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Sep 15, 2024
Among all that trash we are being fed months by months, that is:
(boring plain loser gets attention of most popular girl -> they dump in some childhood friend trope or harem for love triangle -> in the most cliche way possible, a poorly refined loser and universe's babe get together to satsify self-inserts -> repeat but change names)
With airing of this show we are once again reminded that even among all that soil called ,,new and good" romances there is still a possibility of an interesting romance, a hidden gem, a breakthrough from this vicious cycle, and that just might be Makeine.
Now to be
more specific, everything done in this show is great, beginning from story and ending on animations.
To start with the concept of this show, a socially handicapped MC is a witness of his girl classmates getting rejected by their respectful guys they love and he is sort of narrator in those situations, for now at least. It doesn't instantly shift to romantic development between MC and the girls he becomes just a friend BUT with progression of the show we see the characters actually getting closer, in a way it isn't too fast or too slow
Now the sole concept is great enough, the momentum of romance in this show might just be perfect, the possible romance aspect isn't obvious and then you don't get overly fed with romance or underfed with it, the sub plot of heroines bearing with their emotions and exploring the MC's personality that truly develops and shines throughout the show is really engaging and satisfying to watch
What also should be mentioned and is also really responsible for success of this show is great work of A-1 Pictures(These guys always outdo themselves) and the rest of the staff. This anime is really pleasant for eyes. Full of great animations, transitions, captivating facial expressions and damn even random characters are detailed, this show just feels really dynamic and alive even when nothing is happening it leaves a lasting and positive impression.
All of that combined with optimal soundtrack and great voice acting create a really well put together anime, a really enjoyable experience even when it has only 12 episodes (I hope they will add season 2 though)
This show is a synonym of great romance even if it might be really slow. It has innovative idea of introducing romance, dynamic and vast MC and the cast, great starting point for the plot, it has just enough of everything, it isn't tiring, yet boring to watch and it easily makes you engaged enough to yearn for what comes next.
I am quite happy to announce that with months of contact with dogwater romance this one leaves a little spark, an impression that romance as a genre isn't doomed and can be really well made.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Jul 15, 2024
Okay... Unless there exists some kind of secret code to never write bad about this show, then I really can't comprehend how everyone is so keen on praising this show, when it does, in fact NOT deserve it that much, lacking in many aspects of good romance standards.
Let me start with the plot. A really basic middle schooler, horny to the last bit and somewhat interested in filming comes across a gorgeous girl with strawberry panties. Mesmerized by said view he wants to confess to this girl, so he confesses to the most beautiful girl in the school (thinking it belongs to her), for some
reason succeds and then it turns out it belongs to his classmate who was hiding her beauty and here our MC begins his struggle to understand his feelings about who he truly likes.
Pretty straightforward right ? Of course it is a harem so they are charmed by MC who in my sincere opinion, qualifies as one of the most annoying characters out there and is the biggest flaw of this book.
For 90% of book we are being fed with the same boring reasoning of this guy, focused solely on him being interested in all girls at once, but too indecisive to pick one. Every time there could be a breakthrough in relationship, ALWAYS in last possible second something strikes him and we go back to infinite circle of random awkward moments with the girls.
Then there is deep ,,self reflection" of MC like ,,I don't deserve them" , ,,I don't want to hurt them", ,,I will be a better human" but it almost feels like this guy has dementia because he doesn't do anything about it and then he still yearns for all of them to like him romantically when he does not have to.
And now the cherry on top, the hypocrisy and moodines of this guy, at one point he is head over heals over one girl, but next day he meets the other girl and he is now head over heals over her, back and fourth every few chapters FOR. 140. CHAPTERS. COME ON.
At one point this show gets so repetitive and ridiculous, because we still don't know who he truly likes but then WAIT, author will fix that by adding more girls to the harem so that this guy can have more cliche situatuions with them and have more variety in choice truly peak writing!
With that being said, let's not mark it as relatable, or as a real potrayal of young man in love because both the MC that can't focus on one girl for 4 years and girls that can't move on from him for 4 years along with the amount of anomalies forbidding one ship to finally sail is abnormal and stupid.
Now to some minor aspects, comedy part leaves you stone faced, the main joke is mostly s*x, side characters are just ok, the art is good and end girl is the best one though, but it isn't enough of a good reason to torment yourself with this manga.
MC's struggle to sort out his feelings is ultra mundane and annoying, it isn't satisfying fiction nor is it reletable. The show is overflowing with cliche awkward situations, leading to nothing but showing horniness of MC, The show is long af where plot and behaviour of characters gets predictable and repeatable, slowly filling a reader with not entertainment but boredom creating an urge to finally dip this show and move on.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jun 8, 2024
Hoo boy, you need nerves of steel to stay with this show for a long run and it is not even certain whether what happens satisfies you.
This show has so much going on it is actually exhausting to read. Not only is it a show where everone is equally f-ed in the head, but even title misreads you and instead of solely focusing on drama or slice of life it heavily focuses on fighting as it's foundation... X D
Random Chat starts with typical cliche MC korean school guy that gets bullied, is mediocre at most aspects of his life, doesn't have many friends etc.
Said guy decides to hop on an app in which he talks with strangers and coincidentally he connects with one of his girl classmate on which he has crush on, dictating future course of events.
Now throughout the show guy gets builled even more, he has some internal struggles, he meets various people, leading to him and environment about him chaning for the better, but at the end of the day this guy is so weird you can't really tell if he changed.
This guy's thinking process goes as following: *He does something* -> *He gets beat up* -> *He gets gamechanging flashback*->
-> *He gains some insight and he changes* -> *Someone tells him that he didn't really change* -> *He gets depressed* -> REPEAT
It is not like he doesn't change at all, sometimes he breaks out of cycle, but it is wrote as a really and I mean it REALLY long process, overwhelming with chapters that are boring as hell making it quite a struggle to bear with this guy's reasoning at some point.
There isn't really that much to talk about art, it is mediocre at best.
Shortly. This show's main point is how people don't change that easily, but with pace of this show you feel like they don't change at all. MC's behavior is frustrating, it introduces unnecesarry, bland fighting trope, it isn't eye-catching and you will most likely forget about it after a week.
In one sentence: It is not terrible but it's boring as shit regardless
If you have something better to read, I don't really think you will miss out too much skipping this show.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Jan 10, 2024
This ,,Creation" is like slapping a big piece of unprepared meat on a little clean side plate.
YouZitsu is a specific title, that despise it's flaws, hate and of course edgy kindergarten fanbase was at some point a really solid, entertaining and overall, interesting story, but unfortunately we were bestowed with utter disappointment called ,,Year 2", that not only is bland in a way it feels like every volume is a build up for another tome, but what is more ridiculous ruins the entire development characters received in Year 1.
Shortly, one of the main leads that were carrying this show got a complete degrade. For
instance Ayanokoji feels more robotic and dead inside along with release of Volume 0 that made him a god damn robocop at this point, whilst Karuizawa that had a strong influence in year 1 and went through drastic changes, not only does she get like 2 pages of content but becomes even more miserable than she was previously.
We don't stop here of course, because there is more! In year 2 the so-called ,,villains" despite greatness of their backstory or promise they show early on, turn out to be just some bugs that MC ultimately spits on because, you know, Ayanokoji is great, Ayanokoji is godlike, Ayankoji never loses and is 1954 steps in front of you!
And I could go on with certain aspects like this but the last aspect I will present is just hillarious. This show had some harem-like vibes but you could stand it with the outcome of 11.5 and it just being not that visible. Year 2 is just a straight-on harem, you literally get short stories when some random ass girl that no1 even remembers falls in love with Ayano because she felt like someone can notice her presence. Now if there is any girl in MC's range of breath she instantly falls for him, those are the vibes the show gives.
Overall it is a total big black stain to the franchise, if someone looked forward to his relations with other characters you will be better off with some fan wrote stuff, because all you will get is boring story, degrade of characters, ruined premises of Year 1 and every female going gung-ho on MC.
If by some chance the show redeems itself in last volumes I will gladly change the rating.
(I highly doubt it tho)
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Nov 25, 2023
School Rumble has that innovative idea of introducing 2 gender opposite protagonists. Those 2 MCs have equally the same plot time but in this particular book they are not equally interesting as a character for good or worse.
First of all this show works as a good comedy, that from time to time might give you a decent chuckle. The thing is, it doesn't come out with strong hand as a good romance.
The show follows the idea of "infinite romance" where characters try really hard to get attention of their crushes, but ultimately it comes down to nothing. Said measure goes on and on
for pretty much most of the book and while it does the job as a funny thing, it gets really repetitive and boring in romantic terms.
Back to the 2 protagonists. Shortly, one of them is way more interesting than the other, in a way that you are really tempted to read story of one, but not really care about the other, hence you lose commitement and begin to feel more boredom when that character shows more constantly.
While there are 2 main protagonists, the story is narrated from lots of perspectives. They have their own problems and give a different outlook on the flow of time and their portayal of other chatacters, giving the story a little more life, therefore it is a decent zest
Summarizing. School Rumble is a solid comedy but moderate romance. There is a clear gap between 2 MCs in terms of enjoying the story about them and it is possible for a reader to find the story repetitive, or make him unpleased with the ending that is really hurried and leaves much to desire.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 14, 2023
While searching for a rom-com you somehow stumbled upon this show right here. Did you think you have found a romance where MC loses determination trying to hook up with his crush and moves on in some unique manner ? Well you ain't getting that here.
The only good thing about this show is it's concept. I was quite tempted to see a show about a character that goes through a drastic change with some sweet romance on top, but it seems one expects too much from 6* show.
Excluding concept everything else is garbage. The final ship just suddenly bloomed from one episode to another, arcs
and appearances of other characters are chaotic, the art is just there, the animation is goofy as hell, soundtrack drowns up the dialogues between characters and ending is not satisfying
Overall the show is random as hell, boring, bland and nothing interesting happens till the very end. With that said I believe it is not worth to watch this 12 episode torment.
MOST IMPORTANT: Stop comparing this show to Oregairu because that's just straight up profanacy
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Feb 13, 2023
Review updated after playing Visual Novel which affected my view on the anime.
I think I was too harsh on my first review of this show. The main isse I had with the anime was the lack of content, for me the pace was too quick for such dramatic love triangle unfolding before my eyes.
That's where the main adaptation, the game, comes and solves the issue.
After thoroughfully getting through the game I can say with peace of mind, that this show is really one of the better romance series with actual DRAMA in it.
The plot is heavy, but not overwhelming. In this love
triangle every character has it's own personality, they are hiding their true feelings, making decisions in the heat of the moment. Making assumptions that are not necesarrily correct and making choices that affect their relationships with each other.
It is not your normal show where you know everything about the characters and all you can do is try to understand them with every minute of the showing.
The anime adaptation is OK. The art, soundtrack, and especially lack of Kitahara's inner monologues creates a gap in quality... And lets not forget the fact, the anime shows the first, introductory part so it is obvious it won't be as good as main chapter where the real work begins.
You can't grasp the delight of this fenomenal plot with just the anime and my poor ability to write reviews, so you need to finish the game yourself. Still, personally with many finished shows and especially romances on my account, with all content considered, I see White Album 2 as one of the best romance titles I've ever seen.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 16, 2022
The idea of futuristic world of Night City is one of the most entertaining ones for me.
Because I do really like the design of the world of Cyberpunk, I had really high hopes for this show and while the idea was great, the execution was... not as great as I expected.
The main problem of this show is that everything is happening WAY TOO QUICKLY.
Like seriously. I don't know what the budget for this show was but we should've got more content about the main characters, their background, their past, their thoughts and ESPECIALLY more interactions between them (especially the 2 main characters)
but we got pretty much none of these.
The development, all the events and pretty much everything happened so fast that some of things were illogical and nonsencial. Like, the characters were so close with each other despite not having a build-up at all. Some things were just happening out of nowhere
25 mins for 1 episode is just not enough. If it was as long as e.g Arcane and the execution was slower we would've got one of the best and most enjoyable shows out there.
The animation of the show was great, I didnt particulary like the cars animation but it wasn't as eye hurting as 3d from overlord, thogh it is kinda unfulfilling that we were shown the city in just 1st episode and that is pretty much it.
The music was good but it isn't something extraordinary. The thing I liked about OP and ED is that they didn't spoil much... Or did they ?
Now for the characters. As I mentioned because the story is so quick-paced you can't really get close-knit with the characters and it is diffcult to say whether you care about this character or not and whether you like him or not.
Also the MC was so irrational at one point of the story I didn't know what to think of him, because I didn't understand why he is so unemotional in one scene and then get overemotional in the other and while it was good for one scene it was completely nonsensical for the other.
I didn't like the ending. I was kinda expecting this from 2nd episode (guts feeling but I was pretty sure it will happen) it ruined the build up for me and wasn't the best conclusion. Right here I am pretty sure the ending could've been more fulfilling.
On the whole the show was way too quick so you couldn't enjoy the story in the fullest. If the execution was better it could've been a show with a hard 9+. The score for now is too big I dont really understand why regarding the fact the show has so many holes in it
Overall it is just a fine anime which had a lot of potential but it wasn't used. Really dissapointing and saddening. 6/10
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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