Ahh, +Anima. Half the readers probably stumbled upon this manga because its name is, alphabetically, one of the first to appear on a manga-hosting website.The other half probably just liked the word "anima" because it sounded pretty. Despite what coincidental "methods" we readers used to find it, +Anima was far from something meagerly amusing, and in fact, was engrossingly endearing in its own right. You can tell a professional storyteller from an amateur one, and Natsumi Mukai is by far the former. A story that's able to be told with stunning and consistent aesthetics, married with heartwarming character development and engaging subplots is difficult to
find. Look no further, however, because +Anima is one of the most underrated manga I've ever read (according to MAL scoring); I write this review on this sleepy Monday night to bring light to the wonderful +Anima.
Some lump character development in the "character" section of reviews. I don't disagree that character development is related to the characters themselves. However, MANY stories convey the growth of characters as their means of storytelling. It's not something merely physical such as a journey (though that is the physical plotline of +Anima); story also includes the story of character growth and how their interactions change later on in the manga. Despite other reviewers' relatively lower scores of +Anima's story, I give it a well-deserved 10.
The premise is simple enough. You have children that have the ability to use physical traits of animals, be it because they've been forced to adapt to this ability or whether they're born that way. Cooro sets on a journey to find other +Anima and travel with them for no exact reason, other than perhaps an innocent "because it's fun" chain of thought. Given its somewhat linear overarching physical plot, it's deduced that this is a slice of life manga. Which is perfectly fine, but I'd have to disagree with other people giving the story a lower rating because of it. Stories don't need to be complicated to be wonderful; the purpose of telling +Anima's story is not to confuse readers or tell a save-the-world/damsel/treasure story, but rather portray the everyday lives of our party of +Anima.
"Given that it's a slice of life manga, how are the daily events of Cooro, Senri, Nana, and Husky, anyway?" you may ask.
"Well," I answer, "it's sweet, relatable, and shifts between fun and serious." Some of the fun ones, such as Husky being mistaken as a mermaid later in the series by a young man, makes the corners of the reader's mouth daintily twitch up in amusement. Yet, there are also points of reflection and the subplots provide small tidbits of information on the characters and their pasts. The more serious stories, such as meeting Senri's tribe, heavily emphasize on the characters' pasts and why they've become whom they are today. It's difficult to convey the endearing moments in these events in this review, but each story provides a small moral or lesson that is IMPLICITLY (and I emphasize this word because there's just not enough IMPLICITNESS in manga) told to the reader, not shoved in our faces like a whole pie. Beautiful, beautiful storytelling. The daily lives of our protagonists are interesting and allow the reader to reflect upon common morals that we may or may not agree with.
ART: 10
Beautiful details. Intricately drawn backgrounds. It's not like your common shoujo with half-assed bubbles or flowers shown in the background when a character has her moment of pleasant surprise. Instead, these beautiful, lush backgrounds of the nature surrounding the party is depicted. And if it's not nature, it's the bustling towns that they move to and fro. Line art is well done -- bolder where emphasis should be and shyer where they're just small wrinkes in the clothing, etc. Given the age of this manga, the style of art has stood the test of time because the mangaka knew how to actually DRAW. As stated before in my review of He Dedicated to Roses, you'd be surprised at how many mangaka can't draw for the life of them despite the nature of their occupation. The characters' clothing designs are done extremely well; one look at a coloured (actually, it doesn't even have to be coloured) picture of Cooro and you can see the bright yellows contrasting the blues and reds, as well as the well laid-out, yet practical, layers of clothing he adorns. Wonderful work on the mangaka's part.
Despite the colourful cast of protagonists that most readers grow to love, there are several irking supporting characters within +Anima that were evidently not well-designed. Characters such as Fly could have had so much more done with them, but instead they're presented as rather 2D, especially in contrast to the well-designed +Anima protagonists we all know and love (at least, I do anyway).
Even if the supporting characters fall short of what's ideal, the main party makes up more than enough for it. Each of the main party's members has a distinct feel to them. Cooro is playful, yet mysteriously obedient, and loves to eat; Husky is rather frugal, dislikes girls, yet looks like a girl himself; Senri... I'd have to be a little biased and say that he's my favourite character in the manga because there's so much to him (you'll love his absent-mindedness, his ability to spice up cooking, and his forgetfulness); and then there's Nana. Not particularly likable at the get-go, but later on she does learn her place and even Husky learns to tolerate her. Though these may sound stock characters to you, rest assured they're not; the mangaka uses tiny details in their actions and cleverly manipulates the dialogue to give colour to the characters.
It's a great read, but don't expect to finish it all in one or two go's. It's slice-of-life, and meant to be taken in small doses because it's calming and simply a pleasant read. Like Cooro and friends, just take a bit of time out of your daily life to read a little at a time, as reading +Anima could be a slice of your own life's events.
I couldn't give it a solid 10 because some of the events weren't consistently strong; however, they were all well-done. Some were simply better than others, and when compared, the reader wouldn't have the same gratification of reading some of the weaker stories.
Terribly underrated series, and I suppose being a slice-of-life really can bring the story score down for certain reviewers. Don't treat it like a manga you can race through, because that's just simply not how you can enjoy +Anima. Read as much as you want, and stop when you feel you won't get any joy out of reading more. Then pick it up again, sprinkling it in the multiple slices of your own life to help sweeten a tame Sunday afternoon.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Plus Anima, Parallel +Anima Japanese: +ANIMA More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 10
Chapters: 59
Status: Finished
Published: Dec 27, 1999 to Jan 27, 2005
Dengeki Comic Gao! Authors:
Mukai, Natsumi (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #20202 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #902
Members: 21,834
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Filtered Results: 21 / 21
Your Feelings Categories Mar 1, 2010
Ahh, +Anima. Half the readers probably stumbled upon this manga because its name is, alphabetically, one of the first to appear on a manga-hosting website.The other half probably just liked the word "anima" because it sounded pretty. Despite what coincidental "methods" we readers used to find it, +Anima was far from something meagerly amusing, and in fact, was engrossingly endearing in its own right. You can tell a professional storyteller from an amateur one, and Natsumi Mukai is by far the former. A story that's able to be told with stunning and consistent aesthetics, married with heartwarming character development and engaging subplots is difficult to
Jun 19, 2008
First of all +Anima is a great manga for anybody that loves great artwork and awesome characters. It isn't for everyone becouse there isn't a lot to the story and there isn't a lot of action.
Story: The story received a 7/10 because it wasn't all that special. The four main characters,Cooro, Husky, Senri, and Nana, walk around the world of +Anima in search of a true home. This doesn't sound all that special but it is because on their travels they encounter villains and friends alike, as well as other +Anima which makes the story a little more interesting. Art: This is what I think ... Nov 21, 2007
I'm very surprised there isn't already a review for +anima.
+Anima is a very unique manga in it's storyline and characters. Although +anima doesn't have a set storyling except for the characters exploring new places and meeting acquaintances, it is still very enjoyable. The characters are very well developed. Frequently at the end of a volume, Natsumi Mukai will often have a page or two describing the characters. As you progress in the manga, you'll notice that the characters become more and more developed with traits that make them unique. I really loved this manga for it's great art, wonderful characters, and it was very enjoyable. ... Apr 23, 2008
I'm very picky when it comes to manga, but this one just drew me right in!
I picked it up just to fill in the slack between Naruto and D.Gray-man updates and just piled right through all that has been posted (up to chapter 41 on the site). It's amazing, the artwork and the stories. One by one you're drawn in by the characters and kept wondering about them. The manga adds twists and turns, giving you something else to wonder about on top of what already has you wanting to read it. Along with the beautiful pictures and the short clips explaining why Senri has no ... Jul 23, 2009
Well, It had such a good concept, but it was so disappointing. There's no direct conflect or objective, and it all seems to lack in action. The whole itself was too short and the chapters were too long. It seems at the end they're right back where they started just so the author has an excuse to do some other manga. I'd say it's more suited for kids
Jan 31, 2015
+anima was overall an amazing manga I enjoyed every chapter too my hearts content. the charters felt like they had real personality's and I felt that they really grew over the time this manga continued, The story was amazing and I could for the most part never guess what would happen next there were many twists and turns and it was so well built and thought-out there was never a dull moment in this manga. The art was really cute but at the same time quite detailed which I enjoyed.
There was a very calming sensation around the whole thing but sometimes I would crack up ... Apr 2, 2021
Hello! So, this is my first time writing a review ever... like... ever, so please don't judge me if I sound really unprofessional, however, there's a first for everything, right? Anyway, enough stalling, let's get into the review for the manga... +Anima!
Also, one thing I'd like to let you know before you read this review, this will contain NO spoilers, so you can feel free to read this if you want a spoiler-free review. Another thing, this manga is pretty old, and I don't know if anyone is really interested in this manga anymore, but I was bored and I wanted something to do regarding writing ... Dec 1, 2007
I've only read the first two books but so far this manga has been awesome. It somewhat reminds me of Pet Shop of horrors because of its strange unconnecting chapters, that only follow on with a storyline that keeps the manga together.
The art is great, I just love how the mangaka draws, though i only rated 9 because i love some other manga more. The characters in Anima are so coolo, just basically because they are all different, but their characters somehow compliment each other making them seem like they really WOULD stay together. The main character is an Anima of a crow, which is really ... Nov 14, 2008
+Anima is really a manga that you wont stumble across everyday.
What makes it unique is the wide expanses of audience that it targets, the carefree yet deep enough to loose yourself into pages of +Anima really makes it a story for everyone. Story: 6/10 Whilst the story seems shallow in the beginning, it sets the manga out for an easy read at first, making the strange and fantastic theme of +Anima good for beginners. Later in it's chapters, +Anima introduces some quite interesting plot turns with the extremely likeable characters draws you right in. You must see it until the end. Art: 8/10 The art style may seem simplistic to some ... Apr 18, 2010
Story: If you like to read mangas with stories/plots this one is not for you. There is no overall plot but small random adventures, and in the end you wonder what was the point of all this.
Art: The art was very cute and good but not amazing like some people are claiming. I find the sceneries/backgrounds to be a bit lacking and unimaginative... The whole setting is a bit generic. Characters: They are well defined but can be cliche. They do not really "develop" or change much. You get to find out about their pasts but the characters themselves dont seem to really change with the ... Jul 4, 2008
For me it is simply the best manga ever.
beautiful pictures, characters with a lot of secrets and a neverending row of surprises makes it so interesting and perfect. Especially interesting is also that not just the life of the main characters but also of minor roles and even the complete world is explained in its detailes and natural wonders. there's even a world map for it, making you come even deeper in the worl and even a calender, which enables you to eg. find out the age of the characters which isn't displayed in the informations, just the birth date, and if you look carfully, you'll ... May 27, 2015
This is one of the first manga series I've read. I think I went from Fullmetal Alchemist to this, which was more than a slight change of pace.
This is a really cute manga about a bunch of really cute characters who go on cute adventures. Why? I don't really remember. I'm not sure if that was ever really established. I think they gave a reason for all of the characters coming together, but the reason that satisfies me more is BECAUSE THE PLOT MUST GO ON! As for that plot, it's not a story where every event builds onto the next. It's more of a collection ... Jul 19, 2012
Let me set something straight: I don't really have a set genre that I really like when it comes to anime and manga, but I have developed a fondness for one subject that anime and manga often love to touch upon: nice, good-hearted, well-meaning children who get completely crapped on by life, go through many hardships (like poverty or abuse, for example) and are subject to discrimination and social prejudice for varying reasons. Some stories make them achieve happiness in the end, or have them go on a darker path (which either means death or an eternal life of hardship). I LOVE those types of
Aug 16, 2009
I really LOVED this book! I only started reading it yesterday, August 15th 2009, & I am TOTALLY hooked!
It is sooo hard to put down & has an awesome story & GREAT characters. It is really cool because these kids have a certain power from an animal, Like Cooro has his wings from a crow & Husky has his tail, fin, & underwater breathing skills from a fish! It is really cool & you will DEFIANTLY enjoy reading this amazing manga! :3 May 4, 2010
Well for thoughs who are mad on animals and people with animal powers this is the best thing to read so far :) i love every single bit of this because +anima is the kind of thing i'd love to be part of. Also if you absoloutely and positively love manga this is great i'd read it over and over again because it's that good and it's a thing everyone loves :D even ME haha
Oct 5, 2010
*review may contain vague, minor spoilers*
+Anima is a very unique manga: oddly engaging and memorable, lighthearted and fun but with some occasional emotive moments, and a charm that I haven't quite seen in any other series to date. STORY (8): There are plenty of series out there that involve shifters or animal-human hybrids in some form or other, but +Anima manages to give it a fresh spin and its concept still feels relatively original. With the tension between the +anima and the regular humans, there is plenty of room for battles and epic confrontations. However, this isn't what this series is about or ever attempts to ... Jan 1, 2009
My first review, but i can't help it i love +Anima. I think i'll do it like this.
STORY the story is brilliant, with no real point to it besides kids with anima (or animal) powers looking for a home.around the 7th book though, the story becomes more plot based, and that really slows down the fun. Still amazing, but less. ART to put it simple, i love it. very light, no heavy action, but when its needed its there. The other 4\5 of the art is light, fun, chibi on occasion, and... hugable! CHARACTER Cooro- he is a hyper, loveable, nice, simple crow +anima who starts the little group. Husky- he ... Sep 12, 2010
I wasn't sure what I would get when I read +Anima. I knew next to nothing about it, other then that it was a Shonen. I read it.
Well, it's kinda...boring. In the manga, random people have these genes which give them animal characteristics. For example, some people have bird wings, some have lion claws, some have the eyes of a hawk, some have bat ears, etc. Like X-Men, people hate and persecute these people. Anyway, the two main characters, Cooro and his friend are trying to find a nice place to live. And thats the plot. They travel and travel and travel. There isn't even any ... Oct 4, 2010
When I first started reading this story I liked the concept and most of the characters (Nana and Cooro annoyed me), but by the time I reached the last two books, I started to get worried.
The way It ended, it was a s if nothing had happened. The story seemed to be no farther then it was in the begining. Perhaps I just sat myself up for disappointment, as I was expecting a more conclusive ending. |