I saw this manga at the bookstore, and was intrigued enough by the cover to pick up a volume to give it a try. I must say, it wasn't money wasted... just not put to the amount of enjoyment that I wanted. Don't get me wrong, this manga is definately a ten- if you're around eight years old. That is precisely the age group that this manga was written for.
The plot is typical for a young girl's manga- a bright, bubbly girl as the lead, and two boys competing for her heart. Knowing that it was for young girls didn't make the plotline more palatable-
Alternative TitlesJapanese: キッチンのお姫さま More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 10
Chapters: 53
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 3, 2004 to Sep 3, 2008
Nakayoshi Statistics Ranked: #10032 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #771
Members: 25,205
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Your Feelings Categories Jun 12, 2009
This is an outstanding manga.
story is about a female heroine who has absolute taste in food and can create dishes that brings smiles to everyone. the heroine is an orphan raised in Hokkaido with people that are warm and supportive of her cooking. Her deceased parents were also one of the greatest pastry chefs known all around the world. Because of her family history as well as her absolute taste, she gets invited to a prestigious school. One of the main reasons for the heroine to accept the scholarship to the school is to find her Flan Prince who's given her strength during her ... Feb 18, 2009
this manga is GREAT!! i love the characters and the storyline as well. its an awesome roller coaster love story which gets better and better as the story progresses. so basically:
I LOVE THIS MANGA!! =D hehe thats what i can say overall May 1, 2011
Having found this from a recommendation sending me from Beauty Pop to here, I wasn't expecting much.
But I must admit, I got more than I was hoping for. The story maybe isn't the most original, but in the world of shoujo manga, what is these days? The female protagonist, Nijika, as a young girl is saved by a mysterious boy who tells her "When you eat something good, you smile." These words, a flan dessert, a spoon with the engraving of a famous academy named Seika and her promise that she will one day make him the best dessert ever, stick with Nijika, until she studies ... Feb 1, 2010
Kitchen Princess is an interesting and extreme Shojo-y Shojo manga. (If you read it, it makes sense) Spanning 10 volumes, it manages to hit many great story points in a manner that seems wholly believable. Is it cliched? To an extent. But then again, it's a Shojo manga, if you're surprised by cliches in this genre, you're proabably not the biggest reader of it.
Two quick things: Whoever you think the "Flan Prince" is, wait until the end of volume 10 to see if you're right. This manga also gets very ...heavy starting in the end of the fifth volume. Overall though, it is a ... Mar 30, 2010
Simply put, it's a sugar-encrusted dessert of a manga.
More elaborately put...well, let's start simply with the characters. Our protagonist Najika has a tragic history, but is an excellent cook and seems to be a very kind, caring and generally nice person. A little bit of a Mary-Sue, but not horrible. Our two male leads don't have much background when we first meet them, and though this does change later, we still aren't very sympathetic with their love for Najika. The supporting cast is mediocre at best, most of the characters fitting easily into stereotypes without much pushing and shoving. The tragedy of Najika's past is continually put ... Mar 30, 2015
Story: I found this anime to be cute. Najika reminds me a lot of Tohru from Fruits Basket. Though she lost her parents, she tries to be cheerful for those who need it the most. So what is this about? When she was a little girl, Najika was rescued by a boy as she was drowning in a river, and this was after her parents died. The boy gives her a silver spoon to remember the day. Older now, Najika lives in an orphanage, and she is accepted to the best cooking school in...fictional Japan. Though she doesn't want to leave, her caretaker insists she
Jun 12, 2012
Kitchen Princess...a very fluffy and cute shoujo romance. But it is actually more than that, it is very gripping manga with great characters and a worthwhile romance.
STORY: 8/10 The story is fairly cliche, a girl named Najika is trying to find her "Flan Prince" who saved her from drowning in Hokkaido when she was younger. Though the original concept was not the best, the story is actually well done. There are very big twists in the plot and various love interests. ART: 10/10 Beautiful artwork, very well done. Fits the typical shoujo image. CHARACTER: 9/10 Najika: The heroine of the series. She dreams of becoming a professional chef like her parents and ... Mar 3, 2016
I picked up this book from a local library where it has a manga collection for kids. After a fast reading, I decided to borrow it.
The artwork is very sweet, like the book’ story of desserts. The story plot is a bit predictable, but I think it fits well with young-teenage-girl’s style. Lots of girls would love this book. The other sweet part of this book is that it includes dessert menu of which was made in the story. In volume 3, one of the main character Sora died abruptly. I guess this is for creating more volumes. The way how Najika (kitchen princess) ... Dec 28, 2012
I'm not going to open up with a cheesy opening quoting a famous line in the manga or something no I'm just going to jump write into writing this review
Story it's a big factor of almost any manga that you will read and it is no different in this manga. The story in this manga makes the veteran otaku think "Hey, haven't I read that somewhere before?" well I will answer that question and say yes you have read it somewhere before or something like it the story is generic only with different characters setting and set up if you're coming into this manga expecting ... Jul 13, 2014
When you look at the cover of this manga, you might think to yourself, "This is a typical shoujo manga, and it's probably about some girl who likes cooking.". Your assumptions would be correct. So why have I given this an 8? What's so special about this manga?
STORY:8 The plot is common for a shoujo manga. Two popular boys fall for the nice, good girl protagonist. The protagonist gets bullied by others and yadayadablahblahblah. And of course, the true identity of the prince is pretty obvious. But I have to admit, there were some good, unexpected twists ... Mar 8, 2025
if you like shoujo manga, and you don't mind somewhat predictable shoujo manga plot points, then you will love kitchen princess! it is so wholesome and cute, the art is adorably classic, and the food looks so tasty; they even include actual recipes at the end of each volume if you want to make them yourself!
i usually get really frustrated at shoujo protagonists because they do really annoying things, like hear something out of context and then run away and make a lot of drama out of nothing. and Najika, the protagonist in Kitchen Princess, is not immune to this shoujo whims, but i ... Aug 5, 2010
Kitchen Princess was the first manga I ever read. It moved me...I found myself in tears whenever I finished it.
Story - 8 It's about a young girl, Najika Kazami, who's an extremely talented cook...with an amazing sense of taste. Her parents, who were talented pastry chefs, died long before the series starts. She goes to this prestigious school on scholarship (was it?), hoping to find the "Flan Prince" who saved her life (I think). She meets two boys, the sons of the Academy's Director, Sora and Daichi. Not to spoil it, but since it's pretty much obvious, at least to me, one of them is the Flan Prince. ... Jul 18, 2024
I think Kitchen Princess is a great read for those who enjoy "older" mangas. Going in, you'll know to expect a recognizable art style (the heroine has a big heart and big eyes, haha) and a level of drama that was popular with many shoujo mangas during the 90's and early 2000's. I personally love this type of melodramatic story that is full of plot twists and ridiculous characters, as it often makes me laugh from the absurdity.
I also think the overall premise is fun, as the manga includes lots of cute food themes and elements that keeps the story lighthearted even amongst some wild ... Apr 19, 2010
Another typical shoujo manga which I don't think deserve #250 in the manga list because it is extremely predictable and there is nothing unique about the story that can make you not forget about it and want to read it over and over again. It is basically about an orphan from Hokkaido who goes to Tokyo to find his Flan Price as he was the one who gave her strength when she was down (in Hokkaido when she was younger). So basically it's a journey of love and cooking, which is very typical. It's worth the time to read, but it's not worth the money
Jan 22, 2013
As stories go, Kitchen Princess is fairly average. The art appears unsteady, the pace felt a bit too fast, the characters are trite, and some plot devices way too overused. Yet, I still found it an enjoyable read.
You have the new transfer girl who gets bullied by all the girls because she gets close to the most popular guy on campus (yawn). But she perseveres and with his help, wins them over to her side such that they now cheer on her relationship. I did enjoy that the main characters don't drag on for five volumes about their secret crushes and martyr themselves for the next ... Feb 9, 2024
I really like this manga. The premise is simple enough. Najika, the main character, was depressed due to the death of her parents, when she was a kid. A boy gives her some flan to cheer her up, which works! She calls him her Flan Prince, and that kickstarts her passion for cooking, baking specifically. She hones her craft to get into a prestigious cooking academy, in order to meet her Flan Prince.
I will say that the plot is simple enough, and this manga is full of cliches. You have the parent who hates the love interest of their ... Sep 18, 2012
I've never reviewed anything before, but I'll do my best to be honest and say what I truly thought rather than just buttering the manga up with praise it doesn't deserve.
When you read the first volume of this manga, you will assume it to be stereotypical and like many other shoujo manga. You have your cheerful and energetic lead and the two main boys who are complete opposites. At first, they seem like cardboard cutout characters. You can find them in any story. As the story goes on, it changes. At first, it's just a flick, but then it delves into character depth. Starting with a ... Jan 19, 2013
This manga may seem cute and carefree but it has so much more heart to it. It starts out pretty typical and I admit I got bored at some parts but keep reading, I assure you it gets better! In my opinion, the characters have great backgrounds that you find out about. Very sad and tragic sometimes. There will also be a HUGE plot twist that will make you wanna cry. Please read this while it is cute it has very heartwarming parts that really moved me.
Jul 20, 2016
This is one of the manga's I recommend to friends that enjoy a lighthearted story with romance intertwined. I wouldn't say this manga is one of my favourites, but I always find myself thinking back to it time to time. It's a mange that you can't forget very easily.
I say this because the first couple of chapters are lighthearted until you get hit with something you did not expect. If you are losing hope in this mange, I recommend you read until you get to the middle because that is when the story really begins to launch. Overall, I'd give this manga: STORY - 9 CHARACTERS - 7 ART - ... |