue, a corrupted one at that. Its obvious she is never going to win and that is a good thing.
Erika, as many rich spoiled millionare blonde attractive teenage girls (sorry if that makes me sound like an incel but am i truly wrong?) is extremely spoiled and frequently voices that in almost any chapter, refusing to eat 'poor food', demanding Nagi cook for her (which he does since hes a simp), constantly incessantly distracting Nagi from studying just to entertain her, etc. This is one of the most forced ships ive seen in a while, they only have around 2-3 scenes of naturally enjoying eachothers company, and many of them already seem kinda iffy in how 'real' and genuine they are, but we are constantly told by other characters how 'perfect' they are together, how amazing of a combination they are. Nagi could whip out a belt and commit domestic violence, and segawa could see that and still blush and say 'Wow, what an amazing couple...'. No they aren't, they dont particularly mesh well nor get along at all. They dont have very much chemistry in the slightest and i dont buy that Erika wants to live the rest of her life with nagi or even wants him to be her one and only companion. Shes just jealous and entitled. While its not as outright toxic and inappropiate like Segawa, it still has a feeling of unnaturality and complete forced-ness
Next is Sachi, Nagi's little sister. Thats all i need to say to say how inappropiate that is. Sachi grew up with Nagi from the day they were born and the SECOND sachi learns nagi isnt related to her she begins to want him. The author keeps on pushing her as a valid member of Nagi's shitshow of a 'harem', but she REALLY shouldnt be. Until like chapter 20 nagi still saw her as a child sister, like anybody with a working brain, and likely still does. Sachi hasnt really given any reason she loves Nagi so much despite being her family member. Its even said she constantly shit talks him at school and even directly shit talks him to his face.
This entire manga is one dudes life being thrown upside down, being dragged to do thigns he doesent want to do by his siter or erika, or being emotionally manipulated by Segawa. Despite the rare, but great, moments of fluff and the great art, this harem is too fundamentally broken to be enjoyable escapism. I dont have a siscon fetish so i dont want to date my sister so i dont want to escape into Nagi to date Sachi. I dont like spoiled brat millionares who get everything on a silver plate, so i dont want to escape into Nagi to date Erika. And i dont like perfect mary sue women who do nothing but string me along like a dead pig so i dont want to escape into Nagi to date Segawa either.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Nov 5, 2020
Really inconsequential albeit enjoyable ecchi manga. It doesent have much to offer besides boobs, including an extremely generic art style, but both of the girls are cute and they have a great dynamic with eachother. Its main shortcoming is terrible MC Kiruma-kun, simultaneously a huge pussy as all ecchi harem mcs are, and a big pervert (manipulating his gf into embarassing herself into cosplay was kind of sus for him), and his personality switches every other chapter. Other then them there are a handful of woefully underdeveloped characters, like the fat guy whos obsessed with Natsumi, and the loli girl, and the other loli. Its
nothing to really think about ever again after you finish it but its an alright timewaster.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Oct 13, 2020
While this is a manga thats undoutbably mediocre at everything it does, i cant help but feel satisfied with it. The characterization outside of the main character and 1.5 other characters is terrible, there are only 5 notable fighters in this series that centers around boxing, the fights themselves are nothing special, there are many boring plotlines, and the art is 'fine'. But there is just such a soul to this manga. Its not a boxing manga in the traditional sense but moreso a story about a man who happens to box, just as a means to an end, and theres something heartwarming in that.
Its short, some would say rushed (the main villain isnt revealed until 60 chapters into thsi 106 chapter long manga...) but its a swift, enjoyable read at the very least. Looking back on it the events feel all but incconsequential, but i cant argue against the fun i had reading it, helped by the perfectly wholesome ending at the end that wraps everything up in a neat bow. I wish the story had more meat on it, but as a lean character-driven story about boxing, it more then suffices.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Aug 5, 2020
Proof that people will like something as long as it is 'weird'. The art is scratchy and sometimes pleasing to the eye like Dorohedoro but unlike Dorohedoro there is no order to the chaos, its just ugly. Characters barely express emotion and it takes the author around twenty chapters to realise how to draw a human face. There is but a ribcage of a plot, barely and badly explained. The entire manga is about a person- barely a person, just a husk, walking in a cool cyberpunk enviroment and fighting robots while not saying anything. The dialogue is poor, what little of it there is.
There is nothing to connect to in the story, not the ""plot"", not the characters, because there is maybe one if you combine everyones personality into a single character it can maybe fill one passable character, not the 'world' because its too cluttered and messy to figure out what anything is, with constant stimulation overload every second at you leaving you unable to fully connect with anything. Its unique, strange, and beautiful at times, but not worth 66 chapters of a monthly length manga. Theres a limit to show dont tell and this series more then passed it
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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