Pandora Hearts
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Pandora Hearts

Alternative Titles

Japanese: PandoraHearts
English: Pandora Hearts
German: PandoraHearts
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Type: Manga
Volumes: 24
Chapters: 107
Status: Finished
Published: May 18, 2006 to Mar 18, 2015
Genres: Adventure Adventure, Fantasy Fantasy, Mystery Mystery
Demographic: Shounen Shounen
Serialization: GFantasy
Authors: Mochizuki, Jun (Story & Art)


Score: 8.561 (scored by 6349163,491 users)
1 indicates a weighted score.
Ranked: #1142
2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Popularity: #53
Members: 182,572
Favorites: 16,797

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Preliminary Spoiler
Apr 25, 2010
Preliminary (48/107 chp)
I never expected to like Pandora Hearts. I hate the Victorian era, get easily bored by mysteries, and am typically annoyed by fluffy cuteness. I much prefer violence, blood, and deep, dark storylines. And yet, I love Pandora Hearts to pieces!! I think I experience it from a different angle than many other PH fans, so I want to offer my perspective.

I love all the characters here. Really, I've never loved so many characters so much before. They all have very colorful personalities, representing most of the standard animanga archetypes but elaborating on each in unique ways. I connect with all of them very strongly. ...
Apr 2, 2015
This is my first time ever writing a manga review, so please bare with me.

I want to start saying that this manga may not be the easiest reading; the plot is like a puzzle, at first you get to see the big picture, but without getting into the details, you won't reach the end result. I must say that this may be my favorite part about the series, each little detail is relevant either for the main plot or to get some character development and that enriches the story more and more every time you read. There's actually no time to get bored because everything ...
Jun 15, 2009
Preliminary (25/107 chp)
I can't stress how completely amaing this manga is. I started out watching the anime and when the episodes wouldn't come fast enough I began reading the manga...and now I'm waiting for each chapter to come out.

I've always liked interesting spins on Alice in Wonderland and this one tops them all for me. All the characters are interesting, deeper than they look, and keep you guessing as to who they really are and what secrets they are hiding. Where some characters may have come off as cliche in the first few chapters it is revealed later on that they have much darker and deeper pasts ...
May 27, 2013
Preliminary (84/107 chp)
“Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle.”
― Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

What would you think when someone just told you that your existence is a sin? That’s practically saying that you should never have been born. Certainly, that isn’t a very nice thing to say, but when people actually start to persecute and throw you into a jail for it, it begs the question: What did I do?!

Paralleling the themes of identity crisis makes a wonderful comeback from Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” into this manga “Pandora Hearts” by Jun Mochizuki, where we have a young 15-year-old noble that ...
Aug 15, 2015
Out of all the anime. manga, visual novels I have read or seen, Pandora Hearts is the one that will always be engraved in my heart and the others as well.

Nothing is stereotyped about this series, there is no lovey-dovey romance for otaku basement-dwellers, instead, this manga focuses on something that has been long overlooked: friendship. It doesn't matter how old one is, its gender or anything else, friendship will always be the greatest form of love and I'm glad the authoress managed to convey this message with such a masterpiece.

Story: 10

Don't let the Tumblr shippers/fangirls fool you, there barely is something that can be ...
Feb 22, 2009
Preliminary (46/107 chp)
Note- I first wrote this review in 2009, but have found some things that needed updating.

I stumbled across the manga because of it's interesting name. And I'm glad to say that the story is just as interesting as the name.
I won't go too much into the plot, as you can read those in other place, so I'll just say that the story line's incredibly original, enjoyable, as well as pretty dark and with many plot twists. The main characters, Oz and Alice, are fairly likable, and the supporting cast, Break, Sharon, and Raven, aren't done to badly either. My favorites are ...
Apr 16, 2015
"All Good Things Must Come to an End".

It has been a long 5 year journey that Pandora Hearts has taken me on. I am sad that the long years of waiting and excitement when a new chapter for Pandora Hearts was finally released is now gone forever. However along with the sadness, comes the excitement and happiness of finally reaching the one thing that I always wanted since the beginning. The ending.

Art ~ 9

Pandora Hearts starts having decent art in the first chapter. The characters looks nice, and the background is decent. However, as the series continues, you begin the notice the better details, and ...
Apr 26, 2010
Preliminary (33/107 chp)
I do not really have a ton of specifics to say here because I just really could not care about this...there was nothing to hate and nothing to love. The premise was a little interesting, but this manga prefers to bog itself down with poorly written gags, atrocious dialogue, and frivolous declarations of affirmation than actually focus on either action or story.

The basic premise of the story is nice enough - secret mysterious prison like madman world that exists alongside the normal world and represents awful things for pretty much any human being. Okay, nice enough! Except...they never explain pretty much anything about it in ...
Jul 29, 2009
Mixed Feelings
Preliminary (28/107 chp)
Pandoras Hearts is one of those Mangas that has a great storyline with great parts to it, but also some things that can drive the reader nuts.

Story: 6

I found the new use of shingami in the manga to be very unique, unique in the fact that the soul reapers so to speak, aren't really dead souls in the asspect that we usually see, like in Shifumi Letters or Bleach. This was a plus when I first started watching the Anime, which drew me to the Manga.

Also, the storyline is chalk full of references to Alice in Wonderland. Many of the characters and chains are based ...
Jul 18, 2010
Preliminary (50/107 chp)
What's the best way to describe Pandora Hearts? Tough call. Because it's pretty far out there. Think of it as a hybrid of Fullmetal Alchemist and Black Butler. FMA, for the thick plot, mystery, and variety of characters. Black Butler, for the gothic-Victorian-supernatural-fantasy themes and art style. And throw in some character names from Alice in Wonderland. And freakishly creepy doll-monsters. And another dimension....

Despite having an incredible variety of themes, they work together surprisingly well. You get an action/drama/fantasy/mystery. Plot twists or character developments keep coming, so things never get boring. Actually, I ...
Apr 13, 2010
Preliminary (Unknown/107 chp)
Sorry, I am going to make this review long so i can go into detail forgive me =)
The story line was brilliant and different from anything i had ever read/heard of and it was amazing. The creepy feel it gives off makes the story line addicting with its twists and turns that leave you amazed and wanting more to its lovable ability to suprise you and never let you guess what happens next the story was much better than most play offs of alice in wonderland plus alot better than the original other worldly alice in wonderland.
With amazing character disign and great costumes how ...
Apr 27, 2021
(Spoiler free)
Pandora hearts is a journey, a puzzle.
and its quite misleading as a series. There is hardly anything "romantic" about it. At its core its a tragedy with characters that have psychological problems and it further potrays themes of self worth, loyalty, friendship, obsession to name a few.

Some stories are character driven, some are plot driven, some only rely on symbolism and complexity to tell a tale, In case of pandora hearts, its all of the above. It balances everything with a twisted and a complex plot and amazing yet relatable characters(my favs being Oz and Gilbert) . Frankly its the only book series i ...
Sep 10, 2012
Preliminary (76/107 chp)
Because I found the story had a somewhat slow beginning, in spite of everything that happens in the first volume, I never imagined I would end up adoring Pandora Hearts as much as I do at this point.

I'll start with the characters, since they really pull this entire manga together for me.

I have never ever came across such unique, distinguished, characters before in a manga. There is a large cast, and every single character - even the minor characters - have depth. They have personality and secrets and make mistakes and they all feel very real. What I especially like about the characters ...
Jun 23, 2021
"Someone once said it was a dark place that swallowed everything up- but it wasn't as if there was never any light there."

No matter how long it has been since I first started reading Pandora Hearts, the sadness, and happiness I felt after I finished reading it are still vividly in my heart. The story and characters are just phenomenal, with everything meticulously planned and devoid of any mainstream clichés.

Story ~ 10: Unlike most adventure and mystery series, Pandora Hearts actually focuses on the story and world-building just as much as it does on the protagonist. It has a remarkable storyline and plot twists, ...
Sep 17, 2021
"Someone once said it was a dark place that swallowed everything up. wasn't as if there was never any light there--"

I consider Pandora Hearts to be in its own category above all others - the level of craftsmanship and love gone into the storytelling is simply nothing short of a masterpiece. It is an exploration of psychology, an exposition of life and death, and a story filled with immense joy and sorrow. The artwork starts out good, and continues to improve significantly until the very end. Pandora Hearts is not just a typical Shonen/Action/Fantasy manga, but rather it supersedes all that. Please, please give ...
Jul 24, 2016
"Those who come to the Abyss are all the same. They're all desperate to get something back. But everyone goes mad partway..."

*shock face*

See, I really, really don’t understand how a mangaka and f-ing story writing genius, can immerse readers in something so gloriously messed up, beautiful, emo, crazy, funny, deep, and downright strange like it's nothing. More than just a few times I laughed out loud and shook my head thinking: psshh, that’s absolutely ridiculous and stupid, then turned the page only to stop just short of curling up into a ball in a dark corner, gently caressing the book and whispering softly to ...
Dec 23, 2022
Pandora Hearts is a story that cannot be described in a single word. Mind-melding, convoluted, and above all else, beautiful, this manga treats the reader to a rollercoaster of emotions they could never experience in a million years.

This piece of literature cannot be overstated. From it's fascinating world to the horrors of a hellish alternate dimension called "the Abyss", Pandora Hearts manages to surprise you in every measurable metric. At the beginning, the story may seem fast-paced, or the characters could be considered tropey, however Jun Mochizuki doesn't take much time to unmask to true nature of the universe she created.

The story itself may ...
Jun 6, 2016

Overall Rating: 10
Story: 9
Characters: 9
Development: 10
Pacing: 10


Aug 27, 2014
Preliminary (95/107 chp)
Ok...I wrote 10 for everything. It's hard not too! I adore this manga...I first started reading manga Sailor Moon and that got me hooked. When I watched the Pandora Hearts anime I was; Meh...I loved the characters but my personal opinion is that they messed up the plot a bit. Too many holes. Then I read the manga and it was wonderful!

Each character has a good/ happy/ tragic backstory. The plots twists are amazing, they will surprise you. I didn't expect to really like this because surprisingly I am not fond of Victorian era. Kurshitsuji is a exception. This is a wonderful manga that ...
Mar 31, 2021
Pandora Hearts is the most beautiful story I have ever read in my life.

Pandora hearts is a really complicated psychological dark fantasy with a lot of plot twist. Almost every chapter you will see pieces of memories from the character so you will be thrown to the past a lot of time, sometimes you will even forget things. If that happen, simply read a again from the beginning. For me, this is what make Pandora Hearts is beautiful. You need creativity and empathy to understand the story. You need creativity to understand the world of Pandora Hearts because many things are really different with ...