Chibi Vampire
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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Cheeky Vampire, Little Vampire, Vampire Karin
Japanese: かりん
English: Chibi Vampire
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 14
Chapters: 63
Status: Finished
Published: Apr 9, 2003 to Feb 9, 2008
Genres: Comedy Comedy, Drama Drama, Romance Romance, Supernatural Supernatural
Themes: School School, Vampire Vampire
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: Dragon Age
Authors: Kagesaki, Yuna (Story & Art)


Score: 7.721 (scored by 1829018,290 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #16672
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #526
Members: 35,726
Favorites: 1,347



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Preliminary Spoiler
Jan 16, 2008
Preliminary (30/63 chp)
I think there's two things that make me love this series. First of all, while vampire stories have been done so many times, as have romantic comedies, Karin is one of the few cases where the author tried to put a new spin on both genres, and actually succeeded in doing so. Second is the characters. Particularly Kenta. Usually the leading female role of these series falls for a whiney, brooding little brat. Karin's love interest goes completely against this archetype, with an upbeat attitude and a great work ethic (sort of like a male Tohru Honda, but tougher). Karin herself does have some of ...
Jan 28, 2009
**NOTE**First off this is my first time writing a review and the only reason I am doing so now is cause of the lack of reviews for this manga so if this review sucks you now know why. Also this is my favorite manga and one of my favorite animes so this review may be a little biased though it still is a great manga biased or not.

Karin is a romance manga with a vampire theme but what makes it so good is in my opinion how the author always seems to be able to add a little twist to the series ...
Mar 5, 2011
The vampire genre on a whole is just down right over used and over served to the point that it now has it's own genre, but that doesn't mean there's no creativity left in it.

STORY: The basic set up is of the school life/romance set ups, girl meets boy, girl and boy fall in love, happy ending, the end.
Though, as over used as this set up is, a lot of us still keep coming back to it.


Cause coming back over and over again may end us up with precious worth while gems.

I consider Karin (Chibi Vampire in the US) one of these gems.
Apr 7, 2009
Karin isn't your typical romantic comedy nor is it your typical vampire story.
(my first review! Yay!)


The "story" of Karin isn't exactly anything special.

In fact, this type of story of forbidden love is common in manga.

What makes it "good", or I should say, "sets it apart from other manga" is the fact that it doesn't take itself seriously.
Apr 5, 2009
Preliminary (39/63 chp)
Karin Maaka is constructed of 95% pure embarrassment. If you have a low tolerance for that most defining of traits of the shy high-schooler, you won't like this. If you don't mind it, and you like romantic comedies with a supernatural theme, this is a good series to read.

I also like that neither female lead (Karin) nor male lead (Kenta) is a loser or an idiot (although both are capable of a lot of idiocy nonetheless, being teenagers in love). They're both responsible young people; Karin is made to pay her own way by her parents, while Kenta keeps a ...
Feb 6, 2010
its a cool manga very cool and better than anime

it has : romance,action,vampire

like i said its story is different than anime so u must read it couse its better.in manga there isnt a vampire hunter (will),instead there is a half breed(half vamp half human)tachibana.so its story is different.our guy kenta usui learns maaka karin is a vamp but she doesnt suck blood she spills it out so its very interesting we always see vamps sucking blood but this one spills it out and blood is life to a vamp so its interesting.so kenta learns karin is a vamp and promise to keep it a ...
May 9, 2020
Basically I recommend the manga here 1000% The story of Karin is actually quite moving and quirky from beginning to end. I actually dislike the anime because it is so much filler and the characters don't really grow as much.

In the manga you actually learn about Kenta Usui and his mother. You see the struggles and the romance that builds between him and Karin. You actually learn some history of the Maaka Vampires and even meet other families. You learn about Karin's condition of releasing blood and what it means to the vampires as well as to her future among them. It's a much ...
Jun 24, 2024
"A message for anyone who plans to read this manga..."

This manga is worth reading if you finish it till its short stories...

Don't expect to feel good if you plan to just read until its canon ending.

Some people may say the canon ending sucks blablabla...

That is why i said till short stories!!!

Jun 9, 2014
i got into the vampires series this year but i never though i would find one that could actually make me change my way of thinking as this manga did it. It was so fun to read that i couldn't stop until i finished it. If you love drama, comedy and romance this one can be a good choice. For me it is the best manga i have read. The characters are all so fun and engaging. the story it so well made that it gets to a point of full enjoyment. The art well i just wish my wife could have Karin haircut. The ...
Feb 21, 2013
I LOVED this manga! however the ending left a sour taste in my mouth. I think the mangaka didnt know how to end the manga and I really hated the ending. it actually ruined the whole manga for me.


When they just erased Maaka's memories like that? That actually hurt reading her say "I don't have a family.". I think that was a stupid thing to do and so I gave the story a low rating....
Jun 4, 2009
This is a good funny manga and I was shocked to see it listed as a shonen because it felt very shoujo to me. The storyline starts out really strong and you nearly crack a rib laughing but then I got a little bored. It stepped away from the comedy for some more serious storylines and it felt like it had an aburpt ending. It left me wanting a bit more but if you need a little pick me up I'd grab one of the first 7 volumes. The light comedy will perk you right up, if you really want to die from laughter watch ...
Oct 21, 2012
I'm going to be honest. Vampire stories usually aren't my cup of tea, and taking into account that I found this series in my school's library around the same time Twilight was a hit, I was reluctant to read it at first. However, I set aside my hatred for aforementioned books and decided to sign out the first volume. Easy to say, I loved it and eventually read through all of it in a week or two.

Story: 10/10
A vampire with constant nosebleeds injects blood into her victims instead of drinking it. Immediately I knew this wasn't your average vampire story. At first I was in ...
Dec 27, 2015
In any story telling medium, what you need to have in order for a fun story to happy is a really good set of characters. This manga definitely excels in having those! There are moments where you really laugh at these people, others where you wanna hug, and comfort them.

The really expressive characters help to always increase the emotional empathy of the situation. It's a roller coaster ride of emotions following the lives of Vampires and one who's in love with a human. If you like romantic comedies you'll probably skip out school for a whole day just to read this (Star bucks with ...
Mar 30, 2017
Mixed Feelings
Warning this review may contain spoilers.

First Impressions,
So I first found out about this manga by watching it anime adaptation,
Which wasn't bad per say but I wanted to see the source material for the more compeled story and Also I think of the idea of a vampire who doesn't exactly fit in with the normal vampire society in a way and shares a bit more of a connection with humans.
I think is sorta interesting.

Jan 10, 2016
To be honest, I thought this would be another supernatural romance, but it surprisingly exceeded my expectations. This manga not only transforms the commonly used vampire genre but also firmly grasps the concept of first love in such a way that is innocent, endearing, and wishful. Vampires aren't the simple bloodsucking creatures that lurk in the night; Kagesaki gives them a curious history and gives them extraordinary powers and characteristics. Of course, blending in within the human world is not an original concept, but the type of vampire that Karin is makes it a unique story yet again.

The young first love sprouting between high school ...
Jan 13, 2019
I probably say this in many of my reviews, but I will say it anyway. I honestly loved this series, and it is one of my many top manga's of all time. It's certainly not your typical vampire story, as I have previously read not only manga, but also actual books about vampire stories, and I have to admit this is a one of it's kind. It is one of a kind, with a day walking vampire, which in fact injects blood instead of feeding on others. I have to say that, it's even better than the anime, which I have watched a few years ...
Jun 22, 2012
I'm so glad I found out what happened in the end and it didn't disappoint. The thrill, the drama, the danger, the suspense, all there and executed flawlessly. The other vampires were just oblivious to the pain they were causing and some hinted at regretting it rather than they just be flatout heartless. And given how bad things got, the ending, though regrettable, was just as it should be. LUV'D IT!!!
Mar 29, 2022
Spoiler free review!!

I didn't really expect much from Karin when I started reading it. The cover seemed generic and I wasn't sold by the art style or the summary of the plot. A few months ago I remembered the series when I saw it on sale, since I had read the first few books as a child in a local library. I had liked Karin, though back then thought every manga I read was good because I hadn't read that many. Since I never finished it as a kid, I thought to give the series another chance. I'm glad I did!

Karin is a very relationship-heavy ...