Zombie Powder is a bit of a mixed bag. It's really impossible to not compare it to Bleach, since Zombie Powder was the mangaka's previous work (a relatively commercially unsuccessful one, I should probably add). It's probably not altogether fair to make the comparison, but it can't be helped since I already saw Bleach (both the anime and the manga) so I might as well just go ahead honestly with that perspective in mind.
As far as art goes, it's very similar in style to Bleach-- good but not quite great. I would say that the mangaka's style hasn't really changed
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Ultra Unholy Hearted Machine, Rune Master Urara, Bad Shield United, Kokumashi Urara Japanese: ZOMBIEPOWDER. More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 4
Chapters: 30
Status: Finished
Published: Jul 20, 1999 to Feb 15, 2000
Shounen Jump (Weekly) Authors:
Kubo, Tite (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #94942 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #1265
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Filtered Results: 15 / 15
Your Feelings Categories Feb 22, 2009
This is my first review, so please bear with me if it's kind of bad.
This Manga could go either way for the reader really, it had quite a bit of potential and could have went further if it had a little more support. It is a shame that it didn't, Zombie powder had an interesting story and plot line, the story of the Rings of the Dead and the Zombie Powder is rarely something seen in Manga making its story more original than most, along with good action scenes excellent fight sequences and some bizarre moves, and plot twists, it's more than enough to keep ... Mar 25, 2008
It's obvious that this is an earlier work of Bleach's Tite Kubo. The art isn't quite as polished as her later projects and some of the story elements carried over. The characters are interesting, yet they seem like prototypes for some of her later series.
Pros: Interesting story, great chance to check out the development of a famous artist's/author's progress, unique character designs Cons: Ending leaves the reader hanging, unsatisfying if you're read Kubo's later works, basic "searching for 'forbidden' things" plot Dec 4, 2008
I've never seen or read Bleach, but from reading this, I don't think I even want to bother. The story is typical shonen fare, which normally doesn't bother me if it has something out of the ordinary. Forbidden powers? Check. Wacky villains? Check. Annoying pipsqueak sidekick? Check. Chick with abnormally huge knockers? Double check. The Rings of the Dead were an interesting concept, but immortality has been done before, and it's really just another fetch quest. The action is okay, but other than that, there's nothing to be had. The humor is either way out of bounds or just plain not funny.
The art is ... Feb 6, 2018
Melodux should do more research to find out it was canceled, "The rating for this manga is going to suffer because it's incomplete/If Kubo wasn't planning on finishing the manga, then he should've planned out the story better to fit 4 volumes," this means not by choice. Publishers have all the power and that it doesn't sell(as well as projected) = no money means they cancel it.
I can see why angelsreviews compares it to Trigun i can see that but Trigun devolved from space faring into a desert like western. With a near-pacifistic antagonist. This planet doesn't act like a western desert, but a more ... May 22, 2015
Story: I really liked the idea of the Rings of Death, and that gathering them together can do something for the gatherer{s}. However, I felt like Zombie Powder was Dragon Ball Z meets Trigun. We have the aspect of gathering many of the same item to grant a wish, and the aspects of the main character having a large bounty on his head and the setting of a futuristic western. I feel like Kubo could squeeze a little more originality in there somewhere.
Pace was a thing with me in ZP. It moved at a pretty quick pace, but I'm not sure if it was TOO ... Jul 9, 2010
it was an amazing story, with a lot of potential, but it ended way too soon. after achieving what they did, only to end the story when it was getting good, feels like a letdown, and a huge failure on the part of the mangaka. now, i know that sometimes the mangaka has issues, financial or something of that sort, or its not getting many readers, but a story like this, had so much untapped potential, i think it could have drawn more people if it had stayed in circulation
all in all, a great read, you should check it out, worth the time, ANYTIME. Jun 9, 2013
Review 10: Zombie Powder. (get the rings)!!!
By the same man who made Bleach Tite Kubos which was made before his most famous anime and Manga Bleach. as well known artist and author his old books have become way more popular and i admit that this was a new read for me and i've only read three of the books and i already want the rest of the series in Zombie Powder. The style in which the characters are drawn are very similar to the ones in Bleach but i guess you can't blame him if there that popular. I don't really feel like he's made this ... Jan 9, 2021
You know, things happen in life. "Development Hell" is a thing, people only live for so long, businesses start up and shut down every day. And that's what happened to Zombie Powder, or so I understand. It never finished it's run because the publication folded, so it only got four collected volumes and a story left unresolved. Without much to go on, how did it do?
Actually, very well. It's a shonen, from the 2000s era shonens, but a bit outlandish in it's world building. Imagine a much darker tale of Goku's search for the Dragon Balls, with a Trigun-esque ... Feb 27, 2012
I thought Zombie Powder was great.
I adore Tite Kubo's art, which is why I picked it up in the first place. It's just personal preference, but I find it stunning and beautiful in its simplicity. I read all of it in one sitting and was sorely disappointed when I found out it was a discontinued series. Even though it doesn't have a proper ending, it's worth the read. It's well paced, it's funny, and the characters are enjoyable. True, a lot of it is recycled or cliche things that you can see in most shonen work, but that doesn't make ... Nov 19, 2012
This was one of the first published manga works of Tite Kubo; the creator the phenomenon that is now Bleach.
The story revolves mainly around the characters of Elwood Shepherd and Gamma Akutabi who are trying to collect the 12 Rings of the Dead. When all 12 are collected, supposedly you gain immortality. Not too original of a storyline, but Kubo develops the idea pretty well and the actual story does have a few twists. There's a lot of action and fighting which I typically like, but it could be said that there are too many fighting scenes. So many that the plot seems like ... Apr 2, 2013
Automatically, the first few pages reminded me of Trigun in how the main character is portrayed. He’s somewhat flashy, and acts like an idiot in a world of the western gun. Gamma is really comedic and seems to also be a womanizer himself as seen with Elwood’s sister. So, a womanizing, comedic, and almost bad ass of a guy is looking for something around the desert. He is kind to anyone he meets and wears a flashy coat, standing out like a sore thumb. He has armor that is built directly into his right arm and is a wanted man who doesn’t fight aimlessly because
Oct 1, 2016
Before we get started I would like to note something. I have read that TIte Kubo was severly depressed and in trauma when he made this series, he hated his work too, which kinda changed as he got closer to the ending. He also gave statements about paying too much attention to the editor and not his extincts. He was new at this at the time, so he wasn't use to serialization. So that is why it was cancelled, at least I think so. I don't think Jump had anything to do with it, but they might have.
Story: Well, a few good points were made ... Jul 5, 2021
“I’ve killed thousands of bounty hunters in my time. And each time, for every person I killed, I’ve made new enemies among the people left alive.”
- Gamma, Chapter 2 If choosing to read Zombie Powder then it is important to remember that it was “cancelled” early on in what would have been a supposedly longer run. Kubo has mentioned a couple of reasons as to why this happened and stepping away from this project let him move on to bigger and better things. Due to this, Zombie Powder doesn’t really have a clear cut ending, but it is easy to see how the main plot would ... Dec 28, 2022
Well, so. I'm not to mention the fact that this manga is a lot like Bleach (especially the art) since it's made by the same person.
Therefore, this is a manga with a lot of potential. I liked it from the first chapter, that's why is on my fav's list. The saddening thing about Zombie Powder is the fact that is an abandoned story. Unfortunately, Kubo gave up on it. I have fate that maybe one day he'll find the strength and ispiration to continue the series, because it's worth it. Thus I think that the concept of this manga can leat to a series ... |