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Aug 30, 2024
So after having watched 7 episodes of this show I found myself becoming bored with it and I didn´t know why until I asked myself "What does the characters in this show want?" And for the life of me I could not answer. After getting rejected by their love interest it seems that there are no motivations for the girls in the cast and the male mc never had any motivation, beyond living a peaceful high school life. This means that there is nothing to look forward to while watching this series. The cast in this show simply just is, but with none of the
charm of a slice of life show. The novelty of the premise has worn off and just like the characters of this show I have lost all motivation.
From a technical point of view you can say it has good animation, sound, voice acting and so on, but to me it is all window dressing, there is nothing behind it. To sum it up; I found the show endearing to begin with, now I just find it boring, not bad from a technical point of view, just boring.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Oct 29, 2022
So off the bat let me say that the anime covers the manga up to vol 14 though not all the event are in the same order. And if the authors note i vol 15 is true it differs from the LN from vol 15 onward. How much different from the LN it is I don't know since I haven't read them.
I will make this short since it's late when I write this and I am tired so I just want to get these thoughts out of the system so they don't keep me awake.
Art - The art is good in this manga with many
tips off the hat to other shows for instance sometimes the girls are drawn like the Power Puff Girls from the 90's when they are fighting. So I you never gets bored of the art.
Pacing - The Pacing is properly the weakest link. Sometimes the story drags especially in the early part, the opposite is true in the later volumes where the conclusions gets a little rushed.
Story - for a harem it is a suprisingly good story and most of the story lines gets resolved. The main problem I have with the story is that it end a bit too open ended. As I said without spoiling anything most of the sory lines gets an ending and most of these are good, and the story of the neighbours club ends very well. However I would have very much liked a more closed ending and find myself a little unfulfilled.
Characters - The main members of the neighbours club gets a good growth and development and even later characters are enjoyable to follow as they interact with the main group. All in all they seem to be actual people and not just stereotypes as you see in so many harem. Which is impressive when you think of how out there the basic personalities of the characters are. It was a bitter-sweet feeling when it was time for the story to end.
All in all I would say it has been an enjoyable read, but not I don't see myself re-reading it anytime soon.
Reviewer’s Rating: 7
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Jun 29, 2022
If this season feels rushed it's because it is. In twelve episodes this season covers four Light Novels, the last episode (13th) is mostly filler/recap. In comparison the first season covered five books in twenty-five episodes.
I found the first six episodes almost unwatchable and I have read the light novels. I can only imagine how bad they must come off to people who don't know the new characters and plot. episode seven to twelve are better but still far from good.
The rushed storytelling means that nothing gets properly build up, explained or concluded. Some of the things this season leaves out from the books are
fine but some becomes huge plot points later in the story especially a side plot with the other heroes.
All characters introduced in this season are also very one-note due to the limited screen time. This results in very little emotional investment in them by the viewer which is a major problem when the show tries to make emotional moments between the new characters and the old.
When it comes to the animation it seems to have taken a dip from the average season one animation and the tortoise is just awful.
All in all there is very little good to say about this season and it's only because of the slight improvements of episode six to twelve that I'm not giving it a score of 1.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Apr 16, 2021
If you do not like crude/sexual language this novel is not for you.
I have a lot of criticism for this story, but I will start with what is good about the story, since the best part is the premise. It is at is base a "rags to riches" story with a lot of potential to explore themes of abuse, love and trust. A potential it hasn't lived up to as of chapter 494. It is however very graphic in its portrayal of gore, violence and sex. My continuing reading is due to the sunk cost fallacy, meaning I keep reading in the hope that the
story will fulfill its potential so I haven't wasted my time reading it.
One of the quirks of the story is its referencing to real life historic events. It does this by for instanse having a ship called the lusitania, a fortification line called the maginot line and a politician named Brutus. I will not spoil if things play out in the story as it did in real life, but if such a thing annoy you, then you have been warned.
The worldbuilding is okay if you do not think too much about it. If you do think about it, it can only be explained with: "This is what the author thought was cool to add."
We are talking magic, furture tech, monsters, demi-humans and all sorts of government systems all packed into an otherwise medieval style world, without much thought of how to make it make sense.
The Characters are by far the worst part of the story. Not in the beginning where you still have some sympathy for them, and they have something that resembles a personality. But by adding more and more characters the flanderization kicks in. This is a harem story so there are a lot of women in the story but I no longer care about any of them. Some of them started with goals and motivations of their own, but now they seem only to exist for the purpose of serving as onaholes for the mc.
The MC can shortly be discribes with one word: Dick. He is more or less just a dick. If you picture a man as stupid as Johnny Bravo, just without any likeability, and a rape-vibe that goes through the roof. He view women only as sextools, he refuse to see them as people with their own agency and if they stray they just need to be fucked back into line. He also rapes alot of women, granted he does not se it like that since he gives them a choice, but when the choice is "have sex with me or you and your family gets gangraped and/or killed and/or starve to death" it is at best exploitative. Some women he just strait up rapes, to the point even he himself knows it. Don't worry however the mc is also a dick to other men even those he sees as friends. That the mc does not love nor care for anyone exept himself is obvious, but where his women gets the protection that comes along with beeing his property, the men around him are screwed. the mc does not care about how his actions effect the men around him, and he would fuck their wives/gfs if he saw an opening for it, that he has friends is beyond me. When it comes to his underlings he is the embodiment of a horrible boss, if you are a woman you get fucked, literally, if you are a man you get told to do his work. The mc has no desire to learn or to improve in any way unless it is aboout sex or fighting, only fighting not commanding. And even though he is as dense as a brick with no respect towards any poeple around him, he never gets betrayed or duped to a degree that incentivize him to change, he faces no negative repercussions for beeing a horrible human being.
Side note, I mentioned earlier that there are demi-humans in this story, the mc obviously also fucks the females of those when he can.
I could rant about the mc for a long time, and allready have, but the worst thing about him is that he is boring. He says he has a goal but he does nothing proactive to reach it. As I said before he does not improve or learn, not because he can't but because at every opportunity he has to he refuses and pushes the duty of solving the problem he faces onto someone else and that is boring, if the plot didn't happen the story would end with the mc riding into the sunset at around chapter 30 that is the last time his actions propelled the plot and not the other way around.
The sex...
I never thought I would read so much about sperm in my life, the amount of space dedicated to describe sperm filling women to the point of them looking 8 months pregnant, the sound it makes as it shoots out, the heaviness of the balls and viscosity of the sperm... just... so much about sperm.
All in All if you want a story with a plot and likeable characters, go somewhere else. If you want sex (so much attention to sperm) and voiolence loosely hold together by a "and then this happens"-story, then by all means, read this novel.
I apologize for any poor grammar and spelling, English is not my first language.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Mar 28, 2021
Welcome to the final season of Attack on Titan, except it isn't the final season there will be one final "final season" in 2022. So welcome to the panultimate season of Attack on Titan that they for some reason call the final season.
A more fitting name might be "The exposition season" since that is mostly what happens in this one a lot of exposition, new characters and the background for said characters. In between the exposition there's titan drama and fight scenes which look great as the story slowly builds up to the cliffhanger to the final final season.
Even though it is slow paced most
of the time, due to the new character introductions and the fact that there is a few years time jump from the last season to this one, I don't feel it ever gets right out boring. This is mostly due to the investment I allready have in the story, the beautiful art and well animated fight scenes. However as it trot along and it became clear that this in fact was NOT the final season the sens of it simply beeing required reading grew.
Attack on Titan is still a solid show and I believe the final final season can be a 10/10, but this season left me slightly disappointed.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Dec 8, 2020
I almost rage quit this show at the end of episode 2 when they explained the rules for jousting, let me explain.
For safety reasons it is illigal to hit the opponents helmet, you will get a penalty if you do. This is fine, it's a realistic rule to have if jousting became a modern sport however, they put the "automatic-win-if-you-hit-it" feather on the helmet! And they for some reason do not use shields! Now this makes no sense from a safety point of view and completely pulled me out of the story.
If you can overlook the logical inconsistencies and the poor CGI horses there is
a decent anime here. The art is fine and most of the girls are cute but nothing special. There is fanservice but most of it is toned down and there isn't the classic over the top reaction when the mc stumples into a naked girl, which is refreshing.
There is an actual basic character development arc for most of the main characters, which is rare for shows labeled Harem and Ecchi.
What is mostly did for me was make me think how much I would enjoy watching jousting instead of any of the other boring Equestrian (horse) sports at the Olympics.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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Nov 16, 2020
This is not so much a review as it is a service announcement. If you have watched the anime you can skip to book 10. 1-9 are more or less the same as the two first seasons of the anime, with a few small non-important changes. vol. 10 is alot like the anime but it sets up vol 11 which is not adapted into the anime.
Would I recommend reading vol 10 and 11? YES! It shows great growth between many of the characters and is a great small storyline that any fan of the anime would enjoy.
The reason I only give the manga a
5 is because the story is incomplete. It may be completed in the light novels but the manga on its own will nit give the full story and that pulls it down alot. Had it been completed I would most likely give it a 7 perhaps an 8 if the story improves.
All in all you should be able to blast through the entire manga in a day if you focus on it, and it will be entertaining, the art is good, but if you have seen the anime just skip to vol 10 and enjoy.
I have not read the light novel so I don't know if vol 11 is a manga-only but I would think it is also in the novel.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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May 24, 2020
If you are just reading this to learn how much of the manga that was adapted into the anime I can tell you it was the first 6 books (26 chapters) and there are no major changes between the anime and the books. Now onto the review.
Some might see me giving Monster Musume an overall score of 5/10 as meaning that I think it is a bad manga. This is not the case. To me 5/10 means that is was a fine read but not a manga I would read again and I can't see myself recommending it to a friend.
The art is in my
opinion the best part of Monster Musume and is responsible for it never becomming a boring read. The bacgrounds never stood out but the characters and their expressions and reactions are well drawn. The girls are espetially beautifully drawn and even though the scenes from time to time becomes very sexual it never becomes vulgar though it does come close a few times. So 8/10
The story (or lack thereof) is my main issue with this manga. For a story to be a story there has to be some form of progression otherwise it is simply a 'setting'. And that is what Monster Musume is, a setting. after the last of the girls have moved in the story ends, anything after that has more or less no lasting influence on the characters or the overall plot of the manga. I like the setting but I would also like a story to come with it. The humor also becomes very repetitive as a result of this. So 2/10
The female main characters of Monster Musume are more rounded persons and less tropes than you see in other ecchi harem mangas. They do however suffer from the lack of story progression which means that there are little to no character growth after the girls introduction arc. If anything the girls become more and more two dimensional as the manga progresses and their most dominant personality trait is the only trait that is shown due to less time dedicated to each character. So 4/10
The male protagonist is a two dimensional character with no defining features. Despite being and adult and having beautiful women throwing themselves at him his main response to the thought of sex is shock and fear. He is the worst part of this manga but I also dislike the 'weak male protagonist' trope. So 1/10
Overall is Monster Musume for you if you don't like to read much and like the setting of horny monster girls living with a man who seams to be afraid of the thought of having sex.
Reviewer’s Rating: 5
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