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Feb 27, 2012
I thought Zombie Powder was great.
I adore Tite Kubo's art, which is why I picked it up in the first place. It's just personal preference, but I find it stunning and beautiful in its simplicity.
I read all of it in one sitting and was sorely disappointed when I found out it was a discontinued series.
Even though it doesn't have a proper ending, it's worth the read. It's well paced, it's funny, and the characters are enjoyable.
True, a lot of it is recycled or cliche things that you can see in most shonen work, but that doesn't make
it any less fun to read. It's just another take on some of the same old things, but it's definitely not boring because of it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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Jan 26, 2012
These are just my vague thoughts about the show, not particularly organized or backed up with specific details from the show itself. Probably not the best way to write a review, but I am basically just here to praise the show and state what I liked :]
Amazing series. Despite the fact it's episodic, you can see a connected story line through the characters and the way they and their relationships develop.
I truly loved every character on the Bebop-- they all filled different roles without seeming forced. They all had pasts that affected them even if we don't ever fully learn what
their past is. Character relationships and growth are what I look for in a series, and this one nailed it. Also, this series has Edward! Can anybody NOT love her? I don't think so.
Cowboy Bebop had a really nice mix of humor, seriousness, darkness, and suspense. The jokes and the banter between the characters always felt genuine and made me smile. The show really knew how to have silly moments while still remaining mature.
I am not a big fan of tons of action and gun fights or space-themed things. But this series made me like it. It made it believable-- the story's universe was built so well that everything felt real while watching it.
The show can be appreciated for the individual episodes as well as the overall themes, the biggest of which is whether or not your past makes you who you are. An over-done theme, perhaps, but Bebop's take on it was really well done because you could see it from so many points of view.
I'm not one to normally notice soundtracks because I am so focused on the story and the visuals, but Cowboy Bebop's soundtrack definitely stuck out to me. I loved it. The music always helped improve the scenes and the mood and was never a distraction.
The art is unique and beautiful in its own way, especially from being nearly 15 years old now.
In the end, I would recommend this series to anyone and everyone. It started off slow for me but when I took the time and patience to appreciate it, I couldn't turn it off. I definitely think there's a lot of rewatch value in the series as well, and I can't wait to show it to more people.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jan 11, 2012
I watched this in its entirety when it first came out in English. I absolutely adored it. I thought it was God's gift to television, or something like that. I decided to rewatch it recently and I couldn't even finish it. It's boring, it's repetitive, and a lot of it is just unnecessary.
The art is breathtaking. The music is beautiful. I absolutely love the four main characters and I like that they are all different from one another without it seeming "forced", like each one is trying to fit a specific character niche.
I can appreciate the fact
that it didn't end how I thought it would. However, the ending itself seems like it's trying too hard to prove a point that the rest of the series didn't exactly back up.
Some people may love this series, but it definitely wasn't for me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Jan 3, 2012
I TRIED REALLY HARD TO NOT PUT SPOILERS IN THIS, but if you're the kind of person who really, really tries to avoid them then maybe bypass this one.
I thought the first few episodes were confusing and it frustrated me that I couldn't see how the plot tied together. Around the middle of the series, though, I was enamored. It was one plot twist after another after another, and I couldn't wait to see how it would be strung together. However, the end left me very underwhelmed.
I don't claim to be good at reviewing. This is more stream of consciousness than
anything else, as I literally just watched the last episode.
Miscellanious thing I really liked
I was kind of in love with how, when a character would be talking or narrating, background noise would still be going on. Sometimes it overpowered what they were saying and it felt more real. I don't think I've seen another show that does something like that, or that has two characters talking over each other so frequently that it gets hard to separate it at times. That was an aspect of the show that really, really hooked me at the beginning.
Pros: In just 26 episodes, this show was able to give personality to a wide range of people from all walks of life. I thought the cast was diverse and I found myself caring about characters I didn't think I would. The cast definitely wasn't flat or static, or by any means boring.
Cons: Something irked me about every single character. Every. Single. One. had a flaw or a mannerism or something that I just didn't like. In some cases, it kept me from really caring about the character's plot line at all. But in most cases, the positives of the character outweighed the negatives to the point that I enjoyed them.
I also couldn't tell what the fuck the relationships were between a lot of them. Maybe I didn't pay enough attention. But it irked me that characters like Simon and Shizuo would just kind of hang around and it was implied that everyone knew them. Yeah, they're kind of hard to miss, so it makes sense people would notice them. But I felt like the relationships between a lot of the characters were never explained.
Overall, my problems with the characters stem from my problems with the plot, I think. So it's difficult for me to objectively talk about them at this point.
Pros: Well, points for uniqueness, that's for sure.
The middle portion of the series (roughly around episodes 7 - 17) was amazing. I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen next because I couldn't GUESS what would happen next. And I loved that.
Cons: Actually, I have a lot of issues with the plot overall. I think I was expecting it to go in a different direction than it did. I can't explain this without spoilers, though, so maybe I suck at my job.
I do not think characters' motives were adequately explained. I can't accept the reasons they state because this series never *showed me* they felt that way. They just told me. What the characters said was rarely backed up by what they did. It was just a lot of me being told what was happening. It was a series of events that only felt like a true story for a little, but the beginning and end were so underwhelming that the good part gets buried behind that.
The gang stuff? Okay, I could get on board with that. I never cared about gangs but I think Durarara!! painted a good picture of a city at war with itself. It felt real and there was tension and suspense. But... Where the series starts and ends don't make sense to me. When I can't see connections, I get bothered. So I'm sure a lot of this is my fault more than the series' itself.
Now I don't know if "themes" is exactly the right word here, but it's what I'm using.
I hated how blatant the themes in this series were. The reoccurring theme of love and doing anything for it and embracing it was so over the top and in your face, I wanted to puke. It wasn't because I found it corny or cliche, but because it was illustrated through people who are CHILDREN. They're spewing all of this ~love is the answer~ and ~if you think you love someone, why wouldn't you sacrifice yourself for them?~ bullshit. And the only adult couple we see often, I never felt a genuine connection between them.
There was also the theme of the past coming back to get you. I can't explain this part without giving away spoilers, but it was really beating me over the head at a certain point, and I wanted to stab someone.
.... So, in the end, this show gave me hours of entertainment. It was worth the watch, and I'm glad I saw it. But it wasn't amazing, and I have no desire to watch it again. It didn't leave any lasting impression on me. I don't want to sound all negative, or like I hated it. I certainly didn't hate it. I was just disappointed by the way it progressed. I know shows are not supposed to be about what I want, and I know the creator usually has a message they're trying to send and that's why they do what they do. I just wasn't impressed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Sep 24, 2011
The first 18 episodes or so consumed my life. In my opinion, they're flawless. I found it unpredictable and suspenseful and I couldn't get enough. The middle arc bored me a bit, and I stopped watching it. I then proceeded to find a full plot synopsis online and was blown away with how it wrapped itself up. I finished the series and I truly wish I hadn't lost faith around the middle.
The main "protagonist" is one of my favorite characters of all time. In fact, a good chunk of the characters are really well portrayed. They have
clear (but often complex) motives and thought processes. They're easy to hate to love, or love to hate. Or love to love, as the case was for me with some of them.
It's an original plotline. If you're into the idea of social justice but don't want something that's full of graphic murder or drawn-out fights, this is the anime for you. All of the fighting is more mental than physical, which is what I really liked. If you're looking for something that will make you constantly wonder "what next?" this is definitely for you.
I still stand my ground that the middle part is drab and almost unnecessary compared to the beginning and the end, but stick through it. It's worth it. I wish I had remained patient and stuck with it. If you intentionally find spoilers, it takes away a lot of enjoyment.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Sep 19, 2011
I don't know if I can write an effective review for how good this anime is.
The storyline is intriguing and unique. The plot moves at the perfect rate, almost no filler. This show kept me guessing and I simply couldn't turn it off. I had to know why a character was acting a certain way, what their motives were, and what they were doing next.
The characters are flawless. They're diverse and well-rounded. There's no one-dimensional characters here. The "bad guys" have good qualities, and the "good guys" have done terrible, atrocious things. Nothing is black-and-white. I found
myself getting attached to all of them in different ways, without realizing it until it had already happened.
The intercharacter relationships are beautiful and deep. You can feel the bonds between them.
This anime has it all. Depth, humor, seriousness, sorrow, joy, frustration, love. It looks into what it means to be human, and what some people will do to preserve the notion of humanity. It also seriously touches on the issue of what makes a family a "family" and it does it in a subtle and not at all cliche way.
I would recommend this anime to everyone. Period.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Sep 19, 2011
This review is coming from someone who read and loved the manga, and was hoping to see it translated at least decently into an anime.
In my humble opinion, this anime was awful. Just dreadful. It completely messed with the plot of the manga, changed up time lines, and over-all made the series seem like a joke.
I saw depth in the manga. The manga made me feel anything from laughing out loud to anger to sadness. The anime made me feel embarrassed to be watching it.
If you want to see a manga translated respectfully into an anime, this is
NOT the one to choose.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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