Ichigo 100% is what you can call a classic Shounen, Harem, Ecchi, Romantic, Comedy manga having the typical set-up of, one "loser-kun" (Manaka Junpei) surrounded by gorgeous girls. It’s pretty easy to find this manga annoying, due to the dragged out storyline and loser protagonist but it’s just as easy to find it rather enjoyable, from the various potential relationships involved.
The story starts of with our protagonist somehow ending up with the hottest girl in the school and this being a Shounen Rom/Com makes it acceptable. Now with the dumbest thing taken care of, from this point on the reader can enjoy a really long
Alternative TitlesJapanese: いちご100% More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 19
Chapters: 167
Status: Finished
Published: Feb 19, 2002 to Aug 1, 2005
Shounen Jump (Weekly) Authors:
Kawashita, Mizuki (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #15162 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #366
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Filtered Results: 33 / 34
Your Feelings Categories Apr 22, 2008
The first few novels are pretty much a comedy romance, but as the manga progresses, the plot gets more serious, with all the girls getting more serious.
By the last two chapters, you are completely wrapped into the series, and are holding your breath until the very last page. I'd have to say that I wish they modeled the anime after this series, instead of that romance comedy garbage, but what can you do? Either way, I would really recommend reading this to the very end, because it is really, really worth reading all 166 chapters. Aug 13, 2011
"The Times, They Are Achanging"
When I first saw strawberries after reading Ichigo (Strawberry) 100%, I just had to laugh, remembering Manaka Junpei and his strawberry-ful problems. This is the longest and one of the first manga I have finished. First off, I have to say, the anime does not do the manga justice. The former may be more flashy, but it is ruined by bad artwork, seiyuu, soundtrack and overall portrayal. On the other hand, the latter might be less colorful, but it is fortified with good length, character designs, drama and romance. Definitely read the manga first; it has the complete story from the ... Aug 28, 2010
Panties in your face.
A simple yet daring sentence that sums up the situation of the start of Ichigo 100%. What more could a guy ask for? Used panties in your face maybe. Something that almost happens in the beginning of the series because the girl didn’t take her panties off and is still wearing them. But hey, our hero is already having a nose bleed and couldn't be happier. But we can. Ichigo 100% is a lengthy manga (for a romantic comedy) about Manaka Junpei who seeks the girl with strawberry panties. That is the whole point of the manga. At least in the beginning. Manaka sneaks ... Nov 20, 2011
Most harem manga employ similar plot twists: a pretty absent-minded (somehow ignorant, but mostly downright stupid) male lead, beautiful female characters who just can't seem to find someone else to fall in love with, and a group of friends for the lead male to hang out with in case there is no female in the scene. Ichigo 100% employs a similar scheme, but does it with flair. For where most harems end up little (or sometimes outright lacking), Ichigo 100% does excellently: the development of the lead male.
I'm not dismissing the fact that other harem manga have leads that certainly do have development throughout the ... Jul 15, 2024
Okay... Unless there exists some kind of secret code to never write bad about this show, then I really can't comprehend how everyone is so keen on praising this show, when it does, in fact NOT deserve it that much, lacking in many aspects of good romance standards.
Let me start with the plot. A really basic middle schooler, horny to the last bit and somewhat interested in filming comes across a gorgeous girl with strawberry panties. Mesmerized by said view he wants to confess to this girl, so he confesses to the most beautiful girl in the school (thinking it belongs to her), for some ... May 1, 2012
"If someone says he/she loves you - do not believe it. Time is better adviser, trust it."
STORY - 10/10 I have read a lot of romance/harem manga and I have finally found what I have been looking for ages - interesting, intruiging, beautiful and pure story where almost everything is perfect. After reading this I could not think straight for almost a day because of what I read. This is truth. But I do not ask you to believe it straight through my words, that is why I am writing this. Story is not something new, I have to admit it. One of the things that really ... Nov 3, 2008
Ichigo 100% is a fine example of a romantic (ecchi) comedy with many predictable moments. Regardless of what I just said, it is still a very good manga especially for fans of this genre.
The beginning of the story is very similar to other harem mangas where an average joe ends up falling for the hottest girls in school and as the story progresses more girls become attracted to him, however even though it shares many common moments with other mangas, ichigo 100% still has some moments that are unique to this manga so for that I'll give the story a passing grade since there are ... Mar 16, 2014
I first saw Ichigo 100% as an anime around 2009 when I first started to marathon shows. That first summer I watched a hundred series, good old high school days, and Ichigo 100% ended up as one of the many. After all that I still remembered it as one of the mediocre anime that I had watched. Today, after adjusting the score a few times, it has a 4/10 (bad) and a 6.95 on MAL. While I don’t normally give scores here I just wanted to put in perspective how bad the adaption was, and how much i disliked it myself even back when I ... Jun 9, 2009
Ichigo 100% fits perfectly in the classic Shounen, Harem, Ecchi, Romantic, Comedy manga category often reminding me of mangas such as Love Hina (no similarities really besides one loser surrounded by many girls)
Story: The story isn't really that great at first. An enormous amount of ecchi was incorporated into the story and took away from the story. The main character Manaka falls in love with a girl with strawberry panties (which is why the series is also called strawberry 100%). Well, although the story definitely starts off badly, the manga turns into a full blown romance that I found very enjoyable. There are loads of ... May 7, 2012
Alright, this is my very first review. Truthfully speaking, l never thought I'd enjoy this manga. This was on my list for 2 years or more. Finally, I was able to watch the anime first, then continued with the manga coz I was curious what would happened and hooked. I seriously should have read this earlier.
Story (10): The story is a harem, comedy, romanced, school based-type manga. At first, I thought the story would be predictable and dragging because of the length of the manga, but I was totally wrong. The author wrote the story unexpected ways. I thought the story would revolve around the main ... Jan 20, 2012
My main message: Read it, you won't regret it.
Perhaps initially you may think that this is just another ordinary high school harem love story. However I am sure you will definitely change your views after reading it till the end. From my experience, most harem manga/anime are either open ended or very predictable. Ichigo 100 however, does not fall into any of these two categories. The story remarkably remains unpredictable (as to who the protagonist ends up choosing) till the end and that is what precisely makes it stand out from the rest. It is also interesting to see that Ichigo 100 is not ... Apr 5, 2010
I haven't really read any other reviews here on MAL and this is going to be my first ever review.
Major Comparison: Love Hina Story: This manga had a lot of fanservice. Most people who see fanservice usually see weak plotlines. This was not the case. Some of the really stupid things that happened in the first chapter were used as the driving point to the story. And the weird part is that, she made it work well! Many of the scenes in the story had moments you predict something was going to happen but something else does and you go, "WTF?" This is how she keeps readers ... Jun 21, 2010
Best manga that you'll ever know to Mizuki Kawashitas work because its a really good story of how Manaka Junpei falls in love with the first girl ever Aya Toujo but then 3 more girls fall in love with him which is hard who to decide.
Its really great and amazing how Manaka gets into all these situations with all of the main characters who are the girls named Nishino,Satsuki, and Kozoue. Mostly a good romantic manga to read if your into romance and a really good but a long manga to read. Best romance manga ever to read and also the art of how Mizuki's ... Aug 3, 2009
This is perhaps one of the few series that I feel compelled to elaborate about. Possessing both service and dark elements, there were many parts that had me enthralled and emotional.
I started out on this manga while looking for a series that suits my taste. Ichigo 100% happens to be one that marginally suits my taste (I did drop it for a while because of the excessive service and a stupid male protagonist). I expected myself to read this manga only to pass time initially, but the darker elements of this story drew me in. Each female protagonists have their sad part to tell. They ... Jun 12, 2008
a long but good manga. not much to say about it.
Story:7/10 starts out at a decent pace and maintains that pace throughout. great hook with the strawberry panties. most noticeable is the very high amount of fanservice and ecchi scenes written throughout. im pretty sure there was a panty shot in about every chapter. overall a decent high school harem. Art:9/10 the art quality is very consistent throughout the story. there are references to strawberries everywhere as it is key and themed to the plot. not too much special about this mangas art exept for the quality(and the hundreds of gushing ... Aug 27, 2009
I should say that this is one of my favorite manga overall.its very funny.every chapter i read is allways funny and exciting. I would say that this manga is equally good as Suzuka except this is more funnier
Aug 24, 2012
all i can really say is it a great manga and funny but overall the endin satisfied the hell out of me so im please with every part of the manga in my option read this not the anime because the anime change every once of wat happens n take out so much part from the manga so you will get confuse if u watch the anime first then read the manga
Jun 21, 2015
In the interest of full disclosure, I have a very strong sense of nostalgia with this manga as I write this review. With that said, I will try to be as objective as possible and provide as few spoilers as possible while providing an overall sense of what this story is about.
First off, a brief synopsis of the story. It's fairly straightforward. The protagonist of the story, Junpei Manaka, has a dream of one day becoming a film director. One day, while resting on the roof of his high school, he happens to see the strawberry underwear of a mysterious and beautiful ... Nov 25, 2012
I watched the anime and not one of my favorite. But then after i read the manga, i just fell in love with the story of manaka and the other girls. The romantic plot was very touching and inpredictable.
Nishino was one of my favorite character! i wish someone like her do really exist in the real world. Not an ecchi type of film, just pure romantic and drama. |