When people make certain decisions in their lives and truly desire something, it could forever change their life, it could even come true if they worked really hard in this world to achieve it, but that’s under the understanding of our world. But, what ‘if’ you were about to die and really desired to live, what would happen? How about, some nasty or beautiful entities come and grant those wishes to keep you alive, but for a price, eveeen if the price falls upon both parties. Well in Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun that’s all possible if you truly desired it, and even then you kinda
have to be in the right place at the right time.
Luckily our main character, Shino Inuzuka exactly was wishing that, and he was just at the wrong place at the wrong time while dying from a tragic accident, but it turns in to be the right place and the right time, as he is saved by the Church’s Riou Satomi, but his price is a lot larger than any, as the boy will forever not age (forever aged 13) or die, technically an immortal, not only that he gives born to a grow who is called Murasame, who is meant to be this super powerful entity (that’s what we are led to believe), that when is called for bursts through Shino’s skin and comes out as a sword (yeah, I know weird transformation). Also, his friend, if not family is a dog and his best friend Hamaji, well we don’t know about her yet, but I suggest she is something too. Thus, their lives changed as well. He is now no longer alive, what will his life be like now?
Right, just before we go into this review I would just like to say that, I will be marking this solely as if there wasn’t even a second season, but that doesn’t mean I won’t mention anything about it. That’s all I would like to say, so let’s get on with this review.
Story (8/10) - Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun is a an Action, Shoujo and a Supernatural anime, with katanas and all that, which would make you think that this could have some real good battles and fighting scenes, but can I just say ‘right now’, don’t bother, if you are here for action, because you will be wasting your time. I mean don’t get me wrong it has its moments, but they don’t last long and there’s nothing really to them anyway. This anime (or this season) wasn’t based on Action and theatrics, it’s based on one big ass puzzle, with what seems to be a deep story, which is slowly, but surely coming together, and by the end you will definitely see why this anime got a second season, and what exactly is a drawing them in together, as it was hinted quite a few times throughout the series.
This series, while trying to tell the story goes about it really slowly with barely anything happening. Some of you viewers might give up with this anime 5 episodes in, because let’s be honest, nothing actually happens for like a good 7 to 8 episodes, for me it wasn’t till the 9th one that it really got interesting. It’s around there, that all the previous episodes start to make sense, this anime is just simply, you getting to know the characters, the feel of the story, what they are and get into the feel of it, but honestly I think it failed at getting you into it, until you get to that exact part of the series. Anyway, it’s more like a long introduction of sorts, still if you got through a whole lot of nothing then you are definitely are rewarded with a lot of mystery. I’m sure you will be going straight onto season 2 in no time just wanting to know more, and what the outcome could be, well, at least I certainly am.
This animes good points are its strong story and presence, while definitely giving us some good characters to enjoy as well. The characters certainly bring the story together, and there is something real deep and mystified about each character, especially, Shino Inuzuka and Sousuke Inukawa.
I think you all will be very surprised, just how good the actually overall experience was like by the end, even if the start was such a drag.
For the bad points, well like I’ve said this anime literally goes nowhere for like 4 episodes, they then suddenly get sent off to another town and now have to look for beads, and you think this is where something begins but again, nothing. At first you really think something deep is going on, and shit is about to go down, but in the end it was a totally let down, seriously! You get all dumped, just for it to be all thrown away, I mean it had the entire plot there and everything and at first you think, “Wait? What? That it? Can’t be serious, right? They build it all up and even the atmosphere, just for it to end like this?” There was a real good plot, but the conclusion was very droll and boring. This is where you will strangle, because it continues to do this. There’s even a random encounter on a train and ends in them making a friend and leaving him, obviously the guy wasn’t any normal guy and there something more to it and all that, but still, makes you think “what exactly was the purpose of that guy? You know, forget that question, what was the point in the episode?” You need not worry, in the last few episodes everything begins to make sense, I can assure you.
Now I did say that this anime is solely story more than anything, and yes that is correct, but this anime has Action in it, I mean come on! It has *flupping* demons, swords, entities and bloody deities in it, and yet nothing really badass happens, or no real challenge at all throughout the whole thing, apart from this mysterious character that doesn’t get introduced until later in the series, and he is like the first and ‘only’ real threat that I know of throughout the whole thing. I wish it done it sooner, because I honestly think people could lose patience of just how slow it progresses. Also, the actual battles are nothing all that much either, pretty standard, none interesting stuff, if they were to have a battle, I wished it could have been more intense, like maybe bring the story into the fight, make it feel that little more intense and stuff, but what do I know, huh? In the end, I think you could count the number of battles there were on your hand. I would love to make an example, but then this review wouldn’t really be spoiler free, but you will see what I mean.
For shoujo side of things, well I couldn’t say any girl or man wouldn’t be disappointed at all, the characters are all hot guys and that main character when his curse was lifted, my god I think when I saw him, I think I was just as stunned as Kobungo Inuta was, haha.
In the end, it really just depends, if you don’t mind too much about a stories pace or anything like that, then this won’t be a problem for you, in matter of fact, it could even be fairly enjoyable and likeable as well. The story is certainly not perfect and it did have some real flaws. If you’re a person who saw Katanas, the genre, “Action and “Supernatural” and thinking it’s going to be some real fun and awesome battles, then again sorry, you are being totally miss leaded.
Art (9/10) Art was amazing! Recently, animes art and animation have been astounding, like they really have stepped it up a notch, to something suppose from like an anime like maybe 3 or 4 years ago and I honestly think nowadays our rating on art should be a little more strict, as there are less mistakes to point out now, due to all this HD.
Still again, this anime I just couldn’t bring this rating down any further than 9, because the art was (like I said) amazing. The entities were either, beautifully animated and well-drawn or damn right suited to their looks or name, take for example Shino’s Murasame, a crow with black feathers with this, like evil look to his eye. Then you have the deities, which look like what they were and yet so wonderfully drawn and animated, I mean you could tell them apart from maybe some normal entity or demon. Literally everything supernatural was, I would say, “stunning”, as simple as that really. That crow coming how of Shino’s arm, come on! That like creeps me out a little, what’s worse he doesn’t have any reaction to him whatsoever when it happens.
The actual characters were very well drawn as well, I wasn’t too keen on Hamaji’s art, but for me, I eventually didn’t mind, matter of fact I liked her art as well in the end.
Background was again well drawn, but nothing really special. It’s something you would expect from a 2013 anime.
(Ignore if you wish) Damn, I hate rating backgrounds because like, who has the time to read the subtitles, look at the screen and what’s actually going on, while trying to soak in the background, when nothing happens there, argh. (End of gibberish)
Reason not for a ten is that I had one problem, it just didn’t seem right and I’m sure you viewers will feel the same way, is that when you go into a wider perspective, when like Shino is next to Shousuke, and see just how small he is to them, it felt way too weird and off at the same time, like something just wasn’t right there, he looked like a midget. However, when I saw his real form (without the curse), I honestly think the art for it was magnificent, and I truly thought it was better and it definitely suited in the crowd a lot more than in his “small boy form”.
Shino: Eh? Naaaniii?!
Sound (6/10) – One thing this anime definitely falls in is the music, the music was simply just there, the OP theme song after listening to it once makes you want to skip it every time so you can just get right in to it, doesn’t want you to stay back and listen to it. I’m sure if you keep listening to it, you might not be bothered by it, but let me just say this, if you listen to ANY music long enough, you’re going to like it by the end of it all, until you’re just sick of hearing it, wait, that’s like that with every music, oh well. One thing the OP did have which was good was the chorus, with its hard beats and up-beat chorus was definitely nice, but that’s about it.
As for the sounds in the anime, they were fairly good, they did add to some scenes and scenarios, so they definitely did a good job there.
The EP Theme Song is a little worse than even the OP, as for the OP had a nice Chorus and instruments and so did this instrument wise, but as for the lyrics and the song itself, just didn’t seem right, I ain’t going to say that it didn’t fit because the lyrics and the song is meant to resemble the anime itself.
So, I definitely will say for sure that the worse side of this anime is the music by far; this is something I’m hoping was done better in season 2. Also the reason for the 6 and not a 7 is purely because of the fact the year of this anime is 2013 and I honestly think music since last year has really been kicked up a notch, nearly every new anime I’ve seen has had outstanding quality of music and it’s getting harder and harder to rate, so this is the reason and I compare to today’s animes and this just isn’t up there with them on this department.
Characters (8/10) – The characters were surprisingly very well done, they weren’t boring, very far from it. And I’m leaving everything about the characters up to you, because this story revolves around them, but mainly the main character, but don’t they always, argh, so cliché, haha.
Anyway, the characters are all likeable, and you knew which ones were mysterious or ominous beings. They all have something to them, and every character seems to have a part of the plot, even though it centres around Shino, which is nice to see that it ain’t just all about the main character all the time. I find that so refreshing.
There will be still characters that feel a little off, or know nearly nothing about, which is sad, as I wished it went it to that a bit, well I guess it did, but I just thought maybe a little more, still hopefully that gets all explained in season 2.
There was a problem however, it’s when a certain characters arc ends, all of a sudden what we saw in the arc, turned out to be totally different in the end, matter of fact even joking and having a laugh to make the comedic moments, which it did poor at if I might add. To be honest, it confused the hell out of me, that they turn to what they were in the arc to suddenly not giving a crap or continuing like nothing happened, I just found that so weird. Meh, it’s nothing mager but it just bugged me, so I thought I should point it out.
Enjoyment (7/10) – Beginning stint was just a little confusing and weird at times, but they were still fun episodes to watch, just seeing how everything unravels is a nice thought. Basically this anime I don’t think was meant to be all this fun fun times, but more to immerse you within its storyline to get you to understand things, what the characters are like, their pasts and what kind of plot the series be going after, that sort of thing, and have you noticed it’s either about the story or the characters which make up the story as well. It centres around story, not action. So, if you are that kind of person, then I suggest just giving this a miss. The beginning was a drag and could make you feel a little bored, but I still think you will find yourself marching on further and further through this anime.
For the later stages of the anime, it kicks it up a notch by bringing an unknown being into the mix and showing us some new stuff, it was certainly a joy to watch like I’ve said so many times already throughout this review. So, if you’re watching this, just hang in there and you will be REWARDED.
Overall (8/10) – The anime was just too slow to begin with and the viewers could well be fed up and just give up on the show, due to nothing really happening at all, and seeing even nothing during even the action doesn’t help this anime by any means, matter of fact makes it worse. Weird characters also just forgetting what just happened to them during the series and now just seem to act normal and jokingly, which is nice to see that they are doing well, but it just doesn’t seem right the way they act as if nothing has happened to them at all.
This anime however, is good at telling a story, it gives you lovely backgrounds on characters, gives a deep storyline that is slowly but surely coming together, which longs the enjoyment for more content, amazing characters and meaning. Even the connection with the whole bead business, it really does make for an interesting show to watch, and when you finally get the last few episodes, then you’re going to enjoy this anime even more and makes you feel like you understand what was going on earlier and why they went the way they went with the show, and it doesn’t make It all that confusing anymore, not only that, it actually gives you more good times than anything, it’s dark, it’s deep and it’s mysterious, how about that, hey?
I’ve said quite a few times already, but I will say it again, this anime is NOT for people who are looking for just some awesome action and good fun fun times because you’re not going to get it, however if you are a person who wants to have a real story based, then this is it, or just want something that is a little mysterious then this has it as well, or just want a deep story and awesome characters, then again this anime has it. It’s simply about the story and the characters, nothing more or less.
I recommend this to anyone, who is anything about story and for people who like shoujo and all that, I also would recommend this to people who like a deep mystery with mysterious characters. And I don’t recommend to anyone who want something less serious or action and beefy time, because it just ain’t going to work out for you.
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Aug 18, 2013
Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun
When people make certain decisions in their lives and truly desire something, it could forever change their life, it could even come true if they worked really hard in this world to achieve it, but that’s under the understanding of our world. But, what ‘if’ you were about to die and really desired to live, what would happen? How about, some nasty or beautiful entities come and grant those wishes to keep you alive, but for a price, eveeen if the price falls upon both parties. Well in Hakkenden: Touhou Hakken Ibun that’s all possible if you truly desired it, and even then you kinda
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Jul 8, 2013
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
Recommended Preliminary
(17/? chp)
How would you react, if the first thing 'you' woke up to was a Lamia (half human, with half snake sub species)? Or a household of monster girls that consisted of a Harpy, Centaur and lord knows what else. Oh, one more thing before I forget, you even have to pick one of them for marriage, and they are in to that ecchi business as well. *wonders how they would have sex and where you would have to put the thing*
Now before I get a little grossed out (no offense), this story is all about a boy who has all of these subspecies all in ... his home. First, starting off with Miia, a sweet, naive and a carefree individual who has totally fallen for our lucky male protagonist by the name of Kimihito Kurusu. Oh, and did I mention the first thing is that, they are both in bed together and Miia is doing ecchi things with those lovely big oppai's that, let's be honest, arouses your senses a little. Although by doing so, our now not so fortunate male protagonist nearly dies from suffocation due to the immense strength she has. Unfortunately though, their lives living alone together shortly get interrupted, and afterwards many other subspecies begin to join the fray. Thus, begins a harem of Monster Girls after his love and affection, which is quite sweet, but they definitely know how to go about it with their bodies. Especially Miia and Rachnera, the way Miia uses her body and seduces the male protagonist while turning on your manly lower half is quite amazing with those big oppai’s, lovely body, that lovely long snake tail and most cute of all, her flushed red face and her adorable behaviour. As for Rachnera, it’s the way she uses are seductive voice and speech that can just reel you in, and the thought of just been suddenly caught in her web, just makes you wonder if you was the catch of the day, also the way she pins you down, and whispers certain things in your ear can certainly get you going. It makes you forget the fact they’re even sub-species. Is there something wrong with me if I say something like that? Story (7/10) – It’s pretty good, despite the fact it has no real direction, it's kind of like any other real ecchi with no real plot, which is a shame. What this manga sets out to be, is to be something that someone could read for more fun fun times and have something nice to read. There is no real deep plot, but as you get further through the manga you do end up having a warm feeling towards the characters due to their characteristics, but they have no real proper connection to the male main character in anyway, apart from Miia, although they do begin to create some connection with him as the chapters go on, and between each other as well, which really makes your heart feel nice a warm inside because you can definitely see the group acts as a whole. Now the fact they are monster girls and that, they still don’t have any past that I know of yet, just straight up romance, harem and ecchi goodness, nothing more and nothing less, it does amazing for what it's meant to do; although, the fact that they are monsters, I thought it could have been a little deeper than what it was. Monsters just suddenly being accepted in to the world, and yet everyone just sits there and accepts it, even though they announced this out of nowhere just doesn’t seem logical. There are a few who don't, but they still make no impact on the story, they were just there to help the romance, or to shorten the relationship between the monster girls and the male protagonist. I find that wrong in my eyes, I wish it was a little more controversial and all sorts of problems arises, but nothing of a sort happens which left you thinking if there was more to be desired, which there was, I guess, that's not what it sets out to be, but the fact it was there, this manga could have certainly been better. When they introduce the new character Ranchera (a half spider), it was the first time to really see something deep, as I did complain the fact that everything can’t be as easy going as how other species are having it, and when she was introduced it was something I really liked and looked forward to. I will leave treading in on her territory for a bit, because I don’t want to be caught by a web full of hate, due to the fact that I might ruin the only really part of the manga that tells a story that not all species have it easy going, although don’t worry, you will still get outrageously funny and bonerific scenes. Also due to her character, others were brought closer together, and really added a sense of depth to everything and their lives, I honestly feel, thanks to her this manga is just that little more amazing, and also has filled in a little bit of that gap that this manga was missing. This manga definitely now feels more of a whole, than just straight-up ecchiness and funny times. Romance is lovely, the guy isn't a dick, which suits me fine, I actually found the guy quite funny and understanding. Talking about funny, this manga will make you laugh your ass off when you read the first chapters, but as you continue on for a bit it dies down, then when you get to around chapter 16 then things start to pick up again as they introduce a new character, which I must say definitely added to everything, and definitely improved it in some ways as well. The manga is amazing experience to read, and also so very enjoyable. Now for the bad areas, apart from what the author could have done with the story, there is more, the romance literally and I mean, literally goes nowhere for 17 whole chapters (that's as far as it goes so far, there's 17/19), you don't see no progression, you don't see no indication that the male is falling for any particular girl, and they still seem to be introducing more characters which makes me think that this manga will finish all too quick and awkwardly. Now some of you may like the fact that you still don't see any signs, but at least some hints or something or another would be nice, I mean animes with no romance in, and we still at least have an idea if the character likes a certain someone, plus some parts of the story were a bit out of nowhere and left you thinking, “where the hell did this author come up with this idea?” kind of thought, but in the end you don't care, because the scenario was awesome, funny, and holy shit sexy oppai's all over the place! So I will overlook that, yeah got a problem? Another thing I didn’t like is the new chapter (17). Now, I don’t mean as in it was a terrible chapter or anything, not by any means, far from it in fact, but the thing is this manga seems to be ending soon and we should be seeing signs of the manga entering its final stages and begin to enter into its conclusion, but instead we get a fan-service chapter of swimsuits, sexy outfits and a swimming contest which turned out to be an absolutely pointless chapter. They have a race which had no real meaning to it, and this entire chapter is just focused on fan-service. Literally, even when it ends, nothing happens, it was all just so pointless in the end, the chapter did nothing to move the manga forward, it didn’t help anything progress, apart from the fact he didn’t know they could swim so well, but that doesn’t do anything, and the fact we are quite the ways through this manga, I honestly feel this should have been done a lot sooner, if even done at all. It was just a fan-service chapter that should have just been put on the side, because this late in the game, this chapter certainly didn’t help improve the series, to be honest with the content that has already been released, it was a let-down. Honestly, and I hate to say this, but I really do think this series will end weirdly. By what I see there is still only just 2 chapters to go, and I still see nothing of a sort happening, and I don’t want this manga to be rushed, or have an awkward ending. Art (8/10) - The art was very good, the girls art was very arousing, I mean come on you'll all end up with a boner weather you like monster girls or not, I'm not fond of them but even I got a little aroused. *blushes* You had sexy, cute Harpy for the loliness, Lamia that is just the best character, love her character, adorable sexy and lord knows what else. And there were many more that could tickle your tastes. Backgrounds weren't so detailed, but I guess they wanted you to be more focused on what's going on, I mean why would you be focusing on the backgrounds when Lamia's getting help shedding her skin and given off arousing noises, there must of been something wrong with you if you did that, are you mad?! The characters were sweet and lovely. No depth, but I'm thinking that this manga wasn't aiming for depth. Characters (8/10) - There is no background on the characters (expect one) for you to fall in love with more, or at least care for them at least. They're monsters for crying out loud, they must have some kind of bad or tragic background. But now thanks to Ranchera, she added a certain depth to all the characters around her, and she definitely brought something new. Still, I’m talking about each character individually, not just one character, but I guess, one person makes all the difference, and Ranchera did just that. The characters were all fun and awesome, clueless (which suits them funny enough) and funny, but that's all your getting I'm afraid, if you're looking for anything more I suggest you just look away now before you waste your time, or if you're still having thoughts on reading this, but what is shown to us, the readers, is nice! It's relaxing, they're all funny and they never seem to fail to impress you. The male, which I'm proud to say is, not a douche but a totally awesome character, who when sees shit, takes action when things go too far. The newly introduced characters are not bad either, matter of fact they’re awesome, we have Rachnera, who is just funny and seductive as ever, and she really helps to start scenarios off, and there was one moment of really nice bonding between Rachnera and Centorea, which really added depth to their characters, and thanks to Rachnera, I think this manga has a new light. As for the new mermaid, well she is a weird one I must say, she seemed to have something up a sleeve, but in the end she is in to this really tragic love stories and all that, which is actually quite amusing, and funny at times, but her character tends to die down, and ends up being more of a back end character once her attention is over. I think the characters for this manga thus far are all well respected in some aspects, and thanks to Rachnera and maybe even Meroune (Mermaid), that you might start to have a connection to some of the characters now as well, as before it was more, I like this character because of this, this and this. Now, you like the character, because her feelings or connection they have, and thanks to Rachnera, it’s the first real character which hasn’t had it all so lovely and charming which was nice. So, really all the characters are all very memorable, and each one for different reasons. By the way, I'm wondering who's supporting him. All of the food he has to get for the people staying at his house respectively makes you wonder, is the government helping him? If that's the case then they better get ready for another big recession. Enjoyment (9/10) - You will enjoy yourself so much! It's a blast to read! You will laugh in soooo many scenes and finding yourself turning more and more pages over, and by the time the day is out you probably be finished and still be unsatisfied, and be looking for more because you'll be wanting to blow off some steam cause of Miia's sexy figure. You will love everything about this manga, if you are just looking for a good time and 'if' that's the case then you came to the right manga my friend! I guess there is more to say, but just go read it yourselves, it really is fun and I don't want to spoil that experience. Overall (8/10) - Very Good. I think this time that's a perfect description for this manga thus far. There are still chapters waiting to be translated and published but nonetheless what I have read so far, I totally recommend it to anyone who just wants to have fun reading and wants to get away from the serious stuff and have a laugh, and experience a manga that is refreshing and in my eyes original, although similar to To Love-Ru in this sense, but Lala doesn't have any half in her, just human with immense strength. Now I would normally say, "stay away from this if you’re a person who hates monster girls that show off stuff and their bodies and want an intimate relationship with a guy and the guy seems to be aroused off what the girls do and even maybe fancies one of them", but in this case no, I would still recommend it to you to at least still have a go at reading the manga. Trust me! You will really just end up forgetting that they're not all human and to be honest, in the end, you don't even care. I'm not in to all that monster stuff either, I think it gives me the creeps but this manga gave me different perspective on such a monster themed show. Although it won't be suddenly, let's go over to the hentai section to look up tentacle rape, no! I wouldn't go that far, but definitely gives you a surprise just how fun this manga can be. I really do wish in the future that this gets animated but I doubt it. IN THIS MANGA MIIA IS BEST GIRL, AND I WOULDN'T MIND HER WAKING UP IN MY BED IN THE MORNING, ALTHOUGH I WOULD PROBABLY BE DEAD BY THE TIME I EXPERIENCE ANYTHING ACTUALLY GOOD AND WORTH REMEMBERING.
Reviewer’s Rating: 8
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![]() Show all Jul 7, 2013 Not Recommended
"In the end, it's not going to matter how many breaths you took, but how many moments took your breath away" - Shing Xiong
What would you do if you only had a year to live? Would you perhaps create a list of hundred things to do before you die? Maybe even just go out and get laid as much as you want, or just live like nothing has happened at all. If you was to ask me what would I do? I would live every minute of my life, the way I would like to do it and to make sure I have no regrets ... and love every second of it. Oh, and experience love. Never dated, I know I'm a loner. So... anyways, this is what the female protagonist Toujou, Souko has been left with. A chronical heart disease that will only last her till the age of 17, and seems she is only 16, she only has a year left and that will be the end (apparently). Firstly she is with her boyfriend giving him a bj but nothing more. Her sensei (forgot their names -.-) said this "You should find someone you truly love" (well it was something like that anyways). Continuing on, she was thinking about what her sensei said to her, and thought it was best to break up with her old boyfriend. Now wouldn't it be lovely if the guy was just like "oh ok, no more awesome bj, oh wells off to find someone else" wouldn't it? By how the character looked to me, you know for a fact that something more is going to happen. Guess what it is?... If you said go in for some fun fun, rapey time, then you would be correct (who would have guessed, and if you didn't, then man you need pay attention in things you read). You would probably maybe be thinking this. Well she's a slut right? what's wrong with that, not like she's a virgin or anything. That's where you would be wrong! Actually, she is a virgin and is only willing to give it up to the person she truly loathes for. Moving back on the scenario, we're they succesful? Of course they wasn't! In fact the teacher just comes strolling in, said some cool line, kicked the douche bags ass on the floor, guy got up with a knife, and because he doesn't know how to use a knife and stab someone who is standing still, decided to just rip his shirt, exposing a tattoo. All of a sudden everyone got freaked out and left. Hey wait, Komirai, you must have left something out, right?! Nope that was pretty much it, yeah I know, I was like WTF?! as well. They don't even tell you the significance of the tattoo. All they said he was a teacher and fucked off! Anyways after that, she truly fell for her night a shining armor. Don't they always? So her relationship with her teacher begins. Story (3/10) - Now, I didn't get to read it all to the very end, mainly due to the fact that on Mangafox, it's only up to Chapter 9 of Volume 3. But I did see someone post what the outcome is, but I have read enough to get the gist of it and do a review. Anyways, the story is meh, ok. I mean the contrast of the story is good, and really had potential in my eyes, but again it leaves no impression on me whatsoever. You might keep turning the page to see the outcome, but even that gets short lived because it's even done and resolved in the same chapter or in the next, there is was no suspense. The story had no deep connection, no deep feeling to any of the characters, there was no real hardship and no real hard to get the teacher part either. The only thing that goes for it is her condition, the story moves at such a compelling rate, that it's hard to keep up and leaves the reader confused at what he/she just saw or read. The teacher didn't even really give up much of a fight, you know add something to the whole drame. But, noooo! He just finds out what her secret is, and now I'm just going to do anything I can for her, sweet isn't he? Or is it just pity? I mean there was no real challenge in their relationship and even their past was, meh like. No explanation on what was going on, it was jumping like they was time skipping as bad as they did in SAO or something. Jumped like 20 levels or something. Then they decide to pump it up a notch, it really wasn't needed at all! If they did the story correctly in the first place, like make us care for the characters, make us feel connected and make us understand what the characters were going through, ooohh nooo... fact is they decide to bring rape in, to mix it all up and confuse the fuck out of us. The fact that the main female protagonist mum was being fucked and raped constantly due to blackmail, and in the finale that somehow becomes a good thing in the end. Now, how the 'fuck' on gods earth does that work? Anyways, all the rape and blackmail did, was nothing at all! All it did was create tension between the reader who is reading it and the characters themselves. Although the male protagonist was awesome, strong and doesn't take no shit. But don't get me wrong, I was like "just get this rape shit over with", I even skipped pages just to ignore it all. I hate that shit, it was totally unnecessary, like I said! Now I did say you really don't feel anything for the characters and what happens to them and me skipping rape shit makes you think that, I do. No I don't care, I just hate rape and blackmail thinking that it does something to the story when it doesn't, I mean the guy just pops out of nowhere anyways. Now the ending I cant say, but on Mangafox it gets even worse and really ends up confusing you, on who's who, and whats even bloody going on. Enough! The story is alright, but I hate what they did to it. So, a 3 for being poorly executed. Art (6/10) - The art redeems it a little, and is the best aspect of this whole Manga. But even that is just fair at the most. You didn't really take in the environment or admire any of the art. It was more like, "oh so that's whats going on, ok next page", or you just read the lines and turn a page. The art didn't make anything easier by explaining any of the situation. Even the feelings of the girl who is on her last legs of life, didn't appeal to me either. The art was dull, the art didn't give me a deep impact or understanding of what was happening and what they're surroundings were. The characters though I thought were alright, and nicely done, the female was pretty good looking too, ...well.. for banging I guess, but that's about it. Also, each section felt like those 100 pages you put together and flip through them quickly and it looks like a movie, I like to call them flip books, lol. It honestly felt like that, just *plop* in library, *plop* I know about your secret, *plop*, oh now they're both on the floor making love to each other, what happened to the inbetween? That can't of just been it right? Anyways, the art would be what was best for this Manga, nothing else was really all that good anyways. Characters (4/10) - The characters were decent, they did the part they're were given and nothing more. None of the characters emotions or anything of a sort added to the story, or give you an impression. I mean, the characters are so forgettable, and no not just because they have a foreign name, it's because they left no impression on me whatsoever, I only just read this manga and I forgot the name the female protagonist fell in love with in the first place, and the only reason I know hers is because of MAL providing the name for me, thanks MAL! Saved me a bunch. The rest I couldn't be asked to look up, because I'm lazy. The characters past didn't really give them anything more either, and we all know when we know of someones past it tends to deepen the characters depth or connection and possibly even understand exactly what the character is like and is. But in this instance, that would be wrong. It doesn't add anything to them at all. You still end up thinking, if he really is just doing this out of pity, and... he even said that he isn't kind of person. But then again he only really accepted her, when he learned the truth, see what I mean? You don't even really trust the characters and their actions. Always makes you wonder, but still nonetheless, you don't get the feel for the guy and the girl, well she's trash, dump, idiot and little selfish, but the selfish part I don't mind but being ignorant and ignoring other people around her is just being bitchy. She might have a life threatening disease but that doesn't mean everyone else is irrelevant and only thing that matters is, her! You damn bitch! Her mum became a slut in a matter of seconds, first you think it's because for the love of her child, but in the end she's just being a slut. Nothing more, nearly all the character are worthless apart from the male teacher, he is alright, I guess. *sighs* Enjoyment (1/10) - There wasn't any, the only enjoyment was my expectations that it was going to be interesting and good to see how things turned out, but that was thrown right out the window before I could click the back button on my browser. But I guess you will still continue just to see how things turn out, but just because you do that, doesn't class it as enjoyment. It's like having to cut the grass, do you enjoy it? No you don't, but you still do it, don't you? Same thing, you wouldn't class that as enjoying something. Nothing more to be said. Overall (4/10) - MAL classes this decent? Really? *sighs* Well I guess, it was alright it wasn't all bad and shit. But most of it was, so might of well have been. You will find yourself wanting to read more as you go along and you will just want to finish it, I think. I did just for the hell of adding another Manga to the completed list, haha. I really don't recommend this at all for any reader, and a definite no, no, if you hate woman getting raped, girls and woman getting blackmailed, hate seeing girls just giving their bodies up like it's a prize you can get at a fair, hate douche bags because they're just faggots in every way, oh and always dumb bitches who only think about themselves and what goes on around them. Other than that, then still don't read it, because it's just awful. Reason I gave it a 4 was because, I usually plus all of the Story to Enjoyment together in this case equals 14, then I divide 4 for the overall which equals 3.5 and seems I can't do that it is rounded up. Decent, tuh. -.- That's all! I hope you enjoyed the review. If you have any awesome, romance manga's that haven't been animated or any amazing Ecchi (don't care about any plot, but would be nice) that hasn't been animated then I am looking for some good ones to read, I am looking myself. So if you have any suggestions then please drop a comment on my profile, thank you and goodbye and good day.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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![]() Show all Jul 6, 2013
Unbalance x2
This is my first Manwha/Manga review so please be patient and bear with me. Onwards we go!
Now, have you ever thought to yourself what it would be like to have feelings for a teacher, and on why it has such a controversy? Or why it isn't accepted in our society? 'What's' so wrong with such a relationship? Well, some people might say age, so lets say this. A boy is 7 years younger than the woman he loves, (19 - 26) his friends start to find out what they're relationship is like, and all of a sudden seem to think that such a relationship is ... wrong because others, such as normal society, a relationship like that is unacceptable, as when he is in his 30's the woman is in her near 40's but when time continues to press on such things like age end up being a trivial matter. You might have seen it and you could have already gone through such controversy, you could even be someone going into such a relationship now. It's mainly when (for example) an 17 year old dates maybe a 13 year old, and people seem to frail, curse and even alienate the two couple thinking that the relationship they're in, is either just plain disgusting or totally unacceptable like it's some kind of sin. But what if, let's say, 10 years down the line they are still dating, now it's only a 23 year old dating a 27 year old. That's only a 4 years difference, now is there something wrong with that? I will think you will find that is expectable. They could have just started dating at that age, but I bet no one would say that kind of relationship is wrong, would they? But if it was the ages I mentioned then somehow all of sudden its just, wrong? That just seems a little unjustifiable, the facts are there and in my mind stated probably only a few of them. If you love someone, love them! Why hold back on something as petty as that? If that's the case, ask yourself this question, do you really love them? Actually no that's not right question to be asking, more like, could you still love them that you can't get over a simple obstacle like age, when there is going to be much tougher and harder times than that down the line? Some people may say their status, for example student and teacher. But then again here is my argument, they are still in a man and a woman who are single with hormones flying all over the place and their hearts looking to be cared for and loved. Just the fact she is a teacher and likes a student all of a sudden makes it wrong? But if we were to take her status as a teacher away, would we still be saying their relationship is wrong? Would we still be finding the couple unacceptable? However way we ought to look at it, it's just a simple problem of ones status or age difference, yet changes ones mind on how they think and perceive things. Unbalance x Unbalanace (UxU) is a Harem, Ecchi and Romance manhwa that deals with such controversies and along the line deal with some very interesting love affairs. When I started reading it, I just couldn't help myself but to continue till the end. Story (8/10) - Jin-Ho Myung a regular, ordinary human who just seemingly sites back and walks through High School life. But the day comes when he decided to return a wallet to a woman for what seemed to be from the courtesy of his heart, but as it turns out he really stole some money so he could really buy a book that he really wanted. Unfortunately for him the woman wasn't having none of it, and thus wanted him to pay her back. Funny thing is, this woman, Hae-Young Nah will become his and the classes new home room and maths teacher. The hand of fate seems to of brought them together or was it just fate messing with them both. Anyways, the hate relationship goes on but over time things start coming apparent. Now I won't say anymore on it, because the story is quite brilliant, well thought and put together, so the story of a teacher and her student, normally you see relationships like these in Hentai's and even if they are an Anime, the scenarios just tend to be fake, the progression races or the story just feels off and rushed. But this Manwha, no! The story is very well done, and you kind of see what it could really be like. The story takes it step by step and shows you all sought of problems that this boy will have to go through and they are some real tough problems. The story is brought together beautifully, each problem they went through progresses the story more and help bring it to its finale. I will however say, the ending did come a little unexpected like the author had to end the illustrations or something all of a sudden, it just felt like it had to speed up all and in the end kind of left a cliff hanger, but still a lovely wonderful and suited ending nonetheless. Some bad points about the story aren't easy to spot, but they are there for example the ending, and at times the problems that the characters were enduring went on more than they should have, also some characters that were introduced and progress the story suddenly just up and disappear from the face of the manwha (you know what I mean when you read it). Art (9/10) - The art was simply magnificent, the characters designs really fit their personality. The teacher and the girls, were all beautifully drawn and looked sexy, gosh, especially the teacher if I had a teacher like that I wouldn't mind falling for her. But I don't... so... yeah... the background was very well detailed, even the fighting scenes was very well portrayed, and yes there was a fighting scene. I don't know what it was but it really felt like you knew what was going on with a little imagination, the art really gave you a sense of understanding of the situations, if it was emotion the characters were going through, the fighting scenes, love, betrayal, all of these you had a sense of what was really going on and in the characters minds. You understood what was going on due to the art. It's nice to know what's going on instead of being lost and having to use your imagination more than you need to, the art and the story should be able to portray itself. Also where there was coloring done, it was done beautifully, bring you a sense of reality, and damn how they colored the teacher, bufff, man is she fit. Moving on. Characters (10/10) - What can I say, the characters is what made this manwha a whole. Just simply brilliant how each character had a role to play and they played it to perfection. The teacher not knowing what she really wants, coming to terms with her feelings, the high school boy stepping up to the plate and not backing down even when it got tough. The main character really took the initiative and stood to it, didn't start having second thoughts or thinking that this relationship is wrong or it wouldn't work, no! He knew what he was feeling and acted accordingly, although he still didn't really experience true love and knowing what it was like to be in certain situations, he did sometimes be a bit dense and feeling helpless. That's normal, the situation with Ji-Soo Ho, although to be portrayed as some real asshole and you might end up really hating the character but it won't be long till you contradict yourself and really finding that you fricking love how awesome Jin-Ho Myung is. Plus he wasn't even self denial he accepted what he did was wrong and did what real men might not of done. In the end every character they ever entered the story really end up becoming rememberable throughout the whole story. At times the characters were dense and were dwaddling about with their feelings but yet not doing anything about it, so some aspects of the certain scenarios of the story continued longer than it had to, but still I guess I understand if you were all in this situation and the person you loved is in fact in love with the classes home room/maths teacher, I guess you wouldn't know what to do or how to act. Furthermore to add is that some characters were introduced through certain scenarios of the story and then just disappear, I did feel like something more could have been done with them, although saying that probably would have made things difficult and awkward, but then again they seem to have importance. Each character had their distinctive marks and really shown as characters and brought everything together. Even the newly introduced character Caroline Pendleton even though short, had impact, and in the end even she was a memorable character as well as she compelled the characters to accept their feelings and help them through situations and when times got though, how lovely is that? There were minor problems and the fact of how most of the important stuff was done to what I think perfection, then I think I can overlook them and give this a 10. If it had a .5 system then it would be 9.5 if I was to include the certain things mentioned above but there isn't so deal with it. I still think it deserves a ten. Enjoyment (9/10) - Now this being my first manhwa, I won't say much because I honestly think I like to have experience reading these kinds of things before really telling you if it was enjoyable or not. Because its like first getting into the anime, the first anime you watch usually ends up being one of your favorites because it was the one that got you into anime in the first place. Thus, it was probably more enjoyable that it probably actually was. If you was to say, watched 100 animes then go back to it, would you still be saying the same thing? Nonetheless I could say it was very enjoyable. Reason being is you just have to keep going just to see what the turn out would be, and how characters were going to deal with the problems they were faced with. You don't end up reading just 5 chapters and be done with the day, no! You really sit back and take the environment in and while sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for the outcome. You will experience being, annoyed, angry, hatred, love, happy, sad, frustrated you will feel all kinds of emotion and thoughts as the story progresses, and I think that's right! Because you're getting into such a relationship with a teacher, it isn't going to be just lovey dovey and be done with it. There is a lot more to it than that, and to be honest there is going to be more bad feelings than good. But like the title implies Unbalance x Unbalance, and if you know your maths minus x minus equals positive and all of those bad feelings together really ends up giving it a positive feel to it. Also the unbalance becomes balanced. Tehe, I like how I explained that. Overall (9/10) - This manwha, for when you start, will blow your mind (it did with me). Your on the edge of your seat in each scenario wondering what will happen. While other times let you just sit back and enjoy. The story really works well and becomes a whole by the end and still leaves you to think what becomes of them. Art you will be amazed by, how well everything is detailed from emotion to the background and just how sexy and good looking those girls are and damn those oppai's were awesome! Let alone the boys alone really did look good and suit their character. And finally the characters themselves make this a whole and manwha to enjoy. If you're not into such relationships because it always turns out a little fake give this a shot but if you hate this kinda thing fullstop then don't bother. Although if you got this far and still on this page and looking through reviews then that must mean your interested, right? Also if you're a person you just can't stand when friction and hard times be fall the main characters or with their friends then don't bother with this as this could get heart wrenching, although not much it still tugs at it. Other than that, I recommend it to everyone else. Certainly is a manwha you should read and shouldn't leave in your plan to read list. Though I wanted to find something really ecchi like To Love-Ru Darkness and this is what I got and in the end it wasn't really that all ecchified. The ecchi was where it was called for and for some reason the ecchi that was done helped the story or help make up a new scenario it was quite fantastic. That is my first manwha review, I hope you all liked it. I might be doing more in the future. Because this really got me into reading Manga/manwha now. See ya all in the next review.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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![]() Show all May 22, 2013 Recommended
Its been a hard few days watching this anime 4 to 6 hours straight, well at least I think that's how long it was. But now I have finally finished and in this review I will be giving you my impressions of it but it was enjoyable to say the least. I was happy watching it although after you read this you probably thinking if this sentence is even part of this anime or even for this anime review. Anyways, enough about that let's get straight to the point. Onward to the review.
Story (7/10) - How would I sum up this whole anime in one ... word, I think 'fair', is a justifiable means for it. The story was very enjoyable and fun to watch, don't get me wrong, but if you were to put it altogether as a whole, then I'm afraid it just doesn't work out so well. The anime felt like it was never moving on or how else should I put it, hmmm, just felt like never lifted off in any particular direction. I mean the main character was stuck worrying over something that happened at the beginning of the anime for some periods of time. The story felt like it was never progressing, and when finally the story started moving forward (moving towards the light) we are suddenly dragged down (dragged down into darkness) to where we started in the first place. Finally when the story then starts making progression, you then start to really get the feel for it and start to enjoy it, I mean talk about taking your time. There are also parts where you thought you was going to get a nice scene or some awesome fighting action but even then, they were mediocre at best, so if you are a person that is an action fanatic then I would tell you to look away from this now, because you will find yourself quite disappointed and left totally unsatisfied. Now it does look like I'm just speaking ill of this anime but inspite of all of that, this story will make you want to watch each episode just to see what 'will' happen and how it will turn out. The characters mainly the main ones, have some really good back stories to them which are nice to just sit back and watch for you to enjoy as you learn more about them, it gives you a nice sense of depth to them which leads to you liking certain characters for those exact reasons. That's all I would like to say as anymore could ruin the experience, but I will say this much, is that, near the end even though it was a fitting one, felt like it was a cliff hanger and felt like it had so much more to offer and to explore but you will know when you watch it. Art (9/10) - The art is just stunning and beautiful, it is one of the best straits of this anime. Purely stunning, but I can't say much seems I 'was' watching the Online Version of this anime but still was good. The characters art were nicely drawn. Clothes seemed to sort them and even added a sense of character to them and they were appealing. Scenery that you'll see is mind blowing at times. Like the scene where the light appears, which looked warm and inviting and draws you more into the story or the aspect of it anyways. Although I never knew why blood had this glow to it, but might of just been me. Sound (10/10) - Now of course sound/music all comes down to personal taste so this will be my personal view on it and opinion, and in my opinion the opening theme took a couple of episodes to get used to, but after that it didn't feel like I had to wait for the video to load just so I can skip it and get to the start of the story. It ended up being a nice song to listen to and at times made me want to sing it out loud to myself. It was a nice up beat song. Now the ending theme is where it gets the perfect 10 for me it was simply amazing. It suited the anime and was just a delight to listen to. Its beat, its rhythm and its lyrics were all nice to listen to and sing. Right at the beginning of it was the best part for me though, which was: Tooi natsukashiki keshiki yasashii yuki no kaori togiretogire no kioku o tsumuide michi o sagasu Which Translates The distant and nostalgic scenery, that sweet fragrance of snow, they tie down my broken memories and search for the road I must take. Characters (6/10) - This element of the anime is what really brings it down and if it was done a little better, then it could have easily of had gotten an 8 from me in the overall but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. The Main Character was just terrible he just moaned and always was frightened and getting annoyed over everything. It maybe because I haven't lived a life like his and maybe that's why I don't understand why he was so pathetic at times. I mean it took him forever to finally feel strong enough about his resolve to be able to finally move on in his life, which because of that eventually compelled the story to move forward as well. But his back story gave him a deep sense of depth to his character which was nice I suppose. But the fact that he was even telling himself, why he keeps thinking and bringing himself down over the same thing after finally thinking he could move forward. Just come up with a strong resolve and be done with it don't spend 5,10 episodes thinking of it and being a weakling. But the worst thing is that after finally doing that goes right back at it again. Just a weak character in sense of his mind, his resolves and no sense on how to move on, I won't say body because you know why when you watch it because I don't want to give any spoilers but no it's not because it's a fit looking character for you girls to enjoy having a look at, it's because I mean come on, I'm a boy. The other characters though are good and with some of the back stories adds a lot of depth and can really end up being one of your favorite characters. To be honest though it felt like the supporting characters were more memorable than the main ones apart from Frau because it was a bad ass and just an awesome character in general unlike our main character. Although saying all this, in each any every character felt like there was a hole missing from them, like the characters were never complete probably mainly due to the fact not everything was explained to the full in my opinion but that's just me. Enjoyment (7/10) - You will really end up enjoying this anime a lot despite all the criticism I have been given it. It still will make you want to watch each episode just so you know what will happen in each one till the end. For this reason I thought it was really hard to mark some areas correctly or to make them seem justifiable to the way I have been describing them but I honestly feel you will enjoy this anime a whole depending on viewer of course. Overall (7/10) - Now seems you probably know what I will say in my overall and what I think about it so I'm just going to say to which audience this anime would appeal to. Now, this anime doesn't fixate on one genre, for example it doesn't have much action nor military aspect, it's basically like what I said before, if you are really truly into or fixated in any one of the particular genres that this anime has, then I would tell you to turn away now, because you will be quite disappointed. I think its more for people who I more on the open side willing to expand and not be fixated on genre, otherwise it will totally ruin the experience of this anime if you do. Well that's all I got to say about this anime in this review. Now I did just do one about this two seconds ago typing it all out finally getting it perfect and then my computer shut down on me to restart for the updates it totally made me mad. Didn't manage to save any of my progress or manage to publish it either, worse thing is I couldn't remember it word by word although remember few things here and there and tried to replicate it so if some areas are off, I'm sorry. Was just so p*ssed when that happened but more sad than anything spending few hours typing it out after just watching it, so it was my feelings were into it as well and the experience. So this one I think is inferior but will have to do, anyways I hope you enjoy the review nonetheless and see you in the next review I do.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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