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Jul 7, 2015
This anime is basically the slowest something could be in the first place, and the plot after the first 10 episodes of everyone jizzing over the mc is her being tortured after that. The plot is mostly the other workers telling them (the 2 poor tortured girls) to work hard as those other workers slack off and large amounts of time being spent for the other characters to say yes to working harder even though they were already working hard, or the headmistress making some unreasonably bitchy complaint accusing someone of doing something they did not do that the headmistress knows that other person did
not do, followed by a large amount of time being spent for the character to say yes and "accept" blame. Seriously that is the entire core plot, and it is so slow and takes so much time (if you have a brain in your head but still decide to watch this based on the relatively high rating, please keep that finger on the fast forward button).
But what makes this quite simply the worst something could be is when MCmctorturedgirl is EXCITED to see the girl who spent the entire anime torturing her the most (ep 33?) and then calls her, and not just to not get into trouble, her fucking friend (ep 34?). Like I get that the point was to make her a messiah figure but this was the biggest, most poorly written stretch of all time.
(the music is great when not being badly repeated, usually is badly, relentlessly repeated)
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Feb 9, 2015
Nothing about this is fun, meaningful, sweet, or tragic.
The main plot setting is that humans are irrationally, wildly racist against vampires to an extent that is unfathomably unrealistic. The "love interest" is a pushy stalker. The main character is a gutless, bland loser. Since the art is average, it leaves the work with no redeeming factors.
This could have been an interesting work despite the flawed premise if any of the characters were particularly fun or unique, but nobody offers anything. Instead it is nothing but a slow paced abomination. "OMG being vampire is suffering" is not an interesting story.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Jul 16, 2014
By the time I was about halfway done reading chapter 2, I already knew that there was no way for this not to end up being my favorite manga. I have read all of or part of at least 1000-1200 works. Yeah yeah "so what your opinions are garbage etc." OK, so I am sure we might disagree on some taste, or even a lot of taste, and maybe dropping the amount I read just means I waste my time to you. The only reason I belabor the point is that I knew within less than 2 chapters that this was 100% going to excite
me more than anything had excited me before.
This manga is a remade, improved version of a comic that was being released on a personal page with much lazier and frankly worse art. The original version already had the merits to stand out on the story, character, and comedy front on its own.
Most comedy works need constant gags or to go ten leaps beyond absurd to work. When you take "Superman" and remake him from an uptight, boring dork obsessed with morality into an amoral, laid back, selfish, very human character, then you do not need to do much more to establish a comedic atmosphere. It helps to have an author who is great at creating a mishmash of weird villains and weird heroes to throw at him over and over though.
The action bits of the story are a bit more cliched. While the superhero constantly powering up is not as much of a feature since he already starts out at max power, the constant level up of enemies is probably going to keep being a driving feature of the manga's action. What keeps it from devolving down into speeches of friendship or repetitive fights is the great feel for creating an incredible variety of monsters...no matter how the story plays out, it is going to be impossible for it not to keep being fun. With the art porn level added to the monsters in this version, they have become even more distinctive. In the original the monsters were mostly funny/quirky, but with the touches added in the remake stand all time with any of the best villains in any work.
Now I talked about the original version, and as of writing this review it is not listed on MAL, so I know that might be confusing. This version is a remake after the great artist working on this contacted the original author to work with him. So you add pornographically amazing art to a work that already has the merit to stand on its own and an incredible sense of fun to it...and well from there you basically get a manga with the most unlimited potential ever.
Stories are more than just art, or being funny, or being "epic". They are usually character driven, and obviously some people may not identify with Superman (Saitama), his robit sidekick, or the "wacky ensemble" of people who constantly come to fight and annoy him, only to later end up sticking to him like glue. All I can say is that the writing is superb, and I think that there is a good job of giving them all personalities. My favorite character from the original has not been introduced yet IIRC (the overpowered psychic's little sister) except for the character art, and I am excited just thinking about how fun she will be in this version.
I am going to close like I opened, with another emotional argument instead of something more reasoned. I never cry, and if any other manga were cancelled for health reasons, I would not even really be sad - stories are beautiful fun, but they are just stories. If this manga had to end before finishing its entire run, I would definitely cry like a fucking baby. I may not have presented enough credible reasons why this is the best, I really wish I could think of more to say, since no manga deserves more gushing praise than this one.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 21, 2013
Neon Genesis Evangelion was already close to perfect as a series. Obviously the still shots and scenes based on them could get disappointing. While they did the best they could to make those parts stylistic, you can only take something like that so far before it gnaws at your senses. Unsurprisingly, when you give the people involved with Evangelion a real budget to work with, you get the best looking apocalyptic anime film since Akira.
Honestly amidst all of the moments of crazy in the film, out of all of the "crowning moments of awesome", the thing that defines this film to me is when one
minor role character Ibuki, as the world literally falls to pieces and she is curled up in grief, begs another minor role character Hyuuga "tell me, have I done the right thing?". Hyuuga replies as fast as humanly possible "how should I know?". Everybody in this series is always asking someone else to tell them how to feel, tell them what to do, tell them that everything is definitely going to be okay, but the person being asked is never been even slightly qualified to give that answer. Even worse, things probably will not be okay. After all, the fate of humanity is in the hands of a little boy who only has any willpower when women are making him feel good.
The art/animation is amazing, the music is actually mostly a little more poorly picked than in the series, but it also has one of the best/funniest songs ever in Komm Suesser Tod. The action scenes are all pitch perfect - Rei might get the most character evolution, but Asuka definitely gets the most entertaining scenes. The "mysterious things are happening" scenes are pretty pitch perfect too. You could tell that they were really having fun working without solid guidelines or limits on where to take the plot, they just did whatever they wanted, and when you have the right talent in place that sort of thing works out as well as it did here. They really even seemed to have fun messing with the "Shinji being a whiny brat" aspect of the story, although on the flip side of that we got an even whinier Shinji than ever before whatever way that rubs you.
There are a couple of major plot events toward the end that some people have big problems with, and that is fair. By that point I think I always have felt so much overwhelming satisfaction that I have never really been able to be slightly irritated even when I try to look at it from a "non-fanboy" perspective. Ultimately this film went all out to try to be a masterpiece, and whether you want to consider it just a "make up" ending or a proper canonical add on to the series , I always personally felt it achieved absolutely everything Evangelion could have wanted to achieve in an ending.
Reviewer’s Rating: 10
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Jun 17, 2013
This is easily one of the worst anime series of all time, and of course almost nobody is willing to admit or understand it.
The main character is a self-professed loser who never shows us a single redeeming quality at any point to change that initial assessment, and despite his literally telling us that he does not care about anything and has absolutely no worthwhile features (and again...he never has any), of course he assembles an insta-harem. "Being nice" aka listening to the pathetic problems of the most pathetic harem of all time is enough to make an entire anime out of, apparently.
Nagisa has no personality
and absolutely no redeeming features, and her and implausibly smart girl really help the pace of the series drag. A character does not have to have a hyperactive personality to be a good character (and in this case the hyperactive girls abusive girls are horrible cliches), but a character has to have something different than characters we have seen other places, and absolutely none of that is presented here. Fuuko is the closest to an original personality, and the episodes centered around her are still annoying because of the extremely slow pace, the fact that nobody cares about a girl being "cutely" obsessed with starfish except people obsessed with the completely false idea of "moe", and that Fuuko's plan is to...get complete strangers to attend her sister's wedding.
(Nagisa's dad is a cliche in his own right, but still easily the best character in the anime)
The character art is disgusting, the voice acting for several of the girls is disgusting. The music is horrible and incessant.
When we are not enduring pathetically slowly explained tragedies, we are getting awesome jokes like remember that time Nagisa's mom was teased, you know the exact same way 7-1 billion times. It was never funny, it could never be funny, and that is what this series is - not tragic, not funny, not serene, and obviously not exciting. Just another incredibly tame harem where every character is paper thin and nobody gets laid (duh, sex ain't moe!!).
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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May 8, 2011
Naruto is a work that creates a lot of hysteria both ways due to its popularity. Whether people like or dislike it, they all feel compelled to talk about it. While I think a lot of people can come to the casual, and really accurate conclusion, that the manga started out as a much more fun work than it has come to be, I do not think a lot of people understand exactly why, which is what I want to address. Some spoilers of course, since I cannot really talk about the problems of this manga without talking about Pain.
I felt like this was an
8/10 manga at the start (add in the 4/10 it has been for the last 200 chapters, and a 4/10). While there were MOUNDS of angst, a fairly typical "training arc" layout, and a fairly typical foundation for the type of cool characters (ninjas), there were a lot of positive factors that more than made up for any of those problems. Kakashi taunting his students with his erotic book and the exaggerated responses that come in return (ch.5 p.5) are a good example of the fun spirited nature at the beginning of this work. The aspiration that was evident for Naruto helped keep the story very lighthearted despite Naruto being a brat, Sasuke being a grim angsty boy, and Sakura being a typically feckless cling-on girl character. When you replace that aspiration with "I have to save my friends! Everything is so terrible!", the manga loses a certain amount of its fun spiritedness, and I think the people involved with making this never really thought that out properly.
Now I am not saying the start was perfect, for instance the lack of backgrounds all over the place (just look at say practically any page in chapter 23), but the side characters all have real personalities, the powers are mostly very well thought out, and the battle action is very cool indeed. Things that were lost in the anime like how striking Naruto looks when the nine-tails starts taking control are completely impressive and one of the reasons that reading this manga was so fun. The tournament was completely mainline shounen battle manga fun, and while it is not the most original storyline or even action ever, it was just as fun as any of those has ever been, a definite high point for the manga. There are certainly still good storylines and fights afterward, for instance I would say the puppet master fight is a relative high point, but a lot of problems started to become endemic.
I think it is pretty obvious that a lot of the reasons for the changes in Narutos were the trappings of its immense popularity. With pressure and popularity comes a need to make every character cooler, to appeal to broader audiences, and to simplify plot aspects. In this case it is also pretty evident that there became a real sense of needing to be taken seriously, so we get to slog through a lot of grim angst rather than fun spirited adventure or expressiveness, and it has been that way for something around 200 chapters. While there certainly are works that are grim and work, the people involved in Naruto unfortunately do not have the aptitude to write that sort of dialogue or draw that sort of art. As the villains had to become more powerful and the plot "more epic", the art simplified in shading and character forms, which has been a big disappointment for me. The overall construction of arcs weakened too, and the humor has been just basically completely lost (with the Bee and Naruto's interactions being a great example of just terribly executed gags).
None of the above was really enough of a breaking point for me to stop reading the manga, but Pain was. When you implement a plot copout like killing off a large portion of the characters that we are supposed to care about and then revive all of them, you have cheapened the plot in a way that a work can never really recover from. Pain's transformation to senseless hate to incredible generosity happens in such a short span of time that it is not really very compelling anyway. Even then I picked the manga back up, but what was enough to drop it for good was the recent spate of grim faced unhappiness (personified by Sai), overbold art style (a la Bleach too much ink), or bad attempts at introducing mind game oneupmanship (Danzou) wearing on me to the point that this manga just was not a fun read anymore. It has lost all the fun, and if you are attached enough to the characters then I guess it might still be worth a read, but I would honestly recommend that the end of the fights with Orochimaru is probably the best place to drop this manga if you start to feel like you have had enough. Feel free to stick with Naruto and Sakura trying to prove how adult they are while sobbing about Sasuke a lot though.
Reviewer’s Rating: 6
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Feb 26, 2011
I do not even know what to say to make a convincing argument since people just like things sometimes, and it seems completely incompatible with everything good about anime. The manga had a bit of a cute appeal with an okay story, but all of that is buried in this movie.
The art, average to slightly good in the manga, is replaced with triangle faced characters whose eyes may or may not pop out of their heads depending on the moment. The shading is completely random, often covering exactly one half of the face, which might make sense (and still be incompatible with how shading works
in real life) in a horror anime, but this is a drama. Movement is usually incredibly minimal, since no one involved knew how to animate. After being a weird warped round shape, suddenly the eyes turn into Skip Beat eyes in one scene. The roof that you get shown over and over is glossy, since clearly that is how this author thinks roofs actually are.
While nothing about this could be worse than the art already is, none of the angst involved is intelligent, the voice acting is feeble, the book references make far less sense than the manga, and everything crawls at an ant's pace. Without a doubt this is the worst anime film I have ever watched.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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Nov 7, 2010
This is an anime of forced gags, less awful than usual but still average animation and art, and really bad action. The main point of the movie seems to actually be to debut Nami, now with bigger tits than ever and "cuter", rounder anime eyes than ever. "Growing up" is one matter, but this has really spiraled out of control.
The biggest problem with the movie is that the action is interrupted by humor over and over, but the humor is terrible which leads to a very messy progression. When you have the same "YOU CAN TALK???" joke 4 different times, even by Shiki multiple times,
then how can someone throw themselves into this movie with full enjoyment?
The next biggest problem with this movie is the character Shiki. He comes across like a much less interesting version of Blackbeard, and since the plot essentially revolves around him being rude the whole time, it wears really thin to have to endure him over and over.
Could the "rescue a nakama!!!!1" plot idea be any more overused in this series by now? Did we really need an entire movie about it? I actually laughed when Nami was all "if only we had known the terrible mistake we made..." or something narrating a backstory, only for it to be like A DAY AGO...well gee, you sure went through a lot there!
The battles did not really make sense...Shiki toys with them with his gravity power early on, then later Luffy powers up to gear second and can suddenly fend off pretty much everything. Well, way to undermine the entire movie? The outfits and attitudes going into the "climactic battle" were even worse...
Honestly, everyone just decided this would have to be great because Oda was involved, then when it was not actually so great...well who cares, Oda made it! It had to have been great, who am I to judge this! -_- The only part of One Piece with any integrity left is the manga.
I will say that the power idea they gave Shiki was a perfectly nice and enjoyable idea, and when it was just him messing around with gravity was when this movie was at its most fun.
Reviewer’s Rating: 4
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Aug 9, 2010
Normally I have trouble dropping a series, but this one is just way too excessive. At first it presented itself as "girl has to hide that she is a girl in order to ski!" although admittedly a kind of dumb concept as a girl can compete in any sport if she tries hard enough. Whatever, people love gender benders, it is not totally unreasonable that they gave themselves a good excuse.
Unfortunately, this quickly becomes about half assed tragedy (the tragedy in itself is not a terrible idea, but how everyone talks about it, reacts/reacted to it, how much everything about it is repeated ad
naseum). Everything becomes sad faced drawings of characters that looks so terrible. It is not depressing, but it sure is miserable to interact with. My mistake was hoping that this would be a manga with exciting sports competitions, and instead it was Rumbling Hearts, "this time on skis!"
On the "gag" side and "slice of life" side, there are lots of bad blushing pictures and bad character art to accompany those types of story elements too. I do not like these types of elements anywhere, but I have no real particular problem with them when executed well. They are terribly executed in this manga.
The non-character art is really good, and that is about the only good thing I can say about this manga.
Reviewer’s Rating: 2
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Aug 4, 2010
Rating an anime highly just because it discusses that being an otaku is okay? Give me a break.
This series, first of all, has terrible art and animation. The character art is that kind of lumpy facial style that seems to be the default shabbiest "acceptable" anime art form for people. It is completely lacking in style, substance, or detail. I am not just lashing out at random or trying to claim authority, this is seriously true; for instance, characters nearly never have elbows if their arms are straight (e.g. episode 3, near the end Kousaka randomly loses his elbows when he is crouched over, and
just has claymation style lump arms). The animation has this kind of feel like it gets stuck in movement over and over, I imagine because there are just simply not enough panels. The coloring is good, but nothing detailed enough to make up for the rest.
The thing that really made me decide "this might be the single worst anime I have ever seen" was the within episode anime and hentai, which is all the lowest grade, sixth grade fanfiction junk I have ever seen. The within episode anime basic style is not so bad, it is the type of style Negima takes after for instance, but it is drawn so blockily, so completetly undetailed, that everything looks like a complete caricature. It would be one thing if this were more of a comedy, but this is supposed to be establishing otaku as "being okay" more than that. The overall effect is to prove everything everyone says bad about anime and otakus right.
The characters are losers, no mistake about that, but the characterization is decent a lot of the time. Unfortunately, when it slips back into portions like "the main character bumbling his way through terrible hentai as if he just started puberty, but unfortunately he is a college student," then that is right down the toilet. The only gags come from the non-otaku being mad (with suitably terrible art), often about otaku stuff, which degrades her character as well.
Honestly in the end this series just shows "most people who like nerdy stuff are a little terrible...", so I am not sure exactly why people are so gaga over this. It definitely does not redeem nerd culture, and even has the "appealing" otaku as singled out as weird by his fellow otakus for not being as terrible as them.. It just says "being an otaku is mildly terrible, not completely miserable like people think!" What a message of hope! I guess if you identify with being terrible, then this is the anime for you, but otherwise stay away.
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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