What does a harem tend to be filled with? Girls, girls, girls, and the guy surrounded by them, but what can we do to mix it up in a market filled with plenty of generic harems and bland characters? I present to you, a harem filled with not just any girls, but monster girls.
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou is an ecchi harem manga that has everything you'd expect. Comedy, Boobs, accidental sexual encounters and of course, plenty of girls in love with our MC. The fantastic part about Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou however, is the twist on not only the girls being Monster
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Everyday That There Is a Monster Girl, MonMusu Japanese: モンスター娘のいる日常 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: Unknown
Chapters: Unknown
Status: Publishing
Published: Mar 19, 2012 to ?
Comic Ryu Authors:
Inui, Takemaru (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #22642 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #212
Members: 78,175
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Your Feelings Categories Jul 8, 2013
How would you react, if the first thing 'you' woke up to was a Lamia (half human, with half snake sub species)? Or a household of monster girls that consisted of a Harpy, Centaur and lord knows what else. Oh, one more thing before I forget, you even have to pick one of them for marriage, and they are in to that ecchi business as well. *wonders how they would have sex and where you would have to put the thing*
Now before I get a little grossed out (no offense), this story is all about a boy who has all of these subspecies all in ... Dec 27, 2014
Harem is a typical genre being overused in Japan since the start. To ether cater to the male, and sometimes female demographic. All of the shows/manga that has been produced as a harem have always been a huge hit, or a massive failing miss. Monster Musume is somewhere in between, but it tilts towards the good side more. Here's why. This series is straight up bizarre. There is a bevy of sexy women who are half animals. And their cup sizes range from A, all the way to P, and beyond (Whoa, lots of bazonkers!). So any ecchi fan will be satisfied while ... Jan 27, 2015
This manga got me so hooked that I can't stop reading one chapter after the other. Now, those reading my review would probably think that it's because of the "Ecchi" and "Harem" elements highly present in it but putting these aside Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou is really good manga if not one of the best ever.
Certainly while reading the manga you will get a sense of deja vu since the "Harem" part is almost as the same as the others except that our main character isn't a pervert and is pretty much a good person at heart who wouldn't hesitate to put his ... Jul 15, 2015
Monster Girls is a giant cocktease, in almost all senses but literal.
Oh, there's plenty of tits and panty shots. I honestly can't tell if it's supposed to be ecchi or hentai, and frankly I don't really care to figure out. The art definitely compliments this, tits, panties, and asses are all drawn expertly and in glorious detail. You'd expert nothing less from a kinda-pornographic kinda-not manga, and as time goes on they get a cast of monsters so big one of them is sure to fill under one of your sick fetishes. Unless you're into dudes and only dudes. In which case run, run as ... Jul 16, 2013
I'll start off by saying that I'm not a huge manga person. I'm more of an anime person and just watch the anime then read the manga. However; since this is one of those that don't have an anime and from what I've read thus far. Not only is this an acception to that, but I can also safely say that I'm enjoying this manga thus far.
I've read all 16 chapters of the story thus far and so far have enjoyed the story. So far, the characters that we have are Kurusu; the only human male that this story resembles around and the main ... Aug 3, 2019
I am someone who first watched the anime and then reverted to manga. And the only thing I experienced was pure enjoyment both the times. Even the Chapters I had already watched over in the anime gave the same taste of Enjoyment as they gave off in the anime. This series is truly worth for what it's genre are "Best Harem Development", "Best (Accidental/Or Not) Ecchi stuff", "Best Romance", "Girls", "Comedy at it's Best".
Damn it the Monster Girls have been so well described and their habits too. It almost seems like the real animals. The author has really blended the animal instincts/behaviour pattern, their features, ... Aug 19, 2013
I'd like to start out saying "YES, THIS IS A HAREM MANGA." That being said, the harem motif isn' t really the defining factor of this story, but more like an instigator for action (without it, I'd see no reason for all these monster girls to conglomerate together)
However, not everyone in the harem is in love with main guy. Some have a mutual respect, others feelings more akin to sibling-hood. So, it doesn't always become a love brawl (even though there is always a match-up every chapter) The premise of the story is a bit farfetched, but the execution isn't done half bad. The way ... Jan 17, 2019
I have read all available manga at the point of writing this (vol 14). Its a high ecchi harem story with monster girls. First without spoilers it has a semi weak story as its mostly set up these characters meeting and interacting with one another, which is the main enjoyment is the humor. It doesn't try to be much more then a funny manga with crazy character designs but at times does bring up some interesting stuff like immigration, mortality, and other subjects with these characters with humor (see spoilers for examples).
CONS The characters personalities are simple at first in it but can be seen ... Mar 29, 2021
If I could sum up this review in a sentence, it would be "This is a harem manga with monster girls". Monster Musume neither fails to reach this statement, nor does it exceed expectations.
All of the parts needed to create a harem manga are present; a bland MC, a myriad of cute albeit generic girls, and plenty of situations that almost inevitably result in those sugary ecchi moments. Despite this supposed statement of mediocrity, Monster Musume manages to work well with what it has, to the point where I would reccomend it to those who are *really* interested in going past the ever more popular ... Mar 9, 2014
monster musume is a harem and ecchi manga.
It tells the tail of a boy named kurusu kimihito how volunteer of the governments homestay plan but not for normal people no this is for monsters or to be more percises monster girls. Now this manga is not one thats going to blow you away with its art or its story but it is just such a fun read. The charaters are all very diffrent form one and another like MIIA a half snake half human is all over are main charater and she is the first monster girl to be introduced. She is a very ... May 24, 2020
If you are just reading this to learn how much of the manga that was adapted into the anime I can tell you it was the first 6 books (26 chapters) and there are no major changes between the anime and the books. Now onto the review.
Some might see me giving Monster Musume an overall score of 5/10 as meaning that I think it is a bad manga. This is not the case. To me 5/10 means that is was a fine read but not a manga I would read again and I can't see myself recommending it to a friend. The art is in my ... Mar 21, 2016
This manga is a very interesting one, it’s filled with humor, is fairly action-packed and shows plenty of adventure in every chapter. There is also plenty of detail in the artwork, looking very nice deep, but can sometimes look blurry also and jagged. As for being an ecchi manga, its clearly shown in just about every chapter and is shown very often, there are also many ecchi scenes can be seen throughout the entire series. In each volume, a new monster girl is introduced to live with Kimihito. Each one has a quick, yet mostly brief introduction as well.
This manga is very fun to read, ... May 23, 2018
Best cock tease I've ever laid witness to. Would read again.
I went into this wanting pleasurable monster girl shenanigans and it gave it to me in droves. Like, I wasn't really expecting to actually fall in love with this manga, I really wasn't. I expected to like it; good for relaxing time if you catch my drift, but it ended up hooking me in with it's monster like claws, and I honestly was too stunned by my euphoria to notice the blood leaking from my back where it hooked me. I suppose the blood would be all the mortal shame I've shed after realizing my taste ... Jul 8, 2016
Ooh boy. There are guilty pleasures. Like eating a whole bucket of KFC original recipe by yourself.
Then there's the deep fried, bacon wrapped, meat stuffed, chocolate sauce covered excess decadence of something that exceeds guilty pleasures. It's sinfully bad in a good way. That's how I feel about MonMusu. Once upon a time, I too, stood upon the moral high ground turning my nose up at the those gorging themselves upon the debauchery of monster girl harem comedy. But a thought took root in my mind- "Give it a go." And since I thought that obviously there would be no harm, and I would immediately see I ... Jul 8, 2019
The more I read this manga the more I realized something. The girls in this manga aren't the real monsters. The real monsters are the ones who are reading it.
If the phrase "monster harem" is something that interests you, then what more questions could you have? Does story matter? Does character development matter? Does any of this matter? Monster Musume is a niche pick for people who are already too deep and can't go back. That being said, it's not the worst, but it's probably what you'd expect If you're not ready, then don't read it, but if you are, then have fun Jul 2, 2013
This fun serie is about 1 human guy called Kurusu Kimihito (best known as Darling) who get tricked by the lazy miss Smith to take part in his country's Species Exchange Program and must take care and teach the Lamia girl miaa(and others) how to intrigrate into human society without breaking the law and without having sex with each other..(something Miaa tries all the time).
What makes the serie so much fun to read aside from the standard ecchi scenes is how many reall life facts(as far as monsters goes) there are worked into it and how they are used to keep the story going or ... |