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Feb 23, 2024
Onmyouji is one of those anime that rely heavily on emotional payoffs at the end of the season. The beginning is a bit boring and the characters all feel one dimensional. Some, do get more depth. Others remain with that problem. It is for that reason that this story isn't winning any rewards. Despite that, I did enjoy it. While not entirely historical, the main character was a real person in history. That and some cool Japanese mythology gives the story a bump. Like I said though, it relies entirely on you, the viewer, understanding and appreciating the message it is trying to deliver. If
that falls flat, then the anime falls flat. I cannot give it an higher score than a five overall. In fact, that may be too high. Nothing else about this anime is above average anyway. In fact, I would argue that the animation is really bad. Lots of still frames, weird character placements, and some mistakes. All of which were spotted on my FIRST and ONLY watch of this anime. This anime won't be remembered as it excels at nothing.
Despite all those things being true, my own personal enjoyment of this anime begs for me to reconsider. If I judged purely on my own enjoyment of it, a six would be warranted. That is because, even with the bland characters, the payoff did hit me at the end. I sort of just...understood. It made me think about the human experience and how negative emotions and thoughts can poison the good that we already have and make our lives more miserable. It may have been me over thinking it, but that is the way I saw it.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 22, 2023
Note: I only made it to episode five. At that point, I just couldn't take it anymore.
I really don't know who would recommend this anime. I knew from episode one that it was going to be bad. Despite that, I pushed on. All I really wanted was good action and decent comedy. Lord knows I wasn't going to get a halfway decent story out of this pile of garbage. Nope, I set my expectations low. As low as they could be. Even with that, this anime fails. Lets start with the story, if you can call it that. In that aspect, it start out pretty
well. The beginning setup in episode one was interesting but seems pointless directly after. Following that, it starts to become a monster of the week type deal. I mean there are some story points here and there, but they are all loose as possible. It's like they crammed in so much to get to episode five, but it feels like so little. Things just...happen. For seemingly no reason. The final straw for me is when the main character basically breaks the fourth wall at some point during episode five. Like, I knew that the story wasn't serious, but it turned into a down right parody. I didn't even enjoy the ecchi segments. This was an all around disappointment. Please stay away.
Art: 6/10 Generic as hell, but cool 90s vibe to it. Kind of liked how some older men were drawn.
Animation: 4/10: Takes a drop at some point where they start reusing certain actions. Really wasn't good to begin with either.
Story: 1/20 There is no story. None at all. It may seem like there is a story, but that is a fever dream. Don't focus on it all, it will give you a migraine.
Sound track: 7/0: Opening and ending themes really save the day on this one. Too bad it can't carry the weight of this pile of crap. Might be worth looking into on youtube though. Kinda of a slight bias to be honest, so it probably isn't even that good.
Reviewer’s Rating: 3
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Jul 3, 2023
So I came back to this anime after years, and I do mean years, of not paying it any attention. Truthfully, I should have probably avoided it. This anime isn't bad, it's just average to a boring degree. Top that with it clearly being a product of its time, and you get an average anime with fanservice that no one should go back to. That being said, I enjoyed taking a trip down memory lane myself and there is some value in this title. Just not enough for me to recommend it. That sums it up if you want to stop reading, more details are
below otherwise.
Story: 4/10
The story, if you can call it that, is built on a very interesting premise. A Japanese boy is pulled into a medieval world of mages by a failed mage student. He becomes her familiar and chaos ensues. Unfortunately, that is just about it for the intrigue. The characters their selves have weird motivations and don't feel real. The world is bland and largely unexplored or fleshed out. There is kind of a main plot, but it doesn't really come into play until later on. Without blood, death, or even injury it has no real grit. Nothing is really gripping for me and falls short.
Art: 5/10
Like the story, pretty bland. Noticed that the character's eyebrows can be seen through their hair, which seems kind of lazy to me. Animation is subpar too, with it being limited by time period and budget. Nothing bad though and, at times, it can be pretty interesting.
My entertainment: 6/10
While it was a bit painful to sit through again, it was just good enough to keep me entertained. This was one of the anime I watched when I was much younger, so there was a good amount of nostalgia for me. Plus fanservice. Always good to see.
Fanservice: 6/10
Shouldn't give this a high score here. All the fanservice is from one character. Just really liked it.
Overall: 5/10
Besides a trip down memory lane, I hate to inform you that this anime just isn't worth resurrecting. It was alright, for it's time. There is a reason why this anime did get sequels, but I can't imagine it gaining enough traction to become relevant again. No one is going to be looking back at this anime like Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Naruto, or any other anime of noteworthy. Goodbye Familiar of Zero, I will be one of the few to remember you fondly.
LIke I sai
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Jun 27, 2023
Right off the bat, I am gonna say this, this anime does almost nothing better than any other anime. Originality is severely lacking. That being said, I enjoyed this anime and I think most people will too. This anime has some problems that I will detail below without spoiling anything, but I wanted to simplify things here in case this is all you want to read. This anime's biggest flaw is that it is really slow to hit and relies on the viewer finding interest in some lackluster world and character building until the highlight of the run-around episode 9 or 10. It is worth
it to get to the end, but I can see why many people end up dropping this anime before. If you can't try Attack on Titan, Darling in the Franks, Chainsaw Man, or Naruto. They have similar themes with much better execution.
Okay now, if you are still with me, I will go over some more of my gripes in more detail. First things first, the initial setup. It is severely lacking. Not nearly enough time is put into the character or scenario, making episode 1 the only episode to set up everything. You get flashbacks for the character stuff, but no real explanation as to why this or why that. You think you'll get more backstory on the world itself, and you kind of do, but not in any potent way. Overall, I think thirteen or fourteen episodes would have suited this better. Not as big as other problems though, since this anime has a second season and some things could be elaborated on further there or in the source material.
What is a big problem are the characters. Starting off with the main protagonist, he is going to frustrate the living hell of you. He is like a slightly less version of Naruto. Stereotypical anime protagonist right here, who isn't even consistent throughout all scenes he is portrayed. The supporting cast isn't much better, with Shinoa being the best. However, even she kind of becomes more stereotypical as the anime goes on. This is really bad because this anime HEAVILY relies on you caring about them and the situations they are put through in the end. Which I did, just not as much as I should have.
Enough of the bad, let's go into a bit of the good. Art is a plus, though it is a bit meh at times. What really gets me about this anime is that some backgrounds are hand drawn, huge plus. The music is also great, with the ending son, in particular, slapping for me. The animation is pretty good too, though I have seen better. There is just a whole lot worse you can do on any of these elements. They really help you as you go through this anime until you get toward the end, where the anime starts really hitting.
I've seen a lot of the reviewers on here knock on a particular part of the anime. While I won't go into detail, I can say this, I understand why fighting is not the main focus of the first six episodes. It just isn't and that is the way it needs to be. You read in the synopsis that a virus has been unleashed to kill everyone above 13 by the vampires and that the rest of humanity has to rebuild and join up to form a militaristic organization. It makes sense why you are focusing on the effects of that and how the remaining humans are trying to build a society that still functions somewhat like the one they had before. I see no problem with it. The problem is execution. I just disagree with the human factions' decisions from a logical standpoint and I just can't see why the main protagonist was allowed to join earlier other than the fact that he is a teen and all meh anime have to have a teen protagonist.
Overall, I did enjoy the show. Just not as much as I should have. Execution needed work and possibly more episodes to breathe life into the world and characters. Gave this a personal score of six, but I think I would give it a seven for the overall anime community. I just don't think people are as much a stickler as I am about some of the stuff I talked about. However, it is because of the stuff I talked about that keeps this anime from being anything other than good. I can see why someone would say it is an eight and disagree, but any higher and you're just wanking it. Seven is a good number to put this on as an overall rating.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 26, 2023
Right off the bat, let me say that I did not finish watching this anime for reasons I will get into. This anime has been sitting on my watchlist for literal years, so I decided to give it a shot. I mean, it comes from a year that I was binging anime like this and I am not surprised that I put it in my watch later list. It has all the elements that I like, it just fails miserably on execution. There is blood, gore, action, mystery, a good plot premise, and decent character setups. To top that off, Black Bullet even has a
good bit of lore behind it and somewhat of a sci-fi element.
The problem is that nothing goes together with one another. This anime's failure is ultimately due to the insane pacing and the way everything is just crammed in or forgotten. The plot here moves so fast that subplots just fall out. This is a 13-episode anime and by episode four, the episode that made me give up on it, I had to put it down. That episode's pace was light-speed and felt like a final episode by the end of it. Which is really unfortunate, because I like a good part of what was presented initially. There is just no time given to anything. Not the character's backstory, not the supporting cast, not the villain, and definitely not the abilities that are presented.
Look, I don't hate this anime, but I wrote this as a warning to those who are looking at that high rating and thinking that this might be a good anime to pick up. It is not. Attack on Titan did the whole setup way better than this. Please don't get sucked in and disappointed like I was.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 1, 2016
Before we get started I would like to note something. I have read that TIte Kubo was severly depressed and in trauma when he made this series, he hated his work too, which kinda changed as he got closer to the ending. He also gave statements about paying too much attention to the editor and not his extincts. He was new at this at the time, so he wasn't use to serialization. So that is why it was cancelled, at least I think so. I don't think Jump had anything to do with it, but they might have.
Story: Well, a few good points were made
to me. It is fairly cliche. A side kick, trying to gather mystical items (especially seven (Dragon ball)), an woman with breasts that are simply too large for nature to create, and stuff like that. Some contribute this to the Shonen manga specifically, I don't know. All I am going to say is that I liked it. I loved the adventure and perhaps that it is like dragon ball in some ways did make it better for me. The story is about an man with a metal arm trying to find the seven rings of the dead to supposedly make himself immortal. Along the way he has to fight a lot of strong people and ends up making a lot of allies. Pretty much sums it up.
Art: Lacking. Tite Kubo is a good artist, but the art here is lacking. Lack of background in battle scenes, missing mouths from characters, and so forth. I don't think it's bad, it's just lacking. I'd give a five.
Enjoyment: Of course this is purely my own opinion, but I rather enjoyed it. I was sad to see it didn't have an ending. I would give enjoyment an eight.
Characters: The characters in the manga are treated fairly well. I gave each one an different voice in my head, they all had very good personalities. I would give this one an seven too.
Overall: For a starter manga, Tite Kubo did a good job. It's hard for me to give it anything than a six though. In my personal opinion I loved it and wanted more, but it has it's flaws. It would be hard for me to justify giving this more than an 6 for recommendation standards.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Nov 3, 2013
Inheriting the story from the original anime (Inuyasha), this story continues on the path of where it left off. At first, i felt the story might have been rushed, this is because of the slow pace of the first anime. However, after the third episode, I realized this was the best. The old anime took it's time and added a lot of unnecessary fillers, which made the show less appealing to most. However, a young kid I loved it, saw the charm in it. I watched every single episode, now at the age of 17, I re-watched it and went on to the one we
have now. Inuyasha final act improves on what the original struggled with and has became a masterpiece! I couldn't be more satisfied with the it.
Also inheriting the amazing art from it's predecessor, Inuyasha final act has some of the best art of any anime, and it has improved it's graphics from it's ancestor as well. All the demons, half demons, humans, souls, trees, and background is amazing. You can tell they were all done well.
In the first one, the sound was a little fuzzy! But this one has improved, I think it's because of the change of technology over time.
Inuyasha final act (and inuyasha) has some of the best characters I have ever seen in a anime. However, since it sacrificed it's slower pace for a much more story driven plot, it doesn't really give the new characters time to develop. No one really knows much about the new characters. This is a fetal flaw, but one that might have been necessary for quickly ending on a satisfying note.
A 10 without a doubt! Like I said before, it did confuse me at first, but that was only because i was use to the older style, where the story was painfully slow at times. However, I feel that it was necessary to speed it up and get to the main plot points. There are twenty episodes, which all add things to the story that would have been dragged out and covered in fillers, if it had been the same pace as the first.
The only problem I had with it, was the character development. And because there was characters introduced that i really wanted to know more about (Sesshomaru's Mother{No name?}, Byakuya, Mouryoumaru, Magatsuhi), i don't feel right with giving it a perfect score. It is a legendary anime and a damn good one...but...I need to give a 9 or I would feel like my attachment to the series got the better of me.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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Apr 25, 2013
The dragonball series (Despite Dragonball GT) has always had an outstanding story, even if it didn't make since sometimes. The story is told in Sagas; the saiyan saga, the namek saga, captain ginyu saga, freezia saga, garlic jr. saga, trunks saga, android saga, imperfect cell saga, perfect cell saga, cell games saga, great saiyanman saga, world tournament saga, babdi saga, majin buu saga, fusion saga, and kid buu saga. These sagas are within what are called arcs; saiyan arc, freezia arc, cell arc, and buu arc. However, this is just a knock-off of the original in my point of view, since it takes away the
filler which made it longer and more satisfying (at least to me). Yet, I cannot bring myself to give the story a bad score since it is the dragonball Z that I've known and love, so it has to be given a ten.
The art in the dragonball series was also special. Over hundreds of characters with such detail to boot, no one character is the exact same. The different environment and animals is also great art that the series has going for it. The wind moves the characters clothing and picks up dirt, such detail! If not a ten I don't know what is! The shear number of characters also earns a ten for character. Although, if I were to rate character development, it would be around a eight or seven since the development is only for few main characters.
The sound is given a great score because although it is awesome and it feels like that your hearing what it would sound like, it could be given a few improvements. Then again, sound is only one thing that makes up an anime and in my opinion that's not even a big part of it.
The enjoyment anyone will have by finishing and re-watching this series is outstanding to say the least! I will give it an ten!
Overall this particular version of the series earns a 6, since it doesn't last as long as the original by taking away filler. However, for fans of the series I have to say that if you want to watch dragonball z without the filler you have to watch this!
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Apr 23, 2013
I went looking for anime that had just the right amount of Echii, but with a story, romance, and plenty of action. That is exactly what I got from Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou! Although, I have to admit, the story was rushed and made no sense at times (Hoping for another season to clear some things up). The art was pretty good, I loved the effects and the way the characters look. The sound was very good, at least it was for me. The characters all needed more time for their development, which (Sadly) they didn't get much of in this anime. But, I did
enjoy the anime and I think that it was a successful anime that should come back with another season! Overall, I had mixed feelings about this anime. I like it sometimes, loved it, then I was confused by it. However, I enjoyed it and I am definitely looking for more! So in the end, I'll have to give this anime either good rating that could be even better if more time is spent on the next season! I would recommend this to anyone who likes; Blue Seed, Kanokon, Omamori Himari, Accel World, or Rosario + Vampire! However since I felt the romance didn't come to a satisfying end and the story was weird I cannot recommend this to anyone who likes; Toradora!, Shuffle!, MM!, Fate/stay night (Along with the others of it's series), AIKa R-16: Virgin Mission, or AIKa: ZERO
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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