My first thoughts were that this was going to be one of those huge cliche manga that copied a great manga (ex. Special A)
It started out exactly like Special A-ish. You got the rich boy who's good at everything, and the poor girl who's also good at everything+love. It totally screams SPECIAL A!!!!!
I kept reading. Even though it was similar to Special A, it wasn't as competitive as Special A. It sorta gave a warm happy feeling.
It's a good read. If you liked Special A then go on and read this.
The last game is a great read if you like happiness and love.
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Kimi to, Shiawase., Happiness with You, Hidamari no Niwa, Garden of Sunlight, Wasureyuki, Forgotten Snow, Ninkoi Japanese: ラストゲーム More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 11
Chapters: 66
Status: Finished
Published: Aug 24, 2011 to Jun 24, 2016
LaLa Authors:
Amano, Shinobu (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #4792 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #141
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Filtered Results: 61 / 64
Your Feelings Categories Dec 30, 2011
How should I start ? I don′t know =w=
I don′t know what to say in the first lines when writing a review; Last Game is a very cute and simple manga; Yanagi, who is the smartest kid in their class -- the best in tests, track and all in all activities in their class. But when some new student, Kujou, transferred in their class, Yanagi didn′t remain in his top place. She was replaced by Kujou , who is now the best in all activities, though she is not full of herself, unlike Yanagi. They were classmates since Elementary until highschool, and Yanagi seems to have feelings ... Dec 24, 2016
I hate rom-coms which the male protagonist are always willing to scarifice his career, dreams or even his life to win the lead female's affection and what makes it worse when the female protagonist into dense character who is oblivious to everything around her and doesn't even remembers the poor guy's first name until much later into the story. (Yes, it actually happens)
Plot:-3.5/10 It is painfully slow, the romance itself never progress only much much later when the story is almost about to end. I hate it when that happens, it is like author didn't know how to fill in the gap in between, ... Jun 30, 2013
I started reading Last Game just because I thought the plot was interesting, and also because the two main characters looked really cute together.
"Last Game" is a really simple shoujo manga. Even your rivals can become your friends... or something more meaningful. The first chapter really caught my attention and now here I am excited for more. If you're into romance and cute shoujo mangas (like I am), this one is perfect. Story: The story is quite interesting. You don't have to think too much and the plot is kind of predictable. Yanagi, a rich boy who was used to be the best in everything in ... Jul 29, 2016
Spoiler free
"Why '6'? Why did you only give it a score of 6? " is what you are probably thinking right now. (Especially, if you are a fan of this series) I followed Last Game from the VERY BEGINNING of its serialization. I then got updated on its chapters like a student waiting for a vacation, suspension of classes and early dismissals of profs. ( In literal sense, it means I really liked Last Game ) Let's talk about the manga. Last Game is about a guy named Yanagi who was very proud of himself because his family is rich af. Then, a girl named Kujou enters the ... Aug 14, 2015
When we are young and naive, innocent and have a very vague perspective of the world around us, love can be a motivation to better ourselves and improve personality traits we realize are unpleasant or not particularly attractive. It does wonders to develop us as people and make us see ourselves in a better, more objective light. Is it any small wonder that people who are in a relationship and don't try to improve usually end up breaking up before long? People change a lot with time, and what happens when the same two people are around each other for so long?
This is what drives ... Dec 27, 2015
(meh, it's shoujo, if you've read one, you've read them all so whatever) This manga reminded me of my high school and college days. Actually, no, it didn't. Because if it did, I'd have killed myself long ago. TL;DR - good/bad/the ugly Good: - Art is nice too look at, making it relatively easy read on the eyes - It's not the worst thing ever ... Apr 11, 2017
I didn't like it at all. I felt that it progressed at a soul-suckingly slow pace, chock-full of overused and generic tropes, cliches, and characters, and to top it all off, the ending was a rush job that felt like it mocked the reader's intelligence by shoehorning in fake, absolutely pointless drama, that could have been solved had the protagonists simply talked to each other like actual human beings.
It had the potential to be something unique. It could have explored the dynamics of its college setting and its impact on the protagonist's relationship but ultimately the plot and characters could have been thrown into high ... Oct 8, 2021
Quickie Review: Slow first few chapters, slowest of slow-burns, Not an SA copy, despite how it appears at first glance.
Detailed Review: When I first started reading this, I picked up some serious Special A vibes. It has the same parallels. The guy in love with the girl who is completely oblivious, both are smart, and both are superhuman... but where this and SA differ would be the characters. Yes, they have the same overall plot points, but it's a romance manga; they all have similar plot points. The overall plot is that Yanagi is in love with Kujou, who is completely oblivious as expected. He's ... Jan 4, 2014
My friend recommended this manga to me, so I decided to check it out. I thought I would really enjoy this manga, but I actually wanted to punch my computer screen half (if not most) of the time as I was reading this. I feel like I'm one of the few that don't actually enjoy this manga.
STORY: The story is nothing special. It's nothing that I haven't seen before and it's not really my cup of tea. If you've read S.A, you will find the story line really similar to that (not saying that it's the same, just the same general idea). It's REALLY predictable, ... Jun 3, 2020
This is the only manga that I read over 10 times!!! Never got bored with the plot. Kujou and Naoto really cute you know!! I really excited for every scenes. I really hope this manga get into anime! I dream about this for a long time ago.
I really like Naoto blushed when he suddenly show his love to Kujou. hahahahaha so cute!!!!!! I can't stop smiling right now ehehehe. I give the STORY 1000000000/10!!! it is good to have a family like Naoto's. They are really nice. If this manga get animation series, I guarantee it will da boommmmmm!! wow so many !!!!!! look ... May 17, 2020
I hate mangas that are way too cheesy and progress really fast. This manga has a perfectly logical romantic development which is certainly noт dull and ordinary. I love both the main characters and the side characters and and the strong and independent female lead. Moreover, it has this rival theme which makes it very interesting and a hilarious tone which makes you laugh every chapter. However, it also does not forget to have its fair share of cute and adorable moments.
Despite it not being something totally original it is certainly executed perfectly. The main character is a mix of the lead female from ... Aug 21, 2016
**Some spoilers ahead**
Okay so on the rare occasions that I'm really, really satisfied finishing a series and I just want to write a review on a whim, I will do it like I usually do. I just had to let my feelings out, okay? It's currently 3 am, and in the span of three days (under 24 hours actually), I finished Last Game: 9 chapters on the first night, up until Chapter 16 the next, and the rest of it today. Who can blame me? I loved it. SO MUCH. So Last Game's premise is pretty common to me, especially with Shoujo manga. Rivals? Check. Dense female ... Jan 6, 2017
If you want to feel like dying for many times, you must read this manga.
From the title and summary, Last Game may be just an ordinary romance manga. It is almost like other manga where there are 2 protagonists where the female one usually have one or two close friend and a rival and another guy who likes her but friends with the male protagonist. But, I think that the story itself is pretty cute. I like how they make the setting in college rather than high school (usually). It's refreshing though. The story is really cue, pure and it's going to kill you many ... Feb 24, 2015
I'm a kind of person who likes anime over manga in terms of shoujo genre. So, this is quite is my first time I've been enjoy reading a shoujo manga... So then, here is my review on Shinobu's "Last Game".
Story: What I like about this is, "Last Game" doesn't mostly talked about love, it's on how they could rely and be with their friends especially the present relationship between Yanagi and Mikoto, also, with their circle of friends. Art: The author illustrates the character's emotion so perfectly. I could feel their love with each other, see the dumbness of Mikoto, and the embarrassing moments of Yanagi just ... Jun 4, 2015
Hello... this is my second review, still newbie for make review.... so please forgive me if there are many mistakes in my review...
This is the first manga who make me to try buy a manga. Lol Altough I've read and watch many manga and anime about Romance Comedy-School story, but I think the story of this manga have some different with others. Somehow make me interesting. But, I think this manga little similiar to Kimi ni Todoke, but the character and some story in there wasn't. Both of them, have a good Story and Character, but for enjoyment I'll choose Last Game Story : 8/10 Telling the two ... Jan 10, 2021
I gave the story an 8 because it is a bit cliche but still worth to be read. it might be a rom-com and a typical one at that but it is still entertaining for me. it is intended really for everyone but mostly for girls who are in their teens and are venturing out into the unknown realms of romantic relationships.
Characters an 8 as well because it is, again, a typical "rich boy poor girl" situation. a bit cliche but their upbringing and their baggages are lighter than most of the character plots out their. again, this is just for entertainment stuff. art is great ... Apr 21, 2018
Story: 9
Honestly, this manga overloaded me with so many different emotions. There were times where I would be crying because of how cute Yanagi and Kujou were together, but there were also times wherein I had to take a break from reading because of a headache of frustration. The plot isn't completely original, I've seen other shoujo manga with an extremely similar plot to it, however, out of all the others, I strongly believe that this was the best way they were able to explain the actual story and what was going on in it. There are two things that disappointed me in the story, ... May 11, 2017
A friend of mine suggested this manga to me since I'm a shoujo manga fan. I personally love it. The art is fabulous and the characters all have their own personalities!
Ratings: Story [8] - The story line was a little too cliche. I've seen tons of the "Rich, Smart & Handsome" types of boys who gets the girls. Even though it's a romance story, isn't the romance a little too blur? I mean, I've been waiting for kissing scenes (Not a Pervert) aaaalll the way. Art [10] - Omg. I love this author's art. I love to draw animated human beings, but I was so amazed by ... Jan 29, 2022
This is my first review so might be a little unhelpful for you guys
Well i am honestly sad and angry about the manga The beginning is slow but good and the ending is heartwarming and good but the middle part is painfully annoying,the same old no chance confession and rejection played the annoying part here,the main supporting character might make you drop this if you hate drama,also another old annoying left everything for love and then go for it plot is also here,so not much to enjoy for some imo art is good,character was average,story is good but everything ruined by the damn annoying drama |