Any patience you had with the flawed first arc will be rewarded handsomely.
While Phantom Blood was dragged down by an extremely dull protagonist, an overly-evil villain, poor art, and a slow beginning, by the very first chapter Battle Tendency has already done away with half of this. BT picks up 50 years onwards from Phantom Blood, in the 1930s, and now follows the grandson of Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar. While the two are dead ringers for each other in appearance, you would never mistake one for the other - they're polar opposites in terms of personality. Where Jonathan was noble, gentlemanly, and generically heroic, Joseph
is brash, loud, and not afraid to pick a fight. On top of that, he's not just willing to fight dirty - fighting dirty is his defining character trait. Not that he is without a sense of honour, though - his reasoning for picking fights is always noble (well, almost), and does not hesitate to put himself in harm's way for a loved one. While this does, to some degree, make him sound like a standard idiot hero shonen protagonist, the key factor that sets Joseph apart from the ilk is that his attitude is misleading - he's incredibly smart and quick-witted, and always prepared. Joseph is a big fan of Sun Tzu's "The Art Of War", and it shows in his continued pragmatism in combat and his constant trickery.
I touched upon this in my review of Phantom Blood, but what really stands out above all else in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure are the fights. Whereas most shonen series will rely on delaying the protagonist's appearance to increase plot tension, or using a convoluted string of powerups to justify the protagonist's ability to win, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is all about the tactics. The biggest strength in this is that the question ceases to be "who will win?", or "when will they win?", but "how will they win?". The problem with the Phantom Blood, however, was that while this sometimes happened, Jonathan wasn't the kind of character who would intentionally use deception, which highly limited what ways he could achieve victory. Joseph, however, is deception incarnate, and as a result Battle Tendency is truly able to shine. There really is no better representative of JJBA as a whole than Joseph Joestar.
While JJBA is more driven more by fights and characters than by plot, Battle Tendency is nonetheless an improvement on the first arc in the plot department. In the very first chapter, things immediately escalate with the discovery of an ancient man inside a stone pillar... surrounded by dozens of copies of the vampire-making stone mask from Phantom Blood. "Oh, shit" is the appropriate reaction here. What's more, the man inside the pillar? He's not quite dead. Nor is he quite the only one of his kind.
Another interesting point about how this arc compares to the first is that, in spite of the name "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", the first arc really wasn't much of an adventure. After all, the bulk of the plot is divided up into three locations in Victorian England, and the setting in general feels very claustrophobic. But Battle Tendency truly lives up to this title. It begins in New York, but the discovery of the Pillar Men and his need for Hamon/Ripple training ends up leading him to travelling to numerous different countries. While the first took after vampire horror more than anything, Battle Tendency follows more in the footsteps of Indiana Jones movies than anything else.
While it is easy to ramble at length about what makes Joseph far and away one of the best characters in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure as a whole, he is far from the only good character in this arc. Erina, Straits, and Speedwagon from the first arc are all still present, with the latter ironically being more useful in his old age than he ever was in Phantom Blood. But the real stars here are the new additions. Joseph gains allies in two Ripple users who are both his senior - Lisa-Lisa, the master of a school of the Ripple in Italy, and her disciple, Caesar Zeppeli, the grandson of Jonathan's master. Caesar is definitely the standout here - while he isn't quite an amazing character in his own right, his aloof and cultured nature is a direct opposite to Joseph's, and the two clash wonderfully.
On the opposite side of things, we have the Pillar Men. These three serve as the main rivals to the Ripple warriors: Wham, ACDC, and Cars. Cars is the leader of the three, and is one of the few things I fault about this series - his motive and overall personality are quite generic for a villain. While Dio was also overly evil, he was extremely fun about it. Cars doesn't quite match up - however, he doesn't need to all that much, because the real rivalry here is between Joseph and Wham. Ironically, Wham is the lowest Pillar Man in terms of Hierarchy, serving behind their leader, and his right hand-man, the strange and disturbing ACDC, and yet he's by far the most prominent of the three. Though all of the Pillar Men, like Cars, lack any value for life as most humans would, Battle Tendency makes use of him not being human. He has his own moral compass, revolving around the honour of battle. Wham values the honour of the fight above all else, making an interesting parallel to Joseph in the process. Though their powers are generic - the use of the powers of Wind, Fire, and Light respectively - in true JJBA fashion, they still manage to make inventive use of them.
Yet another thing JoJo 2 has improved upon is the art. Though it's still very rough around the edges, having some awkward muscle structures and overly thick lines in places, it's a firm improvement - and at it's best, it's downright eye-candy.
With all this having been said, it's hasn't completely patched up what mistakes Phantom Blood made - it still contains one key fault from the first that would not be fix'd until the third arc. Joseph is almost as much of a camera-hog as Jonathan, in that the vast majority of the fights revolve around him, which limits how good Caesar and Lisa-Lisa can be, especially the latter, as Caesar's interactions with Joseph do allow him enough screentime. Similarly, it helps greatly that unlike Jonathan, Joseph is a protagonist worth giving the spotlight to 90% of the time. Due to these two factors, it is a slight improvement, it hasn't fixed the problem.
However, this is merely a small scratch on an otherwise shiny diamond - it's hard to care in the face of how incredibly fun JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 2 actually is. Joseph alone is enough to carry this arc, but a more dynamic story, a better all-round cast, and much more focus on the intelligent action that is JJBA's raison d'etre rounds Battle Tendency out as one of the greatest highlights in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
Final Words: An improvement in every way. Arguably the best arc JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has to offer.
Story/Plot: 8/10.
Characters: 9/10.
Art: 8/10.
Overall: 9/10.
For fans of: Fist of the North Star, Toriko.
Depending on whether you rate helpful or not, I may have to kick your ass!
(Sorry. Couldn't resist.)
Alternative TitlesSynonyms: Dai Ni Bu Joseph Joestar: Sono Hokoritakaki Kettou Japanese: ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 戦闘潮流 More titlesInformationType: Manga
Volumes: 7
Chapters: 69
Status: Finished
Published: Oct 20, 1987 to Mar 14, 1989
Shounen Jump (Weekly) Authors:
Araki, Hirohiko (Story & Art) Statistics Ranked: #5322 2 based on the top manga page. Please note that 'R18+' titles are excluded. Popularity: #132
Members: 110,750
Favorites: 3,466 Resources | Reviews
Filtered Results: 25 / 25
Your Feelings Categories Jan 12, 2013
Any patience you had with the flawed first arc will be rewarded handsomely.
While Phantom Blood was dragged down by an extremely dull protagonist, an overly-evil villain, poor art, and a slow beginning, by the very first chapter Battle Tendency has already done away with half of this. BT picks up 50 years onwards from Phantom Blood, in the 1930s, and now follows the grandson of Jonathan Joestar, Joseph Joestar. While the two are dead ringers for each other in appearance, you would never mistake one for the other - they're polar opposites in terms of personality. Where Jonathan was noble, gentlemanly, and generically heroic, Joseph ... Jul 12, 2012
As the second Part of the long running series Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Battle Tendency finds itself in an interesting position that many other series would not find themselves in: it sits between what some might consider an average first act and a third act where many people say "is where the series becomes really good" and it is thus not unheard of for people to gloss over this part all together. Which is a shame as Part 2 is a great part in its own right and doesn't see half of the praise that it deserves.
While the story of Phantom Blood was difficult to explain ... Apr 20, 2015
Following up to the successful Phantom Blood, Hirohiko Araki delivers a perfect example of a good sequel: get everything great about the first and build on it, and get everything bad about the first and improve it. What Araki creates is one of the best direct sequels in manga history.
Story: 8/10 Battle Tendency picks up 50 years after the events of Phantom Blood, around 1940. After the ending of Phantom Blood, Speedwagon moves to America and becomes an insanely rich oil tycoon. He forms the Speedwagon Foundation with the ultimate goal of protecting the Joestar family and killing all vampires. Jonathan's wife, Erina, raises ... Jun 20, 2015
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency is an appropriately bombastic, artistically successful action series with engaging characters that falls just short of excellence.
The story of Battle Tendency starts 50 years after Phantom Blood in pre-World War II New York. It involves Joseph Joestar, the grandson of Jonathan, and his battles against the creators of the stone masks, ancient vampires named ACDC, Wham and Cars (yes, they are actually called this). One of the most appealing aspects about Battle Tendency’s story is that it spans across several different countries, involves many new and exciting characters and several creative set-pieces. The story is appropriately tense and fast paced ... Dec 10, 2019
Part 1 was at 19th Centuary England, Part 2 was around late 30s just before world war II and it spaned from America to Italy. Part 1's Jonathan Joester, the 1st Jojo was a noble gentleman, Part 2's Joseph Joester The 2nd Jojo (the grand son of Jonathan) was a hot headed smart and talented kid who could use hamon special tecniques without training and he loved comics, it cought my eyes that he had Superman comics in his hands at a flight travel panel in plane. lol Jonathan and Joseph look visually exactly the same btw. I didn't like the Part 2 as much
Mar 15, 2019
DISCLAIMER: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a currently ongoing series with (at the moment of writing), 7 complete parts and one ongoing one. It's important to first make the distinction that this is NOT one ongoing story split into parts, but rather 8 stories in the same universe following the Joestar bloodline, that share similar elements, plot points, and even motivations in some cases.
Due to that, this and my other JoJo reviews will follow an unique JoJo rating system, since in my opinion it cannot be easily compared to other manga, done in a beginner-friendly way so as to illustrate whether or not it is worth ... May 15, 2014
Battle Tendency is Part 2 of the JoJo series so please read Part 1 first.
50 years after the events of Phantom Blood, Joseph Joestar makes his debut as the grandson of Jonathan Joestar. The story begins once Straights uses the stone mask battling Joseph who then later encounters The Wermacht & the series villains; The Pillar Men who created The Stone Masks of Part 1. This story continues the original message of the importance of family as history repeats itself with the descendants of The Joestars & The Zeppelis having to face Aztec Vampires. Battle Tendency succeeds as a sequel as it vastly improves The Ripple ... Oct 25, 2024
JoJo part 2 is one hell of a ride. Whether you take this part seriously or not, there’s no denying that this is very fun to sit through. The craziness as well as how it fiddles with exploration in the best ways possible is what makes this part unique. Not only that but it further extends the variety of the franchise’s writing since part 1. While part 1 is a good introduction to the franchise and is far better than what people give credit for, part 2 is on a different level with how it extends the charms part 1 has.
What is Battle Tendency? It’s ... Jun 11, 2017
It's.... roughly the same in quality as Phantom Blood. Quite fun but still awkward in places and certainly not a masterpiece in any area. People say biggest improvement is probably in the MC department but I'm not too sure about that, I mean sure Joseph has more attitude than his grandfather but he's just your typical rash and stubborn shounen portagonist archetype. I think I actually prefer Jonathan for being more subdued actually. Also the villains are worse.
Better side characters though. Stronheim, Caesar and Lisa Lisa were a fun band and Speedwagon is ever present (I'm guessing it is a theme in this series for ... Sep 8, 2020
The universally beloved Battle Tendency is a big contrast to the sincere but awkward Phantom Blood. It's the Part that introduced to the world how much variety JoJo's Bizarre Adventure would truly have, and to Araki's unique charm. Despite a comparatively much less loaded, impactful story than the previous part, Battle Tendency has managed far more success and critical acclaim. Its complexity and humor, I believe, is the root of this difference.
Joseph Joestar is the polar opposite of his grandfather, a constantly lucky (his running joke is that he keeps surviving plane crashes) and brilliantly street smart brawler. He comes into his heroism instead of ... Oct 25, 2020
Battle Tendency was one of the manga I thought lived up to be better after Part 1, Enter Joseph Joestar who is a charming, funny, and clever/creative MC. Joseph in Battle Tendency is without a doubt, one of the funniest characters I've seen in Manga/Anime alike, he's so enjoyable and so charismatic and it makes him enjoyable to watch and still will forever be enjoyable to rewatch, when I first got into JJBA I thought that Joseph was a character I could truly relate too. The plot of the Manga using elements of going into different countries and the characters returning and being essential to
Sep 6, 2019
Simplesmente incrível, apesar dos stands ainda não estarem na trama, a criatividade, as batalhas e principalmente as BIZARRICES, estou muito bem colocadas, cada uma em seu lugar, ver o descendente de Jonathan Joestar enfrentar seres muito mais fortes que ele, utilizando apenas truques e manhas, fez com que o Joseph fosse pra mim, o melhor JOJO! Sem contar seu parceiro, Ceasar, que tem ligações com um personagem da parte 1, fazendo uma ponte muito estabelecida entre as duas partes. A personalidade de Ceasar é muito bem construída conforme você lê, no começo achando que ele é só um personagem irritante que só está lá
Oct 15, 2024
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures Part II: Battle Tendency – Spoiler Free – Recommended
TLDR Story – 6/10 – 6 x 0.275 = 1,65 Art – 7/10 – 7,5 x 0.2 = 1,4 Characters – 8/10 – 8 x 0.225 = 1,8 Enjoyment – 6/10 – 6 x 0.3 = 1,8 Total: 6,65 -> 7 Story – 6/10 The story of the second instalment of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures is less well-developed than the first part. The sorry is less interesting, and although it is not confusing (the plot is straightforward), it doesn’t have the same allure or the charm of its predecessor. The story is, however, truly international – the story happens in multiple countries ... Sep 24, 2024
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is, in my opinion, the greatest manga I've experienced, and this is part of its beginning. It may not be as great as it would become, but much of it is already present. I feel like its fame as a meme series gets in the way of how people perceive the series as a whole. It is very 'memeable,' yes, but it is much more than that.
Okay, that said, we will start with what this manga is about and what kind of themes it is trying to explore. I’ll discuss whether the start is misleading, and then we’ll delve into how it ... Oct 9, 2023
This is an upgrade compared to the first installment of the long-running series - Phantom Blood. The protagonist is funnier the story fights are on way higher level and overall the world that was built is more interesting. We travel a bit around Europe to see Italy and Switzerland but also other places like US and Mexico. There is a lot going on in all of this places. The way Nazis were portrayed is very funny, too. Stroheim is one of my favorite characters of this part.
The story about stone mask and becoming the strongest being in the world isn't that particularly complicated or ... Feb 9, 2021
After I read Phantom Blood, I was definelty ineterested in checking out Battle Tendency but I was worried it wouldn't be as good as I expected it to be due to how average Phantom Blood felt. But I'm happy to say that Battle Tendency blew away my expectations. Story: When you read this part the story, the seems rather simple. But just like with any other JoJo part, you sound like a madman trying to explain it. I don't wanna spoil anything but I'll say this, the story is solid without being very complex. 8/10 Art: The art definetly did improve from Phantom Blood. While Araki still uses the same ... Mar 28, 2021
It's a basic story.
Part 1 of JoJo is very different from this one. The focus is mostly on it's main character, instead of it's villain. The cast of characters revolve around Joseph and the story, unlike part 1, where it seem everything was about Dio and his evil scheme. Making Jonathan feel weak as a character from a writting stand point. Add to that he was already a "boring" archtype to begin with, and he was screwed from the start. Here however, we go a full 180. Joseph catches your attention from the word go, and his schemes, guts and memes (yes), will not ... Mar 1, 2025
Having first read Phantom Blood 5 years before starting Battle Tendency, as well as hearing others talk-up the following Parts, I didn't really have much expectations. However, contrary to that, I thoroughly enjoyed Battle Tendency, and its change of pace and character development. In fact, I am proud to say I have been sucked into the wormhole that is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure! I did not mind Jonathan's altruistic and selfless personality in PB, but I much prefer the comedic and upbeat personality of Joseph, as well as the overall better pacing and character development (At times, felt rather excietd and emotionally invested in the characters,
Nov 26, 2024
"Battle Tendency" is a piece of shit manga that is a mental trick of Araki after chapter 18 and is a 1/10 for sure... But... What about the chapters that are made artisanally by Araki? Those chapters are the best thing of manga and second best thing of literature thanks to how: Fun, unique, bizarre, complex, dense and good they are... Yeah, reading those chapters is the same as reading one of those classic literature books. And you know what? IS BETTER... Why? Because aside from those stupid classic books of literature...This thing is WELL-DONE and you will have quality enterteinment with them and
Jul 29, 2024
Grandson of a true gentleman, Joseph is one of the spunkiest Jojos to grace the pages of Jump Magazine. Joseph Joestar brings the classic quirkiness of JoJo's for all to see for the first time. Bold, brash, and not afraid to pick a fight whether it be petty play with a cat, or standing up for someone facing unjust treatment.
Battle Tendency shows the first spark of the Joestar name travelling across the continents, silently fighting the local big bad with the help of new comrades made in some of the strangest places. Araki's tendency to play tricks and reveal shocking new lore has had it's chance ... |